“Should a hit Raleigh hours ago!."
"There's a station.... Ask!"
“Yokel’ll get us lost!"
"And YOU ain’t? Ya hate asking for directions, Pard, but my guts on the prowl. I want food.”
“Don’t ...”
“Gawwwww-lee! Name’s Gomer. Need gas?”
“Deal with that!”
“What is it?”
“A yokel!”
“Andy.... it’s them lost detective boys.”
“Howdy! Climb on down. I’ll call....you’ll stay? Home’s comfortable, and there’s Aunt Bee’s fried chicken and fresh apple pie. Anybody render?”
“Render? That mean killing pigs?”
“Hush, Chris. Don’t render Sheriff; harpoon, though.”
“Fine. Eat, then pull. Your friend render?”
“Naw. No ear!”
“Tanner! Gonna shoot ya.”
“Til I’ve had pie, you ain’t. Don’t you sing neither.”