Grindhouse - Planet Terror artwork created by Tarlan

Grindhouse - Planet Terror


Cherry Darling
El Wray
Dr. William Block         
Dr. Dakota Block
Sheriff Hague
Lt. Muldoon
Rose McGowan
Freddy Rodríguez
Josh Brolin
Marley Shelton
Michael Biehn
Jeff Fahey
Naveen Andrews
Bruce Willis

SUMMARY (Written by an anonymous reviewer on

After an experimental bio-nerve gas is accidentally released at a remote U.S. military base in Texas, those exposed to the gas turn into flesh-eating, mutating zombies out to kill. An assortment of various people who include stripper Cherry, her shady mechanic ex-boyfriend Wray, a strong-willed doctor, the local sheriff, and an assortment of various people must join forces to survive the night as the so-called "sickos" threaten to take over the whole town and the world.