Summary: Someone is killing children used as runners for the drug dealers. Chris has his own ideas on who it is and pays for not letting his friends back him up.
Categories: Hawaii Characters: Christopher Gains, Danny Edwards, John Declan, Sean Harrison
Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst and Drama
Warnings: Profanity, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 13838 Read: 4449
Published: 10 Sep 2006 Updated: 10 Sep 2006
Closer to Home by WinterM7
Author's Notes:
The Obon ceremony does exist. I just couldn't find a site that explained it. So the ceremony they do at the end of the story is from my own imagination.
Chapter 1
Thunder crashed and lightening streaked across the sky. The rainy season had come to Hawaii with a vengeance. Detective Christopher Gains maneuvered the large silver pick up through the traffic while his partner, Detective Danny Edwards, rode shotgun.
"Man I hate this time of year," Danny complained.
"What? Didn't it rain like this in Miami?" Chris teased.
"Sure it did," Danny said. "But I don't know... it seems wilder here."
"It's the gods," Chris said smiling.
Danny just shook his head. His partner believed in all the Hawaiian gods. Chris even got spooked when they dug up the bones of that Hawaiian Princess a few months ago. Danny teased his partner about his superstitions but he respected the Hawaiian beliefs. Everyone still believed Chris was the one responsible for the Princess' bones disappearing.
"One Victor Seven, meet Detectives Harrison and Declan at Front St and water. Report of a body found."
"One Victor Seven, copy," Danny said into the mic.
Chris hit the red light on his dash while Danny turned on the sirens. Other cars quickly pulled out of the way of the big pickup as Chris accelerated. Chris was an excellent driver but the big pick up was having trouble on the slippery roads. A small car pulled out in front of Chris. Either they hadn't heard the siren or chose to ignore it.
"Shit!" Chris cursed.
Danny braced himself as Chris was forced to jump the curb and drive on the concrete median to get around the car. As the truck came off the curb Chris cursed again as they heard the metal bumper screech along the curb. Danny always wondered why Chris insisted on such a large vehicle for such a small island. They finally arrived at Front Street without further incident. Chris parked behind Declan's SUV. Chris left the police light on but cut the siren. He turned to his partner and watched as Danny struggled with an umbrella. Chris just smiled and stepped out of the truck. It was warm out and Chris knew fighting with an umbrella would be a waste of time. By the time he walked down the alley, he was drenched. They found Declan and Harrison talking to a uniformed officer. Chris noticed that Declan had an umbrella while Sean didn't.
"What's up?" Chris asked as he walked over, pulling on a pair of latex gloves.
"Just got here ourselves," Sean said. His blond hair was plastered to his head. "Body was found by the restaurant when they took out the trash this morning."
"This rain would have washed away any evidence," Declan pointed out.
"Probably," Sean agreed. "But we still have to look."
As they moved down the alley, the wind drove the rain sideways and Declan and Edwards cursed. Sean and Chris just looked at each other and smiled. While Danny and John looked around the alley, Sean and Chris moved over to the dumpster. Cardboard boxes littered the area and Chris leaned down and picked one up.
"Damn it!" Chris cursed.
Under the box was the body of a young boy about eight years old. Dispatched had failed to tell them the body found was a child. Sean squatted down on his heels and put his hand over his mouth. Chris could see Sean was as upset as he was. Neither detective touched the body. They had to wait for the coroner. Sean stood back up and looked at Chris.
"Look around," Sean said. "But stay away from the body. Harper should be here soon."
"Right, "Chris said. As he turned to begin his search, he saw something white close to the foot of the victim. "Sean."
Sean came back over and looked where Chris was pointing. As lead detective, he could decide if Chris could move the item. Sean decided it was far enough away from the body and nodded.
"Don't touch anything!" Harper yelled causing Chris to jump.
"Shit, scare a person why don't ya," Chris complained.
"Sorry," Harper smiled.
"No you're not," Chris frowned.
"No, I'm not," Harper smiled. "Let me just snap a few shots."
As Harper began to take pictures the rain started to let up. Danny and John had joined the others and saw the body for the first time.
"It's just a kid," Declan said surprised.
"Okay, Chris, you can pick up the envelope," Harper said.
Chris squatted down on his heels and carefully picked up the envelope. He looked at the outside and found a mark but the rain had made it impossible to make out. Chris had a feeling about what was inside. He wasn't surprised when he found a large sum of money and a few small bags of cocaine.
"We'll need his prints to see if we can find his parents," John said.
"Don't bother," Chris said.
"Jesus, Chris, that's cold," John said angrily.
"He's a runner," Chris said showing them the contents of the envelope.
"Damn," Sean cursed. "Think it might be a turf war?"
"Don't know," Chris admitted.
"You guys want to fill us in," Danny said.
"They're known as runners," Sean explained. "Drug dealers us them to pick up the cash and deliver the drugs to their sellers."
"If they're caught there's not much we can do to them," Chris continued. "Since they're under age, the most they get is a few months in juvie."
"Once they're out they go right back to it," Sean added.
"But still, we have to find his parents," Declan reasoned.
"You won't find any," Sean said.
"You're as bad as Chris," Declan complained.
"They use orphans," Chris said angrily.
"Any idea who might be doing this?" Danny asked.
"It has to be a hoali," Chris said.
"Why a non native?" Declan asked.
"Because there's no mana gained by killing a child," Sean said.
John just shook his head. He was new to Hawaii but he had learned Hawaiians believed a person-gained mana, or karma so to speak, by what they did in their lives. They also believed that if a person was killed by another, they would gain that person's mana. To kill a child would gain you nothing since the child had yet to do any great deeds to gain mana.
"You can't know it's not a native," John reasoned. "We have to look at all the possibilities."
"Agreed," Sean said.
"I'll stick with my theory," Chris said stubbornly.
"Easy enough," Danny said. "We'll check out all the non native dealers."
"That works," Sean agreed.
"Is there any way to know which kid the dealer work for?" John asked.
"There's a mark on the envelope," Sean said.
Chris tuned the others out as he stared down at the body. Harper had turned the body to check underneath. As Chris watched, he reached up behind his right ear to feel a small scar. Chris jumped when he felt a hand on his arm.
"You okay?" Sean asked in concern.
"Yeah," Chris said.
Sean wasn't convinced but didn't push the issue.
"Let's take another look around," Sean said. "Maybe we'll find something."
They all nodded and took separate parts of the alley. As they looked the rain stooped and the sun broke through the clouds.
Chapter 2
The next day found detectives Gains and Edwards sitting at their desks going through a stack of files. Danny had his feet up on his desk as he scanned a file in his lap. He flipped the last page closed the file and dropped it on a large pile next to his chair.
"This is useless," he complained as he leaned back in the chair rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hands.
"What else do we have?" Chris asked as he scanned the file on his desk. "At least we've eliminated the ones in jail."
"And the dead ones," Danny added.
"Hey, it's what we get for losing the coin toss," Chris said.
Danny rolled his eyes and grabbed another file. Earlier in the day they had lost a coin toss to Declan and Harrison on who would go talk to the snitches. Chris dropped his head on his desk and sighed.
"Hey!" Danny yelled as he threw a paper ball at Chris. "No sleeping!"
"Not sleeping," Chris mumbled. "I surrender."
"Edwards!" Captain Harada yelled. "Gains! Meet Harrison and Declan over on 24th street."
"What's up, Captain?" Chris asked.
"They found another body," Terry said. "Get going."
Danny grabbed his keys as he followed Chris out of the building. Today was the complete opposite of the day before. The sun was shining as they jumped into the mustang and drove away. Chris couldn't believe they another body so quickly. Granted the Captain hadn't said it was another child but Chris' gut said it was. If the press got a hold of this story things could get ugly. They arrived at the scene they weren't surprised to see a media van.
"Hell, that's all we need," Danny groused.
Danny climbed out of the car and pushed through the crowd. Chris followed close behind. As they got to the front the reporter pushed the microphone in Danny's face.
"Detective, is this a serial killer?"
"No comment," Danny said pushing past her.
She turned to Chris but the look he gave her changed her mind about asking him anything. Uniformed officers started to push the crowd away along with the media.
Chris and Danny were glad to leave the reporter behind. As the got close they could see Declan talking to someone in an apron. Chris figured he must have found the body. Chris could see Harper and Sean further down the alley.
"Anything?" Danny asked Sean.
"Just the guy who found the body," Sean answered.
"Well he's been dead about eleven hours," Harper said
"That's about 2:00 am," Chris said.
"After the restaurant closed," Sean added. "That's why the body wasn't found until now."
