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"Jackie...Jackie," Tanner called softly as several night birds called out a warning. The star studded sky was obscured with intermittent clouds as he backtracked to the last place he'd seen the other agent.

"I'm right behind you, Vin," Maynard answered, wiping the sweat from her eyes as she quickly caught up with her partner.

"Where were ya?" the tracker asked as she knelt on one knee beside him.

"I thought I saw something in the southeast corner!"

"Why didn't ya wait fer me?"

"Vin, I'm a big girl and I know how to handle myself," the woman said indignantly.

"Yeah... sorry, keep forgettin' yer not afraid of breakin' a nail or two," the Texan teased.

"Hell, Vin, broke all of them too long ago to worry about that now. Think I outgrew pedicure's the first time I ran down a drug dealer!" She heard his soft laughter, ducking down as the moon peeked out from behind a cloud.

"What did you find back there?" Tanner asked.

"Nothing...just more of these damn plants! Anything up ahead?"

"Didn't go very far. Figured I'd better check on you."

"Ah, bet I'm the only DEA damsel with her own Texan in shining armor," Maynard said as they moved further into the field.

Stacey Midland looked at the group sitting in the row of chairs beside the window. She held up her hands and motioned for them to remain seated as she leaned tiredly on the window sill.

"How is he, Doc?" Sanchez voiced the question on all their minds.

"Okay, the scans are negative and he's showing signs of coming around."

"Thank God," Nettie Wells observed as Casey sobbed against her in relief.

"So he's going to be alright?" Sanchez asked hopefully.

"I think so, but until he's fully conscious there's no way of knowing for sure. He also sustained some deep bruises on his back, probably from the way he landed and the force of the explosion. I've admitted him and before you ask he'll be sharing a room with Buck Wilmington. The floor will call down when the room is ready."

"Can I see him?" Casey asked.

"Yes, for a couple of minutes. Chris, someone can go in with Buck now as well, but remember they need to rest!" Midland stressed the last word.

"Thanks, Doc," Sanchez said as the physician left the room.

Sarah walked beside her husband, aware of how much this was affecting him. She loved Buck Wilmington as a friend, but his relationship to her husband was more like a brother. The two had known each other long before she came into the picture. She held tightly to his arm as they entered the cubicle and looked at the man lying on the bed.

Wilmington was hooked up to several monitors and an IV dripped fluid into his left hand. A square patch of gauze partially covered a deep purple and black bruise on the man's forehead and his right arm were covered in thick bandages. Several bruises were visible above the blanket covering his abdomen and they knew he would be sore for some time.

"Here, Honey," Larabee said, pulling a plastic chair over to the bed.

"He looks so pale," Sarah half sobbed as she reached for the unmoving fingers of his left hand. This man meant so much to her family and it angered her to see him lying so still and injured. She smoothed the sticky hair away from the bandage and heard a soft moan from the gentle rogue.

"He's gonna be okay, Sarah...he's got to be," the blond said, silently praying he was right.

" be f...fine...if th...those hands be...long to a beau...ti...ful," the rogue's voice filtered through parched lips as he forced his eyes open. He smiled as his eyes finally focused on the woman seated beside his bed. "hell...o...gor...geous...Chris'll be jea...lous."

"Not likely, Stud," Larabee smiled in relief as the man's humor came through in spite of the obvious pain he felt.

" c...come t...there's two of. y...your ugly face and only one of this vi...sion..."

"Leave it to you to insult me and make a pass at my wife while you're hurt and I can't do a damn thing to you. Just remember I've still got my gun," Larabee gently warned. "How do you feel?"

"I'd say like s...shit, b...but th...that don't har...hardly describe it. Wh....what happened?"

"What do you remember, Buck?" Sarah asked, knowing short term memory loss could be a factor with the head injury.

"N...not sure..." he groaned as he lifted his hand to his head.

"Don't touch that, Buck," the woman warned.

"Head hurts...some...body h...hit God..." he gasped as his eyes closed and he lost consciousness.

Nathan and Casey stepped into the second cubicle just as a nurse changed the IV bag over the young man's head. The medic recognized her and nodded as she left them alone with the patient. Jackson placed a steadying hand on the woman's arm as she slowly walked to the bed. He grabbed for the chair but Casey shook her head, preferring to stand next to the bed and lean over the injured man.

"JD, you'd better be okay," Casey said, swiping at the tears overflowing her eyes. She reached forward and took his right hand in her left and slowly ran her fingers through the thick black hair. "I though you were gonna get your hair cut," she sniffed as she felt Jackson watching her.

"Easy, Casey," the medic said, smiling as he watched the tender way she held his hand.

She smiled as she looked from the injured man to the one standing beside her. She knew the friendship that developed so quickly was now a bond between the seven men and knew she could lean on them whenever they needed her. She was doing that right now and was thankful as a soft moan came from the Bostonian.

"JD?" she cried. "Please, JD, open your eyes," the woman begged as she held his hand to her cheek.

"Come on, Kid, time to wake up. You've been sleeping long enough," Jackson said as the young man showed all the signs of waking up.

His ears were working but his mind was having trouble making sense of the sounds he heard. His sense of smell was strong and he grimaced at the medicinal smell, knowing instinctively what it meant. Hospital, and from the way he felt this time he was there as a patient. He heard the strange sound repeated and realized it was coming from his own throat. Moaning softly he forced his eyes open and looked into the familiar face he was growing so fond of.


"Oh, JD," she cried as she flicked the long strands of hair away from his forehead.

"Easy, JD, just lie still," Jackson warned as the younger man's face showed a grimace of pain.

"...head hurts..."

"You have a concussion, JD," Jackson explained.

"Con...concussion? How? What hap...penned?"

"What do you remember, JD?" Casey asked, watching the young man closely for signs that he was in trouble.

