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Reviews For A Christmas Wish
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Reviewer: Pearl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11 Jan 2014 8:03 pm Title: Part 1

Reading your stories really meant a lot to me this season! Struggeling through the aftermath of a love that obviously wasn't meant to last forever, I took comfort in everything Vin and Chris are sharing and giving to each other. Thank you very much!

Reviewer: terri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 29 Feb 2008 1:19 am Title: Part 2

This was a b-u-t-ful story!  I loved it, showed so much caring and love between vin and chris.  and the mix of humor was great - especially the chicken line.  thanks for sharing - you are a great writer!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2006 12:29 am Title: Part 1

Wow! You wrung the tears from me. What a beautiful story. Everyone should experience the love that Chris and Vin have for one another.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)

Reviewer: Wildcat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01 Mar 2006 10:08 pm Title: Part 2

I loved this story, I cried, I laughed and I felt the love Chris and Vin share. What a wonderful story. They share a love that can't be broken.

Author's Response: Thank you, Wildcat! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story :) Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. It means a lot.

Reviewer: Wildcat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01 Mar 2006 10:08 pm Title: Part 2

I loved this story, I cried, I laughed and I felt the love Chris and Vin share. What a wonderful story. They share a love that can't be broken.

Reviewer: Wildcat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01 Mar 2006 10:07 pm Title: Part 2

I loved this story, I cried, I laughed and I felt the love Chris and Vin share. What a wonderful story. They share a love that can't be broken.