"Did you find an envelope?" Chris asked Harper.
"No," She said. "Not many places he could hide one in his clothes. Haven't had a chance to look further. But you're welcome to check."
Chris pulled on some gloves and walked towards the body. When he got closer, he just squatted on heels and looked. The boy was Hawaiian and older then the last victim. Chris figured he was about ten years old. He was dressed in a red T-shirt and black shorts. Chris could see there wasn't any place to hide an envelope. Chris looked at the kid's feet and saw he was wearing a pair of sneakers. Chris leaned forward and carefully removed the right sneaker. He looked inside and saw nothing. The innersole came out easily when he puled but there was nothing underneath. Chris checked the left show and pulled out an envelope.
"We would have found that eventually," Harper said.
"Uh huh," Chris smiled. "Besides that's where I would have hid it."
Sean and Danny looked over Chris' shoulder as he opened the envelope. It contained a large sum of money.
"Looks to be about $5,000," Danny said. "How do they know these kids will come back with the cash?"
"They just will!" Chris said hotly.
"Hey, I didn't mean anything by it," Danny said defensively.
"Yeah, ya did," Chris argued.
"Hey!" Sean said. "Take it easy. This is getting to us all."
"You're right," Chris said. "Sorry."
"No problem," Danny said smiling.
"Well the killer obviously isn't interested in the cash or the drugs," Declan observed.
"The killings are meant to be a statement," Chris said.
"How do you know?" Sean asked.
"Just a feeling," Chris admitted. "I think someone is sending a message."
"So it is a turf war," Danny said.
"Don't know," Chris said. "With one death it could have been anything. But with the second one...I think it might be a new seller trying to scare off the established ones."
"We need to find out who these kids were working for," John said.
"It's impossible," Sean said. "None of the dealers will admit to using the kids."
Chris stared at the body but said nothing.
"Chris," Danny called. "Yo Chris."
Sean turned to see Chris just staring at the body. He could tell something was going on inside Chris's head.
"Earth to Chris," Danny said as he cuffed Chris in the back of the head.
"What!" Chris said angrily as he turned around.
"Sean wants us to get more personal," Danny said ignoring his partner's anger. "They're going to talk to Ellis, we get Mahoa."
"I want Ellis," Chris said looking at Sean.
"Alright," Sean agreed. As Chris and Danny walked by Sean grabbed Danny's arm. "Keep an eye on Chris."
Danny looked at his partner as he walked towards the Mustang. The way he walked, Danny could tell Chris was pissed and was looking for someone to hit. Danny turned back to Sean and nodded.
"Don't worry. I've got his back," Danny vowed.
Sean watched as Danny joined his partner at the car and drove away. John came over and stood beside Sean.
"Think that was a good idea sending them to talk to Ellis?" John asked.
"They'll be alright," Sean said.
"You don't really believe that," Declan said. "Chris is convinced it's a white guy and you let him go talk to Ellis."
"What do you want me to do!" Sean said angrily.
"You're lead detective," John pointed out. "You could have told him no. You know what's going to happen."
"Danny will watch his back," Sean said.
John couldn't believe what he was hearing. Six months ago Sean had accused Danny of being a hot head and getting his partner shot. Now Chris seemed to be the loose cannon and Sean was relying on Danny to keep them out of trouble. John just shook his head as he followed his partner back to the crime scene.
Chapter 3
Danny parked the car in front of Lonagan's Bar & Grill. Michael Ellis used the back room of the bar to conduct his business. HPD kept an eye on him but there was never any proof he was involved in any drug deals. Chris got out of the car and waited for his partner to join him.
"Let's do this," Chris declared.
"Hold on a minute," Danny said grabbing Chris' arm. "How do we want to handle this?"
"I was thinking bad cop," Chris said pointing to Danny. Then he pointed to himself. "Bad ass cop."
"Why do you get to be Bad ass cop?" Danny asked.
"Because I'm better at it than you," Chris said as he headed to the door.
Danny didn't like this. He knew Chris was joking around with him but he had the feeling Chris was about to do something stupid. He followed Chris into the dimly lit bar. The cigarette smoke made it even harder to see. Danny glanced around and was glad to see there weren't many people in the bar. Both detectives had their badges clearly showing.
"What can I do for yas?" the bartender asked.
"Tell Mikey we're here to talk," Chris said.
"I don't know any Mikey," he said.
"The hell you don't!" Chris said as he grabbed for the bartender.
Danny quickly stepped in front of Chris. The bartender had stepped back when he saw the look on Chris' face.
"You might want to let your boss know we're coming," Danny said. "Or I'll let my partner rearrange your face."
The bartender quickly can from behind the bar and knocked on the back door. When he disappeared inside, Chris turned to Danny and smiled.
"Told you it would work," Chris said.
The bartender stepped out the door and waved them over. Chris stepped into the back room followed closely by Danny. There were two other men in the room beside Michael Ellis. From their Neanderthal looks Danny knew they were Mikey's muscle. Ellis was sitting as a card table watching them as they walked in.
"Well if it isn't Detectives Gains and Edwards," Mikey said. "If it's about those parking tickets, the check's in the mail."
"That's funny," Chris said smiling as he sat down next to Ellis.
"Yeah, a real comedian," Danny added as he joined his partner.
"What can I do for you boys?"
"We want to know if there's a new player on the drug scene," Danny said.
"Now, why would I know that?" Mikey asked. "I'm a legitimate businessman."
"Let's cut the bull shit," Chris said angrily. "What do you know about any new dealers?"
"Is this about that runner killed over on Front Street?" Ellis asked. He knew he'd hit a nerve when he looked at Chris's face. "That's a tough business. It's a shame what happened but those kids know what they're getting into."
Danny was taken by surprise as Chris grabbed Mikey's tie and pulled down hard slamming Mikey's nose on the table. Danny quickly jumped up and pulled his gun.
"You boys might want to stay where you are," Danny warned the two thugs.
They did as Danny said giving Danny a chance to check on his partner. Chris had his gun out and pointed at Mikey's head.
"Are you going to keep dicking me around or do I have to get angry?" Chris asked.
Danny could see Chris had broken Mikey's nose. Blood was pouring down Mikey's face. Danny glanced at the thugs to make sure they were behaving. They hadn't moved and Danny turned back to his partner. He'd never seen Chris this angry before or do something so completely crazy. Usually he was the one doing the crazy stuff and Chris was covering for him. Danny watched as Chris twisted Mikey's arm behind his back.
"Alright!" Mikey cried in pain. "Six weeks ago pure china white showed up on the streets. This stuff can be cut four times and still knock you off your feet."
"Who's selling?" Chris demanded.
"I don't know," Mikey said.
"Right!" Chris said and twisted Mikey's arm harder.
"I swear!" Mikey said. "No one knows and believe me we've all looked."
"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" Chris asked as he released Ellis. Chris stepped back with his gun still trained on Ellis. "We'll be going now but we might be back with more questions."
Ellis just sat holding his nose as the two detectives walked out. They headed for the car and got in. Before pulling away Danny turned to Chris.
"And they think I'm the reckless one," Danny said.
"It got something out of him," Chris said smiling.
"Not sure how much help it will be," Danny said as he drove away.
"At least we know there is a new player in town," Chris reasoned. "Maybe he's trying to scare off the competition."
"By killing kids?" Danny asked.
"Yeah," Chris answered.
Danny sat at his desk making a list of everything they knew. When he was finished he stared at in frustration. They didn't have much to go on. He dropped the pad and looked up to see Sean and Declan walking in.
"So what did Mahoa say?" Danny asked.
"Not much," John admitted.
"He has no idea who the kids belong to," Sean said.
"I think he has an idea but he's not talking," Declan said.
"Anyway, he did say there's a new supply of drugs available on the streets," Sean said.
"Ellis said the same thing," Danny said. "That the stuff is top grade."
"So we've got two alleged drug lords saying there's a new player in town but they have no idea who it is," Declan said.
"One of them's lying," Sean said.
"Well, I'm betting Chris would say its Ellis," Danny said.
"Did things get out of hand?" Sean asked.
"Well, Ellis didn't give us the information voluntarily," Danny admitted.
"What happened?" John asked.
"Chris did the bad ass cop routine," Danny said smiling. "I think he broke Ellis' nose."
"Where is that maniac?" Sean growled.
"He's around somewhere," Danny said. "Sean, he didn't do anything we haven't done before."
"Alright," Sean said. "I just hope he doesn't do anything else so reckless."
