PHOENIX Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Series - T
Summary: Series set in The Mag7 Agency AU in Phoenix, Az, owned by partners Chris, Vin, Buck, Ezra, and J.D., with Nathan as the head of Surgery and Emergency Services at Phoenix General Hospital, and Josiah as the preacher in a Phoenix chuch. Chris has a wife (Terry, an emergency specialist in Nathan's hospital) and a son (Adam, age 16 or 17), who wants to be like his father.
Parent Series: None
Categories: The Magnificent Seven
Characters: Buck Wilmington, Chris Larabee, Ezra Standish, J. D. Dunne, Josiah Sanchez, Nathan Jackson, Vin Tanner
Genres: Alternate Universe - Law Enforcement, Alternate Universe - Modern SettingWarnings: None
Stories: 9
Open: Closed [ Report This]
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