Michael Biehn Archive

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The Agency AU
Chris Larabee sighed. Hospitals. He hated hospitals. He was finally awake, aware of all that had happened, and he had finally realized that today was Christmas Eve and he was nowhere near going home. He almost cursed, but remembered to be a good boy this year…no cussin’ at all, all the way through New Years. He hadn’t know about this turn of events when he made the promise to his wife Terry, hadn’t expected to be here at all.

He knew it could happen….cases didn’t take a break because it was the time of peace on earth, good will to men. Archer Wingate didn’t believe in good will to men. He believed in theft, robbery, assault, lots of drugs and even more, he believed in death and destruction.

They got him. Mag7 got him. Job well done. They’d done their job a week ago, but now they were spending Christmas in the hospital, each one in a separate room, because they had done their job and their job had nearly done them in. Chris moved and his chest ached. Everything hurt. He pushed his call button with determination.

In response to his call, the door quickly started to open, and Chris started to talk. “Look, this is pretty bad. Think I’ll take you up on something for the pain.”

“Hi, honey.” Terry Horton Larabee eased into the room with a smile replacing the worry Chris had seen on her face for several days. He had been too dazed and damaged to appreciate the effort she had made to comfort him, but, now, her smile brightened his world considerably.

“Hi, sweetheart. What are you doing here? Thought you’d be helping Adam celebrate a little. He shouldn’t have to miss Christmas because of me. I’m okay now…at least I think I am.”

“Celebration postponed on account of stupidity.”

“Oh. That’s one for me? You’re saying I was stupid?” He sounded a little dejected just then. He shifted a tiny bit and groaned a heavy groan.

She kissed him, warm and deep, and gently pushed back the hair that had strayed from under the lopsided bandage on his head. “Just a little….couldn’t you all have waited a few more days to go after that horrible man?”

He sighed, knowing he would make the same choices today if he had to do it over again. “No. Wingate was going after a cop and his family on Christmas morning. Was going to send all his enemies a really “special” message. We wanted to get the job done before Wingate got to ruin everybody’s holiday. We decided to spoil his fun and give the cop couple and their six kids a little gift.”

“And you and yours took the chance of not having a Christmas at all. ..ever again. You do realize that puts you all up for sainthood, don’t you. And you do know I’m proud of you.” She kissed him, then shoved a needle into his IV line.

“That going to put me out for the whole night? I’m not really sleepy…just finally getting aware of things.”

“No…I’m just making sure you stop hurting. Other than recovering from that bullet in your chest, you’re doing pretty well now. We’ve been easing off on the sedatives since, as usual, you weren’t responding to the sedative very well any more. Not that you’re ready to move around yet. Your starting to get a little better.”

“Glad to hear it…and thanks for not putting that in my butt. How’s everybody doing?”

“J.D.’s already discharged and home with Casey and Little Chris. Vin’s totally awake, and since he found out where he is, the man’s about to go crazy. He is such a big baby! He’s still healing, but he and his crutches will get to go tomorrow. Maude showed up to ‘take care of her baby boy’, and baby boy Ezra’s in a holiday mood, a very black holiday mood, poor man. He’s moving a little slowly from his shoulder, but I think he’d prefer that she ignored him all together.” Her laugh was bright and happy now.

“And Buck? Did you tell me he’s really okay?” Larabee remembered thinking his long-time friend was dead.

“Buck is just fine. It was just a small wound. He’s wide awake, fully as lecherous as before, and making a play for Sheila….I wish him luck. She’s being nice until we can get him out of here…probably day after tomorrow. How are you really feeling? Do you want to go back to sleep?”

“No. It’s Christmas Eve. I mean we were supposed to be having our party about now. Shoot.”

“Now, don’t you worry. Are you really feeling okay. If you are, and you promise to behave, I could let you sit in a chair, but only if you really feel like it. That was actually a pretty close call. Leave it to you to stand in front of flying bullets.”

“Didn’t mean to hog ‘em all. Did you say chair? Mean it?”

“Yes…a wheelchair. Do you feel like going down to the lounge?”