Harper flipped through a report as she walked down to the morgue. As she entered she was surprised to see Chris leaning over one of the children they had found. Harper could see he was upset. As she watched, Chris pushed the hair from behind the right ear of the second boy they had found. She watched as he leaned closer and heard Chris curse. She didn't know what he was doing but she also didn't want to just walk in on him. Harper backed up a few steps then started whistling as she came into the morgue.
"Chris," She said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"
"Nothing," Chris lied as he pushed the drawer back in and closed the door. "Just wanted to take another look. See if there was something we missed."
"Well you and Sean were right," She said. "I got no hits on AFIS."
"Not surprised," Chris said. "Guess I better head back upstairs."
Harper watched him leave then walked over to the locker Chris had closed. She opened the door and pulled out the drawer and looked down at the young boy. There wasn't anything different about the way he looked but something had caught Chris's eye. She looked closer behind the right ear but still saw nothing. Harper shrugged and closed the drawer.
Chris stopped off at the captain's office to remind him he wouldn't be in tomorrow. After that he headed back to his desk.
"What do you think you were doing roughing up Ellis?" Sean asked as he entered.
"Trying to get information," Chris said. "What's your problem?"
"Ever think by roughing up Ellis he won't talk to us later?"
"He'll talk," Chris said smiling.
"Tomorrow I want you and Danny to work the streets," Sean said. "See if anyone knows anything."
"Danny'll have to go solo," Chris said. "I won't be in."
"Why?" Danny asked.
"Family business," Chris said as he grabbed his keys. "I'll see you the day after."
"What family business?" Danny asked after Chris had left.
"Not sure," Sean admitted.
"Sean, it's the start of Obon tomorrow," Linh said.
"Right," Sean said.
"Want to clue us in," John said.
"Tomorrow is the day to honor your ancestors," Linh said. "It lasts a week ending with floating lights on the water."
"Will you be out tomorrow too?" Danny asked Linh.
"No. I'll pay my respects in the morning and come in," Linh said.
"Good wear street clothes," Danny said. "You're with me."
Chapter 4
Danny and Linh spent the day talking to some of the dealer's by the beach. At first most of them ran and Danny had to chase them. When they realized the cops just wanted to talk, the day went a whole lot easier. They pieced together that the new drugs weren't always available. They would be available for a few days then it could be up to a week or more before a new batch was available. Danny and Linh were on their way back to the precinct with the new information.
"So you think the time between the drugs is significant?" Linh asked.
"Yeah I think it is," Danny said. "But not sure where it will lead."
Danny pulled into the lot behind the station and parked his Mustang next to Harrison's red convertible. The lot seemed bigger without Chris huge pickup taking three spaces. Linh followed Danny into the station where chaos reigned. There was a large group of teens all yelling at each other as uniformed officers tried to keep them apart.
"What the hell is going on?" Danny asked
"Party down at the beach got out of hand," Kaleo said. "Two rival groups decided they wanted to use the same surfing spot."
As they were talking, one of the teens punched another and all hell broke loose. Every officer was needed to get things under control. Danny wadded right in with Linh and Kaleo close behind.
Two hours later the precinct was quiet. Linh walked over to Danny's desk and took a seat.
"Here," she said holding out an ice pack.
Danny sat up and removed the old ice pack against his lip. Linh tried not to laugh when she saw how swollen his lip was.
"Don't," Danny warned as he grabbed the ice pack. He leaned back in the chair and placed the ice on his lip.
"So you really got hit by a girl?" Declan asked.
Sean laughed as Danny gave Declan the finger.
"So what did you find?" Sean asked.
"There's a gap when the new drugs are available," Linh said.
"Are they selling in all the territories?" Sean asked.
"Pretty much, "Danny said.
"But they have no idea who's behind it?" Declan asked.
"Nope," Linh said.
"Or they know and they aren't talking," Sean said. "They'd want to take care of this themselves."
"Hey, Sean, you have a minute?" Harper asked as she walked over.
"Sure, Harper," Sean answered. "Got any news on the kids?"
"Actually I do," Harper said as she pulled some pictures out of an envelope. "I found these markings behind the right ear of both victims. It's very small and you would think it was a mole or birthmark. Until you magnify them."
Sean looked at the pictures. The first shots were a picture of what the naked eye would see. They did look insignificant. Sean flipped to the next picture and was surprised to see a dragon. The next picture was a Chinese symbol. Sean handed them to Declan and looked at Harper.
"How were they made?" Sean asked. "They aren't tattoos."
"They're brands," Harper answered.
"These kids let themselves be branded?" Danny asked in surprise.
"The marks must have let them know which kid works for who," Linh said looking at the pictures.
"How'd you find these?" Declan asked.
"I didn't," Harper admitted. "Chris did."
"What?" Sean asked in surprise.
"Yesterday I found him down in the morgue looking at one of the boys," Harper explained. "At first I didn't think anything of it. Chris seemed upset, but I just figured it was because these kids had been murdered. But something bugged me all night. I saw Chris push the hair back from behind victim ones ear and so when I came in this morning I checked and found those."
"How did Chris know about this?" Linh asked.
"And why would he withhold the information?" Declan added.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," Sean said angrily.
"Hey, he's my partner," Danny protested. "I'm the one who's gonna kick his ass."
"We all go," Sean said.
"Hey you're heading the wrong way," Danny said when Sean pulled out of the lot.
"He won't be at his place," Sean said.
Danny shrugged and settled back for the ride. Sean was taking them along the beach road. Sean pulled into a development next to the beach. The houses were well back from the road with manicured lawns. Sean pulled into the drive of one of the homes that was on a small rise. As he got closer to the house, Declan could see water. The property around the house was beautifully landscaped.
"Why'd you bring us here?" Danny asked as Chris stopped the car.
"This is Chris's house," Sean answered.
"Excuse me?" Danny said.
"It's where he grew up," Sean said he climbed out of the car. "But when his father died, he gave the house to his aunt."
"Is he crazy!" Danny exclaimed. "This place is incredible."
They followed Sean to the front door and waited while he knocked. A petite Japanese woman dressed in a pale green kimono opened the door.
"Sean!" she exclaimed as she opened her arms.
"Hello, Noriko," Sean said as he hugged her.
"It's wonderful to see you," she said as she stepped back. "Come in."
Danny and John followed Sean's example as he removed his shoes and left them on the porch. They entered the house as Noriko closed the door.
"Noriko, this is my partner, John Declan," Sean said. "And this is Danny..."
"Chris' partner," She said smiling. "It's nice to finally meet you. Chris talks of you all the time."
"Wish I could say the same thing," Danny said, "He's never mentioned any of this."
"That's our Chris," Noriko said with a sigh. "Sean, why don't you take them outside. I was just about to make tea."
"Sean, why didn't you just ask about Chris?" Declan asked as Noriko left.
"It's not polite to rush into things," Sean said as he headed for the back door.
"Hey, look at this," Danny said as he stopped by a bookshelf and took down a picture. "I've never seen a picture of Chris as a kid."
"Damn, could he been any skinnier?" Declan said looking over Danny's shoulder. "He's all arms and legs."
Sean came over to see which picture they were looking at. It was Chris and his parents just after the adoption was finalized. He watched as Danny put that picture back and took down another.
"Look at this one," Danny laughed. "What's with the hair, Sean?"
"I was undercover," Sean said snatching the photo and putting it back. "Chris was twelve and he took the picture. I didn't know they still had it."
"This must be his grandparents," Declan said pointing to another picture.
The picture John pointed to was an older couple dressed in traditional Japanese kimonos. Chris was in the picture dressed the same. He stood a head taller than his grandfather.
"That was taken a year before they died," Sean said.
"He looks happy," Danny said.
"Yeah, he adored them," Sean said. "Come on, let's head outside."
Sean led them out the backdoor and onto the lanai. Danny could believe what he was seeing. The manicured lawn sloped gently down to a white sand beach. The house was on a lagoon and Danny could see other houses across the water. The flowerbeds were blooming in a riotous show of color.
"I'm gonna kill him," Danny said as he took a seat. "He's been holding out on me."
"Chris doesn't talk about this place," Sean said. "Too many memories."
"I told Chris he could stay at the main house and I'd take the bungalow," Noriko said as she arrived with the tea.
"Bungalow?" John asked.
"If you walk down to the beach you'll see it," Noriko said. "It's where my mother and father lived."
Noriko poured tea for all of them. Danny wasn't keen on hot tea but drank it anyway.
"I'm guessing you're looking for Chris," Noriko said.
"Yeah, we are," Sean said. "But he's obviously not here."
"No, he left about an hour ago," Noriko said. "Is something wrong?"
"No," Sean said quickly. "Everything's fine. We're just working on a case and Chris forgot to tell us something."
