Beneath the Moon and Stars by Giselle
Summary: Ezra and Josiah indulge in a little voyeurism... of Chris and Vin.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Josiah Sanchez, Vin Tanner
Genres: Plot what plot/Porn without plot, Magnificent Seven AU: ATF
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 5902 Read: 3766 Published: 28 Nov 2004 Updated: 28 Nov 2004

1. Chapter 1 by Giselle

Chapter 1 by Giselle
Author's Notes:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY! You deserve much more from me than this - thanks and have a great day!
Ezra descended the stairs of his mother's home in Santa Monica, California and opened the front door. He stood back to let Chris pass.

"You, Mr. Larabee," he scolded, "are a workaholic. I did not expend great amounts of energy procuring this vacation so that you could spend it working."

Chris smiled and gripped Ezra's shoulder briefly as he passed. He decided to sidestep the jab as well. "Nice place, Ezra. Guess Maude did alright for herself."

Maude Standish had recently obtained a divorce. Though she'd been seeing another man she'd managed to sue her husband for emotional cruelty, claiming his coldness had driven her into the affair. After her high-priced lawyer had taken him to the cleaners Maude bought this house with part of her settlement. She took the rest, and her lover, to Europe for the holidays to recuperate from her ordeal. Before going, she'd flippantly suggested Ezra stay at the house while she was gone. Chris was ninety-nine percent sure Maude never actually meant for Ezra, much less Team 7, to take her up on her offer.

"Like all cats," Ezra replied sarcastically, "Maude always manages to land on her feet."

Chris chuckled and followed Ezra up the stairs. The Team had balked when Chris told them they had to attend a conference in southern California the week before Christmas. They hadn't shopped, or gotten their trees, or anything. Chris sympathized but there was little he could do. The order had come from Assistant Director Orrin Travis and he hadn't exactly shown an inclination to put it to a vote.

Then the carping stopped. Chris was suspicious but said nothing, relieved to have some peace and quiet in the office. Unbeknownst to him, Ezra had called an impromptu meeting behind his back. Instead of griping, he said, the Team should welcome the conference and should, in fact, remain on the coast for a few days. Southern California, Ezra claimed, was experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures. Denver in December was, well, Denver in December: wintry, snowy, cold. That was all Vin needed to hear. He was in. Josiah was excited about the prospect of spending solstice in a place where he could truly enjoy the precious hours of daylight. Nathan volunteered that Rain was working double shifts to free up her Christmas, leaving him pretty much on his own in the days before. Outnumbered, Buck and JD had no choice but to give in.

Ezra paid a visit to the Assistant Director. Informed him that Team 7 had more than earned a brief vacation. They had, after all, been on the skeleton crew manning the office last Christmas Eve. And they had a big op coming down in the early days of the New Year that would no doubt tie them up for weeks, maybe months. The hook, though, was the money. Ezra assured Travis there would be no extra expenditures for the Bureau beyond extended rental car fees. Presuming, of course, that they rented vehicles with unlimited mileage. The Team would leave Sunday instead of Wednesday and stay at Ezra's mother's house during the interim. They'd even pay for their own gas. It really wasn't such a huge request and Travis had agreed pretty quickly.

Chris glanced around as they neared the top stair. "Awful quiet around here," he noted.

Ezra arched his eyebrows. "You missed quite a day. I believe the first alcoholic beverage made its appearance around ten a.m." He flipped on the light of the master bedroom. "Too bad you were not here to witness the volleyball game your inebriated agents indulged in," he said shaking his head in amusement.

Chris laughed, eyes sweeping over the spacious room and large bed. The large, empty bed. "So I take it they're all asleep?"

Ezra nodded. "I haven't seen Mr. Dunne since before dinner, nor Mr. Wilmington since shortly after. Mr. Jackson retired a short while ago and Mr. Sanchez..." he paused. "I'm not precisely sure what became of Mr. Sanchez."

