Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Author's Chapter Notes:
Chris goes back to familiar territory only to find it's changed
Memory's Illusion art by Liz

1 just a walk in the woods

It had been a long time since Chris had walked the land of his childhood. He felt the need to return since his father had died a little over a year ago. He needed the break. The last few missions had been tough on the team. He finally had the opportunity to go back home. He had a new backpack and bed roll and looked forward to going back to the place he ran to as a boy.

The path was still there. It had changed but was still vaguely familiar. There were uprooted trees and overgrowth from when he had last been there. Could it possibly have been over twenty years? That couldn't be right. He had remembered hiking in these woods as a child, but it felt like yesterday. He went toward the water and looked for dragonflies. There were none to be seen. He went to the old familiar path, but it was grown over.

He touched the oak tree, and walked past it over the new growth. The day was still warm and, as the sun started to set, he noticed the walls he had built as a child. He walked over to the 'walls' and placed a hand on them recalling the times he had leaned against them feeling the frustrations of life. Vines now covered them and searched upward for the sun. He placed his pack next to one of them and searched for wood for a fire.

Pickings were easy and he had a fire going in no time. He pulled out the coffee pot and remembered the time when he didn't have such a luxury. In fact, he had never spent the night here when his father was alive.

When he was young, he had come here as an escape. He needed to get away from his brothers and the trials that were his life. They seemed so insignificant now. He couldn't even find where he had carved his initials. Who was he then? Hell, who was he now?

2 stay the night

He set up camp and laid out his bed roll. He inhaled the fresh air and thought that this might be the place where he could finally lay some demons to rest. The sleep that had eluded the last few months might finally reach him here.

He heard the the sirens in the night. He could swear they were coming for him. He knew that he could only play it for so long; eventually they would be coming for him with a straightjacket.

He woke up in darkness and the dying embers of the fire. He was glad he was alone and that no one could feel his sense of panic. He laughed at the thought of it. So much for the fresh air dispelling the demons that haunted him.

He built up the fire and placed his gun near the bedroll just in case. He got his flask of whiskey and took a long draw of it as he stared into the flames.

He remembered Sarah and his desire to take her and Adam camping. It was actually here that he wanted to take them to, but Adam never made it to the age where he was old enough. Tears formed at the memory of his son. He would never grow old, and neither would Sarah.

He wondered what had drawn him back to this place after all this time. Perhaps it was the death of his father.

Here was a man that stood for what was right and wouldn't let him follow in his footsteps. Even after being honorably discharged from the service, his father wanted his son to live without having to face the violence there was in the world. He had truly admired the man and yet...

Chris took another swallow of the whiskey and tightened the lid. He decided it best to sleep and get an early start back in the morning. He had needed the break, but maybe the timing wasn't right.

3 tom dick or harry

As the sun rose, Chris felt an ache from his wrists. He tried to sit up but it took considerable effort. He realized his wrists were tied behind his back and he wondered how.

The man sat before him. He seemed centuries old and wore faded jeans, flannel shirt and had a scraggly beard. As he smiled at Chris, he noticed a few teeth missing. "Good morning Sunshine" the old man said as he looked at Chris. "You must be Chris" he added.

"How would you know that?" Chris replied.

"It's been years, but I know you. You used to come here when you were afraid or angry. You grew up some but you're still afraid" he added.


"Who are you?" he asked as he stared into green eyes that mirrored his own.

"The name is Tom Dickory. I've been here a long time. Don't rightly know how long, but I know you. Your dad was a law man, and you have two older brothers; a younger sis if I ain't mistaken. Your ma still livin'?" he replied.

"Yes, but she moved closer to Eileen and her kids. How do you know so much about me?"

"I got my ways" he said with a laugh.

"Any chance of you loosening these ropes?"

"Nope. I got something better in mind" he said as he got out his knife and started to sharpen it on a rock.

He watched in horror as the man was intent on his work. He tested the tightness of his bonds and looked at him as he stared back without a word.

to be continued