Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Story Notes:

Chris Larabee makes a decision about his future.

Fall came and the trees changed to beautiful colors. Chris Larabee sat at the jail house desk going through wanted posters.

JD was sweeping out the cells. He whistled as he worked. Married life was agreeing with him. Both men were content and happy. Although for JD marriage made him feel the pinch of budgeted money. Chris was considering giving up law enforcement to work with his horses full time. He would see more of his beautiful wife Maria who had a job of sorts as the local midwife. Chris however was not sure how to approach the subject with the other six.

There were now more people living in the town than ever before. The settlement beside the river didn't work out for most of the people. They sold out,pulled up stakes and ended up at Four Corners where they at least knew some of the town residents.

Gerard and Katie were with the newcomers. This eased some of the pain Mary Travis felt at losing Chris Larabee. Gerard joined Mary at the newspaper office and already made changes improved circulation. Gerard was much relieved to have Katie in a town that boasted a school.

Charlotte was widowed now and could not manage the homestead alone. An excellent dressmaker she was welcomed at Four Corners. It would be easier now that she could order fabric and supplies in a place where mail and stages came through on a regular basis. Vin Tanner decided to give her some time. Beyond being pleasant when he saw her on the street he did not seek her out. He too was unsure how long his job in law enforcement would continue.

Ezra was again operating a tavern. This time his new partner and investor, Eileen Larabee, has made changes and but enough money into the establishment that even his Mother did not try to take over. There was something about Eileen Larabee that Maude found mildly threatening. Eileen applauded Maude her wisdom.

The tavern itself was proof the town was growing and changing. The Standish Lodge had a beautiful dining room with stone fireplaces at either end. There was no bar in the dining room itself. The serving staff could order drinks through a window to serve the patrons. The bar and gambling hall had a private side entrance. Here the walls were finished and painted a very light green. There were new felt covers on the tables. On one level was a billards table. Down three steps and to the right were several card tables finished in dark green felt with compartments to hold glasses of whatever the customer was partaking. The huge mirror behind the bar reflected the entire room and made the place look bigger. There was a stage to one side and various acts performed there on a weekly basis. The bar itself was marble and brass gleamed from all the fixtures and chandeliers. Ezra was making money hand over fist. He could have gotten rid of both the dining room and bar because the lodge easily made money from the arriving stage coaches that changed horses there since Ezra got the contract with the stage company. Maude was green with envy. Eileen kept an eye on Ezra and so far he had been completely honest with her.

Josiah, poor Josiah. Alice and Eugene had returned. Alice was still smitten and determined to have a relationship with Ezra. She would be teaching at the school. Josiah looked forward to this with all his heart. Then she would have something else to think about other than becoming the Minister's wife. Chris stood up from the desk just in time for Buck Wilmington to come through the door and take his seat.

"Judge Travis came in on the afternoon stage," he told Chris. "He is staying at the Lodge."

Chris nodded thoughtfully, "I think it's time we all had a talk with him." A little voice inside his head said, "Bring them all for dinner. I think we seven and the Judge should come to the house for dinner, say 6:00 tonight?"


Maria by now was accustomed to time travel. She and Eileen went forward to New York City and came back with a dozen bubbling hot huge pizzas.

None of the men but Chris had ever seen a pizza before. Once they became accustomed to the taste and various toppings the pizzas were loudly accepted. Eileen also came with pitchers of beer, icy cold and delicious. For those who did not want beer there was iced tea and root beer. A crunchy salad with dressing was new to some of the men also but they adjusted quickly. Maria, Eileen and the Chinese staff ran from house to front yard keeping plates and glasses full.

Finally the time came to get down to business.

Chris spoke first, "I am giving serious consideration to dropping out of law enforcement in any kind of full time way." Eyes widened as he continued. "I will be available for posses and anything you need but I want to spend more time with my horses now that business is picking up they need my attention."

Judge Travis nodded in understanding. Josiah and Nathan agreed their own interests were demanding more time than ever. Ezra also agreed with this as the Lodge was bustling.

"Here is my suggestion," Chris said. "Buck, why don't you take over as Marshall and Vin and JD can be deputies."

This suggestion was bantered back and forth for over an hour. Wages and time shifts were discussed. Finally everyone agreed that Chris was right. Eileen listened to all of this in the house. She allowed her mind to drift for a moment to Leavenworth prison. There Ella Gaines would stay for the next thirty years. She watched Ella as she cried for her husband and baby. Ella was getting a taste of her own medicine and she found it bitter indeed.

Ella's husband and infant were in Pennsylvania with his real wife who was unable to have children. The little girl would be raised by her real father and a Mother who would always be grateful to have her. Ella would never think to look for her husband and daughter in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1952. Shifting back to her own home, Eileen saw the group breaking up and smiled with satisfaction as she went to help clear the table. Her Brother had lost that wounded, lost look and she was content.

Chapter End Notes:

Like America herself the town was stretching and growing.