"Probably admiring the little Stonehenge he made out of sand for solstice or something," Chris joked. "And Mr. Tanner?"

"Ah, Mr. Tanner." Ezra sat on the bed. "Mr. Tanner is down on the beach. We hid the car keys from him when he said he was going to drive back to Los Angeles. I do believe he's pouting."

So that's the real reason Ezra had chided him. Vin was upset. Chris's lover had spent Wednesday night in LA with him but had finally given in and driven to Santa Monica the next morning. Josiah had stayed as well, joining for dinner a priest friend whose acquaintance he'd made during his brief time in the seminary. He and Vin left directly after Chris promised to wrap up his business first thing Friday morning and be at Maude's in time for lunch. Chris was off by about twelve hours.

"Vin doesn't pout," Chris said defensively.

At the conference, Chris had met the Deputy Director/Chief Operating Officer of the ATF, who knew of Chris by reputation. They'd gotten to talking and before he knew it, Chris was agreeing to stay on for a seminar designed for the brass. Once there, he'd run into none other than Orrin Travis, who had been mysteriously quiet about the special seminar and his presence at it. Still, his planned absence from work on Thursday and Friday was probably the reason he'd given in so easily to Ezra so Chris didn't question or complain.

"There's a first time for everything, Mr. Larabee," Ezra said. "I suggest you proceed to the beach. Post haste."

"Yeah, yeah," Chris said. He turned to go then paused. "Thanks, Ezra."

"For graciously giving up this luxurious room, or for reminding you of your priorities?" Ezra asked in his most irritatingly superior tone.

Chris waved his hand, playfully dismissive. "Night, Ez."

Ezra watched Chris depart then eyed his boss's briefcase. Lucky thing the hiding place he'd chosen for the car keys was large enough to hold a laptop.

The night was mild enough that Ezra had left the large glass doors leading to the back deck slightly ajar. Chris slipped out between them and inhaled deeply the fresh, salty air. It was a bright, moonlit night and as Chris approached the railing he saw Vin's silhouette on the beach. His lover was doing nothing but sitting, watching the tide, yet Chris felt an incredible warmth infuse him. Everything about Vin was tranquility personified, a quality Chris greatly appreciated in his life.

Most of the time, anyway. Vin was not exactly tranquil when it came to the physical side of their relationship. For that, too, Chris was grateful. Vin had a body made for sin and Chris willingly damned himself to hell on a regular basis. Funny how Vin could simultaneously be his salvation and his eternal damnation. He smiled devilishly to himself as he went to Vin, wanting nothing more than to smother him in kisses and drag him upstairs to test out that big bed.

Vin heard or sensed his approach and rose gracefully from his perch on a large piece of driftwood. "'Bout fucking time, Larabee," he said, unable to hide a small, delighted smile.

Chris took another deep breath. He felt the wind at his back, watched it gently lift Vin's hair away from his face. Vin was smiling for him, hips angled to one side, tenderness and affection radiating off his lean frame. Just looking at him like that caused Chris's heart to tighten in his chest. He said the first thing that came to his mind. "Will you marry me?"

Vin chuckled, glanced up and down the beach, then back at Chris. "No. I ain't the marrying kind. 'Sides, you'd probably work late and miss the ceremony."

"Sorry," Chris said and stepped over the driftwood, arms outstretched.

But Vin backed away, mischief abounding in his deep blue eyes. "You know," he said, "I been sitting here for a while now, waitin' on ya, watching the tide come in." He tugged on the sleeve of his fleece and freed one arm before pulling the garment off over his head. "At first, it was real quiet. Just the sound of the waves hitting the beach." Vin toed off one boot, then the other. "Then I heard it." He pulled off his black, long-sleeved T-shirt. Chris's black long-sleeved T-shirt, actually.

"Heard what?" Chris asked, watching Vin with rapt attention.

"Heard the sea. Heard it callin' my name." Vin unbuttoned his jeans and started on the zipper.