“You’re really letting me out of bed? This must have been some close call…or you’re in the Christmas spirit big time!” He laughed a little, then groaned, then pushed it aside. “Ah, the bag’s not going with me…is it?”

“The IV’s going, but no. You’re awake…you’re alert….the tube came out of your lung yesterday, and we can help you take care of your other needs from now on. I can just slip this catheter out right now. Merry Christmas.”

“Oooooh! Easy with that....OOOOOOH! SSSSHoot! Ahhhhh…That’s one great present. When can I go?”

“Josiah’s waiting outside….he’s offered to push. Let me get your robe and slippers. We’ll just have to drape your robe around your bad side.” He realized the robe was very soft, and very new…probably one of his Christmas presents. She added a thick, warm blanket. “I’ll get him for you and we’ll go.”

“Feliz Navidad, my much blessed friend. The good Lord has definitely smiled on you in this season of cheer.” The mountain of a friend was in the room quick;y, grinning like a fuzzy bear, wiping one small tear from his happy face.

“Thanks, Josiah. Seems it’s going to be a merrier Christmas after all. Last couple of days have been sort of rough. Glad he blessed me with short memory of most of it.”

“So are we all. You’ve had us just a little worried, my friend. Just a little worried. Don’t know that my knees are going to hold up to being on the floor that much any more.” The big man, his preacher, scooped his friend up from the bed and placed him carefully and very easily into the wheelchair.

“Josiah…I’m not a baby. I can walk.”

“Forgot about the ones in both your thighs, right?”

“Oh, yeah…guess so.”

The door opened again, admitting Chris’ doctor and friend, Nathan Jackson. “Terry….what are you two doing with Chris? Chris, where do you think you’re going?”

“Nathan…you’re not going to turn into the Grinch are you? Terry said I could go to the lounge for a few minutes. It’s Christmas!”

“Christmas Eve…thought you could maybe wait until Christmas Day.”

“Ah, he….shoot.”

“You’re still in pain, I know you are.”

“Yeah, it hurts…but I’m not dead and that’s reason enough to celebrate. I want to see something beside this room, Nate. Come on…smile…let me go. Why don’t you get a little jolly going and just go with me. You’re the reason I’m still here to enjoy it anyway.”

“No trying to stand up or walk anywhere, no turkey or dressing, no eggnog, no nuts, no cake, no cheesecake, no pie, no fruitcake, not even any Jello…”

“Thank God.”

“and NO PUNCH….I know it’s spiked, and you know your gut's not going to like it, and I’m not going to have to spend tomorrow watching you puke…right?!”

“I’m being good, Nate. You know I’m being good.”

“YOU?! Since when?”

“Got to be good til tomorrow, Nate. Santa’s coming tonight, and I hate ashes and switches in my stocking.”

“You’re going to think ashes and switches if you try anything tonight, Chris Larabee. You pull something, it’s going to be tubes and needles!”

“Grinch, nothing….You’re turning into one mean s…”

“You are being good, aren’t you, brother.”

“Josiah…I promised Terry she could have a whole week without me cussin’. Just cause I’m here don’t mean I can go back on my word. But it would help a whole lot if Nathan would just stop making me so daa…ng mad! Come on, Nate. Shut up and let me GO!!”

“Fine. You can go. Just don’t think this means you’re getting out of here until after the New Year. You hear?!”

“Really trying to raise my spirits, right Jackson? Geez!”

“Sorry, Chris. You’re just not ready to try anything strenuous yet…got to be careful, okay. Don’t want you setting yourself back. You had a real close call. Hate to lose you because of something new and Larabee-stupid.”

“Thanks, Nate. Glad everybody thinks I’m stupid. I promise, I’ll be good…and I’ll be careful…for now. Shoot, can’t breathe well enough to do much to get in trouble anyhow.”

“Josiah, you believe this mulehead thinks I believe that! Okay, preacher….let him go, but somebody keep an eye on him at ALL times.”

“’Bout time!”

“I can always change my mind, Chris.”

“Terry….sit on Nate! I’m going!”