"Bike wouldn't start...late f...for Buck? Some...thing wrong...forgot the papers," Dunne frowned as he tried to grasp what happened next. He closed his eyes in an effort to ease the pounding in his skull. "I c...can't think s...straight!"

"Easy, JD," Jackson ordered as the younger man moaned again. "Just relax and it'll come back to you."

"W...where's Buck? Re...member talking to him. Is he...okay?" The silence went on too long and the injured man's eyes opened once more. He looked from one to the other and saw the worry and concern on both faces. "Buck...Nathan...what happened?"

"You and Buck were both injured in an explosion, JD, but you're going to be alright. Why don't you go on back to sleep and when you wake up you two will be sharing the same room. Just don't try any three legged dawg jokes or he's liable to shoot you just to put himself out of misery," the medic said. He watched as Dunne lost the battle to stay awake and his eyelids dropped, covering his glazed orbs.

"I'm so glad he woke up, Nathan," Casey said as she released the young man's hand and lifted the covers up over his body.

"That's a real good sign, Casey. Are you okay here while I go let the others know?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Casey assured him. She reached for the chair and pulled it next to the bed as Jackson left the room. "Don't you even think about leaving me, JD Dunne, because I'll chase you to hell and back if you do," she whispered softly.

The agents moved silently through the night, ducking into the thicker growth when they heard voices or anything remotely resembling a patrol. Vin had no idea how long they'd been moving through the fields but suddenly realized there was light ahead. He heard voices and dogs barking and pulled Jackie down beside him.

"What's wrong?" Maynard asked, her voice whisper soft in the night air.

"I think we're closer to Mendoza than we thought...look to the right," he told her.

Jackie saw the dim lights and turned towards her companion once more. "Guess we'd better take a look."

"Let's not get too close...dogs," he said of her confused stare.

"Damn, we need to verify Mendoza's presence," Jackie said as she turned back to the lighted area.

"I know, but..." he grew quiet as the sharp bark of a dog sounded much closer. He felt Jackie stand up and make a move towards the lights and grabbed her arm. He saw anger in her eyes as she pointed towards the illuminated area. Shaking his head, Vin used his finger and made a slicing motion across his throat before pointing back the way they'd come.

"We need to go in there!" she hissed through clenched teeth.

"Not yet! We need to figure out what we're gonna do!" he spat, shaking his head as she tried to pull out of his grip. He held tight, waiting until she turned a deadly glare in his direction, surprised at the change in the female agent. "What the hell's wrong with ya?"

"I need to go in there, Vin, and kill that fucking monster!" she whispered, yet the ferocity was there in the words.

Vin knew he'd missed something important with the woman beside him and vowed to find out what it was. Their job was to verify Mendoza's presence, but something told him there was more pushing Maynard and he needed to find out what it was. Unknown factors often resulted in unwanted consequences and right now they could not afford those. Again he made a slicing motion with his hand and pointed back through the field.

Jackie glared at the Texan, but knew he was right as the sounds of the dogs grew closer still. Taking a deep breath she turned away from the lights and followed the tracker back through the trees. It took over an hour for them to make it to the end of the field and they were relieved when there was no signs of pursuit. They moved into the deeper darkness at the edge of the trail and slowly began their way back the treacherous ground towards the cave.

"Jackie," Tanner said as they neared the entrance to the cave.


"Why were ya so hell bent on going in there before we're ready?"

"We were ready!"

"No, dammit, we weren't! Now what the fuck is goin' on?" Tanner said turning her until they faced each other as twilight began to take over the landscape.


"Don't give me that shit, Jackie. Ya tell me why ya were ready ta go in there! What's between you and Mendoza?"

"You really want to know, Vin?"

"Hell yeah...I need ya ta watch my fuckin' back and if'n yer not thinkin' straight I can't trust ya!" Tanner said as he pulled her towards the cave entrance and shoved her inside. He turned and made sure the brush was back in place and their hideout concealed once more.

Jackie stood behind him and knew she owed him an explanation. She hadn't told him anything about her past, or why she'd become a DEA agent in the first place. They needed to trust each other and she sank down on the sleeping bag as she heard Tanner coming towards her.

"Ya ready ta tell me what that was all about?" the Texan asked, anger making his whispered words sound harsh in the darkness.

"The bastard killed my brother!"

"Ah, Fuck!" Tanner cursed. "I'm sorry...but..."

"But I can't let it get in the way of bringing Mendoza and his cartel down! Don't you think I know that, Vin? Every fucking time I get close to the slick bastard he slides out from under the surveillance. I can't let that happen this time! I won't let it happen! I've lost him four times over the last year and now we're this close I don't aim to lose him again! The little bastard seems to know as soon as I'm in the area!"

"Ya think Barker had something ta do with that?"

"Yes...I do! I can't prove anything yet, but Barker's behind Mendoza's quick escapes and I'm afraid of it happening again! I can't let it happen again. Jamie's dead and it's my fault, but I will find a way to repay Mendoza for what he did!"


"My brother...we were on vacation in the Cayman Islands. Mom, Dad, me and Jamie. We'd been there about a week when I met this man who literally swept me off my feet. I thought he was perfect...the one and only man for me. I was so damn naive and went with him to this private party, but Jamie found out about it and followed us. He'd be alive today if I hadn't been so stupid!"

"What happened?" Tanner asked, hearing the remorse in her voice and pulling her close.

