Michael Biehn Archive

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Summary: When Buck kisses Vin under the mistletoe it releases all kinds of illicit thoughts for Vin in Chris.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner, Vin Tanner
Genres: Angst and Drama, Humor, Plot what plot/Porn without plot, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 8906 Read: 1067
Published: 18 Dec 2004 Updated: 18 Dec 2004

1. 1 by Annie [ - ] (8906 words)
Feedback appreciated. Was supposed to be done before Christmas but I'm really late...or really early :-) a late Happy Birthday fic for Judy...and Jean! Your friendly reminders (!) to keep writing are most appreciated! THANKS to Diana, for encouragement and idle chatter as always...and for reining in commas and barks that have no business being there!