"If he calls I'll tell him you were looking for him," Noriko promised.
"We'd appreciate it," Danny said.
"Thanks for the tea, but we have to be going," Sean said.
"Don't be strangers," Noriko said following them to the door.
"We won't," Sean said as he bowed to her.
"You'll come back for the lantern ceremony at the end of the week?" Noriko asked.
"We will," Sean said.
They followed Sean to the Cadillac and climbed in. Danny had pulled out his cell phone and called Chris.
"He's not answering," Danny said as Sean drove down the driveway.
"Do we try his apartment?" John asked.
"Oh yeah," Sean said as he pulled onto the main road.
In a dark alley across town, two men sat in a nondescript sedan. They were watching the door further down the alley.
"Doesn't look like anything's going on tonight," one of the men said.
"Yeah, seems quiet," the other one replied.
As they watched a tall male with dark curly hair walked up to the door. He knocked and someone came out. They talked for a few minutes when the man who knocked pulled back the hair from behind his right ear. The man who answered the door took a closer look then stepped back. The taller male stepped passed him through the door.
"Now that was odd."
"You're telling me, ever see him before?"
"No he must be new."
"Well, let's give him a few minutes inside then we'll go in."
"Sounds good. I want to know who this new player is."
Chris followed Marco to the back room. As they passed through the larger room, Chris could see nothing had changed. Some of the runners were gathered around the TV playing video games. Others were in the kitchen helping themselves to the well-stocked shelves. Marco stopped at a door and knocked.
"Wait here," Marco said and stepped inside.
Chris waited only a few minutes when a tall Hawaiian gentleman opened the door. He was going gray and he was older than Chris remembered.
"Chris!" He exclaimed and hugged him. "It's been too long."
"Yes it has, Mano," Chris agreed.
"Come in, come in," Mano said as he stepped aside so Chris could enter. Marco was a still standing by the door. "That will be all, Marco."
"Are you sure, Mano?" Marco asked.
"Chris is an old friend," Mano answered. "He will not harm me."
"Nice watch dog," Chris said smiling.
"Marco means well," Mano said. "Can I get you anything?"
"No, Mano, I'm fine," Chris said.
"What brings you here after all these years?"
"I have some bad news for you," Chris said. "You've heard about the deaths of the two runners."
"Yes, I heard."
"One of them was yours."
"I feared as much," Mano said as he walked over to the sideboard and poured himself a whiskey. "One of my boys has been missing for a few days now."
"Hawaiian, about eight years old. Has a scar on his left leg. Two missing front teeth."
"Kona," Mano sighed. "How was he killed?"
"He was shot," Chris said.
"You said there was another runner?"
"Another boy," Chris answered. "His symbol was the Chinese character for luck."
"That would be one of O'Donell's boys."
"Of course luck of the Irish," Chris said. "I'll let him know."
"I'll do that," he said. "Not sure if he'll treat an HPD as kindly as I do."
"Do you have any idea who's doing this?"
"No, but I'm sure you've heard there's a new player in town."
"So we've heard," Chris nodded. "Any ideas who?"
"Not yet, but we're working on it."
Just then Marco burst through the door.
"Mano, the DEA just busted down the door!"
"You have stuff here?" Chris asked.
"You know I don't," Mano said angrily. "This is the safe house."
Chris followed Mano into the main room. Several DEA agents were knocking over the bookshelves and flipping the cushions off the sofas. One of the kids didn't move fast enough and one of the agents knocked him to the floor.
"Hey!" Chris shouted and rushed over to help the boy.
It was the last thing he remembered, as a rifle butt was jammed into his stomach. Chris doubled over as the air was knocked out of him. He never saw the gun that hit him across the face.
Chapter 5
Sergeant Thompson sat behind the desk at HPD's 2nd precinct. The evening had been quiet and he hoped it stayed that way. His wish was short lived when he saw two DEA agents dragging in a suspect. The DEA didn't have a lock up on this side of Honolulu so the used the 2nd precinct's jail.
"Hey, Thompson," Agent Simpson called. "We've got a live one for you."
Thompson took a closer look and could see blood on the suspect's face.
"Don't you think you should take him to the hospital first?" Thompson asked.
"Nah, he's alright," Agent Fowler said. "He just has a bloody nose."
"Well you know where to go," Thompson said.
"We have a few others coming in," Simpson said. "Most will probably be out on bail by morning."
Thompson waved them on and went back to his paper work. For the next three hours everything was quiet. Thompson liked working the graveyard shift just for this reason.
"Yes. Officer Krispin?" Thompson said looking up. The young officer was new to the precinct and had drawn guard duty down in lock up.
"It's about one of the prisoner the DEA guys brought in," Krispin said.
"One of them yelling for his lawyer?" Thompson laughed.
"No sir," Krispin said. "The one that was all bloody. I'm kinda worried. He hasn't moved since they brought him in."
"Damn!" Thompson cursed.
Thompson came from behind he desk and made his way down to lock up. He grabbed his keys from his belt and walked down the aisle until he got to the cell holding the prisoner in question. Thompson unlocked the door and stepped inside. Krispin backed him up as the sergeant checked the suspect. Thompson walked to the cot and turned the prisoner over.
The prisoner had blood covering the whole right side of his face. Thompson grabbed the prisoner's chin so he could get a closer look. As he turned the prisoner's face towards the light, he moaned.
"Get the Captain," Thompson ordered.
"Yes sir!" Krispin said as he ran out.
"What did you do, kid?"
"Wrong place at the wrong time," the prisoner mumbled as he opened his eyes.
A few minutes later the Captain was standing at the door. She came into the cell and walked over to the cot.
"Chris!" she exclaimed.
"Hey, Captain Murphy," Chris said as he tried to sit up.
"What the hell happened?" She demanded.
"Doesn't matter," Chris sighed.
"Like hell it doesn't," Murphy said. "Sergeant, what's going on here?"
"Earlier some DEA agents brought him in," Thompson explained.
"Looking like that?"
"I honestly couldn't tell you, Ma'am," Thompson explained. "You know how they don't like us to mess with their prisoners."
"Yes, I know," She said. "I'll have a word with their superior."
She turned back to Chris and saw him tentatively touch the cut above his right eye.
"I'll call Terry," She said.
"No!" Chris blurted.
"Chris," She warned. "Were you running solo?"
"No...yes," Chris said. "I was checking a lead."
"Then why don't you want me to call Terry?
"Because he'll yell, and my head is killing me," Chris said and she chuckled.
"I can't let you go like this," She said. "I'll call Sean. I want him to take you to the hospital."
"I can go on my own," Chris protested.
"Sean or Terry?" She said. "It's your call."
"Sean," Chris sighed.
"Let's get you upstairs," Murphy said.
Chris stood up and swayed. Sergeant Thompson grabbed Chris's arm and they made their way out of the cell.
Sean pulled into the lot behind the 2nd precinct. He had been surprised when he answered the phone and heard Captain Murphy on the other end. His surprise quickly turned to anger when she explained why she was calling. Sean was furious with Chris for going off on his own. The only explanation for Chris being picked up by the DEA is that he was talking to one of the drug dealers. Sean entered the precinct and walked over to the Sergeant on duty.
"Where is he?" Sean asked as he showed his badge and ID.
"In there," Thompson pointed.
Sean entered the bullpen to find Chris sitting in a chair with his head back and an ice pack covering his face.
"Detective Harrison," Captain Murphy said as she came out of her office.
"How long has he been here?"
"About four hours."
"None of your men even noticed he was hurt?" Sean accused.
"Understand, Sean, my hands are tied when it comes to the DEA," She said. "We've been told to mind our business when they lock up a suspect here."
"I understand," Sean said.
"But don't worry, I plan on talking to their superior," she said. "The two that arrested Chris have a history of this."
"Why didn't he just say he was a cop?" Sean asked.
"I didn't ask," Murphy said. "They knocked him around pretty good. He probably never had a chance. I want you to take him to the hospital."
"Alright," Sean agreed.
"He's all yours then," Murphy said and went back to her office.
Sean walked over to Chris. Chris's long legs were sprawled in front of him and Sean stepped over them to get a closer look. Sean took the ice pack from Chris's face and cringed. Chris had a cut above his right eye. That side of his face was a spectacular shade of purple.
"Damn, put it back," Chris complained. "It's keeping out the light."
"Maybe if you had back up this wouldn't have happened," Sean pointed out. "Want to tell me what's going on?'
Chris sighed and sat up. He knew Sean wasn't happy with him. Hell, he couldn't blame him.
