Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you.

Every Breath You Take by The Police

Sally Ross came out of the theater screaming at the top of her lungs. The crowd that was standing there in case of seeing their favorite Star, froze in terror and looked at her. She was a mess... her gown torn... large purple and red marks over her back... and her mouth was bleeding.


She then fell to the ground. The crowd screamed and went to their feet to help her. A young man around the age of 30 was walking home from the hospital. He was a doctor and his shift had gone finished. He was walking home to see his girlfriend and his bed. The man walked on with his hands stuffed in his brown leather jacket in order to keep the chill away from his face, his floppy black hair got in his eyes and he brushed it away.

He then heard screaming, he turned and saw the West Town theater. Hundreds of people were around it. He remembered reading in the paper early that morning about that old screen actress Sally Ross doing a show. He watched the silly fans scream in joy around the woman who really didn't give a shit if they lived or died. He was about to walk on when he heard another scream. It did not sound like a overjoyed scream. It sounded like a scream of terror and he knew what that sounded like. He then looked closer stepping off the sidewalk. He saw the actress laying on the ground as people tried to hold her up.

The man then ran across the street and into the screaming people. He tried his best to push through the others in order to see the woman.

"I'm a doctor!" He yelled in again and people heard him. Soon he was in the small circle were the older woman lay. He kneeled down and looked at her poor scared face.

"What happened?"

One woman, who was holding up her head spoke, "She came running and screaming out of here like a madwoman!"

The man looked the actress over and knew right away that it was shock.

"She's going to be fine. Call 911. I'm going to check inside."

Before anyone would answer him he entered the dark building. He knew this was dumb but he wanted to know what had happened. Slowly he made it down the stairs and onto the stage. It was dark and his only light was the small ones hanging from the stage. He looked around the large empty room and called out.


Then he heard a weak, pain filled voice. "Please... help me..."

The man turned and there lying on the floor in a dark puddle of blood was a young man. He looked no younger than 20 or so. His face looked pale and his right hand covered his neck which was gushing blood.

He went down to him and kneeled down in order to see the cut but the minute he went to his feet and looked into the man's eyes he knew it was wrong for him to be here. Before he could jump up the man's bloody hand held his arm down and one quick slash a flash of silver filled his eyes and he fell to the floor dead.

Douglas looked down at the man and gave a sigh in deep pain. He soon got to his feet and undressed. In minutes he had changed into the things the other man had on, which was a good fit. He re-dressed the man like a little doll and took his wallet. He then held a torn cloth to his seeping cut, which was not so deep as it felt, and walked out the back door humming one of Sally's songs.

By the time the police came Sally had slipped into a coma. She was rushed to the hospital. The crowd was taken back as the police looked in the building. Inside they found three bodies... including the one of the man they were looking for. His throat was slit and his face was cut up pretty bad but they could still make out it was a young man.

"Come on...let's take them in."

Little did the police know how dumb they were being. They didn't not even run checks on the body, never checking if it was Douglas Breen.

Douglas had rented himself a cheap motel room on the east side of town. He had taken a shower and with some thread tied up his cut. After that he looked in the man's wallet and he learned that the man's name was Rick Andros. He was 30 years old and a doctor and had a shit load of cash on him. As he looked in it he found a pretty photo of a young girl, not his type but still pretty.

He laid back on his bed and watched TV. What had happened was all over and news and Douglas was proud.

The next day he went to the drug store and got some black hair dye. He knew people might still be able to spot him but he would be in and out of the city... anyways he had some things to take care of. When he looked at himself in the mirror he laughed. He looked so different with jet black hair but he still looked handsome, with his dark green eyes. After that he dressed and looked at the man's address. He saw the man lived in the better part of town. He smiled thinking that a nice little visit would be good for himself.

On his way out his tried to mess up his hair a little in order to look different but it was no use. His short hair looked strange trying to look longer and more floppy. He walked along the back streets and got himself a newspaper. The headline read 'MASS KILLER DEAD...STAGE ACTRESS IN COMA'.

Douglas walked on with a smile on his face knowing that the bitch's blood would be on his hands tonight. He walked on and on, a smile forming on his face. For the first time he felt good, and that was rare.

Soon he made it to the town house. He went to the door and unlocked it. Inside he smelled a sweet aroma of bread baking. He walked in looking around the neat hallway. He passed framed photos of the man he had killed last night and a beautiful young woman with blonde hair. Soon he heard a sweet voice being called out from the kitchen. He froze in deep fear. He stopped dead.

"Rick? That you?"

Douglas just wanted to run just then, out the door and into the street, but something deep inside him made him move closer to the kitchen. He hid near the doorframe and looked in.

There sitting at the table was the woman from the photos. She had gorgeous cut-crystal, blue eyes. Her hair fell to her shoulders like white silk. She had on a white blouse and faded jeans that fit her body well. Douglas then felt all love and hate for Sally go dead. Here, sitting down, was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her eyes looking off into space with a glassy look upon them. Next to her hand was a small radio which was turned down low.

Douglas drew in a sharp breath and watched her. His heart felt like it had skipped a beat or two. He then lost every plan that was building up in his dark mind. All he saw was the woman.

