A Day of Visitors
If Chris Larabee had to describe himself at this time in his life the word content would come into use.
Chris was in the corral working with a roan mare. She was finally taking to the bridle. She and Chris eyed each other constantly each waiting for the other to make a mistake.
"Hey you old dog,"Buck was climbing and finally sitting on the fence."She is looking good,"he said geturing to the mare.
Chris shaded his eyes for a moment before answering."I can't decide to sell her or keep her for breeding stock."
He allowed one of the hands to lead the horse away. Turning to his longtime friend he asked,"what brings you out here at this hour of the morning?"
"I am on my way to work and saw you working out with the mare,"Buck answered.
"Come in and have a cup of coffee,"Chris offered. "We'll see what's being served up for breakfast."
As the two men walked toward the big house Buck suddenly asked,"do you ever miss the old days, chasing down bandits and killers?"
"The seven of us almost always together?"
"Not much, I was thinking of it this morning and I am very content with my life right now." "It's not like the seven of us never see each other." Buck greeted Eileen Larabee and little Isabel ran to him to be lifted and hugged."How's my best girl,"Buck demanded?
Chris had an instant flash of another child running to greet Buck. But it didn't stab his heart the way it usually did. The memory was like a little treasure tucked in his mind to be taken out and examined whenever he chose. Like lifting the top off a bottle of perfume and releasing the scent. He now could replace the lid knowing the scent would be there waiting for him without pain. Eileen was serving flapjacks and sausage. She had maple syrup on the stove. She also had some scrapple and grits.The men dug in with good appetite.
Buck was leaving when Mary Travis was coming up the walk. Chris went outside to meet her.
"Well good morning,"Chris began pleasantly.
"I must talk to you privately,"Mary said abruptly.
Chris sighed. He knew that Mary had just uttered the worst word she possibly could. The word privately would cause his sister to listen on her mind vision to every word.
They walked toward the gate Mary had just come through.
"It's about your wife Chris, Maria."
"I pretty much know her name,"Chris said jokingly.
"I want to talk to you about her life in Purgatory before you married her."
At this Chris' face became stony as his green eyes turned cold and stared into Marys face.
"There isn't anything you can tell me about her life in Purgatory, I know all about it."
Mary opened her mouth to protest. Chris stopped her,"You have said enough."
Mary walked two steps away and turned,"do you realize what a slap in the face this is to me?" "I loved you, I have always loved you and you chose her!" "I still do,"Chris answered to Marys' retreating back.
Going into the house he spoke with his sister,"Two visitors before 8 o'clock, should be an interesting day."
"Interesting is the word,"Eileen answered. She and Chris agreed through mind telegraphy not to mention Marys visit and outburst to Maria.
By dinner time a third visitor had arrived. Chris opened the door to admit Todd Withrow. Todd was a cousin and husband to Ella Gaines. He was also Chris' former employer.
Surprisingly Todd wanted to talk to Chris about allowing Ella to be moved to another facility. He believed her to be losing her mind. She needed to be in a place where she could get beter treatment for her mental illness. He wanted them to consider the convent in Vista City.