Summary: Written for the 'Why didn't I keep last years resolution!' challenge :-)
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Nathan Jackson, J. D. Dunne, Buck Wilmington, Josiah Sanchez
Genres: Humor, Poetry and Filk, Magnificent Seven AU: ATF
Warnings: Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 519 Read: 4799
Published: 30 Dec 2004 Updated: 31 Dec 2004
1 by Stormm
Author's Notes:
This is for a challenge issued by Winnie, my favorite writer of Mag7 fanfic.
The walk through the woods was hard and far.
Those monsters had taken his beautiful car.
But his friends had bet him it was a small walk.
He should not have believed their devious talk.
While they drove on by in a huge black jeep,
He felt the pain in his sore, aching feet.
Oh, what kind of friends, he thought he had.
And now they were acting very, very bad.
He swore last year that things would change.
He swore last year that he would keep them chained.
He swore last year that he would take no crap.
"Why didn't I keep last years resolution!" he snapped.
He watched as his dear friends drove on by,
Trying to understand just what went awry,
He had bargained with that no good gambler,
And now they were running off with his Wrangler.
He head felt hot, his skin was soaking wet.
He wished he were home in his sweet, soft bed.
His shirt was sticking like glue to his chest.
He would get even, they had messed with the best.
He swore last year that he wouldn't be fooled.
He swore last year that he would rule.
He swore last year that no tricks would get by.
"Why didn't I keep last years resolution!" he cried.
When he got to the hill, he found them waiting.
The lover, the gambler and the man he called Satan.
They were smiling and laughing without any restraint.
The T-shirts they wore said, "God's Angels we ain't".
"Ya a slow one, Cowboy," said the man he called Satan.
He glared and cussed at them, but they sat there waiting.
The lover just smiled and waved him on.
"I know you can do it!" He wished they were gone.
He swore last year that he wouldn't be caught.
He swore last year that success would be sought.
He swore last year that he would win.
"Why didn't I keep last years resolution!" he grinned.
He looked at each of them as they looked at each other.
The lover, the gambler and the man he called brother.
He smiled at them gently and jumped into the jeep.
His body was thankful and so were his feet.
As they started the engine, he turned to his boys.
He said, "That was a good one you pulled. Enjoy."
Cause once we get back, you got work to do.
And payback's a bitch for the three of you."
They sighed and giggled and smirked and chuckled.
They did not heed his warning of the upcoming trouble.
They thought they had pulled a pretty good joke.
But he was not such a forgiving bloke.
As they drove towards the sun, the four friends,
With the three little devils trying to make amends.
The blond man stayed silent, he heard none that was said.
He was busy making his plans for his revenge instead.
When the three young men had faced the blond,
It looked like he was smiling, a devilish one.
The lover, the gambler and the man called his friend,
All said, "Shit! We're in trouble, again."
The End
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.