"Well, ignore it, Vin, " Chris said, unsure if Vin was teasing or not. "It's freezing."

Vin shrugged. "Was in the water today for a spell. Wasn't so bad." He shimmied out of his jeans and tossed them aside before pulling off his form-fitting cotton boxers, grabbing his socks in the process. He stood tall, hands on his hips. "You coming?"

Chris laughed, convinced now that Vin was kidding. "No, I'm not." He reached for Vin again but the sharpshooter took a step back. "Vin," Chris said exasperated, "you hate the cold."

Vin sighed. "I don't know, Chris. Something about the night. The full moon, all the stars. Don't notice the chill so much." He slid one hand slowly across his belly, then moved it down to lazily stroke his penis. "Sure you don't want to come with me?" he asked huskily.

Chris opened his mouth, eyes fixed on Vin's hand as it moved gently back and forth, but he could summon no words. Then he found himself staring at Vin's ass in retreat from him, heading toward the ocean. He watched Vin wade a few feet into the surf then disappear under the waves. Chris held his breath until he saw his lover's head and shoulders break the surface a minute later.

Chris's brain was counseling caution. Hang back, said the little voice, wait for Vin to come to his senses. But his poor brain was no match for the rest of him. Vin was floating carefree on the water, his body rising and falling with the formative swells of the tide, and Chris heard something primal call to him, too. He removed his clothing almost unconsciously. He had to look down when the water washed over his feet to make sure he'd completely disrobed because he couldn't specifically recall doing it. He only knew he had to get to Vin. Had to be with Vin. He found himself craving Vin like an addict craved a fix. Needing him like dry fields needed rain. Wanting him like nothing he'd ever wanted before.

Chris swam up beside Vin and rolled onto his back. It took every ounce of control he had to not grab his lover then and there. He wanted desperately to touch but Vin wasn't ready for contact. So Chris would wait. A minute, an hour. Forever. He looked up at the sky. The moon was so large and so bright you had to tilt your head away from it to see any stars. And there were so many stars out tonight. He felt Vin's long fingers twine with his and sighed contentedly. Vin pointed to the sky with the index finger of his other hand.

"There's the Big Dipper, Chris," he said. He moved his hand. "You can follow it to the North Star."

Chris nodded. When he spoke, his voice sounded strange to his own partially submerged ears. "There's Orion. Kinda reminds me of you."

Vin smiled. "Can be a pretty good hunter when I wanna be." He turned his head, met Chris's eyes. "You're the best damned thing I ever caught, Larabee."

Chris righted himself and stared down at Vin, the inferno inside him oblivious to the chill of the water. Vin stood and pressed a gentle kiss to the hollow of his cheek. He knew Vin wasn't angry. Maybe a little irritated but not so much at Chris but because Chris worked so hard. Because Chris's single mindedness when it came it to work meant Vin sometimes had to put his desire for him on hold. Luckily, Vin shared much of that devotion to the job so it usually wasn't a problem between them. And it was never a problem for long, Vin more understanding than Chris had a right to expect.

Vin saw the longing in Chris's eyes, felt it on his skin as surely as he felt the waves lapping against him. "Kiss me," he rasped.

Chris slid his fingers into Vin's hair, thumbs framing the sharpshooter's ears. Their first kiss of the night was all-out, Vin giving in completely, kissing him with ravenous hunger. Vin's arms went around his neck as the kiss went even deeper. He wrapped one leg around Chris's hip, pressing their cocks together. Chris slid his hands down his lover's chest and around to his back. He was vaguely aware of the water, warmer than the air it seemed, as his hands traveled lower. He cupped Vin's ass, squeezed his firm cheeks.

Vin tore his mouth away but pressed his forehead to Chris's, panted softly against his face. He trailed his fingers along Chris's jaw as he caught his breath, smiling when Chris nipped at his lips, wanting to kiss some more.

"Glad you're back," Vin whispered. "My heart just don't beat right when you're away."

