Michael Biehn Archive

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Summary: Vin get jealous when another man starts hitting on Chris.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner, Vin Tanner
Genres: Humor, Plot what plot/Porn without plot, Romance, Magnificent Seven AU: ATF
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3907 Read: 2704
Published: 28 Nov 2004 Updated: 28 Nov 2004

1. Chapter 1 by Giselle [ - ] (3907 words)
I was listening to Coldplay again and feeling corny ;-) Many Thanks: Judy, Tarlan, and Annie. This is especially for you, Annie! Note: ROY G BIV is mnemonic for the colors of the rainbow :-)