Michael Biehn Archive

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Summary: Vin helps Chris remember Adam's birthday using an Indian custom.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner, Vin Tanner
Genres: Angst and Drama, Plot what plot/Porn without plot, Romance, Western
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5471 Read: 960
Published: 18 Sep 2004 Updated: 18 Sep 2004

1. 1 by Stacie [ - ] (5471 words)
Thanks so much to my wonderful betas: Judy, Trish, and Lynda. This is in response to the tattoo E-day challenge. The inspiration for this story came from an article I read on the history of tattoo art in North America, which can be found at

Mix that with the fact that, to the best of my recollection, Vin never took his shirt off in any of the episodes, and here's the result.