Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Author's Chapter Notes:
This story is a Jack Wallach story that takes place after Asteroid, even if I don't like that they killed Adam off.
Jack sat in the darkened room; the blinds shut tightly, blocking out the sun's rays. He was working on his fourth beer seeking comfort in the bottle but failing miserably. He was very aware that this was not where he was supposed to be today. Fate had tragically changed those plans just a few short months ago. Now all he wanted to do was escape from this day and the memories it stirred up along with the hurt those memories caused. Despite his efforts, he couldn't keep the memories from pushing forward. As his subconscious betrayed him, he drifted back to past birthdays and the one person who had always been there and should be here now.


It had been the same routine for the past few years when Jack Wallach's birthday rolled around. Adam, his right hand man, would join him in a rare day off to partake in the yearly ritual. Both men would take in a Baltimore Orioles ball game, who always seemed to have a home game the same day. From there, they would head to their favorite watering hole. It was a small, out of the way bar patronized by many of those who worked in FEMA. As the night droned on, several colleagues would join the two men and laugh the night away, leaving work and its problems behind for one night. This year had been no exception, but it offered up a perfect opportunity for some good old-fashioned ribbing of their fearless leader. Once there was a decent sized crowd gathered Adam began his torment.

"So boss, it must be pretty nice to see the top of the hill huh?"

Jack looked at his friend and glared knowing he was being set up for something.

"See the top of the hill? I think I already reached that when I became Director, don't you think?" Jack retorted.

"Well, you might say that, but that's not what I meant. Of course, it's probably something you'd rather not discuss in front of all these young people," Adam smirked.

"Marquez..." Jack growled as the others tried valiantly to hold in their laughter.

"After all, this is the last year you can even consider yourself a member of the younger generation. Forty hits and that's it. It's all downhill from there. I guess we'll have to adjust our yearly ritual next year to celebrate this new life you'll be entering. You may not be able to handle it so we'll have to think of something on the docile side. Wouldn't want you to overdo it."

"Very funny Marquez, I bet it took you all month to come up with that one," Jack replied, the others no longer able to control their laughter. "As for overdoing it, it'll be a cold day in hell when you can beat me in the physical department, pushing forty or not. You'd die trying and you know it. Of course you're more than welcome to plan this shindig that I couldn't possibly handle."

"Are you sure that's wise? I mean I wouldn't want to have to explain to your boss that you can't perform your duties anymore because you couldn't survive your birthday celebration."

"Are you threatening me Adam? Do I hear a challenge in that statement?"

"Well if the shoe fits, as they say."

"Then bring it on, friend. This time next year, you'll be eating your words and buying the house a round as retribution for your insubordinance," Jack stated, a smile on his face as he voiced his conditions.

"Those are tough words, Jack. I accept your challenge only it's you who will be supplying the house a round of drinks. Get ready for next year boys. It'll be like none other that's come before."

Both men shook hands as the rest of the bar broke into cheers and whistles.

Jack was brought back to the present by a persistent banging on his apartment door. He had every intention of ignoring whomever was on the other side until he heard the person call out.

"Delivery for Mr. Wallach."

He had no idea who would have sent him a package, but knowing it was rude to ignore the man, Jack proceeded to the door. A young man, barely twenty greeted him dressed in a photo gallery uniform.

"Mr. Jack Wallach?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Sign here please," the young man requested handing over his clipboard. After it was signed for, he handed Jack a large, thin package.

Having no clue as to where this had come from, he addressed the young man as he turned to leave.

"Excuse me, can you tell me who sent this?"

"There should be a card inside sir, but the delivery log says Adam Marquez. Have a nice day."

Jack stood staring at the retreating man's back, his heart thumping in his chest. He quickly shut the door and sat down almost afraid to touch the package. What could Adam have possibly sent him that would have arrived today of all days he thought. With shaky hands, he carefully tore the paper wrapping off. He had ripped off the paper at the back of the package and found the card the man had said was inside. He recognized Adam's handwriting and he had to fight back the emotions tearing at his heart. He slowly removed the card and opened it.

Hey buddy,

In light of our plans for this year, I didn't want to present this to you at the bar, so I had it delivered. You've been my best friend for a long time and I wanted something that would capture the happiness you and I share in our lives. I hope this isn't too over the top for you, but at least this way, you'll always have something to display to remind you of my friendship and love for you. Happy 40th Birthday Jack.



Tears rolled down Jack's face as he turned the picture frame around. Staring back at him was a portrait of the happiest moment of their lives together. Adam stood to the right of Jack. Both men were dressed in evening tuxes, smiling freely without a care in the world. Both had their arms wrapped around the others shoulder. The portrait was a recreation of a photo taken at last Christmas charity ball. Life seemed so perfect then as they celebrated the achievements of the area youths and their struggle to make more out of their life. The event had been a success and the photo had been taken at the end of the night. It was the last photo ever taken of the two of them together. Adam would never know his gift was not too over the top. He'd never know that it would be his friend's most cherished possession. Jack walked the portrait over to the mantle and placed it lovingly in the center of the room. It was the best birthday gift he'd ever received.

"I miss you, Adam."