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Reviews For A Taste of Honey
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Reviewer: Jennifer Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16 Apr 2010 10:24 am Title: A Taste of Honey

I adore how you write Chris and Vin and how you write the rest of the guys, so strong and fun and accepting of Chris and Vin's relationship. You nail them all.

Vin telling about his model past and getting Chris going was both adorable and so hot. I loved Chris just walking out, and Buck's response made laugh out loud. I was so glad Chris was there waiting in the truck. Vin knows him so well!

This was a delight to read. Thanks!

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23 Aug 2006 5:52 am Title: A Taste of Honey

This was a really good read. Nice change - neither Chris or Vin was injured or dying. Just the age-old story of lovers trying to make it work. Great job - love reading it.

Reviewer: Mikki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21 Oct 2005 2:40 am Title: A Taste of Honey