"It was a party alright. A drug party...a get the wet behind the ears girl loaded with drugs and make her the star of a porn show before dumping her in a ditch somewhere with her throat slit. Mendoza was there, but I didn't see him right away. Ernesto brought me this drink and it was sickly sweet, but it was alcohol and something I'd never been allowed to try before. There I was with all these people, drinking and laughing and feeling like I was so much older than seventeen! I started feeling shaky and remember thinking I'd only had one drink and it shouldn't be affecting me like this. Ernesto began toying with me and I was giggling like a school girl as he undid the buttons of my blouse. I remember hitting his hand and he told me to relax and enjoy. I felt sick, but couldn't fight him. I think that's when I passed out. I woke up, naked and in the middle of these soft pillows with a man lying beside me, and then heard Jamie's voice and the sound of gunshots. Jamie was two years older than me and had just entered the military...he was smart and called in the police. Next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital. I'd been pumped full of drugs but Jamie arrived in time to stop the bastards from ra...raping me. I was in the hospital for three days and when I got out Mom, Dad and Jamie had everything packed and we flew home. I can't tell you how humiliated I was...couldn't even look at Mom, but Jamie was always there. He let me cry and scream and rant about everything and he just held me. My big brother, my hero," she said, finally letting the tears fall.

"I'm sorry, Jackie," Tanner whispered, holding her as she cried softly against his shoulder.

"Thanks, Vin," the woman said as she brought the tears under control. "It was a month later and Jamie and I were home alone. I was sleeping and he was watching TV. I don't know what woke me, but I knew something was wrong. I pulled on my robe and went downstairs. The lights were off, but the TV was of them damn westerns he loved was playing and they were right in the middle of a gunfight. I saw Jamie lying on the floor facing the TV same as he always did and called to him. He didn't answer me, Vin, and I thought he was asleep, but he wasn't. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and turned him towards me. God help me his eyes were open and pleading and there was blood on his lips. I knew he was dying and I cradled him in my arms. He said one word before he stopped breathing and it was at that moment I swore I'd get his killer."

"He told ya who did it?" Tanner asked.



"Yes...he killed my brother, Vin, and it was all my fault!"

"No, Jackie, the fault lies with Mendoza. We'll get him, you got my word on that!"

"Thanks, Vin, that's the first time I've talked about that since I saw mom and dad...that was twelve years ago."

"Why so long?"

"I can't face them after what happened. They call and we talk, but I haven't been home since Jamie was buried."

"You need to see them," Tanner said.

"I know and I will once Mendoza is taken care of," Jackie said, yawning tiredly.

"Guess we'd better get some shut eye," the sharpshooter said as they laid down beside each other. They were silent for a long time, but Jackie pulled the Texan closer.

"Thanks, Tex," she said softly.

"Anytime," the tracker said, before giving in to the call of sleep.

Sarah settled Adam on the bed and covered him with his blankets before kissing him on the forehead. She turned on the nightlight and turned to leave the room, but a sleepy voice stopped her.


"Yes, Sweetie?"

"Are Uncle Buck and JD gonna be okay?"

"Yes, Honey," she said as she sat on the edge of the child's bed.

"How come they had to stay in the hostible?"

Sarah smiled as she looked into the green eyes so like his father's. "Buck and JD were both hurt, Honey, and the doctors want to make sure they are okay before they send them home."

"How come they gots hurt?"

"We're not sure of that yet, sweetheart, but the police will let us know how Buck's car caught fire."

"Uncle Buck's gonna be sad that his car is gone."

"Yes, he will, but he'll also be happy because him and JD are both going to be fine. A car can be replaced...but people can't."


"Yes, Honey?"

"What happens when you die?"

"Well, sweetheart, some people believe you go to this wonderful place called heaven where all your friends and family meet you and everyone is happy."

"So Grandpa and Grandma will be there, and daddy's brother too?"

"Yes...and Grandma Sheila."

"What about Grandpa Hank?"

Sarah swallowed with some difficulty at her father's name, but she'd grown to live with his coldness. She'd called him once to tell him about his grandson, but the stubborn man refused to listen.

"Grandpa Hank is still alive, Sweetie, so he can't be in heaven. Now you need to go to sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day," Sarah explained, kissing him once more.



"Why doesn't Grandpa Hank ever come for a visit? Doesn't he like me?"

Sarah bit back the pain her son's words brought to her heart and hugged the child close. How could she possibly explain her father's stubborn refusal to see the gift God had bestowed on them? She fought back the tears and tried to come up with the right words to answer the boy's question.

"Adam, Grandpa Hank doesn't understand how much mommy loves daddy. He thought we should not get married because daddy's job can be dangerous." She knew it was more than that, but she could not bear to face the truth of her father's actions. "Grandpa Hank doesn't want to see daddy so he stays away."

"He's mad at daddy...but, Mommy, daddy doesn't do anything bad. He helps people!"

"That's right, Honey, he does and you can always be proud of him."

"Grandpa Hank is mean!"

"No...he's not mean...he's just confused and someday he'll remember what love and family is all about. When he does we'll be able to show him how good your daddy really is."

"Heaven's where you go when you die?"

"Yes, it is."

"If I died would you and daddy come with me?"

"You're not going to die, Honey..."

"But what if I did...what about you and daddy. Would you come with me?"

"That's not how it works, Adam..."

"But you said it's a good place and everyone is happy. I wouldn't be happy there if you and daddy weren't with me," the boy said frowning as he saw the tears in his mother's eyes. "Mommy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, Adam, I'm thinking maybe we should all stay here for a long, long time," Sarah told him.

"Me too," the boy said, smiling at the woman sitting on his bed.

"You need to go to sleep now, okay?"

"Okay, good night, Mommy."

"Good night, Sweetheart," Sarah said smiling as the boy turned over and cuddled his stuffed toy. She walked into the living room, but didn't see her husband there. Looking toward the patio doors she saw they were open and knew where he was. Chris loved being outside, saying it was there that he did his best thinking. She stepped through the door and spotted him sitting on the steps. Without a word she walked over and sat down beside him, smiling as he passed her a glass of Chablis. Neither spoke as Larabee's left arm went around her shoulder and pulled her close. She heard him sigh and knew the events of the day were tearing him up inside.

"Hell of a mess," Larabee finally said.