He then gave a sigh and faced her, standing in the doorway. She didn't not look right at him but a warm smile came on her soft silk like lips.

"I knew that was you, Rick."

It then dawned on him that the woman was blind. He watched her slowly rise out of her chair, a white cane at her feet. She moved to him and he stood there like a piece of ice. She then came right up to his face. She could smell her sweet rose smell on her. He studied her pale silk-like looks and her sharp blue eyes. He swallowed hard and looked at her. He almost flinched as her smooth cool hands were placed on his face, slowly they moved up and down and he locked eyes with her. He felt warm all over.

She gave a frown.

"You're not smiling. I know you had to work late last night but I was so worried."

She gave a sweet, loving smile and kissed his soft gray lips. Her tongue danced around tasting him. He let out a low deep groan from his chest, and then he pulled away. She looked off into space.

"What's wrong, Rick?"

Douglas then gave a deep sigh. He then knew his time was short but he might as well be with this woman who was like no other. She didn't not see his face, not like the others. He then turned back, took her by the shoulders, and then he pulled her close and kissed her hard.

Next thing he knew they were rushing upstairs and into a bed he was never in before with a strange woman. Their clothes were off in a rush and he rubbed and kissed her smooth, flawless body. The room soon became hot. She let out little cries and once again he saw a look of confusion spread across her face when she touched him, but he did not care.

He then pushed her on the bed kissing her all over. His hands felt her up and down, feeling like they were touching silk for the first time. He then was on top of her. He kissed her neck and then lowered himself on her. Her hips moved back and forth, then she wrapped her legs around his waist and took him down with one huge thrust. In one quick thrust he filled her. She cried out and took him by the shoulders. He then started to thrust quick and hard, bringing it half in and out. He kissed her all over as her nails dug into the tanned skin of his shoulders.

He drove in harder and faster, each time lifting himself a little while both of his arms were holding her down in place. He went faster and faster, making sure he would never miss one thrust. His shaft was pumping with heat as he found a steady pace and held her down a little and worked at it. He let out hard groans, whipping his head back and forth. Her hips moved and her legs became tighter. He groaned wanting to hold off longer. He thrust as far as he could go into her and then came. He felt his semen pour into her and out of his soft sex. He lifted his head, and then let it drop to her chest to feel her breathing hard, still deep inside her.

Her still cool, smooth hands brushed her fingers into his matted hair. He smiled, knowing he was too heavy. He then lifted his upper body and looked at her and smiled again. He kissed her -- with love -- on her hot lips and then pulled out, feeling the warmth pour on the sheets. He then rolled off and held her tight. He wrapped his arms tight so she would not pull away.

He kissed her neck and smiled. He knew he was lucky somehow. He had only known her for less than an hour and he felt in love with her. Soon sleep came to her and she laid there. He watched her for a long time thinking things over. He could leave with her, take her far away. She looked at him as a man and not a boy. She was better than that old damn bitch. How he hated her.

He wanted her dead... now. If he killed her then all the pain inside himself would leave and he would go away with this girl. He then remembered he did not even know her name. He smiled and looked at the night table. There he saw a framed photo of the man he had killed and the woman. He smiled taking it out of its frame and turned the photo over

Rick and Renne 1982

He smiled. What a pretty name. He turned the photo over and then tore it in half. He threw the photo of the man to the ground. He then stood up and dressed. He stuffed the photo of Renne in his back pocket and then went to her. He smiled and then shook her shoulder when her eyes opened still looking off into space.

"Rick? What is it?"

Douglas tried to remember how the man sounded last night. "Renne. I have to go to the hospital. I won't be long and its all going to be over when its done. Just trust me."

She looked up at him confused. "What?"

"Just stay here."

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. He then started down the stairs.

Renne tried her best to run after him. She yelled his fake name over and over but it was too late; he was gone in the darkness, into the dark city.

Douglas walked the streets. It was a cold, crisp night. He walked faster and faster to the hospital with his mind blank. Soon he reached it and went inside. He found the lounge and dressed making sure no one saw him. He covered his cut and then walked to the front desk. The woman there told him where Sally was and he walked to room 667.

At that same time the Police looked over the dead man's body down stairs. They found that the man was not 23, he was 30. He was Rick Andros, a doctor that worked at this very hospital. All of the men looked at each other in shock and scared.

"Dear God. He's still alive."

It then dawned on them. Sally was in the hospital. All at once they started to run upstairs.

At that same time a taxi parked in the parking lot and Renne walked with her cane to the front desk.

Douglas walked into the dark room were the woman he once loved laid in her small bed. He slowly stood over her and then took the small hand gun from his pocket. He was shaking.

"Goodbye, My Love."

Just then, at the same time when the gun fired, the door slammed open. Douglas looked up at the men and at Renne behind them. He looked at her shocked and then before he could say anything else the guns fired into his chest. Everything flashed in his mind; his poor sad life, Sally, the pain of her not loving him, and it then dawned on him that Renne did not even love him. She loved someone else and in a way he had raped her.

He felt like lost and alone... and most of all... sorry.

Douglas fell to the floor. Thin blood fell from his mouth. He looked up at the dead woman in her bed and smiled.

"Together again."

His eyes then shut... and he was gone.