Chris's eyes widened, filled with unmistakable wonder. It astounded him that someone as wild and free as Vin could settle with him. Settle for him. He brought his right hand above water and pressed his lover's face to his, bringing their lips together in a bruising kiss. He sucked hard on Vin's tongue, tilting his head to get as much of Vin in his mouth as possible. Chris's hand on Vin's ass caressed the crack, one long finger probing Vin's hole. Vin tightened his hold on Chris's neck and wrapped his other leg around his lover. He hoisted himself up so that Chris's cock bumped him where he was spread open.

This time Chris broke the kiss, both hands massaging Vin's ass and thighs under the water. Their faces were inches apart but enough space for him to see the passion and hunger etched in the sharpshooter's beautiful features.

"Let's go inside, Vin," Chris said hoarsely. "If I don't make love to you in about two seconds it just might kill me."

Vin's tongue snaked out to lick Chris's lips. "Make love to me here. Now."

Chris chuckled softly. "Water's pretty cold, Vin."

"Ain't I hot enough for ya?" Vin asked almost soundlessly, a warm breath against Chris's ear.

"More than," Chris replied. He was hard but not hard enough, he knew, for penetration. "But Ezra was so kind to give up the master bedroom," he teased.

Vin snorted, he'd heard the same routine. He kissed Chris again, slowly, as he unwound himself from the blond's sturdy body. They'd drifted close enough to shore to walk, Chris more aware of the rocks and shells on the way out than he had been on the way in. Before they got anywhere near their clothes, Vin hugged Chris close, pushing against him to knock him off balance. Chris tumbled backward onto the wet sand, Vin landing on top of him with a wolfish grin. Chris felt a wet but warm hand on his cock.

"Can't wait, cowboy," Vin said, stroking Chris with vigor. He dragged his tongue along one perky, salty-tasting nipple. Chris shivered, more from anticipation than from the cold. With Vin's mouth on him he'd be lucky if he noticed a tornado touch down. He groaned with pleasure as Vin sucked on his other nipple.

"Someone will see," Chris protested weakly.

"They're all passed out drunk, Chris," Vin said, kissing his throat.

"Ezra was up. And the neighbors."

Vin growled. "Let 'em watch."

Then Vin was straddling him. Chris pushed against his lover's hips, trying to slow his descent. "Vin, we need..."

Vin leaned down, one hand still on Chris's cock, the other by Chris's head. He kissed Chris's full lips. "Don't need anything but you, Chris." He sank down on Chris's sex, steadying himself with palms flat against Chris's pecs, rocking his hips to help ease its passage.

Chris swallowed hard. "Jesus, Vin." He stared up at his lover, wet hair clinging to Vin's face and neck, huge expanse of sparkling sky behind him. Vin arched his back, hands reaching behind him to grab Chris's thighs. The moon reflecting off the droplets of water that clung to him made his taut skin shimmer in the night. Chris rubbed small circles over Vin's nipples, seawater mixing with sweat as Vin moved faster and faster. Vin's undulations were hypnotic, a perfect companion to the waves washing over the shore and wetting Chris's feet. Chris found himself sinking deeper and deeper into a trance. Vin watched him through heavy lidded eyes and Chris couldn't look away if his life depended on it. Which was okay because there was no place else he wanted to look. No place else on earth he wanted to be.

"Oh God, Chris," Vin sobbed. Chris snapped out of it, realized Vin was close. He went up on his elbows, bent one knee. Vin fell forward, grabbing Chris's neck and feasting on his lips. Chris shifted his weight slightly to one side so he could touch Vin's cock. He flicked his thumbnail against the head then rubbed the tip as his fingers curled around Vin's length. A few long slow strokes followed by a few more quick ones and Vin was coming in his hand.