“’Good’ lasted all of maybe two minutes. Chris…..maybe I ought to put you back in that….”

“Josiah, don’t just stand there….push!”

The police officer outside his door grinned and gently patted Larabee’s good shoulder. “Glad to see you up again, Mr. Larabee…Chris.”

Chris grinned. “What are you doing here, Paul. Why the guard duty? Somebody put me under arrest?”

“No, sir. Just watching your backs…all your team’s got protection 24/7 til you're up and feeling sharp again. Don’t want to take any chances.”

“Chances? What chances? Thought we got Wingate. Don’t tell me I missed that son-of-a-shoot-gun.”

“No, you got him. His boys got you good, but you got Wingate right between the eyes. Problem is, two of his bunch got away. We think they’ve gone south of the border, but we don’t want to take any chances with you guys.”

“I just hope Wingate didn’t have any kids.”

“Not that claimed him…not that I know of. Where are you going?”

“To the lounge. Just seeing the sights. Guess that means you get to come have some punch. Somebody gets punch….the Grinch back there says I can’t have any. Still, I’m moving…let’s move.”

The nurses station twittered excitedly as the so pale but smiling man was wheeled past them. There was a chorus of excited voices, “Merry Christmas, Mr. Larabee!!!”

“Merry Christmas…and thanks. Make sure you ladies tell the Doc just how good I’ve been.” He managed part of his normally cocky smile, and got a nice giggle from the nurses.

The lounge was bright and smelled wonderful. Chris’ stomach growled at the smell of what he knew had to be turkey and dressing. He sighed a little, but forgot it when he saw the large, brightly lighted tree that stood in the corner of the room, and he recognized the people in the various states of bandaging and wheeled conveyances occupying the room. “Vin! Buck! J.D.! Ezra! Merry Christmas!!!!” He stopped to cough hard and take a less than bracing breath, but the smile never lessened.

“Merry, Christmas, Pard!’ Vin pushed his wheelchair close to Larabee’s and gave him their usual hand-across-arm shake. They both grimaced as the shake bumped layers of IV tubing and gauze.

“Bout time you got off your backside, Stud!!” Buck Wilmington did a wheelie with his chair and almost rammed Chris and Vin both before he got it under control.

“Buck, you are an injured man and so are Chris and Vin. Behave yourself!”

“Sure, Terry. You know I just got to cut loose every now and then. Been missing these two!” His smile was broad and his voice was cocky. Everybody just laughed at the rogue.

“Mr. Larabee! Chris….it is a wonderful surprise that you can join us!” Ezra hobbled over on his cane and reached down to take his friend’s hand.

“Where’s Maude?” Chris couldn’t resist the little jab at the man and a chance to make him sputter.

“Oh, MUTHA is entertaining a very nice heart specialist this evening. Thank God she found somebody to pester other than me.”

“Congratulations, Ez. Seems like you just might ‘a won one for a change. When she comes back, tell her I said hello. Don’t tell her where I am, just tell her I said hi.”

“You have my word, Chris.”

J.D. seemed totally undamaged., and came instantly, bringing Casey and Little Chris to see the healing man. “Hey, Chris. Isn’t this great! A Christmas party!!! Thought we had missed this one for sure this year!! We’ve even got Josiah and Nathan, and we’ve got…”

“A sea of friends in blue. Bet they wished they had someplace else to be for Christmas.” Vin cut their young partner off.

“But we’ve got you a surprise….”

“Shut up, J.D.,” Buck hissed.

Arms were suddenly around Chris’ neck, and he got another special gift in the form of a big, tight squeeze from his son. “Merry Christmas, Dad!”

“Ooofff! Hi, son. Merry Christmas, Adam. Sorry we’re not out in some fresh air, riding today.”

“We’ll get it done soon as you’re ready. Glad to see you’re out of that bed. Thought Mom wasn’t ever going to talk Uncle Nathan into letting you out of that room.”

“Well…she pulled a Larabee…she just decided to do it, and she did it. I think your Uncle Nate’s still in a snit about that one.”

“Honey, do you want something to drink?”

