Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Summary: Ficlet: When Sarah and Kyle meet, both have their own realization that their lives will never be the same...
Rated: GEN
Categories: Terminator (Movies) Characters: Kyle Reese, Kyle Reese/Sarah Connor, Sarah Connor, T-800 (Terminator)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst and Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 152 Read: 4020
Published: 24 Feb 2009 Updated: 24 Feb 2009
Story Notes:
Originally posted on LJ:

1. No Return by gega cai [ - ] (152 words)
Word count: 151

Written for an LJ Drabble-A-Thon. The prompt was 'Sarah/Kyle, realize'

Disclaimer: Characters and other likely inventive scenarios based on the world created by James Cameron and William Wisher Jr.