Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Author's Chapter Notes:
This is dedicated to Tarlan for helping to keep Michael Biehn front and center with her wonderful site. Happy Birthday, Tarlan, I hope this adds to your day.
Sean Harrison smiled as he flipped the coin and covered it with his hand. "Heads or tails?" he asked

"Tails!" John Declan called, smiling when Harrison lifted his hand and showed the coin. "I take mine black with one sugar and see if they have those little snack cakes with peanut butter inside?"

"Missed breakfast again?"

"Breakfast, is that even a meal anymore?"

"I'll be right back," Harrison said before hurrying toward the door to Kilolani's grocery. He pushed open the door and stepped into the dull interior, blinking rapidly in an effort to get his eyes accustomed to the gloom after being in the bright sunlight. Movement to the rear of the store caught his attention and he reached for his own weapon just as a shot rang out and his body jerked with the force of the bullet's impact, losing his grip on his own weapon in the process. He cursed and reached for his gun once more but a heeled boot slammed down on his fingers and kicked the gun out of reach. He heard Declan outside the door and knew he had to stop him before it was too late.

John Declan leaned back against the seat, a smile on his face as he thought about the changes in his life. Since transferring to Hawaii he'd managed to find his niche amongst the cops and had a great respect for Sean Harrison. The man knew what he was doing and he'd proved several times that he wasn't a coward. He watched the blond detective push open the door and reached for the radio at the same time the distinct sound of a gun shot reached his ears.

"Sean!" he called and grabbed for the radio and made a quick call to headquarters. "Shots fired at Kilolani's grocery! Officer needs assistance!"

Declan heard the dispatcher and confirmed the location before exiting the car and hurrying across the short distance to the doorway. He looked inside the partially opened blinds and silently cursed the scene inside, but ducked back when a shot shattered the glass beside his head.

"You do anything without my say so and I'll put a fucking bullet between your eyes! Now lie on your stomach and place your hands behind your head!"

Harrison knew there was nothing he could do with other hostages in the grocery and reluctantly tried to place his hands behind his head, but his left arm wouldn't obey his commands. Now that the excitement and adrenaline rush was over he could feel the wound in his shoulder burning with an intensity he hadn't felt in years. The last time he'd been shot was something he'd rather not think about, but it was there, always at the back of his mind.

"I said put your fucking hands behind your head!"

Sean knew there was no way he'd be able to lift his left arm and tensed his body for the blow he knew was going to come. He held his breath as a booted foot connected with his right side and silently cursed his luck.

"Hey, Wiliama, I seen him before," Lopaka Palakiko said.

"Where?" Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo asked his partner.

"Not sure, but I think he's a cop!"

"Is Lopaka right? You a fucking cop?" Kekikumo asked. He suddenly dropped down and placed his knee in the center of Harrison's back and grabbed a fistful of blond hair. He pulled back and placed his gun to the injured man's temple and smiled as he heard a gasp of pain escape Harrison's throat.

"B...bastard!" Harrison cursed and tried to get the man off his back, but he could not dislodge the gunman.

"You're a cop or else you were planning on robbing this place yourself. That a cop's gun, Lopaka?"

"Sure looks like one. Hey! I know who he is!" Palakiko said, sneering as he looked into the green eyes. "His name's Harrison. Sean Harrison, and he's a cop all right. You remember Kinipela Kuloneli?"

"Pretty redhead?"

"That's her. Harrison put her brother in jail. Testified against him and made sure he'd never get out," Palakiko explained.

"Wonder if Kini would like to see him again? What do you say, Harrison? Want to see Kilila's sister. Think maybe she'll have a thing or two she'd like to say to you."

"Fuck you!" Sean cursed and heard the sound of sirens in the distance.

"Shit!" Kekikumo spat and began to search Harrison for anything he could use. "Lopaka, grab me a roll of duct tape and make sure the doors are locked!"

"I locked the back ones already," Palakiko said and made sure the front doors were secured before closing the blinds completely.

Sean began to fight once more, wondering where the owner of the store was and why there were no customers in sight. How long had these two been in the store before he'd stumbled upon them? He knew once they had him secured he would not be able to do anything, but the pain in his shoulder was growing worse with each passing minute.

"Stop struggling cop or..." Kekikumo slammed the butt of his gun against Harrison's shoulder and smiled when he cried out. He grabbed the roll of duct tape and pulled the semi-conscious man's arms behind his back and quickly secured his wrists with the silver tape before pulling the detective to his feet. Not many people knew the real Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo, and those that did were already beyond help. Getting caught like this would not bode well for the plans he had once he left the island and he silently cursed his own stupidity at taking Lopaka Palakiko under his wing.

Captain Terry Harada joined Declan at Harrison's car and looked toward the grocery as several other cars pulled into position around them.

"Anything from Sean?" Harada asked worriedly.

"Nothing since the gunshot," Declan answered. Since getting his first initial look inside the building, he'd felt helpless and had returned to the safety of the car to wait for reinforcements.

"Any idea how many there are?"

"I didn't have much of a chance to check, but I saw two. They took a shot at me through the window."

"Have you tried to communicate with them?"

"Not yet. Sean's been hurt," Declan told him and realized less than five minutes had passed since Harrison had walked in on an armed robbery in progress.

"Could you tell how bad?"

"Took a shot to the left shoulder," the detective explained and watched Harada reach for the bullhorn.

"What did you do with Mr. Kilolani?" Harrison asked, gritting his teeth in an effort to keep from passing out.

"You might say he's on ice," Kekikumo said with a grin.

"That's pretty good, Wiliama," Palakiko said and hurried to the door when he heard a male voice from outside.

"This is Captain Harada. I want to speak with whoever is in charge!"

"Guess that's you, Wiliama," Palakiko told the older man.

"Guess so. All right, Harrison, why don't we see what your boss has in mind? Get the door, Lopaka," Kekikumo ordered and shoved Harrison in front of him. He waited for his partner to open the door and made sure Harrison was shielding him from his fellow officers.

John Declan cursed when he caught sight of his partner. He'd known the blond had been shot, but there was so much blood that the wound had to be even more serious than he'd first thought. "Jesus, Captain, we need to get him out of there!"

"I know," Harada snapped and returned his attention to the front of the store.

"Sean, are you all right?" Harada asked, realizing immediately what a stupid question it was, but he needed to ascertain just how aware his officer and friend was.

"Just great, Captain. Tell John next time he buys!" Harrison told them, groaning as his captor grabbed the wounded shoulder.

"You're not in charge, Harrison... I am," Kekikumo spat, enjoying the power he had over the blond.

"What do you want?" Harada asked.

"I want a car and safe passage to the airport."

"Don't forget to ask for money," Palakiko ordered.

"And a million dollars or the cop dies!"

"All right," Harada agreed and looked around. His officers were well placed and he could see the SWAT team setting up around him, but there was no way to get a shot with Harrison being used as a shield. "It's going to take some time."

"You have two hours!" Kekikumo said and dragged his hostage back inside the grocery before the cop could speak.

Sean knew the police department would not negotiate with Kekikumo, but Harada was buying time for the SWAT team's snipers to get into position. His shoulder throbbed as he was thrown to the floor beside the counter and again he wondered where the customers and staff members were. The man who seemed to be in charge had said Kilolani was on ice, but did he mean he was dead or was that a figure of speech. He leaned his head back against the glass case and tried to think of a way out of this situation. He heard the two men moving around, but when he opened his eyes, Kekikumo was staring at him.

"So, does Harada really think I'm that stupid?"

Harrison didn't bother to answer as the man moved to stand over him once more. Kekikumo struck him as a dangerous man, and Sean knew things could go from bad to worse very easily.

"I know you cops have a policy of not negotiating with anyone who takes hostages, but I have a plan. Want to hear it?"

Sean closed his eyes as nausea built in his stomach and his heart seemed to trip hammer against his ribs. He felt his captor grab him by the shirt and pull him forward until they were on even ground. Without thinking, Sean drew his head back and quickly snapped it forward, taking the man completely by surprise. The detective scrambled to his feet, but did not get far as a gun was cocked next to his right ear and Palakiko forced him to kneel once more.

"You'll pay for that, Pig!" Kekikumo warned and spit blood from his mouth. He stood before the kneeling man and grabbed a handful of blond hair once more. "You're bleeding like a stuck pig. Guess that's exactly the case right? You are a stuck pig; only you're not going to bleed out quite yet. See, I figure we'll take you with us when we leave here and introduce you to Kini, she'll be happy to show you the true definition of pain!"

Again Sean wondered at the dangerous glint in his captor's eyes. There was a certain kind of madness that he recognized and he knew Kekikumo was as insane as Kilila Kuloneli had been just before he was sentenced to three consecutive life imprisonment terms for drug abuse, prostitution and murder. Kuloneli had died at the hands of several fellow prisoners and his sister had sworn she would find a way to make him pay. It didn't seem to matter to Kinipele that her brother had used her in his business dealings. He could still hear her screaming for her brother as they led Kilila Kuloneli away.

"Lopaka, we need to find a way out of here before the cops bottle us up tight!"

"Want me to bring one of Kilolani's staff out here?"

"Yeah, bring me the pretty blond. Maybe she'll talk if she sees blood," Kekikumo said. "See, Cop, I heard a long time ago that Kilolani's was built over a series of old tunnels. There's got to be some way out of here and you're going to lead the way."

"Go to hell!" Harrison spat.

"Someday, but for now I'll just take pleasure in making your life hell. See, if you don't help us get through them tunnels that pretty blond is going to die...slowly, very slowly," Kekikumo warned and finally shoved the detective back against the counter.

Danny Edwards pulled his car to a stop on the north side of the street. He looked at his partner Chris Gains and the duo ducked low before making their way to the front of the grocery store. They kept the car between themselves and the hostage takers and looked at Harada and Declan.

"How many?" Gains asked.

"We've only seen two," Declan answered.

"Did you see Sean?" Edwards asked.

"Yes, he took a bullet to his left shoulder. He's bleeding pretty bad," Harada answered.

"They made any demands?" Edwards asked.

"They want a car and a million dollars, gave us two hours to come up with it. Damn it!"

"Captain, what's wrong?" Gains asked.

"How the hell did the reporters get this so fast?" Harada asked.

"Captain, can you tell us what is happening?"

"Kaleo, get those people back!" Harada ordered.

"Is it true one of your officers is a hostage in there?" the reporter pressed, but soon found herself being moved back across the police line. "What do they want, Captain?"

"Damn reporters!" Harada cursed and turned back toward the grocery store. He knew they were only doing their job, but sometimes they made things worse and right now he had enough to worry about. One of his detectives, who also happened to be a close friend, was inside the grocery and he was hurt. Turning to Linh Dias he motioned for her to join them.

"What is it, Captain?" Dias asked.

"I need you to go over to Jake's school before the media find out it's Sean in there. They'll go right after Jake and I don't want the kid finding out that way!" Harada ordered.

"On my way," Dias said and hurried toward her car.

"We need to find a way into the store," Edwards said.

"The back doors are secured and there's no way we can go in through the front," Harada said.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing, Captain," Declan spat.

"What do you suggest we do, Detective? Storm the building? That would just get Sean and any other hostages killed," the captain said. He'd spoken with the SWAT team leader and knew the man had everything covered. There was no way the two men could escape, but Harada did not want to think about what that could mean for Sean Harrison.

"Shit!" Declan cursed.

Sean tried to control his breathing and keep the pain from overwhelming his senses. He knew he needed to stay focused but it was becoming harder to do, and he knew blood loss was dangerous and could easily lead to shock and then death. He kept his eyes closed as Kekikumo paced in front of him, but opened them again when he heard soft sobs and looked up to see a vaguely familiar young woman being pushed toward him.

"Fix his shoulder!" Kekikumo ordered and shoved a first aid kit at her.

"I...I can't. I'm not...not a doctor!" the woman said, shivering at the sight and smell of the blood on Harrison's shirt. She recognized him from several visits and knew he was a detective.

"You don't need to be a doctor. Just stop the bleeding so we can get out of here!"

"I can't!"

"Fine, then I'll kill him now and you take his place!"

"No...God no, please!"

"Then shut up and do what you can for him! Wouldn't want to lose our best hostage now would we, Harrison?"

"Go to hell!" the detective spat, wincing when the woman pulled back his shirt. A name suddenly went with the face and he smiled in spite of the pain.

"I'm sorry, Detective."

"That's okay, Tamara, just take it easy and you'll get out of this." The policeman watched the two men as they moved to the window and peeked through the blinds. He knew the place was surrounded and that it would be impossible for them to escape through the front or back entrances. He gritted his teeth as the woman pressed a gauze pad against his wound, but knew it would do little good. The bullet needed to come out, or losing the use of his arm would be the least of his worries.

Officer Linh Dias hurried toward the principal's office and smiled at several students who watched her. She knocked on the door and was motioned inside by the secretary.

"What can I do for you, Officer?" the woman behind the desk asked.

"I need to speak with one of your students, Jake Harrison," Dias told her.

"Did he do something wrong?"

"No, but it's important that I speak with him immediately."

"I'll page him for you," the secretary said and pressed a button on her phone. "Jake Harrison, please report to the principal's office."

"What did you do, Jake?" Amanaka Meliloke teased. Harrison was never in trouble and for him to be called to the principal's office was something big in his classroom.

"Nothing, that I know of," Jake answered and looked up when his teacher spoke to him.

"Sean, please don't keep the principal waiting."

"Yes, Miss Lawalineke," the boy said and hurried out of the office. He frowned and tried to figure out why the principal would want to see him, but froze when he saw the female police officer standing inside the office.

"Hello, Jake."

"Hi, Linh, where's dad? Is he here?" Jake asked searching the office for his father.

"Jake, I need to talk to you."

"You can use the health room," the secretary offered and pointed to a closed door.

"Thank you, come on, Jake," Dias ordered and held the door open for Harrison's son.

"Where's dad?" the boy asked once the door was closed.

"There's been."

"Is he dead?"

"No, Jake," Linh assured him before sitting beside him on the narrow bed. "He was at Kilolani's Grocery when two men tried to rob the place. They are holding him and some other people hostage."

"Is he hurt?"

"I'm not sure, Jake," she lied, not wanting to alarm the child until she knew more.

"I want to go see him."

"You can't, Jake, not yet anyway. We need to let the SWAT team and Captain Harada do their jobs. They'll do everything they can to get him out," Dias told him.

"Did anyone call mom?"

"Not that I know of, would you like me to?"