"Chris," Vin cried out. "Damn," he rasped. "Damn." He kept his hips moving, shoving his dick into Chris's fist as he emptied his seed, riding Chris as hard as he could. He drew one knee up so he could grind himself against Chris's groin. "Come on, cowboy, come on" Vin urged. Elbows at his sides, he bent and latched onto Chris's throat, sucking hard. Chris had a no hickey rule, at least not where anyone could see. Didn't like for people to know what he'd been doing. But Vin needed to taste him so badly, needed to taste the sea and salt on his lover. And it wasn't like the boys didn't know what him and Chris got up to when they were alone. He sank his teeth into the stubble-roughened skin.

Chris came with an electrifying burst, arching back until his head hit the sand. Vin caressed his throat, soothing the welt there with fingers and tongue. He rocked his pelvis in a slow, deliberate glide, clenching and unclenching his ass all in an attempt to drain Chris completely. He wanted everything Chris had to give. And when he could give no more, Vin slipped his arms around Chris's neck, coming to rest against his lover's chest. He kissed Chris's cheek, whispered in his ear.

"Love you, too," Chris said as soon as he was able. He rubbed Vin's back as he panted against his neck, immersed in the scent and feel of his lover.

Vin picked his head up. "Deputy Director offer you a job?"

"Yep," Chris said, pushing Vin's hair back.

"Here?" Vin asked hopefully.

Chris smiled. "Nope. DC."

Vin lay back down. "Forget it. DC's almost as bad as Denver in the winter." He was starting to feel the cold and tried to press himself more into Chris. "You know that's why Travis didn't tell you about the big wig conference. Afraid you'd get poached if you went," he said with a shiver.

Chris rubbed harder. "Maybe he was afraid of losing the finest sharpshooter in the Bureau," he observed.

"Reckon he knows where you go, I go?" Vin asked on a chuckle.

"Reckon he does," Chris replied. "I guess we're going to have to rinse off before we go inside?"

"Yeah, but don't worry. The outside shower has hot water," Vin said.

"Hmm," Chris said thoughtfully, images from the numerous showers he'd taken with Vin flashing in his mind. "So what are we waiting for?"

Ezra knocked lightly on the door of the small library before entering. Josiah was sitting in a wing chair by the fireplace, reading Thomas Merton. Must have brought that with him, Ezra thought to himself. Not exactly Maude's speed.

"Good evening, Ezra," Josiah said. "Thought everyone was fast asleep."

"Not hardly," Ezra replied, perching on the chair across from his friend. "Which is why I'm here. Do you feel like being bad?"

Josiah scrunched his face. "Bad?"

"Messrs. Larabee and Tanner are down by the beach. And I think they are about to... get romantic." Ezra smoothed imaginary wrinkles in his jeans before meeting Josiah's gaze.

It took Josiah a moment. Then a broad smile curled his lips. "Why Ezra," he said stifling a laugh, "I never took you for a voyeur."

"I consider myself more of an opportunist. And this," Ezra emphasized the this, "is an opportunity I do not want to miss." He arched one pale brow sharply, as if challenging.

Josiah shook his head. "I don't think Vin or Chris," Josiah paused, "especially Chris would appreciate us watching them... get romantic."

"Josiah, if I may--"

"No, you may not."

"--this may be your only opportunity to be near Vin when he is making love." Ezra was definitely challenging.

Josiah grunted. "Thought I was good," he said quietly. He really didn't think anyone was aware of his crush on Vin. That is, anyone except Chris. A man always knows when someone is lusting after his significant other. At least Chris had always been cool with it. And why not? Vin wasn't going anywhere.

"You are good, Josiah. I'm better," Ezra asserted. "Now, time's a wasting, as they say." He rose to go. "If you truly prefer Merton then by all means, remain here. I, however, cannot resist."

Josiah took one look at the hard covered book in his hand and followed Ezra out the door.

He hesitated, though, when he walked onto the back deck. Ezra was lying on his stomach, peeking under the railing. "Um, Ez, think I'm going to go to bed."

Ezra glanced over his shoulder. "Suit yourself. But they're in the water. And they're kissing." He snickered at the mumbled curses that grew louder as Josiah sank to the deck next to him.

