Summary: Chris and Vin visit a strange little town, and decide to explore their reactions to it.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner, Vin Tanner
Genres: Plot what plot/Porn without plot, Western
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 4710 Read: 958
Published: 30 Sep 2004 Updated: 30 Sep 2004
Chapter 1 by Lyn
The two men lead a third down the center of the street and towards the jail. They were tired, hot and thirsty and the only thing they could think of was delivery of their prisoner, a glass of whiskey, a hot meal, and a woman or a bath -- or maybe even both.
They dismounted and Vin pulled their prisoner from his horse. With Chris in the lead and the prisoner between them they filed into the jailhouse.
"Looking for Sheriff Watson." Chris stated as they entered. One of the two men seated there looked up.
"That would be me."
"Then we've got a present for you from Judge Orin Travis." Chris handed him some papers, which the man read quickly.
"Well, bring him back this way. I'll hold him until the Territorial Marshall gets here."
Vin ushered the man to a cell, uncuffing his wrists as he was escorted inside.
"Cain't say it's been fun, Alcott." Vin said, a sly smile on his face and light in his bright blue eyes.
"For me neither." The man replied and threw himself on his cot. "See you in hell!" he yelled at Vin's retreating form.
Vin was chuckling and shaking his head as he joined Chris once more.
"You boys heading right on out of town?" the Sheriff asked, somewhat anxious to be rid of the two. Something about them unnerved him. Maybe it was the confidence they both exuded. Or the silent communication that seemed to go on between them.
"Thinkin' about stayin' the night." Chris replied.
"Well there's the hotel down the street. I can show you the way--"
"Saloon," both Vin and Chris said in unison.
"Well, gents, we only got one. And I'm not sure it's up to your liking. Maybe you'd prefer the one in Baristow better?"
"It have whiskey?" Vin asked.
"Well, yes--"
"Then this one will do just fine." Chris answered.
"Well, suit yourself. Fancy's is down the block. Turn right at the first corner."
"Much obliged." Vin said, tipping his hat as he followed his friend out the door.
Fancy's lived up to its name. Unlike most saloons the pair frequented, this was cleaner. Fresh paint was on the walls, and bright floral paintings hung there. The wood floor was swept clean and looked as though it had been recently waxed. The saloon looked well stocked, the tables neat and clean with a vase of flowers on each one. There were even rooms to rent and a sign that advertised hot baths.
"Why do I feel out of place here?" Vin said as they entered and found a seat. A nicely dressed young man was quickly over asking for their drink order.
"Whisky," Chris growled. "And two rooms with hot baths. We'll wait here if you'll let us know when they're ready."
"Of course sir. Do you have any preferences?" the man asked.
"No, just so the water is hot and the sheets are clean."
"Very well sir. Right away," the waiter replied and hurried off to get their drinks.
"Chris, you notice something strange about this here place?" Vin had been studying the saloon as Chris ordered up their drinks.
"Besides the fact that there aren't mice crawling along the floor?"
"Yeah, besides that. There ain't no women."
"Maybe they don't come on till evening."
"Yeah, maybe."
The two men had a few drinks in comfortable silence. Vin thought it strange when the waiter brushed up against his arm, but dismissed it as clumsiness.
Chris asked for a bottle when it was announced their rooms were ready and they were handed keys. The two men tiredly climbed the stairs, both wanting nothing more than a hot bath and a good nights sleep.
They had rooms assigned to them across from each other and they both unlocked their doors at about the same time. Vin could do nothing more than stare as Chris muttered a curse.
In each room assigned to them was a naked man. The one in Vin's room was sitting on the edge of a huge porcelain tub, his hand wrapped around his masculinity, which was at full attention. The one in Chris's room was lying on the bed in a supposedly provocative pose.
Vin and Chris both looked at each other, then stepped over to look in the other's room.
"Pardon us, gents, but I think there's been a mistake," Vin said as he closed his door. Chris just growled and closed the door to his room. They turned and walked back down the hallway, deciding without saying a word that they would be sleeping under the stars tonight. As they passed a room the door suddenly opened and they both instinctively glanced in that direction, regretting it immediately. In the room was one man on top of another, a riding crop in hand as he furiously rode the man below him. The man on the bottom had the bed sheets crumpled up in his hands and was moaning loudly. A third man, completely naked and aroused had been the one to open the door.
"Sorry, gentlemen," the man in the doorway cooed. " I thought you were a friend of mine come to play. He just had to step out for a bit."