“Is there any cider?”

“Yes…I’ll get you some.”

“Is it by any little chance some really real old fashioned wassail?”


“Well, okay….just hot apple cider.”

“I’ll get you some.”

“How are you doing, Stud. You look just a might wooly.”

“Woolly’s not the word, Buck, but I’m out of bed. I’m not complaining.”

“Look, Pard….next time….see if you can’t find something to get behind…at least hide something some place. I don’t think you got a empty space left on that carcus of yours.”

“I think I’ll keep that in mind. Where’d that two come from anyway?”

“Hell if I know….you pushed me over that big ole barrel so fast, I didn’t know anything til some paramedic yanked my legs out from under it.”

“Wasn’t moving near fast enough. How’re the legs?”

“Fine. Wish they’d admit it, and let me get out of this place!”

“Well, Terry says probably tomorrow…if that’s a comfort. You got to go crutches, but at least you’re going to be a free man.”

“Thanks, Pard!!! Nobody’d say I’s going home.”

“You will if you’re smart and make em think it don’t matter. Minute you act feisty, you get to stay a while longer.”

“Right. I’m calm. You remember that advice for a spell.”

“Yeah, right. Keep ‘em fooled.”

“Any word about me, Stud?”

“Two to go, Buck.”

“Ah, shoot.”

“You WANT to stay here? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing. I’m just trying to make a little hay with this lovely, buxom beauty.”

“Sheila, right?”

“Thought you’ve been out cold. How’d you know.”

“Ain’t a secret anywhere in this place. You make a move, everybody knows. And, Buck, she’s spoke for ,and you’re making her plum mad and yourself a plum fool. Give it up, Hoss.”

“Well….guess I don’t need to waste my time round this place. Thanks, Stud.”

“Welcome. There’s more fish out there. Happy fishing.”

“How long for you, Chris?”

“Week, maybe two, Buck. Ain’t gonna be fun, but I’m alive….I’m not complaining.”

“Don’t you boys believe him. He’s just sitting there coming up with a plan on how he’s gonna get himself loose and make me miserable.”

“Nathan….I’ve been awake, and knowing I’m awake, for less than 24 hours. I’m not plotting anything….not yet.”

“Well, I’m mighty glad to hear that, Chris. Keep it that way.” Nathan wandered away to talk with his wife, Rain.

“Think you got him fooled, Pard?” Vin grinned.

“I’m not fooling, Vin. I’m hurting too much to fool around about anything…..yet.”

“Ya hear him, Vin. YET! He’s just biding his own sweet time. Figure it’s time to get the pool set up on when he’s gonna cut loose.”

“You two are hopeless. I’m not planning on doing nothing that sics Nathan and his tubes and needles on me. No way.”

“Right. Give him two days, Vin?”

“Say more like three. He is sort of shot up, and Terry’s around way too much.”

“Keep it up, you two. First wager I hear about, I’m coming for you both!”

“Now, Chris. We’s just funning. Hey, they’re singing carols over there.”

“Hey, Josiah…you’ve been way too quiet. Get us over there so we can sing.”

“Now, brother Chris. Your lung is too injured to allow you to join in this type of festivities….right?”

“Well, guess so. Guess I’ll just listen.”

“Thank GOD!!”

“Shut up, Buck.”

“You know it’s the truth, Pard.”

“Vin, I’m gonna have to shoot you.”

“Okay, Josiah, let’s get him over by the pian-er. Chris, Pard, for all our sakes, you just stick to hummin’.”

“You’re a riot, Tanner.”

“Gentlemen, have you not discerned that our leader is beginning to look a little worn. Perhaps, we should be encouraging him to rest rather than participate in some escapade. He needs to be kept to a minimum of activity.”


“Yes, Mr. Larabee?”

“I’m not plotting anything. Keep it up, I’ll tell Maude about you taking apart that con last month.”

“Merciful heavens…you wouldn’t~”

“What’s in the mug?”

“It is a delightfully rich, warm concoction…pure ambrosia…straight from heaven’s bounty.”


“Most assuredly. Why?”

“Just wishing.”

