Vin paused outside the hotel convention room door, almost too embarrassed to go in.
"Mr. Tanner?" Ezra asked, his hand on the door handle. "I assure you that there will be no one in there that we know. Well, no one except Mr. Larabee. And he is the reason we are here after all. Now shall we?" he asked, pulling the door open and gesturing inside.
Muttering an almost silent damn, Vin entered the room and was immediately in the middle of a throng of convention shoppers. Just two weeks prior Chris Larabee, leader of ATF Team 7, had lost a bet and agreed to take the next undercover assignment. So here they were at a convention, where Chris was undercover and working one of the booths, trying to find the source of a cache of imported explosives amongst the conventioneers. Vin and Ezra were here to make contact with their leader and get an update on the case.
Ezra entered also and turned to the right and the pair began perusing the booths. They had gone around the outer booths about two thirds of the way before coming upon the booth Chris was operating. Ezra stepped into the booth and began examining the merchandise while Vin hung back at the entrance, looking decidedly uncomfortable. Chris had his back slightly turned to the pair talking with a customer. He finished up the transaction then turned toward the new customers. Ezra anticipated the action and spoke up at the exact same moment as Chris saw them.
"Excuse me, sir," he asked with a glint in his eye. "But what exactly does this do?"
Vin suddenly found the floor interesting as Chris muttered something and glared at his normal undercover agent.
"Excuse me, sir?"
"It vibrates, okay?" Chris growled, color rising to his face.
"Well yes that I realize. But there are numerous dials. What do they do?"
"Turn it on and off," Chris muttered. He had been working this booth all day and had not felt the least bit awkward until now. Until two of his agents showed up. Two of his friends. Now working this booth was feeling a bit embarrassing.
"That would be this button. But what about this one?" Ezra reached out and touched another dial. Vin had turned away from Chris and was studying a case of fishing lures. That is until he read the sign on the case.
"Makes it thrust," Chris ran a hand across his forehead, certain that he must be sweating profusely.
"Thrust eh? And this one?" By now Ezra had picked the item up and was holding it up for Chris to see where he was pointing.
"Rotates the end," Chris was muttering again. Vin had moved on to a case containing small silver balls, his face reddening even more as he read the instruction card on the front.
"And what benefit would that have?" Ezra had kept a good poker face, but anyone that knew him would see the glint in his eye and the slight upturn of a grin trying hard to break through.
Ezra could only make out a few words of the reply, such as "enhanced experience" and "pleasure" but apparently Vin heard more, considering the somewhat audible swallow that followed the explanation.
"I see, I see," Ezra replied as he replaced the item and moved on to another item picking up the somewhat conical rubber item in a vibrant purple color.
"And this item. What sizes does it come in?"
Chris glared at Ezra once more. "Beginners, regular and expert. It's battery operated. Also comes in electric." Chris coughed, trying to hide his uneasiness and glanced over at Vin, who suddenly seemed to be all ears and had a silly grin plastered on his face. But the man still seemed to be intent on the display in front of him. He picked up a bottle as Chris watched and twisted off the top to take a smell, reacting to the odor negatively by waving his hand in front of his face.
Ezra had already moved on to another display, his hand running down the length of leather that formed a swing of sorts, then sitting in it briefly as if to check the comfort then stood and picked up another item as Vin opened a squeeze bottle and sniffed it before squeezing out some on his finger and tasting it.
"I was looking for something a bit more...adventurous," Ezra said turning back to Chris, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but where he was. "Something unique. For my young friend over there." Ezra nodded toward Vin who was tasting something from yet another tube. Vin tipped his head towards the others and gave his version of a glare.
"Maybe this," Chris replied, wanting to get just a bit of revenge on at least one of his friends. He picked up a clear cylinder. "Fill it with water, freeze it, take it out of the mold and insert it. It's all kinds of fun." Vin's face visibly paled at his words.
Chris knew he had scored at least a few points so he moved on. "Or maybe this," he said picking up an acrylic model fist on the end of about ten inches of acrylic arm. "I saw him eyeing the French ticklers a moment ago so maybe this," he picked up a long purple, life-sized replica with a small rubber dolphin attached in such a way that, "the head of the dolphin will rub some of the more sensitive areas."
"Actually, I have two friends, if you get my meaning," Ezra said, raising an eyebrow and giving Chris a brief, but lascivious, grin. "So I'm thinking maybe that," Ezra pointed to an item at the back of a display.
"Good choice," Chris replied as he moved around the counter to sack up the purchase. He wrote out the receipt and gave Ezra his change. "I've included a free sample. Your friend looks like he would enjoy chocolate flavoring."
"That he does," Ezra replied slipping the receipt, along with the note containing case information updates Chris had folded into the receipt, into his pocket. "Thank you sir. Pleasure doing business with you."
He turned to walk away, Vin following behind him but pausing to lean toward Chris. "If ya want ta bring one a them purple cone things home with ya," he whispered, "I'm sure we could find a use for it. Expert size."
Once again Chris blushed, just to have it darken even more as Vin pointed to an oversized sample made of realistic looking rubber sitting on a plush velvet display. Vin's eyebrows wiggled then mouthed the words that too before turning and walking off.
"Ya know we're gonna pay tonight for that, Ezra," Vin said as soon as they were outside. He stretched, squinting against the bright sun.
"I don't know about you, Mr. Tanner, but I'm counting on it. Shall we go prepare Chris's bedroom for the festivities?"
"You betcha," Vin replied as they made their way toward Ezra's Jag. "Imagine, we almost let Buck come instead of us."
"Well, I don't think Buck would enjoy my purchase nearly as much as the three of us will," Ezra answered, holding up the double ended, battery operated dildo in its sack. "Who knew they had conventions for such things," he added as the pair climbed into the Jag and drove off to Chris's ranch to prepare for the evening of fun to come.