"I must be out of my f--," Josiah stopped, his mouth hanging open. Vin and Chris were in water up to their waists, Vin wrapped around Chris, their mouths sealed together. He really didn't have too much trouble seeing things clearly: the full moon shone down on the lovers like a spotlight. Josiah dropped his chin onto his folded hands, ensnared by the scene unfolding.

He panicked for a moment when Chris and Vin headed toward shore. "Damn!"

"Have no fear," Ezra assured him, "they haven't made love in at least two nights, unless they did it with you in the room?" Since Chris was supposed to checkout Wednesday and because of the conference, the hotel only had one room available for Thursday night. The three of them had shared it.

"No, they didn't. They did take a twenty minute shower together yesterday morning," Josiah said.

"Twenty minutes was no doubt a mere tease. Vin won't let them get-- ow!" Ezra scowled at Josiah for hitting his arm. But he turned his attention to the beach. Vin was pushing Chris back onto the sand. "See?" Ezra said petulantly.

Josiah did see. Watched with eyes wide open, as a matter of fact. Watched Vin kiss Chris, stroke him. Straddle him. Felt a flush rise to his cheeks as Chris's erection disappeared inside Vin. They moved together so perfectly, so exquisitely. He licked his lips but it was a pointless endeavor, his tongue was completely dry. Josiah briefly thought he should be embarrassed, he knew he was breathing heavily. He just didn't care. He watched Vin arch his back, saw the long column of his neck exposed and was sure he could hear the shallow breaths Vin took that caused his stomach to quiver like that. Dear Lord in heaven Vin was beauty itself.

Josiah focused on Vin, almost but not completely able to block Chris out. He rode the fantasy as Vin rode his lover. Imagined it was his dick Vin was impaled on, his body Vin caressed with his sure hands. God, he wanted to touch Vin's cock. Wanted to feast open-mouthed on it. He wanted to hear Vin moan his name in that sweet, sexy drawl. Mostly, he wanted to kiss Vin. Feel those lips he'd so often stolen glances at pressed hungrily against his own. He shifted, the swelling in his pants made uncomfortable by the hardness of the deck.

Josiah was mesmerized, until he heard Ezra hiss his name. He blinked his eyes, craning his neck to see Ezra behind him. He had crawled away from the railing and Josiah hadn't even noticed.

"Now, Josiah!" Ezra said urgently.

When he looked down to the shore he saw Vin and Chris gathering the last of their clothes. "Oh shit!" he said, scrambling backward toward the doors. He stood up and stumbled into Ezra as they tried to get inside quickly.

"Hurry," Ezra said, grabbing his arm and leading him to the stairs.

They lurched up the stairs, arms interlocked, laughing at their naughtiness. Ezra had the room next to Chris and Vin's to himself and Josiah followed him in, falling on the bed with his arms outstretched. Ezra closed the door then felt his way in the darkness to switch on the lamp.

Josiah's laughter subsided as he stared at the ceiling, recalling the stunning vision of Vin's enraptured face. He closed his eyes and said, "Yeah."

"Yeah, indeed," Ezra said, noting the tell-tale lump beneath Josiah's robe. He didn't even have to think before sitting on the bed and running his hand over his friend's arousal. "It seems to me that solstice is supposed to be regarded with antic celebration," he said nonchalantly

Josiah's eyes flicked from Ezra's hand to his face. "Are you suggesting we do our part?"

"Well, Chris and Vin certainly did theirs," Ezra said, pulling on the terrycloth belt and pushing the robe open. "And we do want the sun to return, don't we?"

Josiah smiled and folded his hands behind his head. "What'd you have in mind, Ezra?"