"No, I'll do it," Jake said and fought to keep his fears at bay. He looked at the pretty police officer before standing and walking out of the room. He knew his mother's number by heart and reached for the telephone to call her. No matter how angry she was at his father, Jake knew she did not wish him any harm.

Tamara Willows taped the makeshift bandage in place and prayed it would help stop the bleeding. Sean Harrison was whiter than a ghost and she knew he was in serious trouble if the wound continued to bleed. She heard movement behind her and cried out as a hand latched onto her arm.

"Very good, Tamara, now I need to take a look around in the store room, but I don't trust the cop to behave himself while I'm, I'm going to take you with me and Lopaka is going to keep an eye on Harrison. You do anything to piss him off, Cop, and Tamara will see a whole new side of me. Got it?"

"I got it," Harrison spat. He watched Kekikumo drag the young woman toward the back of the grocery store and turned to see Palakiko laughing.

"Some big cop, Harrison. Kini is going to enjoy seeing you again, but I don't think you'll find much pleasure in her company. Man, when they sentenced Kilila she cursed you to hell and back and if Wiliama is right about those tunnels, you'll be seeing her before the day's over."

Sean drowned the man's voice out as he fought to stay conscious. Somehow he had to get the girl away from Kekikumo, but it didn't seem like that would happen in the near future. He knew less than an hour had passed since he'd entered the grocery, but it felt like he'd been on the floor for hours. His mind drifted and he knew he was close to passing out, but a blow to the right side left him gasping and fully aware of the man standing before him.

"Better not go passing out, Harrison, or we'll take the girl with us and leave you here," Palakiko ordered.

Sean watched through hooded eyes as his captor grabbed a bag of potato chips and ripped them open. His mouth was suddenly dry and he knew he needed to drink fluids to help stave off the shock caused by blood loss.

"Want some?" Palakiko said with a grin. "Oh, damn, sorry, forgot your hands weren't free. Guess you'll just have to sit there."

Sean ignored the would be robber and tried not to show just how badly he felt. His arm throbbed relentlessly and he looked longingly at the display of extra strength Tylenol and Advil. He'd give anything to pop a few right now and close his eyes.

"We need to get in there!" Gains snapped.

"I'm all ears," Harada said and spread his hands in frustration. So far they'd been unable to gain entrance into the grocery.

"There has to be a way!" Declan said and leaned back against the car. "Can we get blueprints on this place?"

"Already put in a call and requested them," Harada stated.

"Shit, that could take days!" Edwards said and shook his head. "Ever been to the hall of records? They're still using the old paper trail down there. You know...everything on paper and loaded onto a shelf and filed under FF?"

"FF?" Declan asked.

"Fuck it and forget it!" Gains said.

"File it and forget it," Edwards corrected.

"How much time have we got?" Gains asked.

"An hour," Harada answered and watched as the SWAT team seemed to be making a move along the rooftop across the street. The heat was unbearable and he knew patience would soon be wearing thin, but it was his officer in there and he was not going to let some over anxious SWAT sniper get him killed.


"I see him," Harada said and shook his head. There was nothing he could do, but watch and pray that things did not get worse.

"Captain, I'd like to go around back and see if there's a way in," Declan tried. He knew they'd swept the area, but sometimes small things were overlooked.

"All right, but take Edwards and Gains with you and don't fuck this up!"

"Yes, Sir," Declan said with a grin.

Sean looked up as Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo returned from the storeroom. He had his left arm around the girl and the wounded officer cursed when he saw that Kekikumo's hand disappeared inside the young woman's t-shirt.

"Well, Lopaka, it looks like we're going to be able to introduce this pig to Kini."

"You found the entrance to the tunnel?"

"Sure did. It's hidden behind the big freezer. I found a couple of flashlights and I'm betting we can get out of here with the cop and Tamara as..."

"Let her go. You don't need her," Harrison tried, but the look in Kekikumo's eyes told him the man wanted more from the girl than just another hostage.

"Sorry, cop, but you don't give the orders here! Lopaka, get him on his feet!"

"Sure thing, Wiliama," the second gunman said and reached for the injured man.

"Now, Cop, this is what we're going to do. Lopaka is going into the tunnel first. Then it's you and finally me and Tamara. Try anything and she's dead. Understand."

"Yes," Harrison said and stumbled forward. There had to be some way to get the young woman out of this mess, but right now he couldn't see any. They entered the storage room and moved quickly toward the stand up freezer. Sean knew he would have to do something to make them leave the girl here and he wished there was another way, but it seemed to be the only option.

Lopaka ducked under the beam and flicked on the light before moving into the damp tunnel. "This place stinks!"

"I know, but if it gets us out of here!" Kekikumo said and pointed his weapon at his captive. "Your turn, Cop!

Sean ducked below the edge and at the last minute used his upper body to knock Willows off balance. She fell heavily to the floor and he heard the distinct thud of her head as it hit the floor.

"You stupid, fucking bastard!" Kekikumo cursed and checked the woman as he held the gun on Harrison. "You've killed her!"

"" the blond whispered fearfully. He'd wanted to stun her in an effort to keep her from being taken along and instead he'd managed to get her killed. The exact opposite of what he'd wanted.

"We need to get moving, Wiliama, there's more ladies out there!" Lopaka said.

"Get moving, Cop!" Kekikumo spat and pushed Harrison into the tunnel.

Sean turned back at the last minute, condemning himself for what he'd done until he saw the woman open her eyes for the briefest second. Alive, he thought, but clamped down on his excitement before his two captors noticed the change.

"Hold up!" Kekikumo said and grabbed the edge of the freezer. He pulled it back, glad when the wheels moved easily and then turned to his partner. "Lopaka, find us a way out of here!"

"Sure, Wiliama."

"Lopaka's got the nose of a hound, Cop. He'll have us out of here before your friends even know we've escaped.

Don't bet on it! Harrison thought and stumbled when his captor shoved him along the downward curving slope.

Tamara Willows laid still as a wave of dizziness washed over her. She knew why Harrison had pushed her and owed him her life. The pain was too much and she reached up to touch the knot on the back of her head before trying to sit up once more. She made it to her feet by using the shelves and stood for several seconds before consciousness left her and she slid back to the floor.

"See anything over there, Danny!"

"Nothing, this place is locked down tighter than a whore's drawers on payday," Edwards answered.

"We need to get in there!" Declan said, spotting a window high on the right side. "Give me a hand up."

Edwards and Gains moved to lift Declan and grunted with the added weight as he tried to look inside.


"You need to go on a!" Gains complained, but shifted his legs in an effort to lift Declan closer to his target.

"Okay, hang on!" Declan said and cleaned the grime from the window. He could see the inside of the storeroom, and cursed when he spotted a pair of legs just at the edge of his vision.

"See anything?" Edwards asked.

"I can see legs."

"Man or woman?" Gains asked.

"Woman...there's no one else in there. I'm going to try and force the window."

"Just be careful, John."

"I know," Declan said and tried to force the window open. It took some doing, but he stood to his full height atop Gains and Edwards' shoulder and finally forced the window open. It was narrow and for a moment he wasn't sure he could get through, but he had to try. Shoving off with his feet he managed to get his upper body inside.

"John, you okay?"

"I'm just fucking great!" Declan answered through gritted teeth.

"See anyone?" Gains asked.

"Yes, it's a woman...looks like the one that works the front counter."

"Is she okay?" Edwards asked.

"How the hell would I know? Look, just be quiet before someone hears us!"

Sean stumbled several times but didn't go down in spite of the nauseating dizziness assaulting his senses. He could see Palakiko just ahead and knew Kekikumo was a few feet behind him. He could try to take the man down, but with his wrists taped and the wound to his shoulder, there was no way he could take them both down.

"Move it, Cop!" Kekikumo spat. He knew Harrison was trying to slow them down, but he would not allow that to happen as he grabbed the police officer and spun him around. He shoved the gun under Harris's chin and stared deep into the blazing sea green eyes.

"Fuck you!" Sean snarled, receiving a blow to his lower back as Palakiko stepped up behind him.

"You listen, Cop, listen real good 'cause I'm not going to say this again. If you keep trying to slow us down I'm going just wait here until your friends catch up and then I'm going to blow their fucking heads off and then we'll just drag your ass along with us. Got it?"

"I got," Harrison said, falling to his knees when his captor released him.

"Good! Now get up and start moving!"

Sean struggled to stand, but was jerked to his feet when he didn't move quickly enough. He staggered after Palakiko, his head spinning as nausea threatened to overwhelm him. Harrison had no idea how far the tunnels went or where they'd end up, but he couldn't chance Kekikumo setting a trap for anyone following them. The tunnels were the perfect place for an ambush and Declan and the others would be sitting ducks once they walked into the labyrinth itself.

Declan pulled himself through the window and dropped to the floor in a crouch as he drew his weapon. He stayed low, searching the area for any sign of the two thieves or Sean Harrison. There was no movement, yet his instincts kept him from rushing into the outer room. He made his way toward the down woman and reached out to touch her neck, shocked when she let out a strangled cry and struck out at him.

"Sh, lady, it's okay. I'm a cop," Declan explained softly.

"Cop? You're a cop?" Tamara asked hopefully.

"Yes, now if you'll be quiet we'll both get out of here. Are they still."

"They're gone!" Willows said and sat up, grabbing her head as pain lanced through her skull.

"Easy, just lie still."

"No, you don't understand. They took Sean."

"Took him?" Declan asked. "Took him where?"

"Through a tunnel, but you need to help Mr. Kilolani."

"Where is he?" Declan Asked.

"They locked him in the walk in cooler. It's so cold in there."

"All right. Just let me check the store."

"No, they left. I saw them go!" Tamara shouted impatiently.

"John, is everything okay?" Edwards asked.

"I'm in. The girl says the thieves left and took Sean with them. Go tell Harada I'm in!"

"Fuckin' A!" Gains swore.

Declan kept his gun in front of him and moved to check the door to the main grocer. He could hear the young woman crying behind him, but he needed to make sure the store was secure before he checked on Kilolani. He heard Harada and several others enter the grocer and raced toward the walk in cooler. He lifted the bolt from the locking mechanism and opened the door. Kilolani was pacing back and forth, rubbing his arms in an effort to keep warm.

"Thank God!" the older man said and hurried out of the cooler.

Declan grabbed the owner as he stumbled and eased him to the ground beside Tamara Willows as several officers entered the room.

"Where's Sean?" Harada asked.

"They took him through there!" Tamara said, pointing to the freezer.

"What's back there?" Declan asked.

"Some old tunnels," Kilolani answered. "I thought they were boarded up."

"No, the freezer was there. They took Sean with them," Willows explained.

"Captain?" Gains asked.

"Get after them!" Harada snapped. "Kaleo, get the medics in here now!"

"Yes, Captain," the officer said as Gains and Edwards began pulling the freezer away from the wall.

Declan moved behind the freezer and looked into the dark tunnel, flicking at the remaining cobwebs that blocked entrance. "We'll need flashlights!"

"I'll get the ones from the car," Gains stated and hurried away.

"Be careful!" Harada warned as a team of paramedics entered the storeroom and began examining the two victims. The police captain moved out of the way and joined Declan and Edwards at the entrance. His worry for Sean Harrison was easy to see as he looked at the two men. "One missing cop is enough."

"Didn't know you cared, Captain," Edwards said with a grin as Gains returned carrying two heavy-duty flashlights. Kaleo returned with an extra flashlight and Harada signaled for him to go with the three detectives.

"Lopaka, we need to get out of here now!"

"I think there's some kind of opening up ahead, Wiliama!" Palakiko said and stopped in front of a partial opening. He pressed against the barrier, smiling when the rotted wood gave way at his touch admitting bright sunshine into the tunnel. The thief checked the outer area and was pleased to find they'd come out into a wooded area near the back of a building site. Making sure they would not be spotted he turned and grinned at his partner as he shoved Harrison forward.

"Where are we?" Kekikumo asked.

"About a mile south of Kilolani's. That empty lot where they're going to put up the new high rise," Palakiko answered.

"Nice work! You hear that, Cop? We're out of here!" Kekikumo said and shoved the injured man through the entrance. He looked at the mound of dirt and rock above their escape route and smiled as an idea hit him. "Watch him, Lopaka!"

"Sure, what have you got in mind?"

"A little surprise for anyone following us. Figure they won't be able to get out the same way we did," the man laughed as he looked at the angry blond before climbing above the entrance and dislodging several large boulders that caused a small landslide that escaladed until the entrance was completely blocked by dirt and debris.

"Well, Cop, looks like you're all alone!" Palakiko said with a grin as his partner rejoined them.

"Lopaka, see if you can find us a car. Quicker we get out of here the better. We don't want our hostage dying on us before he sees Kini again."

"Kini's going to love our little surprise."

Sean sat down on one of the rocks that had fallen at the entrance and tried to catch his breath. The wound in his shoulder throbbed and he tried to loosen the tape around his wrists, but there was no way the adhesive would release its hold on him.

"So, Cop, what do you think Kini is going to do when she sees you?" Kekikumo asked and was met with stony silence. "Think maybe she's going to give me and Lopaka a nice little bonus for bringing her brother's killer to her."

"I didn't kill Kilila," Harrison said, wishing the other man would come closer.

"Maybe not with your own hands, but you sent him to prison. Didn't I hear Kini say something about flaying the skin off you inch by inch? Think maybe I'd like to watch her do that."

"You're sick."

"No, I just love seeing a cop get what's coming to him! You know I killed a cop once...threw his body into the lava. Great way to get rid of evidence."

"You'll be caught."

"Not for that one. Happened when I was in my teens...before I got sent to juvenile. I doubt they even know the cop was missing. He was dirty anyway," Kekikumo explained, brandishing his weapon toward the hostage. "Bet you're wondering why I'm telling you all this."

"D...don't need to wonder," Harrison ground out through clenched teeth. "You figure I'm a dead man and dead men tell no tales."

"That's it exactly," the thief said with a grin. "I kind of feel sorry for you, but then again seeing as you're a cop makes me real happy to turn you over to her."

"You'll be caught."

"Someday, but you won't be around to see it."

Sean couldn't help but smile at his captor. He'd been in situations like this before and heard those words uttered by more than one man, but he'd always managed to come through in the end. "Don't bet on it," he rasped, praying his own words would not come back to haunt him as Kekikumo's anger shone in his dangerous eyes.

