Michael Biehn Archive

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Summary: Chris gets some special help when the Devil comes for his soul.
Rated: TEEN
Categories: The Magnificent Seven Characters: Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Nathan Jackson, J. D. Dunne, Buck Wilmington, Josiah Sanchez, Sarah Larabee
Genres: Horror, Supernatural, Western
Warnings: Profanity, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 23057 Read: 3960
Published: 18 Nov 2005 Updated: 18 Nov 2005

1. 1 of 1 by Tonny [ - ] (23057 words)
A big thanks again to my wonderful beta, Tracey. She makes sure my mistakes don't all fall through the cracks but get caught and decently punished. That doesn't mean the story is flawless, because off course I had to read it one more time and make some small changes.