"No problem," Vin replied as they continued walking. They headed down the stairs and out the front door, the waiter and bartender watching as they did. They both saddled and mounted their horses and headed out of town.
"Chris," Vin said as they rode. "You ever seen the likes a that before?"
"Nope. You?" Chris glanced over at his friend, seeing the slight bulge in his pants, one that mirrored the one in his own. That fact was not lost on Vin, the man who saw and observed everything.
"No. Sure ain't."
They rode the rest of the day in silence.
"You still awake, Chris?" Vin said quietly. So quietly that if the gunslinger had been sleeping he wouldn't have heard.
"Yeah. Can't sleep either huh?" Chris asked. Both men sat up in their bedrolls, abandoning the idea of sleep for now. Vin prodded the coals in the fire pit, bringing them back to life and moving the coffeepot closer to the heat.
When it was ready, Vin stood and poured two mugs, carrying one over to his partner. As he handed the man a mug he felt a hand, feather soft, on the inside of his thigh.
"Chris, what cha doin'?"
"Nothing." The touch continued. Vin didn't move away as Chris's hand moved over his crotch, touching the slightly aroused muscle hidden beneath layers of cloth. Chris's voice continued softly, thick with passion. "Want me to stop?"
"No," Vin sighed. Both men had been effected by what they had seen at the saloon. It had been awhile since both had had a woman, and there had been a thick layer of sexual tension in the air since they had left town. This had lead to curiosity on both sides and lack of sleep.
And now it seemed that they were going to act on this curiosity.
Vin moved forward a step, pushing his crotch into Chris's stroke, which was growing bolder as he continued. Chris climbed to his knees and Vin leaned over to give the man a hesitant kiss. When the kiss became a second, more passionate kiss, both men knew there would be no turning back. Even if they wanted to, which neither did, they wouldn't. Neither would back down from a challenge of any sort, not even this one.
Vin broke the connection to his groin by sinking to his knees, both men getting caught up in the kiss, tongues flicking out and teasing, hands caressing faces. When fingers began to work at buttons, neither objected and shortly shirts were open and sliding down shoulders. Vin's mouth trailed down Chris's neck as the older man worked at the buttons on Vin's trousers, finally getting them free enough to slide his hand down inside, one layer closer to the muscle that piqued his interest. Vin's mouth was slowly devouring Chris's neck and shoulder as his hands moved around to his back and downward finally grasping hold of the gunfighter's firm butt.
Without a word, the two stood and began working off trousers, kicking them free. Long johns and socks quickly followed and the two stood there in all their glory, hands outstretched, touching and exploring skin that had never been felt this way by the other. Yes they had both seen each other without clothing. They had both been injured often enough and had to tend to, or be tended by, one or more of their fellow peacekeepers that it would have been hard not to have.
Vin had yet to touch Chris's cock, but he lost no time now, wrapping his fingers around the hardening muscle.
"Do you have any idea what we're suppose to do?" Chris asked when he could find his voice.
"No. But that guy at the hotel was up the other guy's ass." Leave it to Vin to notice the details, even of this. "But other than that I don't know. I'm liking this fine so far though."
"Well, we'll figure it out as we go then." Chris murmured as he dropped down on his knees and took hold of Vin's hardening cock. His hand moved over the length, feeling the muscle thicken and lengthen as it responded to his touch. Vin cried out when Chris's mouth engulfed him, his tongue rubbing up against the sensitive flesh.
"Pard, you do that much longer I'm gonna shoot down your throat," Vin growled as Chris kept up his movements back and forth over Vin's erect muscle. Chris slowly pulled away.
"I got other plans." Chris said, leading Vin back to his bedroll. He stopped and grabbed one of their supper plates, which contained a fair amount of grease from the rabbit they had cooked and handed it to Vin.
"What's this for?" Vin asked.
"Well I do know that when you take a woman there, you need something to smooth the way. This will work I reckon."
"You want me to... do... well, what that guy was doin'?"
"Yep. Without the riding crop that is. Then I'm gonna do it to you." Chris turned to Vin and kissed him again, deeply, his tongue thrusting down his throat. While he did so he took some of the grease and rubbed it along Vin's hardened cock. Vin couldn't help but thrust against the hand in his excitement. Then Chris got down on his hands and knees, instructing Vin to put some of the grease up his hole.
Vin hesitated once more.