“Okay, Vin…The Stud’s startin’ to plot for real. We best get gone or he’s gonna get us in trouble.”

“Shoot. Terry!”

“Yes, honey. Are you hurting?”

“Truth told, yes; but I’m hungry. Can I have just a little of what’s on that table over there. J.D.’s plate’s big enough for three, and I’m not getting anything! Can’t I have just a bite or two of turkey and dressing?”

“I’m sorry, honey. You can’t have anything yet. I can get you some of the liquid shake.”


“At least you won’t feel hungry. Want to try. I’ve got one in butter pecan. Better than nothing, don’t you think?”

“Okay, better than the roar in my gut.” He watched his wife walk away and sighed.

“Can’t believe you’re being this good, Pard. Think the bet’s gonna have to be on how long it’s gonna hold!”

“Okay….she’s gone. Buck, you keep a watch out for Nathan.”

“Uh-oh…What’s up, Stud?”

“They won’t feed me….so I want Ez’s mug….a full mug, and I want it now!”

Josiah leaned close to Chris’ ear and whispered like a conspirator, “Now, my brother. I think if I was you, and I was having my first chance of getting out of that bed, I might just get very quiet and not doing nothing that’s going to put you BACK in it. Not when you know Nathan’s going to be coming after you, and Terry’s next. Just sit very still and enjoy the party.”


Josiah covered for his friend’s slip, “Ezra, I think he’s asking for his hot apple cider in your sized mug. He hasn’t gotten any yet. Right, Chris?”

“Yeah…..right….hot apple cider….and maybe a cookie?”


“Just a snickerdoodle, Terry. Just one little snickerdoodle?”

“No…not even one. It’s got ginger and cinnamon in it.”

“Then how about a lemon square?”


“A chocolate chip? A sugar cookie! One, bell shaped sugar cookie with sprinkles. Come on, Terry….Just one….I’m hungry.”

“This is your butter pecan milk shake. Drink it, and you guys better not let me catch you giving him any cookies…or anything else solid either. Chris….”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. SSHH-oot.”

She was the next to whisper in his ear. “Chris, honey…I’m sorry…but if you eat anything solid right now….well, I’m going to have to see that it all comes out one way, or another, or maybe more ways than one.”

“NO!!” The carols stopped; the room got immensely quiet. Chris’ face burned red as fire.

“I see…well, you understand what I mean, so I’m sure nothing like that is going to happen to you on Christmas Eve. Right?”

“Right. Nothing like that. Not one daaa…ng thing like that. You promise, right?”

“Right. Now, I think they’re going to show a movie. Do you feel up to watching it.”

“Yeah…what’s the show?”

“It’s a Wonderful Life.”

“Oh, well, fine. Just wake me up when it’s over.”

“You’re that tired?”

“I’m tired, but I’ve seen that thing about 25 times. I tend to fall asleep. Still, don’t make me go back this early. Only party I’m going to get this year.”


“Anybody over here want popcorn while we’re setting up?” Buck held out a big canister of popcorn with three different flavors.

Chris made a dive for caramel. “Yeah…thanks, Buck. This looks great!”


“Thanks Buck, but no thanks. Terry, are there any peppermint sticks….can I have just one peppermint stick?”

“No. You remember your promise, or do I remember mine.”

“SHH-oot! Why aren’t we watching A Christmas Carol? Bunch of Bah-humbuggers around here, if you ask me.”

“Calm down, Pard. Drink your shake. Your gut will maybe get quiet enough so we can hear the show….okay?”

“Yeah, sure, Vin. Watch the movie…have a ball.”

“Sorry, Pard. Just ain’t no way for ya to be full of Christmas cheer, now is there?”

“No…guess not. Sorry, I’ll try to be a little more civil. Just hungry, and thirsty. Who was it that was supposed to bring my cider?”

“That’s Ez. He’s coming. Had to fight off the cops around the warming pot. You drink that shake so ya don’t put that cider on your empty stomach.”

