Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Summary: AU fic. Some of the Marines lived long enough to get off Acheron, but it seems the Company won't let them go. Following Newt's disappearance and the discovery of a nest of aliens in the heart of Gateway, Hicks and the other surviving Marines from Acheron are swept into a battle between two warring factions who can agree on only one thing: that they want all survivors from Acheron dead as soon as possible.
Categories: Alien Quadrilogy Movies Characters: Dwayne Hicks, Scott Gorman, Rebecca "Newt" Jorden, Jenette Vasquez
Genres: Action, Adventure, Alternate Universe, Science Fiction/Fantasy
Warnings: Profanity, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 68114 Read: 3458
Published: 27 May 2006 Updated: 14 Jul 2013

1. Chapter 1 by Jude [ - ] (12133 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Jude [ - ] (13755 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Jude [ - ] (7718 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Jude [ - ] (14244 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Jude [ - ] (15513 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Jude [ - ] (4751 words)