"What's the matter Vin? Afraid?" The taunt worked and Vin used his finger to rub the grease around Chris's hole, slipping a finger inside to coat the entire entrance. Vin's finger worked its way in and out slowly, wanting to make sure Chris's entrance was well lubed. Man it was tight! He found out that by adding another finger the opening would stretch a bit. The muscles there worked against his fingers, clamping down on them, sucking them inside.
"Damn Vin!" Chris yelled out as Vin kept moving his fingers in and out. He struck a spot inside Chris that caused the man to tense and groan out loud.
"What'd I do?" Vin asked concerned. His movements stopped.
"Don't stop! Gawd, it feels good! Go ahead and do it, Vin. I'm ready. Gawd I'm ready!" Chris was pushing up against Vin's hand wanting more, not believing the feelings going on inside him.
Vin paused just for a brief second then took hold of his cock and guided it to Chris' puckered hole. He began to push inside, the opening still tight and virginal, but assessable. It took a bit to breach the opening, during which time Chris moaned and pushed against Vin. But once the head of his cock had entered, the rest of Vin's swollen organ slid right in. Chris cried out in pleasure once more and with one stroke of Vin's rod against Chris's prostate, Chris exploded, shooting a stream of cum into his blankets.
But Vin was still rock hard, having just entered his friend. His movements became slow and regular, making love to Chris like he would a woman. Only instead of playing with the woman's breasts while he did this, he wrapped one hand around Chris's still semi-erect cock while the other played with the nipple on his chest. Vin's mouth traveled along Chris's shoulders. The gunslinger picked up Vin's rhythm and moved with the younger man. The more they moved the more excited Vin became and shortly their movements became more rushed, more needy. With a loud groan, Vin came deep inside Chris.
The two men collapsed forward into Chris' blankets, Vin on top of Chris, his now flaccid muscle still inside the gunslinger. With great reluctance, Vin slid out of the tight, still gripping hole and fell onto his back next to his friend. Both men were still breathing heavily.
"Chris--" Vin said breathlessly, "That was--"
"Unbelievable." Chris finished.
Chris rolled to his side so he could look at Vin. The younger man was still breathing hard. Chris's hand reached out and stroked Vin's square jaw, then leaned in and kissed him. Vin's hand went to the back of Chris's head encouraging the man to stay there a while longer. Vin felt the slight arousal already stirring in his groin.
When the kiss broke Vin rose and moved over to his saddlebags, pulling out an old shirt. Grabbing a canteen he moved over to Chris and sat down, using the water and shirt to clean his cock off. Chris sat up, his hand joining Vin's and eventually taking the rag from his fingers and finishing the job.
"My turn." Chris said, his voice thick and deep with passion. He had Vin lay back on the blankets as his hands continued moving over the younger man's groin and up over his chest. Their lips finally met again as Vin devoured the gunslinger's mouth. Vin's hand reached for Chris's member, stroking it firmly. Chris finally moved up so Vin's mouth could reach him and Vin took the muscle inside. Chris slid back and forth inside the warm wet mouth as Vin's hand grabbed his balls, stretching and squeezing the balls and sac. A deep growl came from Chris's throat.
Chris pulled away and moved back down Vin's body. When the gunslinger reached Vin's crotch, he started to roll over, offering Chris his waiting ass. But Chris stopped him.
"No. I want to watch you, to see you as we do this." Vin nodded in agreement. Chris went down on his knees in between Vin's legs, lifting the younger man's butt up and slipping his knees underneath him. Vin's legs went up and over Chris's shoulders. Chris reached for the plate of rabbit grease. As he rubbed a sufficient amount onto his hardened rod, Vin's head raised from the ground to watch.
Chris's green eyes met Vin's blue as he inserted a finger into the younger man's anus. Vin's head dropped back and he groaned at the intrusion, but Chris's finger continued its progress inside, then slid out again, moving back and forth. Chris used his finger to make love to the tracker for a time, watching Vin's reaction at the feeling he had already experienced. When the man beneath him began to squirm, Chris added a second finger, having learned from his own experience that it was easier if the muscle was stretched. He saw Vin's muscle jerk and heard the sharp intake of breath when Chris hit that inner spot on his friend, but the other man held himself in firm control.
Chris looked at Vin's organ, swollen and engorged with desire. The tracker's internal muscles were clamping down on Chris's fingers.