“Okay…maybe that will keep me from ruining Christmas Eve for everybody …and for me. Like I say…I’m alive…I shouldn’t be complaining. But shoot, Vin…it’s me…I’m in here…that mean’s I’m a pretty ornery curr.”

“You’re a good man, Larabee. Want me to tell Terry it’s getting pretty bad again?”

“No…I don’t…I don’t want to get poked again. I don’t want to go back, and I’ve got something for my stomach and my apple cider’s coming. Let’s watch this da….ng movie.”

“Mr. Larabee?”


“Brett, get off Mr. Larabee’s lap…Greg, don’t pull on his arm….he’s hurt!! All of you little demons, GET OFF THAT POOR MAN!!!”

“What in the HE…..sam hills!!!” Chris thought he was going to puke without food or drink.

Buck lifted the one called Brett off Chris’ knees, shooed the others a step or two back from his chair. “J.D., Casey…you think you could maybe keep an eye on these little pups for a few minutes, give Chris some time to talk?”

The six boys were quickly being entertained by J.D., Casey and a host of men in blue. Buck turned back to the visitors, “Sorry, Chris. This is Sergeant Jeremiah Clarke and his wife Helen and their family. They asked if they could see you a minute, say Merry Christmas.”

“Well, Merry Christmas, but who is Sergeant Jeremiah Clarke?” Chris struggled to breath more evenly. He looked up at the woman and tried to smile.

She seemed amazed at the question the pale man asked. “You mean, you….none of you men….even know who we are?”

“Sorry. Don’t think I remember meeting you before. Can I help you with something?”

Sergeant Clarke extended a hand, “No, sir….we just wanted to bring you something. We were mighty glad to hear you were going to live…going to be okay. This isn’t much of a gift, but we thought you might appreciate it.” The man held out a small unwrapped box.

“Thanks?” Chris opened the lid, lifted the ‘gift’, and the entire room froze.

“They aren’t active, Mr. Larabee….not any more. We found one of those in our front door Christmas wreath, another one in the packages under our tree, and one more by our family altar. I wanted to make sure you knew that that man had made it into my home….without you and your men, my entire family would have died.”

“Me? What’s it got to do with me?”

“Memory’s gone a little haywire, Stud. We’s just after Wingate because of that stash of drugs. We knew he was a bad one, but it was you found that little slip of paper on his desk with the Sergeant’s name and address. You could a thought it was somebody gone bad and on the take, but you didn’t. Just like you to think of a family; let the rest sort itself out. You sent me and Vin to check their place before we went after Wingate; made sure we let the Phoenix Police Department know about the threat. Told us to not scare those kids; tell ‘em their dad had won a trip or something, put em all up in someplace real fancy so they’d have something fun to think on while we checked the place. That Wingate’s name must have just been Satan. Sent chills down my spine to find out how close he’d come to pulling it off. And Chris, that last one was wrapped like a nice shiny package with Santa on the paper. Meant to attract one of those little boys. I never even had time to tell you the full of it, and you been too sick since. Hadn’t been for you, Chris….well…”

“Shoot…you and Vin found ‘em. I didn’t do nothing. Sergeant, I’m just glad you and your family are okay. Any idea why Wingate would want to go after you?”

“No, sir. All I could find was I gave him a ticket for speeding a couple of months back. I think I just told him he’s taking a mighty big risk, running that fast when there was so many kids around. I mean, it’s what I always say. He didn’t seem angry; he even apologized…I told him I figured he had something on his mind and got a little distracted, gave him the ticket, and let him go. I didn’t think nothing about it.”

“Glad that’s one we aren’t going to have to worry about anymore.”

“Well, Mr. Larabee…we’ll let you get back to your party. Hope you’re up and out of here, soon.”

“Thanks…say, we’re getting ready to watch a movie. There’s plenty of food, and some good stuff to drink. If you don’t have anyplace to go, or anything to do, you and yours could just join us. It’s early enough… you’ll be home to unwrap those presents tonight.”

“Well…no, sir. Can’t open anything until it’s all x-rayed and sniffed by dogs.”

“Da…ng. Well, then you folks need a party just about as much as me. Care to watch the show?”