"Bet on it, Harrison, I know with Kini it's a win-win situation for me!" the man said and brought his gun crashing down on Harrison's forehead. He stood over the downed police officer, watching as blood streamed from a wound above the blond's right eye.

Declan pulled up as they came to a juncture in the tunnel. Not sure which way to go, he pointed to the right. "Chris, you and Danny take that tunnel. Kaleo, you're with me!"

Kaleo followed the detective deeper into the labyrinth of tunnels, but there was no sign of the missing officer. He'd grown to respect Sean Harrison and care what happened to him and his family. He knew Linh Dias was still with Jake Harrison and prayed they'd have good news that would see father and son reunited.

Declan led the way down the musty smelling tunnel, brushing aside whatever cobwebs got in the way. Several times he spotted the spiders that created the destroyed web and gave the more deadly species a wide berth. There were other creatures in the darkness with them, but they scuttled out of the way before the human intruders saw them.

"Kaleo, shine that light over here," Declan ordered softly and waited for the bright light to illuminate the darker walls of the ancient tunnel.

"Someone's been by this way recently," Kaleo observed and reached out to touch the surface.

"Looks that way," Declan answered and started down the tunnel once more. There were several more indications that this was the way the thieves had come and he wished there was some way he could contact Edwards and Gains.

"Wait a minute," Kaleo said.

"What's wrong?"

"Looks like there's been some kind of cave in up ahead. Recent too if the dust is any indication."

"Shit!" Declan said and the two men began pulling at the debris, but the debris and stones were jammed in by larger boulders and broken trees. There was no way for them to break through without help and the two men soon admitted defeat.

"Damn it!" Declan cursed when the passageway stopped abruptly. He knew the other officer was right and that this had happened within the last half an hour. Whoever the thieves were they'd successfully barred their exit. Declan struck out at the debris before Kaleo's big hand grabbed his own.

"That won't help, Brah," Kaleo said and could easily read Declan's frustration because it mirrored his own.

"How the hell do we find out what's on the other side of this?"

"I guess we need to go back and find another way out!" Kaleo suggested.

"Shit!" Declan spat, but he knew the other man was right as he followed him back the way they'd come.

Lopaka pulled the stolen Chevrolet Impala to a stop near the edge of the wooded area and hit the horn once to get his partner's attention. It had been easy to grab the car since the owner had been naïve enough to use a hide-a-key and it was a simple matter of reaching into the wheel well and palming the item as he walked back to the driver's door. Now he watched as Kekikumo reached for their captive and began dragging him toward the car. Lopaka pulled the key from the ignition and walked around to the back of the car before searching the area and making sure they were still alone before hurrying to help with Sean Harrison.

"What happened?"

"Sonofabitch wouldn't shut up! Help me get him into the trunk!" Kekikumo ordered. Between the two men they lifted the tall blond and dropped him into the trunk. It took a few minutes to make sure he was not going to escape before they closed the lid and hurried toward the front and climbed inside.

"Where to?"

"Do you know where Kini lives?"

"Sure, we take the north route out of the city and..."

"Don't talk about it, just get us moving!"

"Sure, Wiliama," Palakiko said with a grin as he spun the tires and turned the car around. "How much do you think she'll give us for Harrison?"

"Don't know, but Kini has always said she'd like to get her hands on him so I'm betting she'll be in a generous mood when she sees what we've brought her. This could mean easy street for us, Lopaka."

"Damn right," the other man agreed, slowing down as he entered traffic and drove north toward the edge of the city.

Gains and Edwards gave up on their own tunnel when it narrowed to a space where neither man could enter. Taking a few minutes to catch their breaths, the duo turned back the way they came, hoping Declan and Kaleo had better luck than they did. They made it to the junction in the tunnel and heard the sound of footsteps coming toward them. Without a sound the two men pressed their bodies back against the wall until they spotted the newcomers.

"Did you find anything?" Gains asked.

"The tunnel was closed off...recently," Declan said. "You?"

"No, there's no way they could've gotten out that way," Edwards answered.

"Damn it! All right, we need to get back to the store and find out where these tunnels lead. Maybe Kilolani knows something!" Declan lead the way back through the tunnel and stepped out into the storeroom once more.

Harada turned away from the SWAT team leader as his men returned from their search for Sean Harrison. Tell me you found something."

"There's an exit, but it's been blocked off," Kaleo explained.

"Then Sean's still in there!"

"No, Captain, the exit was recently in the last hour!" Declan told him. "We tried to get through, but there's too much heavy shit there. Is Mr. Kilolani still here?"

"No, they took him to the hospital with Miss Willows," Harada explained.

"Damn!" Edwards cursed. "We were hoping he'd be able to tell us where the tunnels lead."

"Without the blueprints there's no way of knowing where they come out except by judging the area," Harada said. "Were you able to judge which way the tunnels went.

"The main one was south...then branched off in two different directions. The one Kaleo and I were in went left so I'm guessing southeast."

"That sounds about right," Kaleo agreed.

"The one running southwest narrows pretty fast and there's no way an adult could make it through," Gains explained.

"All right, so we concentrate on anything southeast of this location," Harada ordered.

"How far do you think you went?" Gains asked.

"Not sure, maybe another quarter mile from where we split up," Declan answered.

"You boys get moving. Kaleo, ride with Declan! Make sure you stay in contact at all times!" Harada ordered.

"Yes, Sir," Kaleo agreed.

Harada stood watching as the men dispersed and wished he had better news for Jake Harrison, but the boy deserved the truth. Jake was so much like his father and wanted to know everything no matter how bad things looked. He knew Linh Dias was with the boy and hoped she'd be able to keep him away from the media. Taking a last look around, Harada left several officers to make sure the store was secure before moving out into the bright sunshine.

Sean's first thought was that he'd been buried alive, but that was quickly squelched as the car hit a deep rut and his head slammed against the edge of the trunk before he was able to control his upper body's movements. He opened his eyes to complete darkness and tried to twist his body, but he was wedged in pretty tight. His shoulder throbbed with each move, but he would not give in easily, crying out when the car struck another rut in the road and bounced him around once more.

"Damn it! There's got to be a way out of this shit!" Harrison cursed, but something told him this one was going to be hell no matter what he tried. Groaning, he closed his eyes as his stomach churned and prayed he wouldn't be sick, not now, not here. Again and again he felt the hot bitter bile in his throat and kept swallowing until darkness once more reared its head and he lost consciousness.

"Linh, mom's coming right over," Jake explained to the policewoman after he hung up the phone.

"How is she, Jake?"

"She's worried. She says my dad don't deserve this."

"No, he doesn't."

"You can go. I'll be okay until mom gets here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, you need to go help find my dad. Don't let him...don't let them."

"We're going to do everything we can to get him back, Jake." Linh Dias placed a comforting hand on the young man's shoulder and smiled reassuringly at him. "You have my word on that."

"Will you call when you find him?"

"Of course we will, Jake. I'll make sure of it," the officer said.

"Thanks, Linh," the boy said and smiled thinly in spite of the fear that caused his heart to beat faster than it should. He closed his eyes and pictured his father's smiling face and hoped he'd see it again.

John Declan drove south, passing several buildings that were slated for destruction and cursing the traffic that slowed him down. They'd stopped at several possible exits, but nothing panned out and John was beginning to think the tunnel itself had been a figment of his imagination.

"Think we'd better check that out," Kaleo said, pointing to a group of people near the entrance to an abandoned site.

"Damn it we don't have time for this!" Declan said, but pulled into the curb anyway. Kaleo was out of the car and moved toward the distraught young woman who seemed to be shouting at everyone. "Excuse me."

"Thank God. Officer, someone stole my car!" the woman cried.

"She probably just parked it somewhere else and forgot about it," a middle aged man in a business suit supplied.

"Shut up, Geoffrey!" the irate victim snapped. "Look, I parked my car right here while I went to pick up a couple of things, but it's not here now."

"Kaleo, what's going on?" Declan asked, joining them when it seemed his temporary partner was not returning as quickly as he hoped.

"She says her car was stolen," Kaleo said and looked toward the empty lot. Something at the back caught his attention and he pushed his way through the group of people and headed toward the embankment.

"Kaleo! Where the hell are you going?" Declan shouted above the woman's voice.

"There's something back here, John!" Kaleo said when he reached the small landslide. "I think this was where the tunnel ended."

Declan looked around and tried to judge the distance, but the woman grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"What are you going to do about my car?"

"Look, Miss."

"Jenny Burton," she answered.

"Miss Burton, if you'd wait over there I'll have an officer take your statement. Right now we're."

"John, does this look familiar?" Kaleo asked, holding up a piece of fabric.



"Yes, he was wearing it this morning! Call it in, Kaleo," Declan ordered and turned his attention to the young woman once more. "Miss Burton, we're going to need a description of your car and the license number!"

"I thought you were going to get someone else to take my statement," the woman said sarcastically.

"Look, whoever took your car may be involved in a kidnapping. I don't have time."


"Exactly. What color, year, and model?"

"It's a black Chevy Impala...1999. I just paid the damn thing off!"

"We'll do what we can to get it back for you," Declan said.

"Look, I have insurance, but I don't want to have to file a claim. Can you make sure it's in one piece. I mean I know about you cops and car chases and the car always ends up ready for a junk pile when you're done," Burton spat.

"This isn't the movies, Lady," Declan snapped. "A man's life is on the line and I don't give a damn about how your car looks if and when we find it. Kaleo, tell Harada the car we're looking for was probably involved in Sean's disappearance!"

"On it," Kaleo assured him and spoke into the mike once more.

Kinipele Kuloneli sipped at the tall drink before gazing out over the ocean that surrounded her family home on three sides. Her father had chosen this place for that very reason because it made the area hard to get to except by boat or across the private stretch of road that ran along the southwest edge.

"Is there anything else I can bring you, Miss Kuloneli?" Mineki Makineki

"No, that'll be all, Mineki," the red haired beauty answered. She reached for the packet of cigarettes and shook one out before placing it in her mouth and lighting it. Since her parent's death and her brother's murder, Kuloneli had craved vengeance against Sean Harrison. Kilila had been behind a lot of drug running operations and even dallied in prostitution before he'd been caught. He'd even sold her a couple of times, but she'd been given the choice of whom she slept with. On several occasions she'd slept with people Kilila wanted to deal with, but they'd refused until he blackmailed them into submission. She didn't regret her part in those jobs, if anything she'd enjoyed using her sexual prowess to make them putty in her hands. Now she was alone and Harrison was to blame for what she'd become.

During the time since Harrison made the arrest and her brother's murder in prison she'd let her need for revenge fester until all she thought about was killing the cop who'd taken her beloved brother from her. Anger and resentment combined as she threw the glass against the wall and watched the blood red liquid slowly trail down the wall.

"I swear he'll pay, Kilila. His blood will."

"Miss Kuloneli, the gatehouse called to say you have company."

"Did they say who it was?"

"It's Mr. Kekikumo and Mr. Palakiko."

"Tell them I'm not receiving any visitors today." The two men were small time criminals and she was used to dealing with them, but she was not ready to see or talk to anyone today.

"Yes, Miss Kuloneli," Makineki said and went back into the house.

Consciousness returned to the injured man, but with it came the throbbing in his skull and the spearing agony in his shoulder as he tried to shift in the close confines of the trunk. He had no way of knowing how long he'd been in this position and thinking only made things worse. The heat was nearly unbearable and the smell was nauseating. The vehicle he was traveling in hit another deep rut in the road and he bounced off the side before he had a chance to set his body against the movement.

Hell of a fucking mess you're in, Harrison! he thought and shifted position once more. Sweat trickled down his cheeks and he desperately wanted to wipe it off, but his bonds kept him from performing even that mundane act.

Wiliama Kekikumo could almost feel the money in his hands and was salivating at the idea of turning the cop over to Kini Kuloneli. He'd known of the woman's need for revenge and now he was about to give it to her, but not before he received a lot of money. He glanced at his partner and knew he would kill Palakiko if and when the opportunity arose. They'd known each other a long time, but loyalty was somethin Kekikumo owed to no one and that was something he prided himself on. He could make it on his own, especially when Kini paid him the money he wanted.

"How much do you think she'll pay for him?"

"I don't know, but it'll be a hell of a lot more than we got at Kilolani's place."

"We could write our own ticket," Palakiko said with a grin.

"And then some," the other man agreed as they pulled to a stop in front of the home. The house was set high on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. There were two sets of stairs leading down to the beach and swimming area. A large yacht was docked at the end of the pier and several smaller boats were also present. The gardens would have made any florist envious with white hibiscus, purple orchids, bleeding hearts, and heliconia. Giant palm trees and huge umbrella shaped trees were spread across one side of the property giving shade to several gazebos.

"Want me to stay with Harrison while you cut us a deal?"

Kekikumo smiled and nodded his head as he opened the door and stepped out. The floral fragrances were overpowering at first and he sneezed several times before walking up to the main doors and hitting the button. He placed his hands in his pocket and turned to look back at the car until the door behind him opened.

"Miss Kuloneli sends her regrets, but she's not taking callers today," Makineki explained.

"Tell Kini she'll want to see me."

"I told her you were here, but she's..."

"Tell her she'll be real sorry if she turns me away!" Kekikumo snapped and pushed past the older woman.

"Now see here..."

"It's okay, Mineki. I'll handle it."

"Kini, I know you're busy, but I promise you won't be sorry," Kekikumo said and watched as the maid strode angrily away.

"What do you want, Wiliama?"

"I got something in the car you might want to check out."

"I'm not interested in buying any junk today."

"I assure you this isn't junk."

"Look, how much do you want?" Kuloneli asked, bored with this man and the items he tried to sell her.

"I was thinking maybe a hundred thousand."

"Right...get real, Wiliama."

"But I'll settle for fifty grand."

"For what?" the young woman asked, her interest suddenly peaked.

"Come take a look. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Kinipele Kuloneli sighed heavily, but followed the petty thief out to the car. She recognized the second man, but didn't bother to acknowledge his presence as Kekikumo stopped in front of the trunk.

Sean could hear several voices, but the words were muffled and his ears were still ringing from the blow to the head. When the car had stopped, he began searching for a way out but stopped when he heard the newcomers stop beside the car. He strained to hear what was being said, but the voices were too soft and he couldn't make them out.

"Fifty grand. That's a lot of money," Kuloneli said as she tapped her fingernails on the trunk.

"I know, but I think you'll agree it's money well spent." Kekikumo grinned at his partner as the man reached into the car and found the latch for the trunk.