"Gawd Chris, please!" Chris complied. Lifting Vin's ass up just a bit more, he took hold of his own swollen cock and pushed against the opening his fingers had just left. Vin pushed against him, wanting him inside, but Chris took his time, almost teasing as he slid inside. But once there he moved against Vin in earnest. He wrapped one hand around Vin's swollen purple member as he moved inside the tracker. Vin's fingers joined his.
Vin used his leg muscles to hold himself up in place so Chris could use both hands to explore Vin's body. Both men groaned as Chris slid in and out of the younger man's ass. He was quickly loosing control, wanting more of this tight hole but having a hard time keeping himself from ramming himself too hard into the virgin hole he was being allowed to have.
But Vin had other ideas. He was feeling something he had never experienced before and wanted it, at least for tonight. He could feel the restraint that Chris was using, knew the fear his friend had of possibly hurting him in this uncharted territory. But he also felt there was nothing dangerous in what they were doing, knew that it felt good and that his friend couldn't hurt him in any way.
"Chris, it's okay. Harder!" Vin encouraged. Chris didn't hesitate once permission was given. Rolling the man under him up onto his shoulders, taking his ass up into the air further, Chris began to pump harder. His hands had to be used to support himself somewhat upright as his hips moved and rocked into the younger man, so Vin's hand wrapped around and pulled at his own erect cock.
When Vin suddenly moaned, loudly, Chris felt warm fluid on his chest. Vin shot his load, one stream after another against Chris's bare chest and his own. It was Chris's undoing. The older man slammed into Vin's ass once, twice more, rearing up as he shot his own load up Vin's butt, the tracker's muscles clamping tight around his cock.
As Chris relaxed, Vin moved his legs down, wrapping them instead around Chris's thighs as the older man collapsed on top of him, spent. Vin held Chris's cock inside him as he wrapped his arms around his friend. He wasn't ready for Chris to leave him yet. And it appeared Chris was content to remain inside him. As the other man lay on top of the sharpshooter, Vin gently caressed Chris's back and the two men dozed off in exhaustion.
Both men found sitting their horses the next day rather uncomfortable but neither was willing to say anything. They were both caught up in their feelings over what had happened the night before.
They made camp that night as the sun was going down. Vin gathered wood as Chris tended the horses. Once they were staked out he turned to build a fire with the wood Vin was carrying in.
Vin carried in one last load as Chris had the fire blazing. The bedrolls were already spread out, the saddles set up to be used as back rests. Vin dropped his armload near the fire just as Chris stood. Before he could turn away, Chris pulled him into an embrace, their mouths finding each other. Hands worked buttons and buckles, fingers and lips caressed skin.
Vin found himself walking backwards to his bedroll, Chris guiding him there as they touched and kissed. Chris soon had Vin lying on his back, his legs spread enough to give Chris access to Vin's already responding rod. Chris's mouth found the muscle as his hands moved over Vin's thighs and abdomen before moving down to squeeze and pull at Vin's balls. He heard the younger man growl and felt his back arch.
Chris had been with many women over his years and he had remembered one particularly talented woman. He was determined to try and do the same thing with Vin.
Chris did his best to relax his throat muscles as he continued to suck on Vin's stiff rod. His hands continued to explore as he did, his neck bending a bit to try and take Vin down his throat. He fought the gag reflex as the head of Vin's rod met up with the back of his throat, then felt a great deal of satisfaction as Vin's cock slid down the back of his throat. His hands moved to Vin's ass, pressing against it. Vin's hips began to move.
Chris moved his head up and down as Vin's cock slid up and down his throat. Vin was gasping and moaning at the feel of Chris' mouth fucking his rod. He knew he was close and was about to loose control.
"Chris', jeez man, I'm gonna... I gotta..." Vin couldn't even get the words out. It didn't matter. Chris had no intention of stopping now. He knew what his friend was about to do and increased the pressure of his tongue and lips against the engorged muscle in his mouth.
Vin's hips jerked and his hands dug into the bedroll. It was all he could do to keep from screaming as his cock exploded, shooting hot salty cum down Chris's throat. Chris continued to suck even after Vin collapsed back against the blankets, making sure his friend was sucked dry. When he finally removed his lips from Vin's now limp muscle, he had a wicked smile on his face. He crawled up to Vin's face, taking the man's chin in hand and gave him an open mouth kiss, his tongue sneaking into Vin's mouth so that Vin could taste his own seed.
