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Reviewer: atymer Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 29 Apr 2015 9:37 am Title: Chapter 4

This is very sad. On top of the trauma no one just sat and talked to him. Too much duplicity for Martin to trust anyone ever again. It will probably never happen, acceptance. But resignation will probably make him suicide. Heartache.

Reviewer: Linder Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10 Aug 2008 4:21 am Title: Chapter 1

a very thought provoking story, very tragic from the Martin/Danny perspective. Very clever weaving in of all of the Mag 7 folks except for Vin Tanner. I can't help but wonder what Martin's father, the Deputy Director of the FBI, is thinking. I do hope you consider writing a sequel and expanding on this universe.

Author's Response: Thank you. That was something I tried not to think about as it would complicate an already complicated story.

Reviewer: Wildcat Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Aug 2008 12:03 am Title: Chapter 1

I seriously hope there is more to this. Loved it. It seems like you purposely left pieces missing for a continuation, like did Danny really die or was he found some place down river? Why did Martin agree to stay then change his mind. What were they supposed to be investigating that caused all this in the first place. If Martin wants to really get away he should play along until he gets another chance to run. Why did Viv, Jack and Sam show up just to let the Marshalls take Martin away? Or were they part of stopping him from leaving knowing that he can't ever be Martin Fitzgerald again?

Author's Response: Danny died. It was a deep pond/lake. They weren't investigating anything, it was a trip to get away for the weekend. The DEA thought they were investigating a local drug route that smuggled them in to NYC. They were stopping him because he can't ever be Martin again.

Reviewer: LilacQueen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2008 4:39 am Title: Chapter 4

Jack would not have let Martin go so easily. The ending id well written and heart wrenching but until Martin could have made his own descisions Jack would not ahve let go. By the way they can not keep you in Witness Protection against your will. Once his Team came for him and Martin made clear his intentions to go with them the Marshalls were obligated to let him go.

Author's Response: It was a great pleasure to find that someone had read and enjoyed my fic.

Reviewer: LilacQueen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2008 4:32 am Title: Chapter 3

Way to go!! Apparently nobody is taking into consideration Martin's problems nor are they getting hum help. By the way there was a way Danny could have gotten out of the car. When the car gets under water and the pressure equalizes you can open the door.

Author's Response: Danny was already dead. It was never revealed, because I couldn't find a good place to put it in, but Danny died on impact.

Reviewer: LilacQueen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2008 4:27 am Title: Chapter 2

Still good but very confusing.

Reviewer: LilacQueen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2008 4:24 am Title: Chapter 1

Good beginning! Interesting but there is a problem. Are the Marshall's unaware that Martin is Martin not Mr. Tanner??

Author's Response: Yes. I was going on the assumption that they never break character themselves if they can help it.