"Can I explain everything to everyone in the morning?" Chris asked. "I'd rather not repeat myself. Besides I'm beat. I just want to go home."
"First you're going to the hospital," Sean said. Chris was about to protest. "I don't want to hear it. Captain Murphy said you were unconscious at least a couple of hours. You're going to the hospital."
Chris sighed in resignation and stood up. His head was killing him and maybe going to the hospital wasn't such a bad idea. Maybe he could get the doctors to admit him and he wouldn't have to face Captain Harada.
Chapter 6
Danny was furious. He'd tried to get a hold of Chris all night but there was no answer. Now Chris was late. Danny looked over to Declan.
"Where's Sean?"
"Don't know."
Declan! Edwards!" Harada yelled from his doorway. "Where the hell are Gains and Harrison?"
Just then the two missing men walked in. Chris had a baseball cap pulled down low but it couldn't hide the bruise on his face. As Chris walked passed Harada, the captain put his hand out to stop him. Harada reached up and took the cap from Chris. The right side of Chris's face was purple. The darker bruising was around his eye. A bandage was taped above his right eye close to the hairline.
"What the hell happened?" Harada demanded.
"Not exactly sure," Sean said as he went to his desk. "Got a call about 4:00am to pick Chris up at the 2nd precinct."
"Well?" Harada said as he watched Chris take a seat.
"Went to talk to Mano last night," Chris began. "One of the kids that was killed was his."
"You knew because of the mark behind his ear," Declan said.
"How'd you know about that?" Chris asked confused.
"Well it obviously didn't come from you," Danny said angrily. "Harper told us."
"I was going to tell you," Chris said. "But I had to talk to Mano first. I owed him."
"What could you owe a scum bag like that?" Declan asked.
"To a seven year old living on the streets, Mano wasn't a scumbag," Chris said angrily.
"Wait a minute," Linh said as she grabbed a magnify glass.
She walked over to Chris and pushed the hair back from his right ear. Chris flinched as she touched him. Linh took a closer look and could just make out the small dragon.
"A dragon," Linh said.
"You were one of his!" Danny exclaimed.
"Yeah, I was," Chris admitted.
"I can't believe this," Declan said. "You worked for a drug dealer and never told anyone. Better yet, why didn't you come forward as a witness to take him down?"
"Witness to what?" Chris asked angrily. "I was seven. I ran money back and forth, that's it. Mano gave me a place to live. He fed me."
"Jesus, Chris, you could have done something," Danny said standing up. "I can't believe this!"
"What do you want from me?" Chris demanded as he stood up and got in Danny's face. "Did you ever go without food for a couple of days? Have to wait behind the McDonald's until it closed to go through the dumpster? Not you living in Miami with your parents!"
"You could have said something," Danny argued. "Jesus, what else have you kept from us? You got that house and now this. God, I'm your partner and I don't even know you."
"You took them to my Aunt's?" Chris said angrily turning to Sean. The sudden move was more then Chris could take and he swayed.
"Whoa!" Danny yelled as he grabbed his partner.
Linh helped Danny get Chris back in is chair. Chris put his head between his knees and closed his eyes hoping the room would stop spinning. Linh shot Sean and Danny a dirty look as she rubbed Chris's back.
"How bad is he?" Harada asked.
"Mild concussion, couple of stitches," Sean said. "He's got another bruise on his ribs about the size of a rifle butt."
"Chris, what happened last night?" Harada said calmly.
"While I as talking with Mano, the DEA raided the warehouse," Chris said. "They got rough with one of the kids. When I went to stop them they hit me. Next thing I know I'm waking up in a cell."
"Why didn't you tell them you were a cop?" Declan asked.
"They never gave me a chance," Chris answered.
"Did Mano tell you anything?" Sean asked.
"He didn't know much," Chris admitted. "But they've been looking into it."
"Did you get the names of the DEA agents that did this?" Harada asked.
"Yeah, I got their names from Murphy," Sean said.
"Good," Harada said. "Danny take Chris home."
"No, Cap, I'm alright," Chris protested.
"You'll do what I tell you," Harada said as he walked to his office.
"Yes, sir," Chris sighed.
"Just tell me one thing," Danny said. "How long did you work for him?"
"Not long," Chris said. "I was caught and given a choice of juvie or going back to foster care. Not hard to figure which one I picked."
"That's when San and Kevin found you," Linh said.
"Yeah," Chris said.
"Did Kevin know?" Sean asked.
"I was afraid to tell him," Chris said looking at Sean. "But I told my mother."
"Then Kevin knew," Sean said. "They didn't keep secrets from each other."
"I'm sorry, Sean," Chris said.
"What's there to be sorry for?" Sean asked. "You were a kid. You did what you had to survive."
"Thanks," Chris said as he turned to his partner. "We gonna be cool with this or do I have to ask the Captain for a new partner?'
"Sean's right," Danny admitted. "You were a kid. But I'm still pissed you never told me about the house."
"What's to tell?" Chris sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "I didn't want to live there after my father died, so I gave it to my aunt."
"You two better head out," Declan said. "Before the captain comes out and sees you're still here."
Chris nodded and followed Danny out to his car. The captain may force him to go home but it didn't mean he wasn't going to find out what he could about those two DEA agents.
Chapter 7
For the next two days the HPD detectives were able to determine the different dates the news drugs had been available. Chris had asked around about the DEA agents. He learned that the agents had their fingers in several illicit projects. Except there was nothing to prove they were doing anything wrong. When Chris voiced his opinions that the agents might be involved in the drugs, the captain and the others were skeptical. They did admit it wouldn't hurt to check it out.
"Yo, Chris," Danny called from his desk.
"Hmm," Chris mumbled not looking up from the folder he was reading.
"Find anything yet?"
"Nothing that I could pin on them," Chris said in frustration.
"Maybe you should drop it and try another tactic."
"I can't," Chris admitted rubbing his eyes. "Just feel they're involved."
"Well, we aren't going to figure it out tonight," Danny said. "Why don't we call it a night?"
"Sounds good to me," Chris agreed.
"Hey Sean, John, we're heading over to Mario's," Danny said.
"Sounds good. We'll meet you there," Sean answered.
"Mind if I tag along?" Linh asked.
"Yeah, sure," Chris said as he grabbed is key. "Bring Kaleo, too."
Just as Danny and Chris were about to leave Danny's phone rang. He picked it up and rolled his eyes. It was one of their informants.
"I'll head on over and grab a table," Chris said.
Danny waved to him and Chris headed out to the parking lot. The Captain insisted that he park towards the end since his big dually took up so much space. As he walked towards the truck, he waved to a couple of officers. Chris hit the alarm button when he got close to the truck and stopped. He patted his pockets and realized he'd forgotten his wallet. Chris headed back to the station when there was an explosion. The last thing he remembered was hitting the blacktop.
Danny was finally able to get the informant off the phone. He grabbed his keys and noticed Chris' wallet on his desk. He smiled and grabbed Chris' wallet thinking of a good amount Chris would have to pay to get it back.
"Hey, Danny," Sean called. "There's no sense in taking all the cars."
"True," Danny agreed. "Chris ran over to get a table."
"Good idea," John said as he joined Sean and Danny. "Mario's gets pretty crowded."
"That's because it has the best Italian food," Danny said.
They walked out the doors to the parking lot and saw Chris walking towards them. Next thing they knew Chris' truck exploded. The concussion knocked them off their feet.
"Chris!" Danny screamed as he got to his feet and ran to his partner.
"No, Danny, don't move him!" Sean yelled as he ran after Danny.
Chris had been thrown ten feet from the blast and landed in a heap on the blacktop. Sean carefully checked Chris' head for any injuries. He found a lump the size of an egg at the back of Chris' head. When he pulled his hand away he was grateful there was no blood. Sean continued to check Chris' arms and torso while Danny checked his legs.
"Fire department and ambulance are on the way," Declan said as he dropped down next to Chris's back.
"What the hell happened?" Harada demanded as he joined them.
"Not sure, Captain," Sean said.
"Hell, yeah we are!" Danny said angrily. "Someone's trying to kill Chris."
"I think Danny's right," John added.
As they talked they failed to notice Chris was beginning to stir. Next thing they knew, Chris was sitting up yelling and throwing his arms around.
"Chris! Calm down!" Sean said as he and Danny grabbed his arms.
It took a couple of seconds before Chris got his bearings but when he did he stopped and looked around.
"Oh man," Chris said as he put his hands to his eyes and fell back. Sean and Danny gently laid him back down.
"Chris, what happened?" Sean asked.
"What happened?" Chris said as he took his hands from his eyes and glared at Sean. "Someone blew up my truck!"