"I think I'll reserve my opinion on that until I see what you've brought me," the woman said and folded her arms across her ample chest as the two men slowly lifted the lid.

"Fifty thousand gives you..."

"Sean Harrison!" Kuloneli said, blue eyes turning glacial when she saw the bound captive.

"He's yours for fifty grand,' Palakiko said with a grin.

"You idiots!"

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted Harrison!"

"I do...but not like this. Did anyone see you."

"Their idiots, Kini."

"Shut the fuck up, Harrison!" Kuloneli snapped, viciously striking the man across the face.

"No one saw us. We stole this car and as soon as we get rid of Harrison we're going to drop it off somewhere outside the city and..."

"How can you be sure no one saw you? How did you get him?" Kini asked.

"Petty th...thieves, Kini. That's who you align yourself with?"

"I told you to shut up, Harrison," the irate woman warned, grabbing his chin between her fingers and squeezing tightly. "I don't think you want to make me angry right now."

"What do you say, Kini?" Kekikumo asked.

"I don't have that kind of money here, but I'll get it to you."

"Fifty thousand."

"Twenty five."

"Come on, Kini, he's worth more than that to you. Think about the fun you could have before you kill the bastard...make him pay for what happened to Kilila," Kekikumo explained.

"Thirty thousand and you'll help me get him inside and secured."

"Thirty thousand," Kekikumo agreed, knowing it was enough since he did not plan on sharing it with Palakiko.

"All right," Kuloneli agreed and leered at her captive. "Well, Sean, it looks like you and I are going to get to know each other very well."

"Don't do me any fucking favors!" Harrison spat when she released her hold on his chin.

"Get him out of there, Wiliama!" the woman snapped and moved out of the way. She was glad to see they'd bound his ankles at some point, because his expertise as black belt was well known to her. There were so many things she'd learned about this particular cop in hope of getting her hands on him. Kini knew he had a son, but she shuddered at the idea of hurting a child.

Sean felt his arms grabbed and he was pulled from the trunk of the car. His legs were all but useless as he sagged between the two thieves. His head came up when Kinipele placed her finger beneath his chin and he stared into the cold eyes and was reminded of a predator ready to pounce on it's prey. Trouble was, right now Kini was the predator and he was her helpless prey. He worked his tongue around inside his mouth until he found enough saliva to spit in her face and smiled when he saw a small amount of uncertainty in the eyes just before she lashed out at him with another open handed slap that rocked his head back.

"Bring him inside. I'm sure he'll enjoy the amenities...then again, maybe not," Kuloneli laughed and led the way into the house. "You see, Sean, this house was built many years ago during the second world war. The owner, my great grandfather, aided the Japanese and often had guests brought here for interrogation. Some of the equipment they used is still here, but I can't be sure how well they work. Perhaps you would volunteer to test them for me?"

"Fuck you!" the blond cursed when they reached the door. Again he found her touching his face, only this time she ran a sharp nail along his jaw line before speaking.

"That could very well happen, Sean. After all, I am a beautiful..."


"Perhaps...but I am a woman who can appreciate a man and his attributes. I am not adverse to having a little fun before I exact my revenge. You might even enjoy..."

"Never...bitch," Harrison said and heard her laughter as she turned and continued into the house.

"Never say never, Sean, for I am a woman who loves a challenge," Kuloneli assured him. She led them up a set of stairs until they reached the second floor.

Sean tried to keep track of where they were going, but the pain in his shoulder made him nauseous. He tried to calm his rebelling stomach as his captors dragged him along a wide hallway to a locked room at the very end. He forced his head up once more and watched as the woman searched through several keys until she came up with the one she wanted.

"This room is off limits to everyone but me, Sean. Here I will be your judge, juror, and executioner. I can make this as easy...or as hard as I wish," Kuloneli whispered and opened the door. "Bring him inside."

Sean's stomach twisted in knots as he was dragged into the room and given a chance to look around. A narrow cot had been placed against the back wall, an old mattress the only covering. There were several instruments he recognized from his own captivity during Desert Storm, while others he'd never seen before. There were cuffs at both ends of the cot that were secured by bolts to the floor and he swallowed past the nausea in an effort to keep from showing any reaction.

"You want him on the bed?" Palakiko asked.

"Yes, make sure you secure the cuffs...tight," she added as an afterthought. She knew Harrison had a penchant for getting his arms out of restraints and she would not give him that opportunity.

Sean was deposited unceremoniously on the bed and waited as they released his feet. He smiled inwardly when they made the mistake of rolling him onto his side and cutting the ropes before securing his ankles. Without thinking about his own injuries and weakness, the officer slammed his head back and felt it connect with one of his captors. He thought he heard the sickening sound of bones breaking and hoped he'd managed to do some damage. Before the second man could react, Sean turned on his back, brought his legs up and kicked at Kekikumo's chest. He connected, sending the man flying across the room as Kinipele Kuloneli cursed the two men.

Sean knew he could not let up as he struggled to get off the cot, but blood loss and the lingering numbness in his legs and arms conspired against him. Palakiko, blood running from his ruined nose was cursing even as he moved in and Harrison set himself to do whatever was required to put him down. As he struck out with his right hand he heard Kekikumo coming at him from the opposite side and barely set his body against this new threat. He twisted out of the way, but the woman slammed something against his left shoulder and he cried out as he lost his balance and fell heavily to the floor. Giving up was not in his vocabulary and in spite of the agonizing pain in his shoulder, Sean managed to get back on his feet and face his captors.

"Give it up, Sean," Kini warned, smiling maliciously as she held the flat board in front of her.

"Fuck you."

"We've already been through that," the woman said with a grin.

"Is everything all right up there, Miss Kuloneli?"

"Everything's fine, Mineki. I'm simply entertaining my guests. Please make sure there's enough for two guests at the table and prepare a tray."

"Call the pol..." Harrison shouted, but was cut off when Palakiko and Kekikumo dove at him. The two men managed to drive him backwards onto the cot.

"Are you sure everything's okay?"

"Mineki, do as I tell you!" Kuloneli shouted and slammed the door, before moving in and quickly snapping the cuffs around her captive's right wrist. She smiled when the cop cursed and fought against the restraint now in place.

"Sonofabitch!" Palakiko swore when Harrison tried to knee him.

"Hold him!" the woman ordered and snapped the second cuff in place before hurrying to the other end of the bed.

Sean continued to fight, but cried out when Kekikumo grabbed his shoulder, digging his fingers into the raw wound. Harrison ground his teeth together and fought to keep his rebellious stomach under control as he kicked out with both legs until Palakiko threw his weight on both legs.

"Bastards!" the detective spat when the two men stood up and towered over him. He felt a barren victory when he saw that the two men did not come out of it unscathed. The woman was also bleeding from a gash on her right cheek and he realized he must have connected with his feet before she locked the restraints around his ankles.

"Oh, Sean, I must say I admire your spirit, but we both know I'm going to get what I want," the woman said, smiling as she wiped the blood from her face with her finger. She looked at the crimson fluid, before placing her finger against his mouth and spreading it across his tightly clenched lips. The sight of the helpless man sent tremors through her body and she leaned down to place her mouth against his.

"Kini...about the money."

"Come back tomorrow, Wiliama. I'll have it for you then."


"Get out of here before I change my mind."

"I thought we were staying for dinner."

"Not today," Kuloneli told them. "I've changed my mind and won't be eating in the formal dining room. Come back tomorrow."

"Come on, Wiliama," Palakiko said and grabbed the other man's arm.

Sean heard them leave, but kept his eyes on the woman in the room with him. He could read several things in her posture and none of it bode well for him. Her eyes were still as cold as ever, but her mouth continued to press against his and he could feel her hip grinding against his.

"Bitch," he managed just before she nipped at his upper lip.

"Oh, Sean, I am so going to enjoy our time together. Kilila would have had me kill you right away, but there are some things a woman must act on." Kinipele lifted her head and licked at her lips, enjoying the fact that her captive was helpless before her. She reached for something he couldn't see and smiled as he tried to shift his upper body.

Sean tried to calm his racing heart as he saw what she held. He hated being restrained, but even worse was the feeling of choking that usually came with being gagged. Kini smiled at him as he watched her remove a length of duct tape and he wished he tried to turn away, but she easily placed the length of silver across his lips.

"Now, Sean, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a look at your shoulder."

Harrison shook his head as she placed one hand on either side of his face and spoke softly to him.

"I'm afraid I must insist. You see I have planned so many ways of killing you, but have decided I want to enjoy myself in other ways first. You should be proud of your body, Sean. I can tell you work out," Kini said and opened a drawer in the cabinet next to the cot.

Sean listened to her voice but his eyes became fixated on the sharp scissors she now held in her hand. He fought to control his breathing as she slid the cold metal along his cheek. Her next move took him by surprise as she stood up and straddled his body.

"Now I believe it's time to get you out of these clothes."

Sean could only watch as she lifted his shirt and slowly began to cut through the material. He struggled, and shifted and finally using what little strength remained, jerked his body and dislodged the woman. His victory was shortlived as once again she straddled him and used the sharp instrument to cut the shirt away from his body. He moaned when she lifted the bloodied bandage from the wound to his shoulder, but there was nothing he could do to stop her.

"Oh, Sean, you are an incredibly gorgeous man. Too bad you have to die. Kilila's death must be avenged, but I assure you there's death and then there's death," she cooed and leaned closer to his ear, nipping at the lobe even as she ran the blades down his taut stomach.

Harrison silently cursed the woman, but his body reacted to the sensual touch as she began nuzzling his neck and running her tongue along his Adam's apple. His stomach churned as he realized he was reacting to her touch, but as a cop he knew deep down that the reactions were instinctive and did not mean he was actually enjoying her attention.

"Did you know Kilila taught me everything he knew about pleasure. Oh I don't mean that literally, Sean, but he talked to me when we were younger about the differences between men and women and how easy a woman could manipulate a man's body to get what she wanted. Are you turned on, Sean? Oh my, I forgot you can't talk," Kinipele whispered and sat up once more. "Kilila also left me many things that can be used for both pleasure and pain, Sean. Perhaps you would enjoy experimenting with them. I know I will."

Harrison felt her move further down his body and gasped when she caught hold of his pants. Her right hand trailed a path across his chest, tweaking first one nipple and then the other before she moved off his body and knelt beside the cot. Her left hand slipped inside his jeans and he gasped when she touched his manhood. He heard her sigh and tried to ignore the growing sensations, as his cock grew rigid beneath her touch.

"Damn, you look so fucking hot." A knock at the door caught her attention and she cursed before answering. "I don't want to be disturbed!"

"I am sorry, Miss Kuloneli, but dinner is ready!"

"Mineki, take the rest of the night off!"

"Should I clean."

"No, just leave it!"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"It's so fucking hard to get good help these days. Now, where was I?" Kini smiled as she turned her attention on the captive once more. "Oh, yes, I believe we were going to talk about the first thing that popped up, but first we need to make you more comfortable, Officer."

Harada looked up as his officers returned to the station. He could easily read the anger and frustration and knew the men had gotten no where in their search for the missing detective. He'd spoken with Harrison's ex-wife and knew she was taking Jake to her family home and that he could contact her there as soon as they found Sean. Declan was the first to enter his office, followed by Gains and Edwards. This wasn't an ordinary case and he could see the other officers watching them intently. One of their own was missing and every cop in the city was looking for him. Sean Harrison was well liked by most of the cops, but he did have some enemies in the force.

"Any word on the stolen car?"

"Nothing," Declan answered. "We've put an all points on the car, but nothing yet"

"What about Kekikumo and Palakiko?" Edwards asked.

"Linh and Kaleo have been working on that angle, but there's been no sign of them," Harada answered.

"Have you talked to Jake?" Declan asked.

"I spoke with him earlier. His mother's taking him to her home."

"At least they'll be able to keep the reporters away from Jake," Gains said.

"Jake doesn't like being a prisoner," Harada supplied seriously.

"Look, I don't know much about Sean's family, but why would Jake think he's a prisoner in his mother's home?" Declan asked.

"Sean's former in-laws never approved of their marriage and they wanted Jake to be raised with them, especially after the divorce," Harada explained. "It wasn't messy. I honestly think Sean and Jennifer still love each other, but her parents did not approve of him being a cop."

"Jake wanted to live with Sean, and Jennifer agreed to it in spite of her hiding the remotes," Edwards said.

"All right, so Jake is safe, but that doesn't help us find Sean," Declan declared.

"No, it doesn't, but there's not much more we can do until we find Palakiko and Kekikumo," Harada told them. "Sean has a lot of enemies, but he also has a lot of friends and they're the ones we need to speak with. What is it Linh?"

"Captain, Tamara Willows just called."

"Willows. Isn't she the one from Kilolani's?" Declan asked.

"Yes, she said she has some new information and wants to speak with me," Dias told them.

"Go!" Harada said.

"I'm going with her!" Declan said and hurried after the female officer.

"You two see if there's anything new on the streets! Check with Sean's snitches while you're at it!" Harada ordered.

"Yes, Sir," Gains said.

Harada watched the two men leave and prayed they'd find some new leads on the missing officer. So far it seemed the man had disappeared into thin air, but in a city this size someone had to have seen something. It was only a matter of time; he just hoped it was time that Harrison could afford.

"Where do we dump the car?" Palakiko asked when they drove away from the Kuloneli home.

"There's a cliff not far down the road. We'll pull up there and dump it over the edge," Kekikumo answered, already thinking ahead. He would also get rid of Palakiko at the same time and come back tomorrow for the money. Once he had it he would get off the island and make a new life for himself in one of the bigger cities.

"What are you going to do with your half of the money?"

"Leave...maybe start over," Kekikumo answered.

"Maybe we should go together."

"We'll see, Lopaka. Right now we just have to wait until she gives us the money." He reached into his pocket and felt the gun he'd used at Kilolani's Grocery and knew he would have to get rid of it before leaving the Island.

"Kini looked hot tonight."

"Kini always looks hot. It's just too damn bad she thinks she's above the rest of us. Kilila spoiled her."

"You'd best not let her hear you say that, Wiliama. What do you think she's doing with the cop?"

"How the fuck should I know. The cliff is just around this bend so slow down."

"How do we get back to the city if we dump the car?"

"We walk," Kekikumo said. At least I will.

Sean tensed his body as his captor slid the sharp blades beneath the waste band of his jeans. She'd managed to pull the shirt from beneath him and had placed a bandage over the wound in his shoulder, but blood was already soaking through it. He briefly wondered how much more he could afford to lose, but the sound of the scissors opening and closing brought his attention back to Kinipele Kuloneli.

