Michael Biehn Archive

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Summary: The town loses an old friend. A new man in town turns up the excitement.
Rated: GEN
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Maria, Maria
Genres: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Humor, Romance, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: The Hannah-Eileen Larabee Chronicles
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes
Word count: 9479 Read: 51887
Published: 19 Jul 2009 Updated: 18 Sep 2009
Story Notes:

The town is always changing. Old friends moves away and Maria lets a cat out of the bag.

1. Getting Settled by Mack Ireland [ - ] (1095 words)

2. Birdie Paradise by Mack Ireland [ - ] (368 words)

Things were changing and the old ways would be reviewed.

3. Chapter 3 Chris Larabee For Mayor? by Mack Ireland [ - ] (780 words)

It's a day of new ideas.

4. FLAT ROCK TRAIL by Mack Ireland [ - ] (519 words)

The three Larabee siblings have a family conference.

6. Flat Rock Trail by Mack Ireland [ - ] (780 words)

The three Larabees have a family discussion and Eileen reveals some interesting news.

6. We the People... by Mack Ireland [ - ] (1034 words)

A town council is nominated and duly elected.

7. Road Apples, Manure and Other BS by Mack Ireland [ - ] (618 words)

Subtitled:First Meeting of Town Council.

It's tough going when they all sit down together to decide wht's best for their town.

8. Preventing Trouble by Mack Ireland [ - ] (249 words)

The town meeting had turned violent but Chris finds he has something else to worry about.

9. Levenworth by Mack Ireland [ - ] (569 words)

Ella finds a way to make trouble from prison.

10. A Whole New World by Mack Ireland [ - ] (2335 words)

Eileen visits Ella.

11. Life and Times by Mack Ireland [ - ] (546 words)

Eileen returns from Levenworth Prison after visiting Ella Gaines. Elieen and Chris talk about Ella and the arrival of the baby Maria is expecting.

12. Royal Arrival by Mack Ireland [ - ] (586 words)

Maria has the baby.