“What’s playing? Don’t mind me asking?” Clarke grinned.

“It’s a Wonderful Life….sorry.”

“That’s Helen and my VERY FAVORITE movie.”

“Well, it’s set. Get some plates and have some turkey and dressing. There’s plenty for nearly everybody.”

“Chris…not for you.”

“SHH--oot, Terry…I’m NOT planning anything. Oh, ‘scuse me, Sergeant Clarke, Jeremiah and Helen, this is my wife Terry Horton Larabee…and that carbon copy over there is my son, Adam.”

“Ma’am, I can’t tell you how much your husband’s done for me and my…”

“Jeremiah?” Chris caught his attention, “I didn’t do nothing special. Don’t make her think I’ve been out being all reckless…tends to make her just a little bit worried. I’d rather she not be given too much worry.”

“Sure, Mr. Larabee.”

“Like she doesn’t already know she’s got lots of worry with you, Mr. Larabee! I’m so sorry to see you all stuck here for Christmas. You know you’ll always be a very special bunch of men to me and mine.”
“Shoot. Well, that’s mighty nice. Now…hush and get ready for this movie. And ma’am, Helen, it’s Chris. Now, let’s get those kids some food. Terry, there’s got to be at least one candy cane for those little guys SOMEWHERE around here! VIN!!!”

“Yeah, Pard. What you need?”

“You’re the sweet tooth in these parts. Find those kids something good.”

“Got em. You ever get your cider?”

“No. Later will do.”

“I’ll shoot Ez for ya.”

“Fine…better yet, go find Maude…tell her about Ez and Slippery.”

“Mr. Larabee….I have brought your cider. There is no reason to be an ornery cuss about me!!”

“Saved by the mug….okay Vin…find those kids something good, and Ez, it’s Christmas. At least for two days you can manage to call me Chris!”

“With pleasure, sir. With much respect and pleasure, I assure you.”

“Can it, Ez. You’re embarrassing me.”

“MOVIE’S ON….MOVIE’S ON!! Chris, quit running your trap and let those people see their favorite show!!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Larabee grinned as Josiah pushed his chair into the middle of the crowd.

He never remembered Jimmy Stewart falling off the bridge. Terry was glad for that. He had come close enough to the grave himself and this year, that scene just wasn’t something she wanted to see…angels or no. His cider was stone cold. He was slumped in the chair, asleep again.

“Terry, think he needs to go back now, before he can’t ignore the pain anymore.”

“Let the movie finish, Nathan. If he wakes up, he will know he missed the end of the party. It won’t be much longer.”

“Okay, then. Just hope he isn’t totally miserable tomorrow.”

“If he is, we probably won’t know about it. I just wish he could have something.”

He jumped when the people in the movie shouted, and that made him remember where he was and why. He managed to stifle most of the groan.

“Honey? Are you in pain?”

“Not too bad. Was a good movie.”

“I think everyone is getting ready to leave, or go to their rooms. It’s getting late.”

“Don’t want to go back….want to…”

“Chris…don’t make it hard on Sergeant Clarke and Helen to get these children home. They’re tired, and I’m sure the Sergeant would like to get them home and in bed before much later. They’re planning to go to their parents’ homes tomorrow so the children will have something to open on Christmas.”

“Oh, sure. Let’s get it wrapped up. Terry….tell Paul to let those men go home too. Where ever those men went, Wingate’s dead. They’re not apt to stick around here. Wasn’t their beef at all, and they’re not getting paid to come after us.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah. Let security know they’re gone. I’m not saying to strip the place, just let the special detachment go see their kids open Christmas.”

“You are a tender hearted man, you know.”

“I’m a sucker for Christmas.”

“I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Haven’t got even one stupid bone or muscle anywhere. I promise I’ll be good.”

“Why don’t you and all the guys go down to your room. Josiah and the nurses can get you into bed, but nobody has to go just yet.”

“Thanks. Was a good Christmas party after all.”


“He’s asleep, Terry. I made the mistake of giving him some sedative when we got him in bed. Hit him like a tank. He’s mad cause it made him sleepy, and he was fighting it worse than a two-year old.”