"That's putting it mildly. Are you okay?"

"I'm not the one who's hurt, Sarah."

"Aren't you?" his wife asked. "I can see this is tearing you up inside, Chris. You're still worried about Buck and JD, and you won't be satisfied until they're out of the hospital and you know the reason for the explosion. These men are more than friends, Chris, they're family and right now you're trying to carry the burden of their injuries on your shoulders, and in spite of how much I love those shoulders, they can't carry this alone. I'm here and you can lean on me a little too," Sarah told him and smiled as he turned towards her.

"You're a wise woman, Sarah Connelly Larabee," the blond said.

"Must be...I married you, didn't I?"

"Yes, you certainly did, but was that really a smart move?"

"Chris, that was the smartest move I ever made. Now what else is bothering you?"

"You know me too well..."

"You're only just figuring that out now?" she asked, smiling as she sipped from the glass.

"Yeah, Buck always said I was a little slow on the uptake."

"Buck doesn't know everything," Sarah said seriously.

"He knew enough to warn me about E...Ella. He never did like her and to tell the truth I don't know what I ever saw in her either," the blond explained.

"Probably one of those things they used to call puppy love," Sarah cooed in an effort to lighten the load on her husband's shoulders.

"Yeah...more like a bitch in heat..."

"Chris!" Sarah said, laughing at the look on her husband's face.

"Sorry, Honey, just slipped out...but it is a good description of her."

"So she's a bitch in heat and I'm a she-cat...does that make us least in the animal realm?"

"Damn, Sarah, you know I don't mean it like that!"

"I know...but it's always nice to rattle your chains. She's gone had JD and Ezra check to make sure she really did leave."

"I know, but she could've come back. What if she's involved in what happened to Buck and JD?" Larabee asked worriedly.

"Chris, I know you've been checking to see if she's back in town. She hasn't come back, right?"

"Not least not under her name. She could use an alias!"

"Well, we don't even know what caused the explosion yet, Chris. Don't go jumping the gun until we hear from Robert."

"I just can't help feeling..." he stopped as his cell phone rang. He released his wife and hurried to the glass topped patio table and picked it up. Vin he mouthed as he accepted the call and watched his wife go into the house.


"Vin, speak up...connections not very good."

" con...tion...need ta know if ya found out anythin' on Barker?"

"Shit, that's better, thought we were gonna have to try again. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine...did you find anythin'?"

"No...not yet, but we'll keep looking...may take a little longer though..."

"Why? What's happened?" Tanner asked suspicious of the tone the blond used.


"Hell, Larabee, when are ya gonna learn I can read ya from anywhere? What's goin' on? Sarah and Adam are okay, aren't they?"

"Sarah and Adam are fine..."

"Then who?"

"Buck and JD," Larabee answered softly.

"How bad?"

"Bad enough. They were involved in an explosion and both suffered head injuries, cuts and bruises and Buck's right arm was torn up a bit."

"Are they gonna be okay?"

"Looks like it. Midland wanted them kept in at least overnight."

"Were they on a case?"

"No...happened at their building...Buck's car was totaled..."

"The green machine? Ah hell," Tanner said, knowing what the car meant to the ladies' man.

"Yeah, but it could've been worse. JD forgot some papers and went back for them and you know how impatient Buck gets. He got out to check on JD...if the kid hadn't left them they'd have both been in the car when it exploded."

"Damn lucky! Have you found out what caused the explosion?"

"No...waiting for Bob to call with the results of the investigation. How are things going there?"

"We're okay..."

"Tanner, that mind reading thing goes both ways," Larabee grinned as Sarah returned with two steaming cups of coffee.

"Damn...almost fergot that. We think we've found the fortress, but we can't check it until tonight. I want ta make sure Mendoza's there before we do anything. We found it last night, but didn't want ta do anythin' until we were sure how things stood with Barker."

"I'm sorry, Vin, with everything going on here we didn't get much done. I'll check with Ezra first thing in the morning, just make sure you stay in contact and don't let Barker know you're on to him."

"Might be ta late fer that, Cowboy."

"What do you mean?" Larabee asked worriedly.

"We haven't contacted him since entering the mountains. Jackie's sure he's on the take and I trust her instincts, Chris."

"Are you sure, Vin? I mean you don't know her that long and you're depending on her to watch your back."

"I'm sure...look, I gotta go. We're going ta check out the compound tonight and see if we can confirm Mendoza's presence. I think he's there, Chris, and I ain't sure if we can get him outta there or not."

"Don't take any chances, Vin! If it looks like you have to take him out, do it and get out of there!"

"We will, Chris. Watch yer back, Cowboy!"

"That's supposed to be your job, Tanner!"

"Yeah, well, ya gotta do it 'til I get back."

"Any idea when that'll be?"

"Not sure...depends on Mendoza and Barker. I'll try ta call ya in a couple of days..."

"Just be careful..."

"Yeah, ya best do the same," the Texan said as the line went dead.

Chris put the phone back on the table and smiled as his wife moved behind him and massaged his shoulders. He sighed contentedly as the tense muscles and nerves began to relax. He closed his eyes, relaxing in the cool evening air and wondering what he'd done to make him so lucky.

"Is Vin okay?" Sarah asked as she continued to work the knots out of her husband's shoulders and neck.

"Says he's fine, but I don't know...I just worry about him being down there!"

"He's a big boy, Chris, and I'm sure he'd be ticked if he knew you were beating yourself up worrying about him with everything else that's going on."

"Yeah, you're probably really could make us rich with those fingers of yours," Larabee muttered tiredly.

"Hmm, so are you asking me to give up nursing and take to male mass..."

"Honey, the only male I want those fingers to touch is me...oh, and Adam...anyone else and well I just might become a bit of a hellcat myself," the blond warned.

"I'll keep that in mind, Cowboy..."