"Sean, my brother could have made so much money selling your body...and I don't mean just to your enemies. I know several women...and men who would love to have sex with you," Kini said as she slit down the center of his jeans. She could feel him tremble at her touch and knew she could easily make him respond to her. Kilila had often used this room when he had a troublesome client. She remembered watching him as he forced the man or woman to swallow pills or used other methods to make them more pliable to his needs. She'd even helped him when the captive was a distinguished male and knew there were drugs she could use to make him respond to her touch.

Kini licked her lips as she pulled the jeans away from his body, leaving him with only a pair of boxers. Her eyes were filled with lust and she knew she would enjoy this night of sex before killing Harrison and dumping his body into the ocean. Using the scissors, Kini quickly cut away the last boundary between her and Sean's manhood. Smiling she quickly bent over him and blew a whisper soft breath of air against his cock.

Sean felt his body's betrayal, but there was nothing he could do to stop his reaction as her moist tongue ran along the length of his penis before playing with the narrow slit. He could hear her moan and silently cursed in disgust as his cock grew rigid beneath her manipulations.

"You taste wonderful even for a cop. I thought all pigs would taste like the shit they roll in," Kini whispered as she stood away from him and slowly removed her clothing. "Do you like what you see, Sean?"

Harrison shook his head, groaning against the gag still wrapped around his mouth. He tried to work it loose, but it was no use and he was totally shocked when the woman reached down and removed the gag.

"Am I now beautiful, Sean?"

"Even snakes can be beautiful, doesn't mean I want to sleep with them," Harrison said and heard her soft laughter.

"Better watch what you say or I'll show you my fangs," Kuloneli said and pressed her lips against his. "I don't usually bite my victims, but in your case I'm sure you taste divine."


"Yes, I am, and right now I'm in heat and from what I can see you'd welcome my touch."

"Like hell."

"You haven't seen anything yet, Sean. Hell is one way to put it. I can give you something to make sure you enjoy yourself."

"No!" Harrison snapped and felt her pull away once more.

"Will you cooperate?" Kini asked and knew the answer before he spoke. "Didn't think so. Well, that's okay, because I still have some connections and Kilila was an excellent teacher. He showed me what to use and how much. A sedative will help you relax and even enjoy yourself, and since this is your last night you might as well enjoy yourself. I would love to prolong this, but I'm afraid Kilila deserves to be avenged for what you did to him."

"Kilila was a lowlife scum sucking--" Her hand clamped over his mouth, cutting off anything he might have said.

"You'd better watch your mouth, Sean, because I can make this even worse for you," the woman warned and slowly released her hold on him.

"Whore!" he spat and this time her hands wrapped around his throat. She squeezed until there was no air entering his lungs and watched as he fought to breathe.

"Don't you ever call me that, you bastard! I am not a whore and..."

Sean could fell her fingers tightening around his throat and fought to breathe, but there was nothing he could do to make her release her hold on him. He felt darkness reaching for him and felt his mind embracing the idea of getting away from the pain. The world around him faded until only a thin stream of flashing lights were between him and death. His body craved the oxygen it was deprived and suddenly the band around his throat was released. He sucked in a wheezing breath, coughing and sputtering as he tried to control his body's reaction to being so near death. He could hear sounds now as the slamming drummer in his head dulled and he turned to see his captor holding something in her hand.

"I'll show you who's a whore, you bastard. Kilila will understand. He might even be proud of me. What better way for a cop like you to end up? I'm sure Koma would be able to use you. Do you know Koma Makewiki, Sean? He's a mean sonofabitch who deals in white slavery. I'm sure he'd have many clients who'd take an interest in a cop. Don't you think?" Kini asked and sat on the edge of the bed. She tapped at the inside of his forearm and placed the point of the needle against his arm.

"What is that?" Harrison ground out.

"This is just a little sedative...something to help you relax. I'll call Koma when we're finished and have him come for you. I'm sure a cop whore will bring him plenty of satisfaction. He might even decide to use you himself. I bet he'd make you squeal."

Sean found it hard to swallow as he felt the drug enter his system. He knew whatever she'd given him was racing through his blood stream and that any chance he'd had of resisting her had just gone down the drain. Using what little strength he had left, Sean stared into the hazel eyes and managed a weak whisper. "Bitch!"

"Yes I am, Sean, and Kilila would think this a fitting end for the cop who signed his death warrant," Kini whispered and heard the man's soft chuckle as the sedative worked to relax him. She'd also added something Kilila had sworn by, and knew Sean Harrison would be unable to resist her for several long, exquisite hours. At least, they would be exquisite for her, but for her captive there would be little or no satisfaction as the drug raged through his body and kept him hard in spite of the powerful orgasm he was bound to experience. That was the beauty of this type of drug and also the danger when used by people in her position.

Kini knew she should check the house and make sure everything was secure, but the sight of the drugged, helpless victim had her body craving release and she slowly straddled him, grinding her body against his cock until she felt him react to her touch. Kini smiled when she heard him groan and knew he could not fight her any longer as she positioned herself over his cock and slowly impaled herself on him. Again he moaned and she placed her hands on either side of his face until he looked at her through glazed green eyes.

"You really are all man," Kini moaned and began to move as his hips ground into her. "Down, boy, I'm not quite ready to finish this."

Sean couldn't fight the rising tide of wanton lust creeping through his body. His engorged cock strained to be deeper in the warm sheath it was embedded in. He couldn't understand why the willing woman who rode him didn't want him to push deeper. "Please."

"Oh, I do love it when you beg, Sean. Kilila would be so proud of his student don't you think?" without waiting for an answer, Kini began riding the man's cock, sighing in contentment as she felt the sensual pleasure of his organ pressing deep inside her.

For Sean there was nothing now but the ardent need for release. Again and again he felt the warm moist sheath engulf his cock until he cried out in frustration and need. His drugged mind could not understand why his body wouldn't obey his commands and he tried to focus on one thing...releasing his seed inside the willing woman.

"Tell me what you want, Sean," Kini whispered and felt her own body tense with the expected orgasm. "You want me to make you come, Sean? Is that what you want?"

"Need... God...please... I need," Harrison pleaded and felt her tempo increase until they were both plummeting over the edge and lay panting on the cot.

"Oh yes, Koma w...will definitely enjoy fucking you," Kini said and lifted herself from the bed. She sat on the edge and used the fingers of her right hand to pinch his nipples. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he tried to get this breathing under control and Kini knew it wouldn't be long before she could enjoy his body again, but first she had a phone call to make. Kilila's death would be avenged in a much sweeter way than just taking the life of the man responsible for his death. "I'll be back for more, Sean."


"No, I'm not, but you soon will be. Whore to any man or woman with the money to pay the price Koma puts on your ass." With those words she turned and strode from the room, leaving her captive to think about her warning.

Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the waves as the last of the dying sun sank below the horizon. He heard Palakiko come up behind him and smiled at how easy this was going to be.

"That's a long way down," Palakiko said.

"Yes, it is," Kekikumo said and shifted back slightly from the edge. He waited until his partner was leaning out over the guardrail before reaching for him with both hands and shoving as hard as he could. He heard Palakiko's scream as his body plummeted to the rocks below and knew there was no chance of him surviving the fall. Moving to the car, Wiliama knew he would have to get rid of it too and began pushing it toward an opening at the end of the guardrail. Once there he made sure the car would go straight down and jumped back just as it went over the ledge. He heard it crash onto the rocks below just before a fireball shot into the sky.

Not many people knew the real Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo and very few knew him as the cold-hearted killer he truly was. Most people considered him a small time criminal, but in truth, he could and would kill anyone who stood in his way.

Palakiko had been useful for a time, but would have been a liability he could not afford if left alive. He'd told him more than he should have about his plans and that had signed Palakiko's death warrant. Now all he had to do was get the money from Kuloneli and leave the island for good, leaving behind the dead bodies that had yet to be discovered. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Kekikumo began to walk back to the house he'd left just a short while ago. If Kini did not hand over the money he wanted, he would simply slit her throat and take whatever he could find.

Killing Sean Harrison would be a bonus, one he would thoroughly enjoy.

Linh Dias pulled the patrol car into a visitor's parking spot and exited the car. She looked over the top as her very worried passenger slammed the door. They were to meet Tamara Willows inside the main hospital doors. Linh could easily read Declan's face and knew the man was exhausted and yet he refused to give up the search for his missing partner. She hurried to catch up with him as he ran across the street and held the door for her. Linh spotted the young girl huddled in a chair near the main desk and hurried over to her.


"Officer Dias, I...I..."

"Just call me Linh," the female officer told her. "This is John Declan. Sean's partner."

"Sean saved my," Willows whispered and let the tears fall. "They were going to take me with them, but he pushed me and I fell...hit my head."

"Sean's a good man," Linh explained.

"I know and I want to help find him."

"Did either of the men say anything about where they were going?" Linh asked, holding her hand up to silence Declan when he made as if to speak.

"Yes...that's why I called you. They said they were going to take him to see Kini"

"Kini?" Declan said. "Did they say anything else?"

"Yes," Willows said and rubbed at her aching head. She tried to remember everything the two men said, but it was hard to keep her thoughts straight. "They said something about Kini being angry because Sean sent someone she knew to jail."

"Did they say who this someone was?" Linh asked.

"Kil or Kelly or something like that. I think the person is dead though...died in prison," Tamara told them.

"Linh, I'm going to call this in. Maybe someone at the station knows Kini or something about him or her."

"All right, John," Dias said and turned her attention to the young woman once more. "Tamara, do you have someone at home to take care of you?"

"Yes, my mom's on the way over to get me. She was here earlier, but had to pick up my kid brother from school and I told her I'd call her when the doctor said I could go home. Please find Sean, Linh."

"We'll do our best, Tamara. He has a lot of friends who want to help him."

"There comes my mom," Willows said and was soon engulfed in the ample arms of her mother. "Oh, Mom, I was so scared."

"I know you were, Honey, but you're safe now. Officer, I can't than you enough for taking care of my little girl."

"Your little girl looked after herself, Mrs. Willows," Dias said. "Tamara, please call the precinct if you remember anything else."

"I will, Linh," the young woman said and leaned wearily against her mother as they walked out of the hospital.

"Is she going to be okay?" Declan asked when Dias came over to the car.

"I think so," Dias said. "Where do we go now?"

"Back to the station. Harada thought he might know who Tamara was talking about. He said he'd check it out and should have the information by the time we got back to the station," Declan said hopefully.

Sean moaned, deep in his throat as something engulfed his cock and a hand teased his balls. The sensations combined to drive him into a frenzy as his need for release made him strain against the cuffs locked around his wrists and ankles. There was pain, but there was also pleasure and both combined to take the breath from his body as a hand danced along his groin and gently tugged at the hair growing there.

"God," he groaned as sharp teeth nipped at the tip of his penis before he was deep throated and all sense of passion disappeared when those same teeth bit sharply before releasing him again. He opened his eyes as a soft body covered his and he felt his cock slip inside her. Any pleasure he felt was shortlived as she began to bite his neck and pinch his nipples. "Bi...bitch."

"I think we've been through that already, Sean. Oh, did I forget to mention I like rough sex? I can tell you're enjoying it too."

"Like hell!"

"That's not what your body says, Sean. I can feel you inside me."

"Damn, you are a hot bitch, Kini."

Kuloneli turned to see a familiar figure standing in the open door. "What the fuck are you doing here, Wiliama?"

"I came for my money."

"I told you I don't have that kind of money here!"

"I know, but I don't believe you. Just give me the cash and I'll let you get back to lover boy. What would Kilila think?"

"None of your business!"

Sean felt her pull away from him and tried to concentrate on the heated conversation, but the pain in his shoulder was nearly his undoing as he lifted his head. Kinipele stood with her hands on her hips, naked as the day she was born and screaming at someone just out of his line of sight. It didn't take long for him to recognize the voice of his former captor and he silently hoped the duo would kill each other, thereby putting him out of his misery.

Harada looked up from the computer as Declan and Dias came into the main squad room. Kaleo was running the name's through the computer and had just found the links Harada was looking for.

"That's her! Get Edwards and Gains in here."

"Tell me you got something, captain!" Declan snapped.

"Kinipele Kuloneli, known to her friends as Kini. Sean arrested her brother Kilila and testified against him at his trial. Sean's testimony put the sonofabitch behind bars for good. Kinipele vowed she'd get even with Sean, but she hasn't been heard from in a couple of years, not since her brother died at the hands of fellow prisoners."

"Do we have an address on her?" Declan asked.

"Yes, but we need to get a search warrant before we..."

"Sean could be dead by the time the judge sees it our way!" Declan spat.

"We do this by the book, but hat doesn't mean we can't be in position when the warrant comes through," Harada stated.

"Captain, we just got a report in of a car over the cliff near Kuloneli's home!" a female officer advised.

"Damn it, Captain! We need to get moving!"

"All right, but make damn sure you watch each other's backs!" Harada said.

"We could always go to the house and say we're asking if anyone seen anything involving the car?" Dias suggested.

"Please, I need to speak with someone..." An older woman stood in the doorway, fear evident in her eyes and words as she looked from one officer to another.

"Officer Makaleoku will help you," Harada said and nodded to an older officer sitting at his desk before turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Linh, your idea has merit. See what you can find out about the car."

"Captain, I think you need to hear this!" Iohuni Makaleoku called.

"What?" Harada asked.

"This is Mineki Makineki. She works for Kinipele Kuloneli and she said there were two men there this afternoon and they delivered something to her boss."

"Miss Makineki, did you see anyone."

"Yes, yes. I see plenty, Captain, but I could not help. Miss Kuloneli will have me killed if she knew I was speaking with you."

"We'll make sure she doesn't find out, but we need to know everything you can tell us," Declan told her.

"Two men came to the house and Miss Kuloneli did not want to see them at first, but they came in anyway and she spoke with them. I did not see what they were doing at first, but I heard them bringing something into the house. Miss Kuloneli told me there would be guests for dinner, but when I went to tell her it was ready she grew angry and told me I could leave for the day, but I saw."

"What did you see, Miss Makineki?" Dias asked.

"She had a man in that room and I think he's hurt. There was blood on the stairs...and...I..."

"It's okay, Miss Makineki. We're going out to the Kuloneli home and what you've told us is very important," Harada explained. "You can stay here until we get back."

"Stay here?"