“I knew he wasn’t going to last long anyway it went. The boys were still here when he went down, weren’t they?”

“Yep. All of em…what made him so mad. He wanted to play.”

“He knows he’s alive Nathan. He wants to enjoy it and celebrate it. He’s ready to pretend he doesn’t hurt at all. We all know it’s not true, but he’ll say it anyway. We need to let him be as easy as possible about it all. You’ll remember that for me, won’t you.”

“Yes. He’s going to have a nice, easy Christmas…might even let him have a bite of turkey and little of that dressing. We’ll see how it goes. Now, I’ve had a pretty easy day. You’ve been through nothing but rough roads for days. You go get Adam, and you two go get something to eat. I’ll be with him if he needs anything, but he’s doing real, real well.”

“Well, if you’re sure. We won’t be gone that long. I don’t know where we’ll find food, but we’ll be just fine. If he wakes, let him know where we’ve gone.”

“You can quit worrying now, Terry. He’s coming along fine. Just go.”

“Thanks, Nathan.” She was gone. Nathan Jackson checked the vitals on the sleeping man one more time. Satisfied, he eased his long frame into the recliner chair and prepared to wait for the man to sleep or wake. The room was quiet, the friend asleep.


“Pain, Chris? Want something for pain?”

“No. Why’d you give me that thing? I wasn’t sleepy, Nate, and you know that stuff doesn’t work worth a da…worth anything. I’m just hungry! I’m thirsty, and I missed the end of the party!”

“Knew you’d understand, Chris. If you didn’t get some sleep, Vin and Buck and the rest weren’t going to go and get some rest. If Vin and Buck didn’t get some rest, it would keep them from leaving the hospital on schedule. Knew you wouldn’t want that, especially for Vin. He hadn’t had a good minute’s rest since he woke up here, and then he found out how bad you were. I just didn’t ask in front of them, cause then they’s all going to put up a fight.”

“Oh. Well…guess I didn’t miss too much after all.”

“No, you didn’t miss much. Wouldn’t stand for that. I put them every one to bed soon as you were down. They didn’t fight it. Wanted to be ready to visit tomorrow.”

“You’ll let me up again?”

“You get some good rest, we’ll see you’re all up.”

“Thanks, Nate.”

“Glad you’re awake for a bit?”

“You are? Not going to shoot me full of that sh---tuff anymore?”

“No. You’ll sleep soon enough. Just know you’re body’s real tired, and if you don’t sleep you won’t feel like doing nothing tomorrow. Oh, but before you decide to sleep, I brought you a little something.”

“You did? What?”

“You ever get your cider tonight?”

“No…don’t think I did. You brought me cider?”

“Yep. A nice big mug. Kept it warm for you too. Now here, I’m going to raise your head a bit so you can hold the mug. You need me to maybe help you hold it?”

“’Tween sips….might be best. Otherwise, I’m liable to spill that on something special…something that, so far, I’ve managed to keep in pretty decent shape. Know what I mean.”

“Yep…know that well enough. Here.”

“Aaaahhhhhh. That’s good. Nate….it’s….it’s wassail!!? You brought me some real old-fashioned wassail?”

“Did. Just a little, though. Don’t tell anybody I’m going soft, you hear!”

“Secret’s safe with me…long as you let me have another one tomorrow.” He grinned.

“Leave it to you to plot how to be one ornery cuss. Even on Christmas.”

“It’s Christmas?”

“Yep, you made it, Chris. Thought you deserved a mighty special gift.”

“Thanks, Nate. It’s a mighty fine gift.”

“You deserve it. Now, the mugs empty. You’re tired. I’m gonna just go, and let you pick your time to sleep. Don’t wait too long, Chris. You’ve got a big day today.”

“Thanks, Nate. It’s good to spend Christmas here.”

“Good…to be in the hospital? Like I believe that!” Jackson laughed.

“Right now, Nate…actually it’s good to just BE…anywhere.”

“I hear you. Good to have you here. Merry Christmas, Chris. Get some rest.”