Reviewer: vonilyn
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Date: 23 Dec 2005 3:53 am
Title: 1
Oh... my... GAWD. I LOVED this. this is an ingenious AU!!!! is it open? can folks play in it? i'm all for making this fan-cannon, in the same vein as ATF is fan-cannon. simply beautiful idea! i'm no longer watching WaT and seeing martin, now it's Vin and i'll be praying someday the show lets us dive in to his past in Denver!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Author's Response: Is it an open AU? I'd be honored if anyone wanted to play around with it. I just wrote my take on it, but if anyone else wants to add to it they're more than welcome to. Maybe I should put guidelines up on my site for those who are interested, nothing concrete, just my spin on things. As for fan-canon, and in the same vein as ATF... Wow!