Michael Biehn Archive

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Summary: Ezra discovers that he is the 'chosen one' for an ancient creature... but Chris will not let Ezra go without a fight.
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Buck Wilmington, Chris Larabee, Ezra Standish, J. D. Dunne, Josiah Sanchez, Nathan Jackson, Vin Tanner
Genres: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Angst and Drama, Supernatural
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 15702 Read: 1255
Published: 01 Sep 2004 Updated: 01 Sep 2004

1. 1 by VampyrAlex [ - ] (15702 words)
A huge thank you to Sherri, Tess and Valaria, for beta'ing this for me. Any final mistakes are mine.

Warning: This is a Halloween story. And although it gets hairy for a moment, just call me the Queen of Happy Endings, 'kay?

ADDITIONAL NOTES: Rebecca Nurse and Mary Easty were indeed sisters, their maiden name Towne. Both were accused of practicing witchcraft, tried and found guilty. Rebecca was executed on July 19th, Mary on September 22nd, 1692.

Kieran (Kee-ur-an) is the Anglicization of the Gaelic name Ciaran and means 'Dark, Shadowy'
Garbhan (Gar-uv-an) means 'Rough'

I tried my best with the Gaelic, but won't vouch for 100% accuracy.