When he pulled away, he looked deep into Vin's crystal blue eyes, his own green ones full of desire. Vin just smiled and reached over into his saddlebag, pulling out several long pieces of aloe plant. Handing one to Chris, he rolled over onto his stomach, offering his ass to the older man. Chris wasted no time splitting open the aloe, using the slippery gel inside to lube Vin's sphincter and his own hard cock. He used one hand to guide his cock inside the young man beneath him.
Once the head of his cock was inside, he pushed harder against the tight muscle, sliding in to the hilt, his balls slapping up against Vin's skin, brushing against the tracker's own ball sac.
He rode him hard, Vin matching each thrust of Chris's by pushing up against him. Chris's hand moved occasionally to Vin's cock, feeling it hardening again, before moving up to rake down Vin's back, leaving faint red marks that would disappear in a day. As the two set about at a steady but fast rhythm, Chris reached up and grabbed hold of Vin's shoulders, slamming into Vin's ass harder which each thrust, glancing down to watch his cock as it moved in and out of the sweet young ass.
Chris growled low in his throat as he pumped, his hips meeting up with Vin's butt cheeks. With one last thrust, Vin felt hot sticky liquid filling his bowels. Then Chris pulled himself out. Both men rolled to their sides, hands moving over chests and faces, lips meeting gently. When Chris's hand moved downward, he discovered just how hard Vin had gotten while he was being fucked.
"Got a problem there, Pard?"
"Yep." Vin answered as he gently bit Chris's collarbone. They were both being careful not to leave marks, but still went through the gentle motions.
"Any idea how to take care of that?"
"Yep." Vin murmured.
"Then what's stopping you?" Chris was excited by the fact the man was ready again so soon, and was anxious to be filled himself like he had just done for Vin.
Vin pulled away, a twinkle in his eyes, then stood, pulling Chris with him. He moved him over to a nearby birch tree, pressing Chris up against in to take a kiss, then turning the gunslinger around, Vin positioned Chris's outstretched hands against the tree trunk, then spread the older man's legs apart. Chris's cock hung between his legs as Vin's slid against the skin between his asshole and balls. Vin's hard cock bumped against Chris's balls a few times as Vin's fingers brushed feather light over his skin.
Vin suddenly pulled away, and splitting open a piece of the aloe, he pressed the plant against Chris's sphincter muscle, then pushed some of the gel inside the opening. Quickly using the rest to coat his throbbing muscle he began to press inward.
"What are you waitin' for Vin? Come on... do it." Chris encouraged him. He wanted it a little rough, a little hard and fast. Vin pushed forward. "Ride me, cowboy," Chris said quietly, through gritted teeth. Vin complied.
They made love this time hard, almost animalistic. Vin was young, but had enough experience to prolong the event, even though they were going at it hot and heavy. He used his own legs to keep Chris's apart, and standing almost erect, he pumped deep into Chris, holding the man's hips. Occasionally he stopped, grinding his hips against Chris's butt before moving on to pump some more.
Chris's arms threatened to give out and the two men moved forward so that Chris could lean his shoulder against the smooth bark of the birch tree. Then Vin continued his movements, his hips pressing hard against Chris before pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in again.
Vin's own legs threatened to give out as he came, his cock erupting deep inside his friend. They both dropped to their knees before Vin pulled out of the warm, now wet, cavern.
Both men remained there, gasping for breath for several minutes. When they were finally able to do so, they walked back over to Vin's bedroll and lay down together, Chris's chest against Vin's back, hands touching and caressing.
There would be no sleep for them this night. With the unspoken communication they had between them, they both knew that this would most likely be the last chance either of them would take to explore this aspect of their relationship. They spent the hours before sunup satisfying any curiosity they had about this type of activity, making love several times more in any way either of them could think of, exciting each other using hands and lips.
Morning found them up and dressed. They ate a cold breakfast and rode on, stopping at the first creek they found to wash off any traces of their activities. They were comfortable in each other's presence in a way they never had been before.
They arrived in Four Corners late that afternoon, weary and sore, but for reasons that would never be explained to the other peacekeepers.
Ezra sat outside the jail, his cards in hand as usual.
"Well gentlemen, so glad to see you have made it back to your town of residence. I understand you were in White River."
"Yep," Chris replied as he entered the jailhouse, Vin on his heels. Ezra rose and followed them inside.
"I was there once, very briefly, but found it financially derelict for a man in my line of work. It's rather a, strange, little town."
Chris and Vin exchanged glances. All they could do was nod in agreement and go on about their business.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.