When the Children Cry by Suzy
Summary: When Billy's birthday is ruined, Chris must find a way to the killers before they find him, and destroy everything and everyone he cares about.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Buck Wilmington, Casey Wells, Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Mary Travis, Ezra Standish, J. D. Dunne, Josiah Sanchez, Mary Travis, Nathan Jackson, Orin Travis, Vin Tanner
Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst and Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Kid Fic, Romance
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 20188 Read: 66988 Published: 24 Apr 2007 Updated: 24 Apr 2007
Prologue by Suzy
Author's Notes:

Even though this story is somewhat old, I had a lot of fun writing it and only recently was I am able to finish it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments welcome!


          "Happy birthday Billy!" Mary exclaimed with shining blue eyes as she leaned in toward her sleepy eyed son and kissed his cheek. "Wake up birthday boy."

          "Mama?" Billy wiped at his eyes then looked through his window and the sun was shining bright, reflecting off the tiny mirror behind his bed onto his face.

          "It's your birthday!" Mary said with an ear to ear smile and uncovered the cotton sheets from her son's body. "Time to get up now and see the bright shining sun. To go outside and enjoy the peaceful wind and laugh and love to know that today is your special day and I will make sure it will be." She grabbed Billy's hands, helping him sit up then he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes.

          "It is my birthday," Billy said.

          "Yes, it is, sweetheart. I can't believe it was just eight years ago when you were just a little bitty baby in my arms. Now look at you!" Mary stood to her feet from kneeling by the bed and Billy stood up too when Mary pulled him into her body for a warm hug. "I knew the moment the doctor put you in my arms that you were mine and mine alone. Love at first sight." She pulled Billy back and looked down at him, smoothing away his light, feathery brown hair from across his eyes. "And nothing in the world can change that you belong to me." Mary bent down and kissed her son's forehead before she hugged him again.

This story archived at https://https://www.michaelbiehn.co.uk/fiction/viewstory.php?sid=1074