Dreams or Reality? by Carla
Summary: Chris Larabee has a dream...that he is Kyle Reese.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven, Terminator (Movies) Characters: Chris Larabee, Kyle Reese, T-800 (Terminator)
Genres: Angst and Drama, Supernatural, Magnificent Seven AU: ATF
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 728 Read: 4525 Published: 04 Sep 2006 Updated: 04 Sep 2006
Dreams or Reality? by Carla
Author's Notes:
This is for the Halloween Challenge, but it's not scary. Many, many thanks to Sandra.
He remembered the bliss he had felt just a few short hours ago as they made love. He had savored the feeling of love and contentedness that he had never experienced before as he wrapped around Sarah and she wrapped herself around him. He remembered the feel of her hands as they touched him. The same hands that were now so desperately trying to lift and drag him out of the way of a monster Terminator whose only program was to find Sarah and destroy not only her but anything that stood in its path. He heard her voice, so husky with passion earlier, yelling at him that they were not giving up so he better get up and move.

They were backing up as the Terminator advanced upon them. He forced Sarah from his side as he realized the sacrifice that he would have to make in order to ensure her a chance of escape. He looked at the Terminator, now without its human skin covering, and thought it to be more foreboding than ever. Fears of his own impending death did not enter his mind. As he faced the creation that had been such a large part of his life, his only thought was of buying Sarah even a moment of time.

He felt the blow that caused his life's blood to pour. The last thought that entered his splintered brain, as he crashed to the cold hard concrete floor, was recognition of his body's agony, the last sound he heard was Sarah calling his name... and his final vision was of a glowing red eye that would follow him into eternity...

Chris Larabee jolted awake from a nightmare that left him feeling a pang of fear. He glanced around at his surroundings, relieved to find himself in his own office, and not in the factory of his dream.

He could have sworn someone had been calling his name. Chris started abruptly when the large, imposing form of the custodian filled his office doorway and he gazed at the man vaguely, wondering why the dream had shaken and disoriented him so badly. He tried to speak and was dismayed as his words came out in an unaccustomed stammer. He shook his head and cleared his throat then tried again.

"Did you say something?" he asked.

The custodian replied, "Yes sir. I said I was sorry for barging in. I didn't realize anyone was still here."

Chris stared at the man for a moment. There was something in the man's physical appearance and strong accent-laden monotone voice that caused a chill to creep along his spine. Damn, Larabee, get a grip, he growled to himself.

"Don't apologize; it's my fault. Looking at these damn reports put me to sleep. What time is it anyway?"

"It's nearly 7:00 pm, sir. Do you mind if I clean your office now?" The man gave him a sheepish look. I have an All Hallows Eve party to attend in two hours and have to go home to get ready."

"Sure," said Chris, "I'll pack up and get out of your way in just a minute." As he gathered the papers he needed and placed them in his briefcase, Chris thought about his dream. What in the hell was I fighting, no losing to? Who was that woman? She didn't look like my wife, so why was I calling her Sarah? he mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry, sir. What did you say?" The man was looking at Chris as if he were completely certifiable.

"Uhm, I just asked what you were going to the party as," Chris hedged.

"I'm not going as anything in particular, really. I'm dressing as a biker...you know, jeans and big leather jacket. I thought I would swagger in, walk and talk with an attitude. It should go over well with my height and build. Oh, I found these really cool sunglasses that will help hide a special effect I have. I had a custom contact lens made that glows red."

Chris paled visibly. "A glowing red eye....Uhm, on second thought maybe you could clean the outer office first and give me just a bit more time to pack up. Shouldn't take me more than five minutes or so."

"Sure thing, sir." The man gave him a hard stare then leaned towards Chris. "I'll be back."

This story archived at https://https://www.michaelbiehn.co.uk/fiction/viewstory.php?sid=1253