"I'm gonna have to shoot me a blue eyed Texan..."

"...just retract those claws, baby..." she whispered as she continued with the massage.



"Why don't this male cat take his female hellcat off to bed?"

"Got something in mind?"

"Yeah...can think of a few other body parts that could use those magic fingers of yours," the blond said as he stood, picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom.

Ella lay on her stomach, her legs bent at the knees and her ankles crossed. She wore very little, and the man sitting on the side of the bed ran his index finger along the length of her perfectly shaped thigh. Ella smiled as she looked at the bold headlines of the Billings Gazette from the day before. TWO INJURED IN FIERY BLAST! She read the article four times and was pleased with the way things were going. She turned onto her back and popped a strawberry into her mouth as she sighed contentedly.

"So, Powderman didn't kill them, but this might be even better," she whispered as Averil placed another juicy berry at her mouth.

"Why?" Averil asked as he picked up the paper and saw the pictures of the two injured Firm agents.

"Well, now Chris's mind will be on Wilmington and Dunne. He'll be worried about whether someone did this because of a case they're on..."

"It was Wilmington's car, Love. Dunne wasn't supposed to be with him."

"Even better, perhaps we should have Powderman try for Wilmington again. Make it look like someone's out to get the sonofabitch...they wouldn't be wrong because eventually I want him dead!"

"What did he do to you to gain such loathing?" Averil asked, reaching for the bottle of Bordeaux in the silver ice bucket.

"Buck was the reason Chris didn't want to see me anymore. The bastard never did like me and he calls himself a ladies' man! Yeah right, Buck Wilmington wouldn't know a lady if she walked up and bit him on the..."

"Ah, sweetheart, I think I understand..."

"Well," she said, turning on her stomach once more and placing her head on her arms. "Chris was to meet me for dinner and I had this wonderful night planned. he loved, but he called to say he couldn't make it!" she said angrily patting the pillows.

"Why?" Averil asked, his hand resting on one firm globe.

"He was at Wilmington's apartment...sharing a few drinks..."

"He stayed with his friend instead of spending the night with you." His voice was filled with disbelief as he continued to touch her body. "Ella, are you sure you still want him? I mean any man would jump at the chance to be with you."

"Thank you, Jack, you always know just what to say to make me feel good."

"Then why don't you stay with me and give up on Larabee. He doesn't deserve you!"

"I love him, Jack..."

"Are you sure of that, Ella, because I think you're in love with the idea of being in love with him."

"How can you even think that, Jack? How many times have I cried over him since you've known me? I love Chris Larabee and I'm the only one who deserves him! That bitch he married and the pup she gave him can't begin to understand what he needs! Wilmington fucked with the wrong woman when he got between me and the man I own..."


"Yes, dammit! Own! Chris and I would've been married if Wilmington hadn't interfered. I had Chris ready and willing to do anything for me, but that night when he didn't show up I went over to Buck's apartment. Chris was there alright and so were Buck and these two women! Wilmington answered the door and wouldn't let me in, but I could hear Chris laughing and I burst in and found him drinking with these two women! I was so angry I called them whores and bitches and told them to get their fucking hands off my property!"

"So what happened?" Averil asked when she grew quiet.

"I don't remember ever seeing Chris so angry, but he stood up and grabbed my arms. He pushed me out the door and told me I had no right being there! I was so could he be there and with those two bitches when he could've been alone with me!"

"Did you find out who they were?"

"Oh, yes, I did. They were friends of Wilmington's and were in town for just that night. He figured Chris could help him show them around. We argued outside Buck's door and I cursed him for cheating on me! He said he wasn't cheating on me and that I didn't own him and he was big enough to make up his own mind on who he saw and didn't see! I called them whores, and him and Buck whoremasters, and I slapped him across the face."

"What did he do then?"

"He grabbed my wrist and told me he didn't need me in his life! That I was too possessive of him and that the two women were a couple! Yeah...a couple...they were lesbian friends of Buck's and were only in town one night. Buck asked Chris to help him show them the town. Lesbians! He turned down a night with me to be with Buck and two women who had no interest in him at all! That was the last night I saw Chris. He told me he didn't want to see me anymore and that it was time we both started seeing other people. He refused my calls and I left town soon after that"

"So why do you want to go after him now? He's married and has a rugrat and seems happy!"

"Seems happy, Jack, but he's not. I can tell. Sarah Connelly is not strong enough to be with him. She can't give him what he wants...what he needs!"

"And you can?"

"Of course. As soon as that bitch is out of the way I'll be able to take my rightful place in his bed!"

"Well, Lover, he's not here right now, but I am and I do have needs," Averil said, reached for one ripe breast as she turned to face him.

"Needs, Jack?"

"I want to fuck you, Ella!" he moaned as he pressed his lips to hers.

"Hmm," the woman said, meeting his forceful kiss with her own.

Vin shifted on the hard ground and smiled at the intimate way Jackie was snuggled up against his back. Neither had bothered to get dressed after making love the night before and her soft skin chased away the chill of the early morning mountain air. He shifted and finally managed to turn over, smiling at the frown covering the woman's face.

"Morning," he said as her eye's finally opened and gazed up at him in the semi darkness.

"...hmm, what time is it?" she mumbled tiredly.

"Just after six," Tanner answered. "We need ta get movin' if we're planning no checking the area around the compound."

"Damn, can't we sleep a little longer?"

"Wish we could, Jackie, but we need ta get close enough to the house to see if Mendoza's there and if he is, we need ta find a way ta get the sonofabitch out!"

"Or take him out!" Maynard said.

"Yeah, might be the only way ta be sure," the Texan pushed back the blankets and stood up. He dressed hurriedly and heard Jackie doing the same on the opposite side of the sleeping bag. He finished dressing and stood to admire the woman, frowning as he heard movement outside the cave.