Saying that Chris sat back up throwing off the hands trying to hold him down.
"Chris, calm down," Danny said grabbing his arm.
"Calm down!" Chris shouted. "Calm down? Someone just tried to blow me up!"
"We know," Sean said trying to reason with him.
The fire trucks arrived and started pulling off hoses and equipment. The ambulance arrived a shortly after and pulled into the lot past the fire truck. Paramedics grabbed some of the equipment and came over to the group.
"I'm alright," Chris protested.
"You'll let them look at you," Harada growled.
"But Captain..."
"That's an order!" Harada yelled.
Chris sighed and let the paramedic help him lay back down. Linh stayed with him while the others walked a short distance away.
"What the hell is going on here?" John asked.
"I don't know," Sean admitted.
"It has to do with this drug thing," Danny said.
"But why Chris?" Harada asked. "All of you have been looking into this."
"It could be Ellis," Danny said. "Chris made him look bad when we went to talk to him."
"Could be," Sean agreed. "But Ellis doesn't have this kind of expertise."
"Captain," Linh called.
Harada looked over and saw Chris arguing with the paramedics.
"I'm not going!" Chris shouted.
"What's going on now?" Harada asked.
"He should go to the hospital," the paramedic said. "Get some x-rays at least."
"I'm fine," Chris argued.
"You trying to drive me to an early grave," Harada said. "You'll go."
"But Captain..."
"Edwards!" Harada bellowed. "Take you partner to the hospital. If he doesn't cooperate, shoot him!"
"Yes, Captain," Danny said.
"I can walk," Chris protested.
The paramedics agreed and Danny helped him to his feet. Chris moved stiffly but he made it to the ambulance. Danny climbed in after Chris and they closed the doors.
As they watched the ambulance pull away the fire chief walked over to Harada.
"Everything's out," the chief said. "It's safe to have your guys go over to the truck."
"Thanks, Chief," Harada said. "Sean, get the best team searching the debris. I want to get to the bottom of this."
Chapter 8
Chris was told by the doctors to take it easy for a few days. He wanted no part of that and was back to work the next day. Harada wasn't happy about that but Sean reasoned it would be easier to keep an eye on him. Chris was going over the data he had gathered and noticed something. Every time the DEA made a bust and confiscated the drugs, exactly two days later a large influx of drugs showed up on the street. And by coincidence the area the drugs showed up in was Ellis' territory. Chris flipped through the pile of papers scattered on his desk.
"Lose something? Danny asked.
"No," Chris said as he continued to search.
"If you kept your stuff neater you'd be able to find things," Danny said.
"My system works just fine," Chris argued as papers streamed off his desk as he continued looking.
"Whatever," Danny said as he went back to his own work.
Chris found what he was looking for and smiled. He knew the others didn't agree with his theory that the DEA was behind the killings and the new drugs. Chris stood up and walked towards the Captain's office.
Danny watched as his partner walked away from his desk. He could see Chris was favoring his right leg. The doctors had said nothing was broken but that Chris should take it easy for a few days. Danny was worried about his partner. The bruises on his face were now a livid purple. The stitches were still concealed beneath a white bandage. Added to this was an egg-sized lump on the back of Chris' head. Chris came out of the Captain's office and Danny quickly looked back to his work. Chris came over to his desk trying to straighten out the papers.
"Hey partner, I'm heading home," Chris said.
"You okay?" Danny asked in concern.
"Got a headache," Chris admitted. "And my leg's killing me."
"Want me to take you home?"
"Nah, I'm okay."
"But you came on your motorcycle," Danny argued.
"Probably not the best idea," Chris laughed. "But I'm not going far."
"Alright," Danny agreed reluctantly. "I'll bring over pizza tonight."
"Sounds good," Chris said. "See you then."
Chris limped out of the station and into the parking lot. His motorcycle was close to the building and made his way slowly over to it. He grimaced as he swung his right leg over the bike. He started the engine and headed out. Chris hated lying to the others but he needed proof. Chris pulled out of the lot and headed for Ellis'.
Ellis sat in the office counting the money from his last deal. His new partners might be a pain in the ass but they paid well. He knew if things went wrong he'd take the fall, but they seemed to know how to cover their tracks. Ellis was putting the money in the safe when one of his bodyguards walked in.
"Hey boss, its one of those HPD detectives."
"Which one?" Ellis asked.
"The one that broke your nose," the bodyguard answered.
Ellis reached up to touch the bandage on his face. "Get rid of him."
The bodyguard nodded and left the office. He walked over to the detective and without warning grabbed him in a headlock and walked him towards the back.
"What the hell do you think your doing?" Chris protested as he struggled in the body guards grip. "I'm a cop!"
"So am I," the bodyguard whispered in his ear. "Just play along."
Chris nodded and continued to struggle. Once they were outside the bodyguard loosened his hold but continued to push Chris further down the alley. When he was satisfied they wouldn't be seen or heard he let Chris go.
"What the hell is going on?" Chris demanded.
"I work for the DEA," He explained. "My name's Mike Harris."
"Not another one," Chris complained.
"Just listen," Mike said. "I don't have much time. If you're back here snooping around then you're starting to figure out."
"The other DEA agents are behind the new drugs?" Chris asked.
"Yeah," Mike said. "You'll need proof but you won't get it from Ellis. They've set him up to take the fall if anything goes wrong."
"Are they behind the killings?" Chris asked.
"I honestly don't know," Mike admitted. "But I wouldn't put it past them."
"Why don't' you go to your superiors?"
"I honestly don't know who to trust any more," Mike said in frustration. "I've been in deep cover for almost a year."
"You could come talk to my captain," Chris suggested.
"I can't," Mike said. "They've threatened to hurt my family if I do anything."
"Fowler and Saunders know you're one of them."
"Yeah, they figured it out. They told me of their plan from the beginning. I was to keep an eye on Ellis."
"How am I going to get these guys if you don't help?" Chris pleaded.
"Check the evidence in lock up," Mike suggested.
"How the hell am I going to check the evidence in DEA lock up?" Chris argued.
"It's at the 2nd precinct," Mike said. "Easier for them to get away with stuff there. You shouldn't have any problems getting in to check it out."
"Alright, but after I nail these guys I'll need you as a witness," Chris said.
"Once I know my family is safe I'll do anything," Mike agreed.
"Deal," Chris said and shook Mike's hand. "You better hit me. Make it look good when you throw me to the curb."
Mike nodded and punched Chris in the mouth. Chris hadn't been ready for it and crashed into the garbage cans making a terrible racket. Mike grabbed his arm and dragged him out to the street. He dropped Chris by his motorcycle.
"Stay away from Mr. Ellis!" Mike warned.
"I got the message," Chris said rubbing his jaw. "Tell your boss this isn't over."
Chris climbed on his bike and headed for the 2nd precinct. On the way he tried to figure out how he was going to get into the evidence locker.
Chapter 9
Chris pulled into the lot and parked his motorcycle. If he were lucky the officer on duty at the evidence room would be Theresa. They'd met at a police fundraiser and since then she'd been trying to go out with him. He kept a low profile as he made his way downstairs. As he got closer he could see his luck was holding. Theresa was sitting behind the desk.
"Hey Theresa," Chris said as he approached.
"Hello, Chris," She said with a smile. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to get in to see some evidence on a case," Chris said.
"No problem," She said. "Do you have the paper work?"
"Well..." Chris hedged. "Danny was supposed to do it and he forgot. Can't I just go in?"
"You know I can't do that," Theresa said. "I could lose my job."
"I know," Chris said. "It will be really fast."
"I don't know," Theresa said.
"I know it's asking a lot," Chris agreed. "But I need to see something for court."
"Alright," she agreed reluctantly. "But you better make it quick."
"I'll make it up to you," Chris said. "I've got tickets to Green Day in 3 weeks."
"You're on," Theresa said. "But really make it quick, please."
"Thanks," Chris said. "I won't be long."
Theresa let him in and Chris quickly moved along the shelves looking for the DEA evidence. When Chris found it he was happy to see it was towards the back. The drugs were stacked on the shelves and Chris grabbed one of the bags of cocaine and carefully opened it. He stuck his finger in the bag and took a taste of the white powder.
"Damn, its sugar," Chris said as he closed the bag.
He decided to try a couple more bags at random just to make sure.
"Hey Theresa," a young officer said as he walked up.
"Hi, Brian," Theresa said. "What brings you down here?"
"Need to check something," He said as he handed her his paperwork.