"Yes, the officers will make sure you're safe," the captain assured her and then motioned for the others to follow him. "There won't be a problem getting a warrant now, but I want to get out to that house right away. Declan, I'll ride with you. The rest of you follow, but don't use the lights or sirens. Linh, get over to Judge Makine's home and get that warrant."

"On it, Captain," Dias said and hurried out of the precinct.

"All right, ladies and gentlemen, let's go get Sean away from that bitch!" Harada cursed and headed for the door.

Kini stood her ground against the unwelcome guest, but all she could think of was the blond captive at her mercy. She knew Sean Harrison worked out and had ran her hands over his body while he'd been too drugged up to realize she was taking pleasure in just the touch of her hand against his heated skin. Now, she would have to placate this man before she could get back to her captive.

"I told you."

Kekikumo smiled and grabbed her arm, pulling her roughly against his body and covered her mouth with his own before releasing her and staring into angry hazel eyes. "I don't believe you, Kini. A smart woman like you must have a contingency plan in case something happens. I'm sure there's a nice wall safe around here with plenty of cash inside. I want my money now!"

"Damn you, Wiliama!"

"Yes, I'm sure I am, but at least I'll be able to enjoy myself with the money you provide." Kekikumo looked at the naked man on the cot and smiled. "So is he good...or do I show you what a real man can do?"

"Go to hell!" She snapped, nostrils flaring in anger before she led him from the room.

Sean kept his eyes closed and listed to the searing argument between the man and woman. Whatever drug she'd given him was slowly wearing off and he was able to think more clearly. He knew Kini was dangerous and remembered her threat to sell him to Koma Makewiki. The man was involved in white slavery, but so far they hadn't been able to pin anything on him. Maybe Harada will finally get the sonofabitch, he thought but another thought crossed his mind that if he did it would be because he'd been sold and might never be found.

Sean began to struggle against the tight bands of steel wrapped around his wrists, but to no avail. Kini had made sure they were tight and there was no way in hell he could free himself, short of cutting off his own hand. His shoulder had gone beyond pain now and the numbness bothered him, as it could be a sign of nerve damage.

"That's the least of your worries," he whispered and renewed his attempt to break free.

Kekikumo watched as the naked woman opened the safe and pulled out several packets of money. He could see more inside the case and was tempted to take it all.

"Here, damn you! Mark my words, damn well better not show your face again because I've still got friends and contacts and they'll make you pay! Now get out of my home!" She slammed the safe shut once more and turned to face him, a small gun held tightly in her right hand.

"What's the gun for, Kini?"

"Just in case you get some big idea about taking the rest of my stash," Kuloneli said, smiling as she motioned for him to leave.

"You and I could become partners, Kini."

"I'd never sink to your standards, Wiliama," the woman said.

"Least I'm not forcing myself on a cop...sleeping with the pigs, Kini. Especially the one you've sworn would die for what he did to your brother. That's low, even for you," Kuloneli spat before he turned and hurried from the house. He knew she could have easily shot him, but there was something about killing a man that made her stop. Kinipele Kuloneli never got her hands that dirty. She left it to the men she hired and right now he counted himself lucky there were none of her hired thugs on hand.

Sean heard her return and pretended to be asleep, but could not hold back the cry of pain as she grabbed his wounded shoulder and pressed her thumb into the raw flesh. He twisted on the bed in an effort to ease the torment, but there was no escaping her touch.

"'re all alike and think you can control what a woman does. Kilila was the only man who treated me with respect."

"Ma...made you a w...whore."

"Bastard!" Kini spat, the thought of any pleasure gone with Harrison's declaration. Her thumb continued to press into the wound and she smiled as he tried to twist away from her touch. "I already told you I'm not a whore, Harrison, but you will be. Koma will see to that!"

"Bi...bitch!" the cop spat as darkness claimed him once more.

Kinipele stood up and stared down at her captive. She wanted him again but, for now, the idea of sex paled against the anger flooding her mind and body. Turning away she walked out of the room and locked the door before heading for the Jacuzzi in her master bedroom.

Declan drove along the road that led out of the city and stopped when they came across the scene of the car accident. He exited the car in time to hear Harada speaking with on of the uniformed officers. The rescue workers were already in position, but so far hey hadn't reached the wreck below. As soon as Harada finished giving orders they were back in the car and headed for the Kuloneli home.

"Do you think he's alive, Captain?"

"Sean is hard to kill, Declan. He's a survivor...always has been."

"How long have you known him?" Declan asked.

"Since he was a wet behind the ears rookie. He made his share of mistakes when he first got here, but he's street wise and he knows how to get people to open up to him."

"He has a wide variety of snitches."

"Yes, he does and that's because he treats them like human beings and not the dregs of the earth some cops think they are. Sean's helped a lot of people and they seem to give information a little more freely than the snitches you usually deal with. Sean Harrison has what my grandfather used to call people skills."

"Hope he's using them on Kinipele."

"I doubt that very much. She hates Sean...blames him for her brother's death."

"Why was Kilila sent to prison? I mean I know some of it from what I read in the file."

"Sean's first run in with Kilila Kuloneli was just before he made detective. Sean caught him beating one of his girls and he put a stop to it."


"He used force."

"In other words he beat the crap out of Kuloneli," Declan said with a wry grin.

"You could say that, but it was a mutual fight. Sean didn't come away unscathed. He ended up with several broken ribs that tied him to his desk for a couple of weeks. Those weeks were put to good use since Sean dedicated his time to finding out everything he could about Kilila and his operations. The man was a drug runner and a murderer and he had his hands into every damn thing you could name. Sean thought he was working with Koma Makewiki."

"Sean told me about him...white slavery?"

"That's him, but we've never been able to pin anything concrete on him. Arrested him a few times but like the sleaze ball he is he slipped through the cracks."

"Sounds like a real loser."

"He is and it's only a matter of time before we catch the sonofabitch. The house should be just around the bend. She has guards at the gatehouse and I don't want her alerted to our presence until we're ready to act. Pull over to the side and we'll wait for the others to get here."

"Captain, what if we wait and it's too late?"

"There's nothing we can do without the warrant."

"What if I went in...not as a cop, but as a friend? I was supposed to be off duty over an hour ago," Declan said when he stopped the car. He could see Harada was seriously considering it and hoped the man would give him the green light.

Harada knew Declan was a good cop and understood what he was getting at. If Kinipele had sent her servants out then she was the only one in the house and a single officer stood a better chance of rescuing Harrison than a swarm of cops going in at once.


"What are you still doing here, Declan? I thought I sent you home an hour ago?" Harada said with a grin.

"Sorry, Sir, my hearing must be off. I'll see you later," the cop said and exited the car. They'd gone over the map of the grounds and John knew he could enter if he followed the narrow path that ran along the west side of the road that led out to the small island.

"Hey," Harada called and waited for Declan to face him. "Don't do anything stupid!"

"I'll try not to," the detective said and raced across the main road.

Harada watched his newest detective and was glad they'd asked Makineki about the layout of the house. Declan knew where the room Sean was being held was located and if he could get inside without Kuloneli seeing him there was a damn good chance they could get Sean out of there.if the man was still alive.

"Captain, where's Declan going?" Edwards asked when they pulled up beside the man.

"He's off duty and wanted to check out the sights," Harada said, a tiny smile on his face. "Before you ask, the answer is no. I need you both here when Dias arrives with the warrant."

John Declan bent low to the ground and hurried past the gatehouse. He could see the guard seated at a desk with headphones over his ears and from the way he clicked his fingers, the detective knew he was listening to music of some kind. Taking a deep breath he moved to the edge of the cliff and looked down, swallowing again and again as his fear of heights made his chest tighten.

"You owe me for this, Sean!" Declan whispered and slipped over the edge as a searchlight shone on the area he'd just vacated. Grabbing anything he thought might hold his weight; the detective began to work his way past the gatehouse. Once he was past the first bend he knew it would be safe to travel along the road, until then he silently cursed Mother Nature for making this particular cliff so high.

"Don't look down," he spat as tiny beads of sweat rolled down his face. Several times he blinked as the small drops of moisture stung his eyes.

"Damn it!" Declan cursed and swiped at his forehead and eyes in an effort to clear them. He lifted his head above the ledge, dropping down once more as the searchlight neared him. "Shit, I thought I left this behind when I left..." He didn't finish the thought as his feet slipped and he barely had time to set himself for the shock of taking his full weight on his arms. He dangle in space as the ground around him continued to crumble as his hands fought for purchase in the roots of the trees that lined the narrow road.

Sean's return to consciousness was not a pleasant one as he still found himself tied to a cot and at the mercy of Kinipele. The woman was no longer in the room with him, but he knew she wasn't far. His mind kept going back over the last few hours and how easily she'd managed to rape him. He knew that's what it was; yet he still felt guilty for his body's betrayal. He knew that was also a normal reaction and set his mind against falling into those thoughts. He had nothing to feel guilty about.

Declan grabbed hold of a strong root and began pulling himself up over the ledge. He'd made it past the bend in the road and knew the searchlight could not reach this far. The house loomed ahead, dark and ominously quiet as he ran toward it. Only one light shone on the second floor and John's instincts told him that was where Kuloneli was holding his partner.

He made it to the front door and smiled when he found it unlocked. People often forgot to lock up, especially when their minds were on other things. Pushing the heavy door open, Declan looked inside and waited for any sign that his entry had not gone unnoticed. He heard movement from above and slipped silently inside just as a woman passed the staircase and headed toward the lighted room at the end of the hallway.

Harada opened the door of the squad car before it had come to a complete stop. "Did you get it?"

"Yes, Sir," Dias said and produced the warrant. She stepped out of the car and knew most of the precinct was on hand to help in the rescue efforts. There seemed to be one man missing and she turned to the captain. She'd been close to John Declan, but they'd slowed things down since being caught in a compromising position, but she still harbored feelings for him.

"John's off duty!" Edwards told her.

"Where is he?" Dias asked.

"If I were to make a guess I'd say he's visiting Miss Kuloneli," Gains supplied.

"All right," Harada said and motioned for his officers to be quiet. "This is how we go in and I want it done by the book. If Sean's in there we need to go in easy and watch each other's backs. I don't want anyone being a cowboy! Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," came from several officers, but they all knew they'd do anything to rescue one of their own.

"Gains, Edwards, you're with me. We'll serve the warrant at the gatehouse. Kaleo, it'll be up to you to make sure the guard doesn't alert her to our presence! Dias, you take the outer grounds and make damn sure no one gets out of there!" Harada said.

"Yes, Captain," Kaleo agreed and headed for his squad car. He'd wait until the captain served the warrant and then he'd sit on the guard if he had to.

"So, you've decided to rejoin me. Did you enjoy your little nap?" Kini smiled as she removed the silk negligee and stood naked over him. "Do you like what you see?"

"Makes me sick just l...looking at you!" Harrison answered.

"I'm sure it does, but I have a that I can only enjoy with you for now. Koma will be here to pick you up in a couple of hours, but until then you're mine."

"Not fucking likely," John Declan spat from the doorway. He held his gun tight in his grasp and stared at the naked beauty that seemed as dangerous as a striking snake.

"Who the fuck are you?" Kini snapped.

"J...John?" Harrison called softly, barely able to lift his head as he looked for the familiar figure.

"Lying down on the job again, Sean?" Declan teased, but kept his eyes on the woman.

"Figured I'd grab some shut eye."

"You owe me a coffee," Declan said.

"Put on tab," Harrison said.

Harada pulled his unmarked car to a stop in front of the gatehouse and opened the door as the guard stepped out.

"Miss Kuloneli isn't taking visitors today."

"That's okay," Harada said as several more cars pulled in behind him. "We're not here for a visit. This is a warrant to search the premises."

"I'll have to check with Miss..."

"Oh no you don't," Kaleo said and grabbed the man's hand before he could press the button on the mike. "We'll let her know we're here when we reach the house."

"Kaleo, make sure no one leaves by this gate!" Harada warned.

"Yes, Sir," the big cop agreed, smiling as he forced the guard to sit on the ground.

"I'm just doing my job," the guard told the officer.

"I'm sure you are, but right now your job interferes with ours. Now just sit there until we find out if there are any warrants on you. What's your name?" Kaleo asked as Edwards opened the gate and his fellow officers drove toward the big house.

"You have no right to be here!"

"The hell I don't! That's my partner you've got trussed up. Now move away from him!"

"No! You can't come in here without a warrant!"

"Sorry, lady, but I'm off duty. I'm here as a friend, not as a cop!" Declan told her. "Now move away from Sean and lie down on the floor with your hands above your head!"

"You bastard!" Kuloneli spat and reached for the scissors she'd left on the cabinet beside the cot.

"Drop it!" Declan ordered, firing as the woman raised the scissors and lifted them above her captive. John watched as the woman swayed drunkenly before the sharp instrument dropped from her hands and clattered on the hardwood floor.

"No...he...he must die!"

"Not on my shift!" Declan said when the woman teetered for several long seconds before falling to the floor. His bullet had caught her in the right shoulder and he knew she was losing a lot of blood, but his attention was on his partner even as he pulled her away from the cot.

"Gains, Edwards, you two go around the back!" Harada ordered, but the unmistakable sound of a gunshot stopped him from giving any other instructions. The front door stood partially open and he hurried inside, followed closely by Edwards and Gains.

"Declan!" Gains called.

"Up here...get an ambulance!"

Harada could hear Edwards calling for an ambulance even as he raced up the stairs. "John!"

"Down here, Captain!" Declan called as he tried to pick the lock on the cuffs holding Harrison to the bed.

Harada silently cursed the scene that met his eyes. Sean Harrison was pale, nude, and cuffed to heavy pins at the ends of the cot. He moved to check on the unconscious woman, before removing his shirt and covering Harrison's midsection.

"Quite a mess you got yourself into," Harada said.

"John's fault," Harrison whispered.

"Mine? What did I do?"

"Should have ate breakfast," the injured cop said, smiling thinly when Declan managed to release his right arm.

"I hear you, Sean," Declan said and turned his attention to the wounded shoulder. "Captain, can you hold his arm steady while I get this?"

"Gains, make sure she's not going anywhere!" Harada ordered when the detectives entered the room and a moan escaped from the woman.

"Ambulance is on the way," Edwards said and hurried from the room.

"Hold him steady, Captain," Declan ordered and released the cuff from around his partner's right wrist.