"Hang on," the tracker whispered as he turned and moved towards the entrance. He pushed aside a small piece of brush and looked around the perimeter. Seeing nothing he made the opening a little bigger and cursed softly when he spotted two men coming towards their hideout. He turned towards Jackie and motioned for her to take up position on the opposite side of the camouflaged opening. He lifted his hand and held up two fingers, pointing outside and then using his finger to slice across his throat in a signal for her to keep silent.

Jackie held her breath as the sound of shuffling footsteps reached them from outside the cave. She heard voices, but only picked up a word here and there. She knew from Tanner's signal there were two of them, and from the voices she knew they were both men. Taking shallow breaths she silently prayed the duo would move on. Unfortunately they were not going to be that lucky.

"Miguel, there is something strange over there," Manuel Ortez explained as he looked towards several strange marks on the ground.

"I don't see anything, Manuel," Miguel Garcia said as he followed his partner towards the area of brush and rubble.

"Look at the ground! See how some of the stone have been turned over while others are untouched and look at the broken twigs. Someone has been here!"

"How do you know it's not an animal?" Garcia asked as he watched the younger man kneel down and touch the ground.

"Animals don't wear boots!" Ortez said as he pointed out several foot prints.

"Shit! Think it's the man and woman Mendoza's been looking for?"

"Could know we'd be in Mendoza's good graces if we catch them and bring them in!"

"Maybe get a few nights off and check out the new whores at Trevino's."

"Si, I got my eye on that pretty redhead," Ortez explained as they followed the slight trail.

"The new one...oh man what I wouldn't give to have her warming my bed for me!"

"I'd rather have her warming my cock!" the other man smiled lewdly as he groped his own crotch. He frowned as he stopped in front the stone face of the mountain. "I don't get it...the prints stop right here!"

"Maybe they turned and you missed it!" Garcia suggested.

"You forget who you're talking to, Miguel, I'm the best damn tracker..."

", but if that's true where are they?"

"Check everywhere. Perhaps there's something hidden behind some of these brush and rock," Ortez suggested and started pulling at the foliage.

Vin and Jackie stayed close to the wall on either side of the entrance. Jackie picked up a fair sized rock and held it ready, while Vin pulled a knife from his backpack. He nodded to the female DEA agent that he was ready as the first man stuck his head inside.

"Anything Manuel?"

"Can't see a damn thing yet...Wait!" Ortez spat as a movement to his right caught his attention.

Jackie brought the rock down on his head and the intruder dropped to the ground as Tanner dove through the remaining debris blocking the entrance. She heard a muffled grunt as she knelt to check on the man she'd hit. One look at his face told her he wouldn't be bothering them anymore. The dark eyes were open and unmoving, and a tough of her fingers to his neck verified that he was dead. She moved quickly to the door and watched as Tanner fought the second man. She saw them both gain their feet, a wicked blade held tightly by each man.

Vin circled the newcomer, feigning left and right as he moved. Several times the other man slashed out at him, but didn't make contact. Vin could see the anger and frustration on the man's face as they continued to taunt each other. The newcomer moved in again, this time faking left and smiling as he finally caught a piece of Tanner's right arm, just above the elbow.

"Not so good are you?" Garcia asked, smiling as he spotted the woman standing near the entrance. "Once I gut you I'm gonna have me a go at that pretty woman of yours! Been so long since I dipped my wick..."

"Ya touch her and I'll cut yer wick off and shove it down yer fuckin' throat!" Tanner ground out as he moved his knife from one hand to the other and slashed at his foe. This time he connected, cutting deep into the man's left forearm.

"Bastard!" Garcia cursed as he moved in, lifting the blade to shoulder level and bringing it down in a short arc.

Vin jumped back, barely avoiding the other man's attack, and bringing his own knife across Garcia's thigh. Blood welled up from the wound as the other man's face contorted in pain and rage. The Texan couldn't help smiling as the man lunged for him again, but wavered as his leg began to give out under the strain.

"I'll kill you!" the man said as he stumbled backwards, reaching for the gun tucked in his belt as he spoke.

"Not likely!" Tanner spat, throwing his heavy blade and smiling as it stuck into the man's throat. A deep, rattling gurgle signaled the man's death as he toppled towards the ground. The tracker felt as if he'd been fighting for hours, but knew a lot less time had passed since the two men had invaded their sanctuary.

"Vin, you're bleeding," Maynard said, rushing forward to check his arm.

"Damn, guess the sonofabitch got lucky after all!" the Texan hissed as the pain finally registered.

"Sit down and I'll get the first aid kit!"

"No time. We need ta rid of the bodies before someone comes looking for them!"

"No, you need to sit down and let me take care of this. Who the hell knows what the bastard used his knife on and I'm damn sure he didn't clean it! I don't need you falling over from an infection before we're finished with this! Sit!"

"Yes, ma'am," the tracker said, realizing he suddenly felt weak and knew it was from blood loss and shock. He looked around and spotted a rock big enough for him to sit on and he sank gratefully down on it. He looked at the wound on his shoulder and winced at the ragged gash.

"Vin, I'm going to clean it, okay?"

"...okay...Shit!" he hissed as she dabbed at the wound.

"Sorry, guess I should've warned you I'd be using alcohol to clean it!"

"Wo...would've helped..." Tanner spat.

"Poor baby," Maynard said, a hint of humor in her concerned voice. She continued to clean the wound and shook her head as she realized her field level first aid training was about to come in handy. "Vin..."

"Yeah," the man said tiredly.

"This needs stitches..."

"...figured as much...have ta wait 'til..."

"No, it doesn't! I've had some training in field first aid. I don't have anything to give you for pain, but at least I can sew you up," the woman said as she readied the sterilized kit.

"We should get rid of those bastards first!"

"No...first we take care of you! Then we take care of them!"