Theresa took the papers as Brian walked into the storage area. As he made his way towards the back he noticed someone else was down here. Brian cautiously looked around and saw Chris Gains checking the drugs belonging to the DEA. He watched as Chris put everything back the way he'd found it. Brian quickly ducked around the corner as Chris left. Brian pulled out his cell phone and dialed. He waited only a few minutes when it was picked up.
"Fowler, you've got a problem," Brian said. "Gains was messing with the drugs down in evidence."
"Can you detain him until we get there?"
"I'll do my best."
"You better do more," Fowler warned. "If he tells anybody that the drugs are fake we'll take you down with us."
"I'll get him, don't worry," Brian said.
Brian put his phone away and followed Chris. On the way out he grabbed one of the Tazers taken in a raid. There was no sight of Gains and Brian quickly made his way to the parking lot.
After leaving the evidence room Chris pulled out his phone and dialed his partner. When he got the voice mail he cursed.
"Damnit, Danny. Where are you? Never mind. Went over to Ellis'. That tall bodyguard with dark hair is DEA. Gave me a tip to check the drugs in lock up. I did and they're sugar. Those two DEA guys are the new play..."
The phone buzzed signaling he'd used his allotted time for a message. Chris cursed and began to dial Sean's number. Just as Sean picked up, Chris's body started to convulse as Brian zapped him with the Tazer. Chris finally collapsed and Brian quickly looked around. There was no one in the lot as Brian grabbed Chris and swung him over his shoulders. Brian got to his car and popped the trunk. He dropped Chris inside and closed the door. Brian leaned against the car as he pulled out his phone and dialed.
"I've got him," he said when Fowler answered.
"Good," Fowler said. "Bring him to the warehouse."
"You better get down here and get that evidence," Brian said.
"Don't worry, Simpson is on his way," Fowler assured him.
Fowler hung up and Brian cursed. He never imagined it would go this far. In the beginning the money had been too good to pass up but now things were starting to get out of hand. As he got his car and drove away, Brian realized he was in big trouble.
Sean and Declan were driving along the beach road when Sean's cell rang. He looked at the number and saw it was Chris.
"Hey, Chris."
Sean listened for a few minutes then hung up.
"Something wrong?" John asked.
"Not sure," Sean admitted. "It was Chris, but he didn't say anything. Thought I heard some noise but then the phone went dead."
"Call him back."
Sean tried but the phone rang then switched to voice mail. He hung up and tried Danny's number. The same thing happened and Sean hung up and put his phone away.
"If it's important Chris'll call back."
"Either way we'll be at the station soon. You can talk to him then."
Sean nodded but something was bothering him. He couldn't figure out what it was but he'd learned a long time ago not to ignore his little voice. He just knew something was wrong.
Chapter 10
Chris moaned as he started to come to. He opened his eyes and tried to focus. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light he noticed three men standing across the room. They noticed he was awake and walked towards him. Chris struggled and realized he was tied to a chair. As they got closer he could see it was the two DEA agents and someone else he knew.
"How much did they pay you, Brian?" Chris accused.
"Enough," Brian said.
"Did you know they killed two kids?"
"I didn't have anything to do with that," Brian said defensively.
"Doesn't matter," Chris said. "You're a part of it. Even if you didn't have a hand in killing the kids."
"Shut up!" Fowler yelled as he backhanded Chris across the face. "Who did you tell?"
"Everyone," Chris lied.
"Why don't I believe you," Fowler said with a smile. "I don't think you told anyone."
Chris had told one person. He just hoped Danny checked his messages soon.
Sean walked into the bullpen looking for Chris.
"Linh, have you seen Chris?" Sean asked.
"Danny said he went home," Linh answered. "I guess coming into work just after almost being blown up wasn't a good idea."
"Was he okay when he left?"
"Danny said Chris had a headache," Linh said in concern. "Is there something wrong?'
"I hope not," Sean said. "Where's Danny?"
"Right here," Danny said as he walked in with some files.
"Have you heard from Chris?" John asked.
"No, why?" Danny asked.
"He called my cell but when I answered no one was there," Sean said. "I thought I heard something before the phone went dead."
"I was in the basement," Danny said as he dropped the folders on his desk. "There's no reception down there."
They watched as Danny grabbed his cell and checked his messages. He saw there was one from Chris and decided to use a landline so everyone could hear it. They waited a few seconds then Chris came on the line.
"Damnit, Danny. Where are you? Never mind. Went over to Ellis'. That tall bodyguard with dark hair is DEA. Gave me a tip to check the drugs in lock up. I did and they're sugar. Those two DEA guys are the new play..."
"He ran out of time," Linh said.
"Damn, I should have listened to him!" Danny cursed. "He kept insisting it was the DEA."
"If they're behind the killing of those kids..." Kaleo said.
"They'll have no problem killing a cop," Declan added.
"Hell, they've already tried once," Danny said.
"Linh, get out an APB on Chris' motorcycle," Sean ordered as he headed for the captain's office. "The rest of you get ready. We're taking Ellis down!"
Sean watched as everyone jumped into action. He stepped into the captain's office.
"Terry, Chris is in trouble," Sean announced.
"What the hell happened now?" Terry demanded.
"Chris found evidence that the DEA are the new dealers," Sean answered.
"You know Chris," Sean said. "Once he gets something in his head he can't let it go. Well, this time he was right. He went to Ellis and one of the bodyguards is DEA. He told Chris to check the drugs in evidence. Chris did and found out they were sugar."
"DEA keeps their evidence at the 2nd precinct," Terry said picking up the phone. "I'll call Murphy and have her seize it."
"I put out an APB on Chris' motorcycle," Sean said. "Getting everyone ready to take down Ellis."
"Good," Harada said. "I'm coming on this one."
Sean nodded and left as Terry talked with Captain Murphy. It took them almost an hour before they were ready to go after Ellis. During that time Murphy had called back to say the DEA had cleared out all the evidence. When Sean heard he cursed. His gut was telling him they were running out of time. As they pulled up to Lonagan's Bar they noticed Ellis trying to make a run for it. Declan jumped out of the car and was after him. Sean knew his partner would get him and concentrated on getting everyone else. They stormed the bar and HPD had everyone with their hands up. Sean looked for the dark haired bodyguard and saw him over by the pool table. Sean went over and grabbed him.
"You're coming with me!" Sean shouted as he shoved him towards the back door.
Danny followed as Sean led the DEA agent outside. The agent stood with his hands on his head.
"We know your DEA," Sean said putting his gun away. "We'll keep your cover but we need some answers."
"I can't. They'll hurt my family," he said.
"What's your name?" Sean asked.
"I know another detective was here this morning," Sean said. "He's been missing now for almost two hours."
"Damn!" Mike cursed.
"Damn is right," Danny agreed. "We need to know where they would take him."
"I can only guess," Mike said honestly. "The DEA has two warehouses. One on Grand Avenue and the other over on the other side of town on Paradise Lane."
Fowler smiled as Simpson hit Gains again. The detective was a tough one he had to give him that.
"What are you going to do with him?" Brian asked.
"We're going to get rid of the witnesses," Fowler answered.
"Witnesses?" Brian asked confused. "There's only him."
"Nope," Simpson said as he stabbed Brian in the back.
Fowler smiled in satisfaction at the shocked look on Brian's face as he slid to the floor. Simpson laughed as he stepped over Brian and grabbed the jerry can.
"Why?" Brian asked.
"Less people to split the money with," Fowler said.
Brian slumped back and stared at Fowler. He couldn't believe this was happening as he slowly slipped into darkness. Fowler reached down and touched the side of Brian's neck. He nodded in satisfaction when he didn't feel a pulse.
"What about him?" Simpson asked as he spread the gasoline around the warehouse.
"I want him to suffer," Fowler said. "The fire will get him eventually but cut him loose."
"Why?" Simpson asked.
"Just in case they do investigate. I want it to look like they had a fight and got caught in the fire together."
Simpson did as Fowler said then threw the chair across the room. They walked to the door and Fowler lit a match. He threw it towards the gas and smiled in satisfaction as it caught instantly. He closed the door and headed for his car.
Sean and Danny decided to take the warehouse on Paradise while Declan, Linh and Kaleo checked the one on Grand. Sean glanced at Danny as he raced towards the water. Danny was on edge and Sean could see he was worried. As Sean turned sharply onto Paradise they could see smoke just ahead. He gunned the Cadillac and raced down the street. When they got to the warehouse, Sean stepped on the brakes and the tires squealed in protest. The warehouse was on fire. Danny jumped out of the car and raced for the door. Sean wasn't far behind. Smoke was pouring out of the building and they began to cough. Danny kicked in the door and jumped back as smoke poured out. When it cleared he rushed in with Sean close behind.