Sean bit his lip as Harada lowered his arm and placed it on his chest. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he tried to ignore the mounting nausea the movement caused. He felt Declan at his ankles and opened his eyes as something covered his body.

"Thanks, Danny," Harrison said when the man tucked the blanket around his upper body.

"Anytime," Edwards assured him.

"See if you can find a first aid kit!" Declan said when he released his partner's left leg.

"How is she?" Harada asked.

"Lost a bit of blood, but the bullet went through," Gains explained and pressed the sheer negligee against the wound once more. "How's Sean?"

"I'm," Harrison said, when he'd been released form the restraints. He tried to sit up, but Harada's hand on his chest stopped him.

"Might as well stay put."

"No," Sean snapped, but did not want to get into his reasons for not wanting to stay in the small room.

"Sean, you need to be still until..."

"Get me out of here, Dec!" Harrison said, leaving no room for argument. His eyes were filled with pain, but he knew his partner would do as he wanted without asking any questions.

Declan had seen more than the others and thought he understood his partners reasons for wanting to leave this room. Something about the scene left little doubt in his mind that it hadn't been the first time his partner had been visited by the nude woman. He nodded once and turned to Harada.

"Help me get him downstairs."

"He shouldn't be moved."

"Captain, either help me or get out of my way," Declan ordered, leaving no doubt of his intentions.

"Of all the stupid..."

"Thanks, Captain," Harrison said weakly when the other man helped him stand. The room spun wildly, but he managed to keep the blanket in place even as he leaned heavily into the two police officers. He stumbled along between them until they reached the top of the stairs and wondered where he was going to get the strength to make it to the bottom. He knew blood loss was dangerous, especially at the levels he'd lost, but there was nothing he could do about that.

"Sean, are you..?"

"Just get me down there, Captain. I'm okay," Harrison lied, forcing one leg to move even as his stomach lurched and his eyes closed.

"Shit!" Declan cursed when he felt the man go limp in his arms.

"Come on...lift him in a chair hold!" Harada ordered and the two men lifted the injured blond.

Chris Gains snapped his cuffs on the injured woman and pulled her to her feet before throwing his jacket around her shoulders. She'd come too when he'd pressed the material against the wound and had begun cursing them all, but one look from him had been enough to shut her up for now.

"This is police brutality!"

"Lady, you haven't seen anything yet!" Gains spat and dragged her from the room as the sound of a siren could be heard in the distance. He saw Edwards move through the foyer and into a room and soon heard Harada asking for bandages.

"Let me go!"

"Listen, Lady, I'm not a man who enjoys hitting a woman, but right now I'd like nothing better than to shove my fist down your lovely throat. Now just shut up!"

"You can't do this. I'm hurt!"

"Watch me!" Gains said and shoved her into a chair. He saw a uniformed officer and asked him to watch the woman while he went to check on Harrison's condition. The blond looked even worse than he had when he'd first saw him. Edwards had found a first aid kit and Declan was placing a pressure bandage against the raw looking wound. He reached for a second bandage and tossed it to the officer with Kuloneli, before asking. "How is he?"

"Lost a lot of blood," Harada answered.

"The ambulance should be here any minute," Gains told them.

"How bad is she?" the captain asked.

"Nothing serious. Probably fainted at the sight of blood. She needs to be checked out at the hospital, but it's nothing serious. They're sending a second ambulance."

"Thanks, Chris," Declan said, not wanting the woman in the same vehicle as Sean Harrison, yet he knew the woman needed her wound taken care of.

"In here," Edwards called when the door opened and the EMTs entered. He knew the officers outside must have cleared them to enter and was glad to see a fully loaded stretcher being pushed into the room. One man moved to check on the woman while his partner moved to the sofa and the injured man there.

"Has he been conscious?" the EMT asked.

"Yes," Declan answered and moved out of the way.

"Any allergies?"

"No," Harada assured the man as Harrison showed signs of coming too.

"What's his name?"

"Sean Harrison," Declan answered.

"Sean, can you hear me?"

"Hmm," the injured blond moaned and opened his eyes.

"Sean, my name is Mike and I'm an EMT. I'm going to take a look at your shoulder and get an IV started. Okay?"

"T...think so," Harrison answered. He felt the man's hand on his shoulder and held his breath as he peeled back the bandage and replaced it with a new one.

"Sorry," Mike Wilson said sympathetically. "How is she, Maki?"

"Nothing serious here. Might need a couple of stitches and some antibiotics, but she'll be fine," the second EMT answered and moved to help his partner as the second ambulance crew arrived on the scene.

"Linh, ride in with her!" Harada ordered and saw the female officer nod in agreement before he turned his attention back to the injured officer. The second EMT was expertly attaching leads and hooking Harrison to the portable monitors as Mike Wilson inserted and IV line. It didn't take long for the two EMTs to get Harrison on the stretcher and they raced him out to the ambulance.

"We'll be taking him to Queens Medical Center," Wilson told the officers once they'd loaded the gurney into the ambulance and Maki hurried to the driver's seat. He turned on the siren and sped away from the house.

Trauma specialist Paula Leinoluku, knew the patient coming in was suffering from a gunshot wound and significant blood loss if his blood pressure was any indication. She knew the EMTs had started two IVs and were monitoring Sean Harrison closely, but until he arrived at the hospital there was nothing she could do except make sure everything was ready for him.

"Dr. Leinoluku, the ambulance just pulled in," Karen Sullivan said and hurried alongside the physician as they pushed open the main bay doors. The ambulance had stopped and the back door opened as Mike Wilson began rattling off the patient's vital signs.

"Trauma two is set up for him," Leinoluku snapped and grabbed an end of the gurney as they raced inside. An oxygen mask covered the lower half of Sean Harrison's face but his eyes were open and watching her. Once inside the room it was organize chaos as they transferred the injured man from the stretcher onto the hospital bed and hooked him up to the monitoring equipment as Leinoluku rattled off orders for tests and x-rays.

Sean moaned as the bandage was removed form his shoulder and the physician winced sympathetically. "What's you name?"

"Sean Harrison," he answered weakly.

"Well, Sean, I'm Dr. Leinoluku and I know that's a mouthful, but I'm not to blame for it. How's the head?"

"Hurts like a sonofabitch," the detective answered.

"Well, you're showing signs of a concussion amongst other things, but we'll see what we can do to make you more comfortable."

"O...okay, doc," Harrison said and was glad to see the medical team had donned surgical gloves.

"Is something wrong, Sean?" Leinoluku asked when she noticed the distressed look on his face.


"Is she the woman who came in just before you?"


"Is she a friend?"

"God no," the cop said. He knew he had to be up front about what happened, but it bothered him more than he thought. ""

"Damn, all right. I'll make sure the proper precautions are taken," Leinoluku said and knew they would have to test for aids. She also thought she understood the sorrow she saw in his eyes now. The reluctance he'd shown in speaking of having unprotected sex told her the woman had probably forced herself on him and contrary to many people's beliefs it was still rape. Men and women alike found it hard to speak of being raped and yet it was something that needed treatment, both the physical and mental wounds left behind.

"T...thanks, Doc," Harrison said.

"You're welcome," she said and knew he'd need to speak about his experience, but for now she had to deal with the physical wounds. The bullet was still in his shoulder and the ravaged flesh was puckered and red. She watched as pain washed over his face once more and knew they'd have to give him something to ease the pain, it just couldn't be anything too strong until they knew what they were dealing with.

Harada and Declan entered the hospital half an hour after the ambulance had arrived and walked over to the main desk. Kaleo had gone to pick up Jennifer and Jake Harrison and would bring them directly to the hospital. Linh Dias was probably in one of the rooms with Kinipele Kuloneli, but for now he had no interest in the woman. Harada knew the nurse behind the desk and waited for her to finish speaking with an upset family member.

"Hello, Terry," Susan Crawford said and reached for a pile of papers.

"Susan, is there any word on Sean?" Harada asked.

"Dr. Leinoluku is in with him now. They'll be taking Detective Harrison to surgery in a few minutes," Crawford explained.

"How is he?" Declan asked.

"He's stable, but that's all I know right now," Crawford said. "Why don't you go on up to the SICU waiting room, Terry? Dr. Leinoluku will come see you there once he's out of surgery."

"Thanks, Susan, why don't you and David come over for dinner one night. Call and we'll set it up."

"Sounds good, Terry. How are the babies?"

"Keeping us up late, but you know I'm a night owl anyway," Harada told her and turned away as another patient was brought in.

"There's Sean," Declan said and hurried toward the stretcher. The injured man seemed to be covered in leads and lines and looked paler than ever.

"Excuse me, Dr. Leinoluku?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

"I'm Captain Harada. How is Detective Harrison?"

"He's lost a lot of blood, but we've started a transfusion and he's stabilized enough for surgery."

"Will he be okay?" Declan asked.

"I'll do my damndest to see that he is," Leinoluku assured him. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a patient waiting."

"John, why don't you go on up. I'll wait here for Jennifer and Jake."

"All right," Declan said and hurried toward the bank of elevators across from the ER desk. He pressed the button and waited impatiently for the doors to open. When they did he moved to the side and waited for a stretcher to be pushed out before entering and pressing the surgical floor. Once there, he hurried along the hallway until he came to the SICU nurses station. He stopped long enough to find out where the waiting room was before walking the short distance and entering the room. There were several others already there and he could tell some of them had been there a long time.

Declan moved to the single window and stared out at the city he now called home. The bright lights illuminated the streets, but he saw little of what was happening below. Since moving to Honolulu and being partnered with Sean Harrison he'd felt like he'd found a place for himself. He'd loved Chicago, but needed a change of scenery after a hard breakup. He'd told Sean about the love of his life and wondered if he'd ever be truly over her. Linh Dias was a beautiful woman and he was glad they'd slowed things down because he didn't want to make the same mistake with her.

"John, any word on Sean?"

Declan turned to see Gains and Edwards enter the small room. He waited for them to join him at the window, accepting a cup of hot coffee before speaking. "He's in surgery now. The doctor said he lost a lot of blood."

"Hell, I could have told her that," Edwards said. "Where's Harada?"

"He's downstairs waiting for Sean's wife and son," Declan answered. "Damn, I forgot to find out what happened with that bitch!"

"Linh is with her. She's okay...still yelling about police brutality," Gains explained.

"Police brutality? Jesus, what about what she did to Sean?"

"I know," Edwards said. "You know the car wreck near Kuloneli's home?"

"What about it?"

"It was the stolen Impala. They also found a body nearby."

"Were they able to get an ID?" Declan asked.

"That was the easy part since he still had his wallet on him. Lopaka Palakiko," Edwards supplies. "Small time thief who's recently been seen with Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo. We figure they're the ones who tried to rob Kilolani's and kidnapped Sean. Tamara Willows confirmed the names."

"They only found one body?" Declan asked.

"So far, but they'll continue to search tomorrow. His body could have been washed out to sea," Gains said.

"John, did something else happen with Sean?" Edwards asked.

"What do you mean?" Declan asked.

"Well, Kuloneli was nude and the way Sean was tied to the bed with nothing on...and nothing covering him. It doesn't take much to figure out there's more to this than just a kidnapping," Gains said.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait until Sean can speak for himself," Declan said and leaned back against the window.

"If he wants to talk about it," Edwards said.

"That'll be up to Sean, but don't push it," Gains said and grew quiet as if thinking about something from his own past. The trio grew quiet and waited for word on the injured officer.

Linh Dias watched as the doctor readied the equipment he'd need to care for the wound in Kuloneli's arm. The woman continued to scream about police brutality and it was beginning to grate on her nerves. The doctor reached for a set of surgical scissors and moved in to check the freezing around the bullet crease.

"I'll probably lose my fucking arm because of that bastard!" Kuloneli raged and made a grab for the doctor's arm. She caught him unawares and easily pulled the scissors from his hand and twisted him around until she had the point of the scissors at his throat.

"Let him go, Kini!" Dias ordered, gun drawn and held in front of her.

"Not on your life, Bitch. Get out of my way or the doctor is going to find out what kind of damage a pair of scissors can do!"

"Where would you go, Kini? The hospital is full of cops."

"Back up, Dias! I'm not going to jail for that sonofabitch!"

The physician held his cool as the two women shouted at each other and waited for a time when he could use his own weight to his advantage, but the patient was a lot stronger than she looked. The tip of the instrument pressed up against his Adam's apple every time he swallowed.


"Shut up, Bitch!" Kuloneli snarled, her gaze locked on the gun in the cop's hand. The doctor was shorter than her and smaller in stature, but she knew she could not hold this position for long. The police officer's hands were steady even as people outside the room were alerted to what was happening inside.

"You're not leaving here, Kini. Let him go!" Dias could see the change in the woman and knew she was not going to give up easily. Something about the hazel eyes told her she needed to act fast if she was going to save the doctor's life.

"No!" Kuloneli spat and pressed dangerously on the scissors.

The physician reacted by trying to grab her hand as a gunshot erupted through the tiny room. For an instant he thought he was dead and looked down at his white lab coat for evidence of a bullet wound. It took him a few seconds to realize not only had he not been hit, but also that the woman he'd been treating was no longer a threat. Dias' bullet had caught her in the forehead and she'd fallen back against the gurney before sliding to the floor. He knew she was dead, but as a doctor he'd taken an oath to save lives and while the other cops checked on their fellow officer, he reached out and touched the woman's throat and sighed heavily. Lives were often lost, and he'd witnessed more than his share, but it always bothered him when someone so young died.

"Doctor, are you all right?" Dias asked.

"I'm fine, Officer. You saved my life," he touched his own neck and felt something wet. When he looked at his hand it was red with blood and he understood just how close he'd come to dying.

"You should have someone look at that," Dias said.

"I will, but I don't think it's anything serious. She's dead," the physician explained when Dias moved to check her prisoner. "Such a waste of life."

"Yes, it is," Dias agreed. Several uniformed officers entered and she quickly explained what had happened before turning and leaving the room. She walked along the hallway toward the elevators, fatigued from the many hours she'd put in, and at having to shoot Kinipele Kuloneli. By the time she reached the SICU she'd brought herself under control and entered the waiting room to find Declan, Edwards, and Gains waiting there. She quickly went over the events in the ER and saw the concern written on the three faces.

"Are you okay, Linh?" Declan asked.

"I'm okay, John, it's just..."

"Taking a life is never easy," Declan finished for her.

"No, it's not," Dias told him. "Any word on Sean?"

"He's still in surgery," Edwards answered and settled into one of the chairs to wait for news on their fellow officer and friend.

