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Reviews For 2 a.m.
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Reviewer: barbara Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 12 Apr 2008 3:49 pm Title: Chapter 1

It's nice to see such elegant quiet poetry.  I 've bben writing stuff like this for years and this is the first time i've seen it in print.  It  brings back wonderful memories.

Reviewer: LilacQueen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18 Apr 2007 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 1

Hmm. Well it is good for a PWP but it needs finishing. This feels like just the beginning of a really good story.

Reviewer: dreamer Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06 Mar 2005 7:32 am Title: Chapter 1

good syory but too short, please write more. or i will get chris to glare at you.