"Chris!" Danny yelled.
"We have to stick together!" Sean warned. "Or we'll never find each other."
Danny nodded as the moved further into the warehouse. Once they got away from the door the smoke cleared a bit. The warehouse was two stories and most of the smoke had risen. As they continued inside they could see something pale on the floor.
"Over there!" Sean yelled.
They moved towards the object. As they got closer they could see it was Chris. His white T-shirt was barely visible. A beam had fallen and landed on his left arm. Danny grabbed the beam and threw it off his partner. Sean grabbed Chris' belt and hefted him to his feet. Danny helped Sean get Chris across his shoulders in a fireman's carry.
"Lead us out!" Sean shouted.
Danny nodded and grabbed Sean's arm. It was getting harder to breathe and they both knew they had to get out fast. Danny saw the door through the smoke and pulled Sean along. Once outside both men gasped in clean air as they laid Chris on the sidewalk. Sean pulled out his cell and dialed for the fire department.
"Oh God, Sean, he's not breathing!" Danny yelled.
Sean watched as Danny tilted Chris's head back and rescue breathed for his partner. Sean dropped next to him and felt for a pulse. It was weak but there. Danny breathed for Chris a few more times. When he needed a break, Sean took over ignoring the blood covering Chris face. As he breathed, he prayed Chris would responded. Suddenly Chris threw up and Sean jumped back spitting the foul substance from his mouth. They quickly turned Chris on his side as he began to cough.
"Chris!" Danny called. Sean watched as he wiped his mouth with he back of his hand.
Chris opened his eyes but didn't stay conscious for long. Danny grabbed him as Chris's eyes closed. He was still breathing but it was labored.
"Where the hell is the ambulance!" Danny demanded.
Sean could hear sirens in the distance and knew help was on the way. He checked Chris for other injures and found burn marks on his neck and shoulder from the beam. Sean also noticed Chris had been severely beaten. The ambulance arrived and the paramedics ran over to them. Danny and Sean stepped back as they began to work on Chris. Sean was taken by surprise as Danny quickly moved away and threw up. Sean walked over and held Danny's waist as continued to throw up. Between the smoke and the worry over his partner, Sean wasn't surprised Danny was sick. After a few minutes Danny stood back up and Sean could see he was pale and a bit shaken. Sean led him over to the Cadillac and made him sit. After a few minutes the paramedics loaded Chris in the ambulance and pulled away. The fire department had arrived and Sean watched as they began pulling out hose and hooking them to the hydrants. Sean watched as other cops showed up to work crowd control as people started to show up to see the fire. Sean couldn't believe how close they had come. If they had been a few seconds later Chris would have been dead.
Chapter 11
Sean pulled into the driveway and made his way up to the house. Following behind him was Declan, Danny, Kaleo and Linh. Terry said he'd come over later to see how everything was going. There was about an hour until sundown and Sean knew that they didn't have much time. He parked the car and the others followed his example. They all walked to the door and Sean knocked.
"Sean!" Noriko said. "Its good to see you."
"Hello, Noriko," Sean said.
"Come in all of you," she said as she held the door open.
They all took off their shoes and left them on the porch. After they entered, Noriko closed the door.
"Its so good of you to come," Noriko said. "He'll be happy you did."
"Where is he?" Danny asked.
"He's down by the beach," Noriko answered. "Why don't you go down and see him."
Sean led them towards the back door and outside.
"I can't believe this place," Linh said.
"Isn't it something," Danny said. "Wait until you see the beach."
Sean led them out towards the beach. As they came around the corner they saw Chris sitting in the water. The lagoon was calm but small waves lapped around Chris as he just sat there.
"You better not be getting that cast wet!" Sean yelled as they got closer.
Chris slowly turned and smiled. Sean still couldn't get over the way Chris looked. His face was a mess. His right eye was completely swollen shut. He had stitches in his lip added to the other bruises he'd gotten earlier in the week. Covering Chris's left shoulder was a thick bandage. Under the bandage were second degree burns from when the beam fell on him. The cast Sean had warned him not to get wet was covering his left arm from fingertips to under his shoulder. Sean couldn't believe the damage, things could have been worse.
"Hey, guys," Chris croaked.
"Man you sound wonderful," Declan laughed.
"Hey, you try breathing in a shit load of smoke and see how you sound," Chris said.
"What are you doing sitting in the water anyway?" Linh asked.
"Well I wasn't when I started," Chris said. "But the tide came in and it was too much of a hassle to get up."
"I can't believe you!" Danny said as he waded into the water. "You shouldn't be sitting in the water. Let me help you up."
"I'm okay, Danny, really," Chris assured him. "Stop worrying."
"No you're not!" Danny protested. "God damnit, I almost lost you!"
"You didn't lose me," Chris said quietly as he grabbed Danny's hand. "I'm right here."
"I know," Danny said. "But..."
"I understand," Chris said. "Hell, even I can't believe how lucky I was. Can't say the same for Brian."
"Well, he should have known getting involved with drugs isn't safe," John said.
"Still they didn't' have to kill him," Linh said.
"He was a liability," Sean said.
"Not that it made a difference," Kaleo said. "Once we caught them red handed with the money and drugs, the DEA agents couldn't talk there way out of a paper bag."
"That is true," John said.
"Hey, this is a celebration," Linh said. "No work."
"She's right," Chris said. "All the bad guys were caught. End of story."
"Right," Sean agreed. "Is everything ready?"
"Yeah," Chris said. "I just have to get dressed. Can you give me a hand?"
Sean waded out in the water and helped Danny get Chris to his feet. Once Chris was up, he headed for the bungalow next to the water. After leaving the hospital, Chris had decided to move into his grandparents place. He told Sean he needed to be with the familiar things of his grandfather and grandmother. Sean led him into the bungalow and helped him into the traditional robes for the Obon ceremony. The top was a white robe similar in look to a martial arts shirt. Sean helped Chris into the shirt and tied it at his waist. The pants were black and very wide in the legs. They were tricky to do with two good hands and Sean could see why Chris wanted help. He tied the elaborate waist strings with direction from Chris. Over this Sean tied a red sash around Chris' waist. When they were done they went back outside. The sun was just beginning to set. Noriko had arrived with the small lanterns.
"So, what do we do?" Declan asked.
"You take one of the small lanterns and light it," Linh explained, "thinking of a loved one you wish to remember. Then you wade into the water and set it afloat sending your prayers over the water to them."
"That's it?" Danny asked.
"What, did you think there was more?" Kaleo asked.
"Figured fireworks, stuff like that," Danny said.
"Didn't we have enough with fire and smoke?" Chris teased.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Danny agreed.
Declan and Danny each grabbed a lantern. Noriko and Chris lit a few at once saying a few words as they did. Chris then walked into the water followed by his aunt holding a tray of brightly burning orange lanterns. Linh lit two and followed them. The three of them began to sing in Japanese and the others listened. The tune was haunting and Danny noticed something else. He could hear other voices singing around the lagoon. Other small lights began to appear all around the lagoon. When the singing was finished, they began to place their lanterns afloat on the water. Declan, Danny, Kaleo and Sean joined them. They watched as the small lanterns bobbed on the water as the floated out into the lagoon. They didn't stay afloat very long and soon they were all gone. They all came out of the water and headed back to the house.
"So I hear we get a traditional Japanese dinner out of this," Danny said.
"Yeah, but is your life insurance paid up?" Chris asked.
"Life insurance?" Danny asked confused. "Why do you want to know that?"
"'Cause my Aunt cooks up a mean fugu fish," Chris said as he walked into the house.
"My favorite," Kaleo said.
"You mean the one that can kill you if it's not cooked right?" Danny asked.
"That's the one," Sean said. "It's great and Noriko does it just right."
"Well, most of the time," Chris admitted.
"True, there was that one time," Sean said.
"Happens sometimes," Linh said.
"You're kidding, right?" John asked
Chris just smiled as he led them to the table. They all took seats around the table as Noriko came in carrying a large covered tray. Sean helped her place it on the table then removed the cover. Underneath was a small pig complete with the apple in his mouth. The aroma of suckling pig filled the dinning room.
"Ha, ha. Very funny," Danny said.
"Yeah, real funny," John said. "I bet your Aunt can't even cook Fugu."
"Oh, I can," Noriko said. "I just save that until I get to know you better. And I see if I like you or not."
She smiled at John and Danny as she passed them the rice. Chris couldn't stand it any more and started laughing from the looks on their faces. The others joined him and Sean smiled. It was good having everyone together once again.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.