"This," Ezra whispered, brushing his lips against Josiah's erection before freeing his cock from his pajama bottoms. "Oh my, Mr. Sanchez, you have been holding out on me," he said admiringly. He carefully worked Josiah's pajamas over his erection. With Josiah lifting his hips to help, Ezra eased the soft cotton pjs over strong thighs, letting them fall to the floor. He tickled the base of Josiah's penis just above his scrotum before leaning in to kiss the engorged member. Josiah shuddered at the intimate touch. Ezra licked him several times, twisting his head to crush his tongue to the heavy vein with each pass. Josiah spread his legs a little more, thrusting into the air ever so slightly. He groaned deeply when Ezra mouthed the head of his cock.

"Oh, that's good," he murmured.

Ezra took as much of Josiah into his mouth as he comfortably could, pressing a hand to Josiah's hip to keep his thrusting to an acceptable pace. He bobbed his head up and down, letting his teeth and tongue work their magic.

Josiah gave him a stuttered warning and Ezra pulled back, using his hand to finish Josiah off, amused to see the big man's hands still folded under his head, a sated look on his face. Then those hands were on him, propelling him sideways. Ezra found himself stretched out on Josiah's large frame. Surprised but not so much he didn't kiss back when hardy, eager lips pressed against his, opening his mouth and assaulting his tongue.

Ezra sighed against Josiah's mouth, leaning up so that he could shove one hand under Josiah's top. He dragged his fingers through the swirls of chest hair, scraping his nails against hardened nipples.

Josiah turned away from the kiss. He panted in hot unsteady breaths against Ezra's ear, his tongue probing the delicate shell. "How would you feel about giving me some of this?" he asked, cupping the straining fabric at Ezra's crotch.

Ezra nodded, replying, "On one condition." He smiled at Josiah's curious expression. "Promise not to call out Vin's name. Or at least, not too loudly. Mr. Larabee might hear and get mightily confused."

Josiah sat up, dumping Ezra off his lap. "Never mind. Thought maybe you wouldn't want to use your hand." He reached down for his pajama pants, pooled somewhere around his ankles.

"Oh, now, Josiah," Ezra said soothingly, "I was only playing." He rubbed Josiah's back. "Of course I don't want to use my hand." Leaning over to swipe his tongue over the big man's ear, he whispered, "I want to sink my cock so far inside you you'll see more stars than are in the sky tonight."

Josiah narrowed one eye. "No more cracks about Vin?"

"Scout's honor," Ezra said, holding up three fingers. He fought to keep his face neutral. Josiah was such a dear, his crush clearly not as harmless as Ezra had originally thought. It made him feel tender toward his friend, protective. "Besides, I'll make sure you'll know it's me. You'll be begging for me so desperately you'll forget all about Vin." He kissed Josiah, waited with lips pressed close for him to give in and kiss back. Finally, large hands covered Ezra's face, hungry mouth sucking at his own.

Josiah pulled away. "Vin who" he croaked, frantically working at the button and zipper of Ezra's jeans. They all teased Chris mercilessly about his tight jeans. How had Josiah not noticed the painted on denim the southerner favored?

Ezra stood, assisted Josiah in working his pants and underwear down. He bent to take them all the way off and almost landed on his head as Josiah tugged aggressively at his sweater. "Easy," Ezra said on a laugh, "knock me out and there'll be no fun and games." He glanced quickly around the room, deciding against making a joke about borrowing lubrication from the lovers next door. His eyes settled on a package sitting on the bureau. "Eureka," he exclaimed softly.

Maude, once she resigned herself to the fact that seven men would be spending a few days in her house, had left Ezra a Christmas gift. A very expensive cologne with matching body lotion. Ezra disengaged the lotion from the box and faced his companion.

Stretched out on the bed, Josiah smiled wantonly. He reached out a hand and when Ezra approached, he stroked the undercover agent's cock, an excited gleam in his eye.

"Ready for me, Josiah?" Ezra asked.

Josiah nodded, flipping onto his stomach. Ezra climbed on the bed, waiting for Josiah to go up on his knees before kneeling behind him. He dug his fingers into the small of Josiah's back then pushed them slowly toward his neck. Ezra felt the solid muscle beneath relax at his touch. He rubbed down Josiah's back, over the curve of his ass, thumbs massaging the strapping cheeks. The southerner reached for the lotion, licking and nipping at the flesh near Josiah's hole.

