Michael Biehn Archive

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The characters belong to various production/film/TV companies. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
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Summary: A five-part series of light-hearted drabbles. Is there a limit to how far you can go for Agency and Country?
Rated: GEN
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee
Genres: Humor, Plot what plot/Porn without plot, Magnificent Seven AU: ATF
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes
Word count: 692 Read: 19831
Published: 08 Feb 2005 Updated: 10 Feb 2005

1. The Invite by Susie Burton [ - ] (117 words)

Disclaimer: The ATF-AU was created by Mog. I'm in her debt for letting me play in her playground.

This five-part piece was written in response to a drabble challenge on Vin Tanner Feedback and Discussion Group. The phrase, ?The answer is NO?, had to appear in the 100-word plus the four challenge, and this was my ? serialised - offering to the group.

I hope you find this silly bit of fluffiness amusing. Susie Burton, February, 2005.

2. Suiting Up by Susie Burton [ - ] (151 words)

3. Tying the Knot by Susie Burton [ - ] (162 words)

4. The Finishing Touch by Susie Burton [ - ] (152 words)

5. Justice - Texas Style! by Susie Burton [ - ] (110 words)

I had thought this fluffy little series finished, but someone kindly sent me a feedback email, and their comments took my thought processes on another path. I guess it proves that receiving positive feedback from a reader can fire up a writer?s Muse, and then spur them on to create more. Anyway, I never, ever argue with my Muse, so I hope you like this final drabble. And yes, it truly is the concluding segment to my series!