FAQ How Do I Register on the Site? Select the LOG IN link from the left-hand menu, then select REGISTER. Complete all the fields with an asterisk - and any others you wish - then SUBMIT. Remember that the password is case sensitive. I forgot my password! What do I do now? To recover a lost password, click here and enter the e-mail address with which you registered. Your password will be sent to you shortly. What kinds of stories are allowed? See our Submission Rules. How do I contact the site administrators? You can e-mail us via our contact form. How do I submit stories? If you have not already done so, please register for an account. Once you've logged in, click on Account Information and choose Add Story. The form presented there will allow you to submit your story
Fill in the TITLE, SUMMARY.
For CATEGORY, highlight the top CATEGORY applicable to your story and any subcategories will be displayed. HIGHLIGHT the category you want and select the ARROW...the category will then appear in the large box on the right, and the CHARACTER box will fill with character names. Repeat this if you want to add the story to more than ONE category.
SELECT the genre, warning and characters - Hold the CTRL key to make multiple selections from any of these.
CHAPTER title: If you need to split the story into parts then leave the default word of Chapter but remember to increment when adding the next part/chapter. If your story is a WIP or your parts have titles then put them in here instead of having Chapter x. If the story will be only a single part/chapter then you could simply repeat the story title here.
Any Author's notes go in the next box, and then the story text in the TEXT box. PLAIN TEXT (.txt files) with a little basic HTML is great... don't try adding WORD files as WORD adds lots of hidden information into files that bloats them and can cause problems loading the story.
Select PREVIEW and if you are happy with the results - and no errors show - then ADD STORY and it is all done. What are the ratings used on the site? GEN -- Fan Rated Suitable For Children TEEN -- Fan Rated Suitable For Teenagers - stories may contain non-explicit sex slash or smut), mild swearing and/or mild violence. MATURE -- Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons -- stories may contain explicit heterosexual acts, high level of violence ADULTS ONLY -- Fan Rated Suitable For Adults Only -- stories may contain explicit homosexual acts, extreme violence Please heed all ratings and story classifications/warnings BEFORE reading a story. What are the story classifications? Stories are classified by categories, genres, and warnings. PLEASE USE THEM. How do I leave feedback?Every story has a REVIEW link at the top and a REVIEW comment box at the end, so you can either click on reviews and then submit a review or you can write your comment in the box at the bottom of the story and submit. What if I'm a little shy or don't want anyone to associate me personally with a review on a particular kind of story? The archive allows ANONYMOUS reviews - simply log out if you are a member. You will need to complete the Captcha box to verify that you are a real person and not a bot :-) How do I respond to feedback?Each individual review has the option to respond. Clicking on respond brings up the author's response comment box. Simply fill this in and submit. Remember that you need to be logged in as the author to respond to a review! You can check to see if you have any outstanding reviews by going to YOUR ACCOUNT INFO and selecting Reviews Received. What if I'm flamed? I do not tolerate flames on the archive. Please notify me and I will deal with the person - I log IP addresses (only visible to me as the site owner) so the cowardly anonymous flamers won't escape and will be banned from accessing not just the fiction archive but all my websites!
How do I add images to my story?
1. Go to Account Info 2. Select Manage Images 3. At bottom, select Upload New Images 4. Browse to image file (image may not be greater than 600 by 600), select Upload 5. Once uploaded, go back to Manage Images 6. Copy the HTML code for that image, edit the story and paste that HTML code into the story text.
and remember.... HAVE FUN!! Tarlan