Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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I'm sitting in the living room, when Kyle comes to me.

- I have surpise for you darling. I wrote poema for you...

- Really ? - I can't belive.- Tell me please...

Kyle takes big breath and start reading :

Between ruins and ashes,
Under machines deathly fire,
I'm still thinking about picture,
Which I always on a heart have...
Faded, yellowed...
But just like altar sacred.
On it Sad Goddess's
Beautiful face from past was spellbound.
Fire was take it...
But before he explode like heartbeat,
Every Her detail
Furrows on my memory like a stamp...
By pain and suffering
I'd across abysmal abyss of time
In the past and foreign world,
But with Her face unchanged...
Immortal and beautiful...
Like in legends still alive...
My own... My dream... My true love...
So strong, but delicate...
In my arms rests trustfully.
Her tears on the cheek...
Everyone like a pearl... life is worth...
One night, like a bridge
Our two far-off worlds joined
And us both lonely
In the lovers changed on forever...
But happiness is not for us...
World in to extermination follow hiding...
For my love,
With delight in heart I'd give my life...
She's only
Knows the future... She knows what'll happen...
And I already know
Sadness on the Goddess's face was came from...

- End. - Kyle stops reading. - And what's you think ?

I don't answer. I'm sitting with closed eyes and I can't say any word...

- Sarah, are you all right ? - Kyle asks worried.

I look at him. Tears falls down on my cheeks.

- It's the most beautiful thing I've ever hear in my life... - I say finally. - Wonderful. Thank you honey...

And I kiss him.

- I love you Sarah. I'd do everything for you... Always...