"No, Tanner, if I don't take care of this now you're gonna end up falling on your face from blood loss and then we'll be up shit creek without a paddle! Now shut up and let me finish this!"

"Damn cranky ain'tcha?"

"Nope, damn smart. I know I need your help with Mendoza so I gotta keep you around for the heavy stuff. Got it, Tex?"

"Got it. Fuckkkk!" The Texan forced himself to be still as his partner pinched the wound closed and pushed the needle through. He tried to ignore the pull on his skin and the pain radiating outwards from the wound, but he groaned as he forced several expletives past his clenched teeth. "Ya done yet?"

"Sorry, big boy, gonna have to stay still a little longer," Jackie warned as she put in the eighth and ninth stitches.

"Worse'n Nathan!" the tracker spat as the needle was forced through his skin once more.


"Friend back home. Training ta be a paramedic...his touch ain't too gentle!"

"Get hurt a lot do you?"

"More'n enough," the tracker said, holding his body still by share force of will.

"Done...took more stitches than I thought. Hang on and I'll clean it and cover it up."

"...okay," the Texan mumbled tiredly. He forced himself to stay awake as he looked at the two unmoving bodies lying in the sun. He felt her pour something over the wound, winced as it burned, and sighed in relief as she placed a sterile dressing over it.

"That's all I can do for now," Maynard told him.

"Ya did fine, Jackie, now let's get these guys outta here!"

"What'll we do with them?"

"Drag him to the edge and drop them into the ravine," Tanner explained.

"Are you going to be able to help me pull them that far?"

"Don't have a choice," the sharpshooter said as he moved to the nearest body and retrieved his knife. His right arm was already starting to stiffen up and he rotated his shoulder, feeling the stitches pulling on his skin.

"Are you okay?" Maynard asked.


Jackie shook her head, knowing the man was far from fine as she grabbed the dead man's arm. She watched Tanner do the same and between them they dragged the body towards the ravine. It took more time than either would've imagined to dispose of the first body and return for the second, but they managed to finish it and return to the cave.

"Vin, you need to rest," Maynard said as the tracker seemed to be searching for something.

"I will...soon's we cover up the blood. It won't stop the animals from scentin' it, but hopefully it'll keep other patrols from spottin' our cave!" Tanner exclaimed as he picked up a brush and began swiping at the darker ground. He saw Jackie do the same and soon had the ground a more uniform color as they erased both the blood and the trail leading to the ravine.

"Alright, let's get you inside and lying down," Maynard ordered, the tone of her voice telling him she wouldn't take any arguments. She moved quickly, grabbing the Texan around the waist as he swayed precariously and nearly fell over.

"Come on, Tex, let's get you settled."

"...dangerous...keep watch..."

"I'll keep rest," she told him as they moved through the opening.

"...need ta cover the entrance," Tanner told her as she lowered him to the sleeping bag.

"I got it," Maynard said, covering the semi-conscious man with the sleeping bag.


"I rest...I got your back."

Tanner closed his eyes, ignoring the nausea and pain as he drifted towards sleep.

Buck opened his eyes, wincing as the light stabbed at his skull. He'd woken several times during the night and morning, glanced at the patient in the next bed to assure himself the kid was still breathing and drifted off once more. This time he fought to stay awake, searching the area surrounding his bed before his gaze came to rest on a familiar figure framed in the light seeping through the window.

"Ch...Chris," he croaked out, his tongue flicking out in search of moisture.

"Hey, Stud, how're you feeling?"


"Hang on," Larabee said and reached for the pitcher of water and the glass on the table. He poured a small amount as Wilmington pressed the button to raise the head of his bed. Chris helped him drink the water before the injured man signaled he had enough and sank back on the pillows.

"Thanks...JD o...okay?"

"JD's fine. He's been awake more often than you have," Larabee explained as the younger man showed signs of coming to.

"What time is it?" Wilmington asked.

"A little after three in the afternoon..."

"Damn, slept most of the day away," the rogue observed, trying to sit up and wincing as the movement jarred his aching body.

"Sure did," Larabee agreed.

"Buck!" the cry came form the next bed and Chris pressed his long time friend back against the pillows.

"I got stay put!" the blond warned before moving to the second bed. He placed a calming hand on the young agent's shoulder and spoke softly to him. "Hey, JD, Buck's okay."

" Buck's hurt!" the Bostonian fought to get away from Larabee's touch.

"JD, it's're okay...Buck's okay. Come on now, open your eyes and see for yourself!" the blond ordered, smiling as the young man forced heavy lids upwards.


"Right there," the blond said, pointing to the other bed.

" look like crap!" the youth said, relief evident on his face.

"Now, Kid, we all know that's just not possible," the ladies' man answered as the door opened and Stacey Midland stepped into the room.

"Well, hello, Buck, JD, how are you two feeling?" the physician asked.

"Okay..." came from both men and Chris had to laugh at the automatic answer.

"Well, nice to know I don't have to work overtime, but you know it might be a good idea if I check you two out and give you my opinion...okay?"

"Sure, Doc," Wilmington said.

"I'm gonna go grab a coffee...think you can handle these two on your own, Doc?"

"Chris, I can handle all of you. I'm the one in charge of the drugs, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, how could I forget. Good luck, Buck, JD," the blond said before leaving the room. He walked down to the small deli on the ground floor, just off the main lobby and ordered the strongest brew they had. He paid the young volunteer in cash and turned to walk back the way he'd come. He hurried along the corridor and made it to the bank of elevators across from the ER.

"Mr. Larabee, how are they?" Standish asked as he hurried to catch up to his boss.

"Dr. Midland just came in to see them so I figured I'd take the time to grab a coffee. They're both awake and talking."

"That doesn't surprise me in the least," Standish said as they entered the elevator and the blond pushed the button for the third floor. "Misters Wilmington and Dunne have never been without something to say, whether someone wanted to listen or not."

