Michael Biehn Archive

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Author's Chapter Notes:
The Lords of Discipline happens to be one of my favorite books. I've always had a hard time believing that this character was inherently bad (even before I saw MB in the movie), and that he would spend the rest of his life trying to make up for the things he did as a member of The Ten.
So here's another poem compliments of the Instant Muse!
In the blanket of memory the rains sew curving seams,
A thread of regret in every stitch,
Darning the holes in a young man's dreams
To salvage his soul and his life enrich.

This blanket brings solace to a man's troubled soul,
A reminder of what could have been
Had he not had the courage to change the role
Chosen the night that he joined The Ten.

Its ragged edges now comfort his aging mind
And warm his weary, old frame,
For he knows of repentance and forgiveness, in-kind,
And that God still loves him all the same.