Ezra slicked one finger then inserted it slowly, his other hand still massaging Josiah's rump. Encouraged by the low moans and soft rocking of his partner, he worked a second finger in. Josiah pushed back against him, gasping loudly when Ezra hit his sensitive gland. Ezra tried for it again, hooking one finger and pressing hard. A satisfied moan convinced him he'd done well. He scissored his fingers, anxious to let his cock experience the silky tightness his digits were enjoying. Ezra leaned down to suck on Josiah's ass cheek, teeth scraping roughly as he plunged a third finger inside. For some reason, the thought of sitting across the breakfast table from Josiah in the morning with the knowledge of their shared debauchery and his love bite on Josiah's ass had Ezra's cock twitching and leaking.

"Time for the real celebration to begin, "Ezra said through slightly clenched teeth.

"Yes," Josiah said with some desperation, "yes."

Ezra kissed the red mark he'd left on Josiah's ass and withdrew his fingers. Before his lover's groan of loss had even played out Ezra was pushing the tip of his cock against the well-prepared opening. Josiah didn't give at first and Ezra forced himself to wait. "Relax, Josiah," he breathed, "let me in."

Josiah leaned up on his elbows, nodding almost unconsciously. Ezra pushed and slid in, pulled back then slid in more. He continued his careful pace until he was buried deep inside the bigger man. Josiah groaned with pleasured acceptance, wiggling his hips to ensure that Ezra kept moving.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Ezra thrust wildly into Josiah's hot channel. He held Josiah's hip with one hand, the other dragging across his sweaty brow. "Good Lord, Josiah," he gasped, "I'm sweating like a racehorse."

Josiah looked over his shoulder. "You're making me so hot, Ezra," he said between pants.

Ezra wasn't sure why he needed that little reassurance. He had no illusions about where Josiah's affections lay. Still, he found his friend's words incredibly sexy and delicious and encouraging. He slammed into Josiah with so much enthusiasm he thought he might end up hurting one or both of them. But Josiah wasn't complaining. Quite the contrary. He was participating enthusiastically, encouraging Ezra with cries of more and go.

Josiah's head fell onto his arm, his right hand reaching between his legs to touch himself. Ezra covered his hand and tried to match the rhythm of their strokes to his thrusts. But he was too far gone, coming with a strangled cry, head tossed back, mouth slack.

Josiah kept both their hands moving until Ezra recovered enough to help. He pressed himself tightly to Josiah's back, feeling his lover's spine press into his stomach and chest as he climaxed.

"Ezra..." Josiah said on a long, heavy sigh.

Ezra lay atop Josiah, sweat pooled between them. He slipped out of the large warm body as Josiah lowered them to the bed, then flopped over onto his back.

Josiah smiled at him, one big hand gently caressing Ezra's stomach. Ezra smiled, too, before moving in for a wet sloppy kiss. As his breathing returned to normal, Josiah rolled onto his back and groaned.

"What?" Ezra asked, a little alarmed.

"Listen," Josiah said.

Ezra did. "Oh dear," he said," they're at it again, aren't they?"

Josiah chuckled, straining to hear the soft moans coming from the other room. "Well, they've got stamina. I'll give them that," he said.

Ezra looked at him, eyes twinkling in the low light. "I say we give them a run for their money, Josiah." He rolled to his side.

Josiah rolled, too, one thick leg sliding in between Ezra's lean limbs. He nodded, remembering Ezra's words from earlier. "We do want the sun to return, now, don't we?"

Ezra grinned, running his fingers through the matted hair on Josiah's chest. "Maybe not right this minute." He slipped his arm under Josiah's and caught his lips in a fevered kiss. "Wasn't this better than stuffy old Thomas Merton, Josiah," he whispered when they came up for air.

"It sure as hell was, partner," Josiah agreed.

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