Summary: John has to draw a picture of his father for school.
Categories: Terminator (Movies) Characters: John Connor, Kyle Reese
Genres: Angst and Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 593 Read: 3323
Published: 04 Sep 2006 Updated: 04 Sep 2006
1. Who Is He? by James C
John hated school.
He was now in the third grade. He had been taken away from his mother and put with two people he did not like every much. They yelled at him and always made him clean around the house even when it was very late. He missed his mother so bad.
Today school had been the worst. He sat at his desk and listened to the teacher.
"Today, Class, we are going to draw pictures of our daddies. Now everyone take out their paper and markers."
Everyone did so and started their work fast. John looked at his blank paper and tried to think. He had never met his Daddy. Mom always talked about him. How he saved his and her life, and how one day he would meet the man that loved him more then anything. It was all very confusing.
He looked over at his right and saw that Billy was drawing a police man. John then looked over at his left and saw Jill drawing a doctor.
"John, what's wrong?"
John snapped up and looked at his teacher.
"Sorry, Miss Lucy, I was just trying to think of what I should draw."
Miss Lucy then closed her eyes and said something to herself as if she just remembered something. She went over to John and looked at him with loving eyes.
"I'm sorry, John, I forgot. Well, why don't you draw a picture of your new daddy. What does he do?"
"Sells cars."
"Well, there you go."
John looked at Miss Lucy and watched her as she went over to help Michael. John shook his head. He didn't want to draw Tod. He wannted to draw his real daddy. He closed his eyes and tried to think of how his dad would have looked.
Slowly, John's hand started to move. It felt like some other strong hand was their helping them. Slowly the marker went up and down and side to side... then stopped. John opened his eyes and smiled. There on his paper was a stick figure dressed up in army clothes and the man had a smile on his face. John looked at it and knew the man was his real daddy.
The bell rang and everyone went up to the desk and gave Miss Lucy their papers. John put his down and then walked over to his lunch box. He looked over at Miss Lucy and had to make a small laugh. Miss Lucy was looking at John's paper with a very counfused look on her face.
Much later John got off his bus and walked down the street to his house. He felt good about himself for once.
As he walked he heared a man's voice behind him. John turned and saw the man standing their with his lunch box in his hand. The man was tall with short blond hair and green eyes. John knew he had seen this man before but could not place the face.
"You dropped this, John."
The man handed it to John. John took his lunch box and both looked at each other.
"How did you know my name, Mister?"
The man smiled. "Let's just say I've seen you before."
John smiled and was about to turn when the man called out, "Take care of your mother, John! She loves you just as much as I do!"
John turned around again but this time the man was gone. John stood there and then it dawned on him. That man was the man he had drawn before.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.