Harada held the door as Kaleo pulled up outside the main entrance. Jennifer and Sean had problems during their marriage, but he knew she still cared about him. The dark haired woman held the car door for her son and hugged him close as they walked toward the police captain.

"Terry, any word yet?" Jennifer asked.

"He's in surgery, Jen, that's all I know right now. Jake," Harada said, ruffling the boy's hair. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay, Uncle Terry, but mom's upset."

"I can see that," Harada said and led them toward the elevator.

"Is my dad going to be okay?"

"Sean's tough as nails, Jake. He's not going to let--"

"Terry, Sean's not indestructible and Jake knows about bullets and the damage they cause. Tell him the truth!" Jennifer ordered.

"I thought I was, Jen. Sean's a fighter and he's not going to give up. Besides, he's got too much to live for," Harada explained when they entered the elevator.

"Mom, Uncle Terry's right. Dad's not going to let this stop him," Jake told her and hugged her. The trio walked out of the elevator and made straight for the main SICU nursing stations.

"I'm Jennifer Harrison. My husband...ex-husband," she corrected. "He's in surgery. Can you tell me if he's out yet?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Harrison, but there's no word yet," the tired looking nurse answered. "The waiting room is at the end of the hall. I'll have Dr. Leinoluku come see you when she comes out."

"Thank you," Jennifer said and held her son's hand as they walked toward the room. There were several uniformed cops waiting near the window and she nodded to them before entering the waiting room. There were several more officers present, but there were also two detectives she recognized and she acknowledged them when they came toward her.

"Jennifer, Jake, this is Sean's partner, John Declan," Harada quickly made the introductions.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Harrison, I just wish it was under different circumstances."

"Thank you, Detective, but Sean chose to be a cop and I guess this is probably the only way we would have met. That's not meant as a putdown, it's just my view of reality."

"Jen, would you like a coffee?" Harada asked.

"No, thank you, I'm fine," Jennifer Harrison said and reached for the box of tissues on the small table. She sat in the chair next to it and pulled her son down beside her. She held him close, silently praying her ex-husband, a man she still truly loved, would make it through surgery.

"It's okay to cry, Mom," Jake said and hugged her once more.

Dr. Leinoluku ran her fingers through her hair as she made her way to the main desk. Surgery on Harrison's shoulder had gone well in spite of the massive blood loss and trauma. She knew his friends were in the waiting room, but had taken the time to wash up and change into clean scrubs. Now she was leaving instructions at the desk before going to the waiting room. There were several things she needed to sign off on and once she'd completed those Leinoluku turned and walked down the hallway, past several uniformed officers and into the waiting room. She immediately went to Captain Terry Harada and sighed wearily.


"Dr. Leinoluku, this is Sean's wife and son."

"Ex- wife," Jennifer corrected. "How is he?"

"Sean lost a lot of blood, but we've given him a transfusion and it's brought his BP back up. The wound to his shoulder caused extensive damage and he will eventually need physiotherapy on that arm. His arm's immobilized and will remain that way until the broken bones heal. He's suffering from a concussion and several cracked ribs."

"Is dad going to be okay?" Jake asked softly.

"He should be fine as long as he does what needs to be done, including getting plenty of rest and taking it easy on his arm. He'll be in SICU for the next twelve hours, but if things look good we'll move him to a regular room after that," Leinoluku explained, consciously leaving out any mention of rape and the possible complications that went along with it. The decision to speak to his family and friends about that would be left up to Sean Harrison.

"Can I see him?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes, but it will be at least an hour before they settle him in SICU. You need to check with the nurses desk and they'll tell you which unit," the physician explained.

"Thank you, Dr. Leinoluku," Jennifer said, shaking hands with the doctor before the woman left.

"Mom, I want to see dad too," Jake said.

"I know, Honey, and you will. Terry, please let everyone know how much we appreciate them being here for Sean."

"I will, Jen," Harada said and watched them leave the room.

"Is that the same woman Sean told me hid all the remotes for the television?" Declan asked incredulously and heard Harada laugh.

"Yes, she certainly is and she has a wicked sense of humor. It was one of the things Sean loved about her...still does," Harada answered. "They were always doing things like that to each other. Jen loved watching those stupid reality based TV shows and Sean hated them. He hid the remote and unhooked the television so she couldn't watch it one night."

"Wasn't that the same night Sean...oh hell, guess I'd better shut up about that," Edwards said.

"Sounds like they belong together. Tell me about that night," Declan said.

"You'll have to ask Sean, but he was grinning from ear to ear when he walked into the station the next morning," Gains explained.

"All right, that's enough about Harrison's private life. If he wants to tell Declan about it he will. Right now I think it's time we all got some rest."

"Including you, captain?" Gains asked.

"I'm going to stick around for a while in case Jen and Jake need a ride home. Linh, make sure I have a full report on the shooting first thing in the morning."

"Yes, captain," Dias assured him. She looked at Declan and smiled when their eyes met. Tonight she would welcome his company, if only for a shoulder to cry on. Any shooting was rough, but it was doubly hard when a life was taken in the process.

"Come on, Linh, I'll drive you home," Declan offered.

"Thank you, John," Dias said and walked out the door. She heard Harada explaining about Harrison's condition and said a silent prayer that the detective would be all right.

Jennifer slipped into the SICU and walked up to the bed. She'd left Jake with Harada while she checked on the man she'd once promised to love forever. She still loved him, but she could not bear the thought that someday he might not be so lucky and he'd be dead because some bastard wanted money the easy way. She felt tears in her eyes and reached out to touch his right hand, carefully avoiding the IV that snaked down from the pole overhead. She closed her eyes, but opened them once more when she felt the hand she held tighten around her own.

"Sean," she whispered and wiped away as she watched him fight to open his eyes. She knew the nurse was monitoring him closely, but ignored her as he focused on her face.


"I thought I told you there were enough scars on your body without adding more."

"S...sorry, guess I sh...should have ducked. J...Jake okay?"

"Jake's fine, Sean. He's waiting outside with Terry. I just wanted to make sure you were all right before I brought him in. Do you feel up to seeing him?"

"T...think so," the blond whispered, throat sore from the tube they'd put down his throat during surgery. He shifted slightly while the nurse checked the monitors and leads, and forced a tired smile to his face when his son walked into the room with his mother.


"Hi, Jake, you okay?"

"I'm fine, Dad...does it hurt?"

"Not right now, but that's probably be...because of the medication they a...are me. Probably l...looks worse t...than it is."

"Don't lie to him, Sean," Jennifer chastised and regretted it as pain flashed in the glazed green eyes. "I don't want Jake thinking being a cop is all fun and games. He needs to know that bullets kill people and that being a cop puts you in harms way!"

"I'm sorry," the injured man whispered. He knew how his ex-wife felt about his choice of professions and regretted the pain he'd caused her, but there were times when he couldn't deal with her.

"Jake, your father needs to rest."

"But we just."

"I know...but right now he doesn't need us."

Need you more than anything, Sean thought but did not voice the words. "It's okay, Jake, I'm just going to s...sleep anyway."

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Son," Harrison said and watched through hooded eyes as the two people he cared most about left the room.

"Mr. Harrison, are you all right?" the nurse asked, easily reading the sorrow on her patient's face.

" I'm not," he whispered just before the darkness reached up to enshroud him once more.

"Hello, Detective, I'm Dr. Leinoluku. You probably don't remember, but I'm one of the people who put you back together yesterday. How are you feeling?"

"Okay. A little sore."

"A little?" the physician asked.

"Guess the good stuff is working," Harrison told her.

"Yes, that must be it. I need to take a look at your shoulder and then we'll see about moving you out of here so you can have a little privacy."

"Sounds good, Doc," the detective said. He flinched when she touched his shoulder and, but kept quiet through her examination. He kept his eyes closed and ignored the mounting nausea until she finished and stood watching him once more.

"Well, I must say you're doing much better than I expected this morning so I'll let the desk know you can be moved to a regular room. Now, that does not mean you're miraculously healed, Detective, it just means you don't need constant observation. Your vital signs are good and I'll arrange for you to be given control of your own pain medications. Now, I don't need to lecture you on using them properly, do I, Detective?"

"No, had them before."

"Very well, then you know you can't accidentally overdose yourself. Is there anything else you'd like to know before I write up the orders?"

"No...think that's it," Harrison said and closed his eyes. He must have dosed off for a while because he woke to a hand on his shoulder and a nurse smiling at him.

"We're ready to move you to your new room, Detective," the woman said.

Sean nodded, happy to be rid of several tubes and leads. He was still hooked up to an IV and was also being fed antibiotics through the same line. He closed his eyes again and didn't open them until they reached his new floor.

"Sandra, we have Sean Harrison here," the orderly said.

"Thank you, John," Sandra Morgan said and hurried around the desk. She took the chart and checked the band around his wrist before helping push the bed toward his room. She first thought the man was sleeping, but his eyes moved below closed lids as they maneuvered the bed into the room.

"Do you need anything else, Sandra?"

"No, I can handle it from here. Hello, Detective." She smiled when he opened his eyes and looked at her.


"Hello, Sean, I'm going to get a set of vitals on you and change this so you can control it yourself."

"Okay," Harrison said. He felt her wrap the BP cuff around his arm, but didn't acknowledge her as sleep beckoned once more.

Sandra studied her patient for several minutes while she worked to make him comfortable. There was something about this man that demanded attention. The blond hair was pushed away from the bandage that covered a laceration on his forehead and she was tempted to reach out and touch it, but she was a nurse and this was her patient. No matter how you looked at it, she could not act on her curiosity. She adjusted the IV flow and switched the medications so he could take the medication if and when he needed it.


"Hmm," Harrison mumbled.

"The call button is pinned to your pillow and you now have control over how much pain medication you take. Dr. Leinoluku will be in to see you later this afternoon."

"Thanks," Harrison said and listened as she left the room. He tried to relax against the pillows, but kept hearing Kuloneli's threats and the feel of her body against his. He knew he'd need to speak to a psychiatrist about what he felt, but dreaded the idea of testifying to what she'd done and how helpless he'd felt as she raped him.

"Sean, are you awake?"

"Terry?" Harrison said and pressed the button to raise his head. At the precinct or on the job he used the rank Harada had earned, but when they were off duty they became friends and as such it was on a first name basis. It had been three days since he'd been released from SICU, but he hadn't seen anyone from the precinct. It wasn't because they hadn't come by, it was because he couldn't face his friends, couldn't face the pity he knew he'd see in their eyes. Now it seemed as if he had no choice in the matter as Harada stood in the doorway.

"Do you feel like talking?"

"About what?" Harrison asked.

"About what happened to you."

"I got shot, Terry, it happens in our line of work," Harrison sputtered as the other man pulled up a chair.

"Yes, well if it was only as simple as that. Sean, Kinipele is dead."

"What? How? I thought John only winged her."

"He did. Unfortunately, she grabbed hold of a pair of scissors and tried to skewer the doctor. Linh was forced to shoot her to save his life."

"I can't say that I'm sorry," Harrison said, rubbing at his eyes.

"Understandable," Harada said simply.

"So that's it then."

"Is it, Sean? Somehow I get the feeling there's more to it than that. We've been friends a long time."

"Yes, we have," Harrison said. "Look, Terry, I don't feel like talking."

"Then let me talk," Harada said. "It doesn't take a detective to figure out what happened at that house. You were both naked and she had you tied down."

"Said I don't want to talk about it."

"It might help."

"Not right now!"


"Look, Terry, I'm not ready to talk about what happened yet!"

"She's dead, Sean," Harada assured him.

"I know, but it doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. Look, you and I have always been there for each other, Sean, and right now I think you need to talk."

"Jesus, Terry! What do you want me to say...that she...that we..."

"That she raped you, Sean! That's the truth of it and we both know it. I'm sure you'd rather forget the whole thing ever happened, but that's not going to happen and the sooner you admit to being a victim the sooner you can deal with what happened!"

Sean swallowed the bitter bile rising in his throat and knew the man was right. He'd spoken to so many victims during his career and had used this same type of speech many times, just not as forcefully. He looked into his friend's face and felt some of the tension ease as he read the truth in the other man's eyes.

"I know I'm a victim, Terry, but...I guess I.." he stopped and closed his eyes and tried to force the words from his throat, but it was hard, harder than anything he'd ever done in his life. "I was...I was raped."

I was raped, Sean thought as he walked along the beach. It had been two months since he'd admitted to being a victim, but he was slowly healing, not just physically, but mentally as well. He watched as Jake through several stones skipping them along the top of the water before running back to his father.

"Dad, can we get a hot dog?"

"Sure, sounds good to me," Harrison said. His son was back with him and his ex-wife had left the state to work in a law firm in California. He wished her well, and regretted the fact that he couldn't give her what she needed, but at least he had his son with him.

Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo had disappeared without a trace, but Sean knew at some point in time he would meet up with the man again. Sooner or later the man would be caught.

"You want chili on yours, Dad?"

"Is there any other way to eat a hot dog?" Sean asked. He knew what it was like to be a victim now and would be returning to his job with a whole new outlook on the people he tried to protect. He owed Terry Harada for making him see things for what they were and would always be thankful to him for making him see the truth of his experience with Kuloneli. Again he watched his son and realized this was one of the reason he remained a cop. Keeping the world safe for Jake, and that was something worthwhile. Ruffling the boy's hair, he took the hotdog and walked along the beach with his son. Tomorrow he would return to being a cop and fighting the crime that invaded his city, but for today he was content to be a father and enjoy the quiet time he spent with Jake.

Wiliama Paulo Kekikumo smiled as he tapped the front of the paper he'd been sent. The story he was interested in was on the second page and he knew his destiny would some day bring him back to Honolulu.

"I'll be seeing you, Harrison, it's just a matter of time," he said, smiling as he listened to his new employer telling him about his next job. He'd found something he enjoyed and excelled at it. A hired assassin who could and would take the jobs that most men scoffed at. He enjoyed killing and being paid to do something he enjoyed was a bonus...but at the back of his mind was always the fact that Sean Harrison was still alive.

Soon, Sean, very soon, he thought and folded the paper even as his new employer passed him an envelope filled with hundred dollar bills. Yes, this was the life he wanted, but until he killed Harrison he'd feel as if he'd left something unfinished.

"Make sure you don't miss."

"I never do," Kekikumo vowed and placed the money inside his pocket. It's just a matter of time, Harrison. He thought, smiling as he looked at the name of the man he'd been asked to kill. And that time is at hand.