Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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"Come on Orrin...I was only twenty minutes late."

"And, Mr. Larabee?"

"All I said was ‘hell’. I mean I was late cause I got a ticket tryin to make it!"

"’Hell’ wasn’t all you said, according to Breedlove."

"Knows I’ve got a temper, J.D.!"

"NOT in court. And most assuredly NOT to a judge you stood up last weekend! Not a wise move, my brother."

"Saturday was YOUR fault, Josiah! You started it!"

"You could have left on the 15th hole. Bet was only $50, and you were losing."

"Hers was a truly righteous indignation, Mr. Larabee."

"Shut up, Ez...wait! Boys!!"

"Bad luck, Pard."


"Not on your life."

"Why not?"

"She's purt near boiling!"


"Just keep it propped up, Chris. Gotta learn not to kick a hardwood bench."

"Buck! You could ask her!!"

"Sorry stud...but since I’m dating Breedlove tonight...I think I’ll just leave you right here. Got to go. This cell's not that small. You just have yourself a real good time.!"