"Yeah, they do seem to enjoy talking...makes them the perfect room mates," Larabee agreed as the elevator stopped and they stepped out onto the third floor. "Everything okay at the office?"

"Yes, Josiah and Nathan are checking into some new information I found on Richard Barker."

"What kind of information?"

"It seems Mr. Barker would be considered a fairly rich man if the links to funds I've found are correct. He's got money in several accounts under suspicious names, but to find them I had to dig deeper than JD and I thought."

"How long before you can confirm the information and where it's coming from?"

"My contacts should get back to me within a day or two. I requested the information ASAP and should they find anything else untoward about Mr. Barker. to call me immediately."

"Good work, Ezra," Larabee said as he pushed open the door to find Wilmington glaring at the woman standing beside the bed. "Uhoh, problems Doc?"

"Not me, Chris," Midland said with a grin. "It seems Buck has a problem with my prescription."

"That ain't no prescription, Doc. Chris, she wants to keep me here another night..."

"Me too," Dunne said, relaxing against the pillows.

"Well, hell, boys, the doc knows what's best!"

"Hey, who's side are you on?" the ladies' man asked in frustration, crying out as pain shot through his arm.

"Right now I'm on the doc's side," Larabee said sympathetically as he watched the pale face grimace in pain.

"Buck, I'm going to send the nurse in with a mild pain medication for you. Then I want you and JD to get some rest. I'll see you both in the morning and if you're feeling better I'll let you both go home as long as someone is there to look after you," Midland said.

"Actually, Doc, that's taken care of," the blond explained.

"Good," the woman said before leaving the four men alone.

"It is?" Dunne asked.

"That's right, Mr. Dunne, it seems the lovely Miss Wells plans to practice her training on a real patient and you're it. Her aunt plans on keeping an eye on both of you at her place," Standish said with a grin.

"Ah, Hell," the younger man said, yet there was a smile on his face as he thought of the young med student.

"Buck, you'll be staying at my place," Larabee said.

"Don't need to put yourself out, Chris. I know of a couple of ladies who'll be glad to take care of me," the rogue said as a nurse entered the room and moved towards his bed.

"Hi, Jenny," the rogue said as he watched the woman clean the juncture she would use to deliver the meds.

"How are you feeling, Buck?"

"Sore...I'm afraid I may need a little massage before I can sleep..."

"Actually, Buck, that medication will probably knock you out before I retrieved the baby oil," Jenny said smiling as she moved to the second bed. "How are you feeling, JD?"

"I'm okay," JD answered as the woman began taking his vitals.

"Well, you just buzz if you need anything. Dr. Midland has ordered a mild pain reliever for you as well," the nurse said when she finished her duties.

"I will...thanks, Jenny," the Bostonian said.

"Now, Chris," the ladies' man yawned as he looked at his long time friend. "About staying with you and Sarah..."

"Sorry, Buck, Sarah said to tell you she won't take no for an answer. You know how Sarah gets when she's got her mind set!"

"Damn," he yawned again and looked sheepishly around the room. "Here I was planning on being waited on hand and foot..."

"Sarah will be doing just that," the blond assured him.

"I know...but there are certain ladies who aren't adverse to sponge baths..."

"Buck, you try anything like that with my wife and you'll find out just what kind of jealous husband I can be," the blond said, the smile on his face belying the sternness of his words.

"Well, now, Stud, if you ain't man enough to keep her happy...I'm more'n willing to take over. That's one gorgeous woman you married."

"Don't I know it!" Larabee said, knowing Wilmington cared for his wife, but not the same way he did. Wilmington's eyes began to close and his breathing soon evened out.

"He's okay, isn't he, Chris?" Dunne asked.

"He will be, JD, you both will, but you're gonna be on leave for a week or two," the blond told him.

"But...I got to check into Barker and Ella Gaines!"

"Mr. Dunne, although you are by far the better man when it comes to computers, I do have certain skills and contacts that make me better than most," Standish explained.

"JD, Ezra's doing just fine," Larabee explained, looking towards the door as it opened and Casey Wells peeked inside.

"JD, can I come in?" the young woman asked.

"Sure, Casey, come on in," the Bostonian smiled excitedly as she came to stand beside his bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay...doc says I may get out tomorrow morning," Dunne told her.

"Really, that's great. I'll let Aunt Nettie know..."

"You don't have to go to any trouble..."

"Ah, Mr. Larabee, I believe it would be prudent if we left young love to grow on its own," the gambler said, smiling as the injured man glared in his direction.

"You may be right, Ezra. Casey, if either of them needs anything, will you call?"

"Sure, Chris."

"JD, behave yourself," Larabee ordered, smiling as the young man nodded his head. Chris opened the door and held it for his friend, smiling as he saw Casey place a chaste kiss on the patient's forehead.

Casey smiled as she gently touched JD's cheek with her hand before sitting down on the side of his bed. Their eyes met and she knew he was suffering from a headache, but he would not acknowledge it until the pain became unbearable.

"Are you sure you're okay, JD?"

"Yes, Casey, I am...just have a slight headache..."


"Okay...little more than slight, but I don't need anything yet. Casey," he said, seeing the worry in her soft eyes. "I'm really okay."

"I was scared, JD...when Aunt Nettie called and told me you were hurt I thought I'd go outta my mind."

"There's nothing to be afraid of...doc says me and Buck are gonna be fine."

"I know, but it was still pretty scary."

"Casey, this could happen again...this is my job..."

"Your job's to get hurt! I don't think so!"

"You know what I mean, Casey! My work can be dangerous and I could get hurt again. I'm gonna do my damndest not to let that happen, but sometimes there's no way of knowing what I'll run into! I explained that to you the first time we went out!"

"I know, JD, and I won't ever ask you to quit it, but I'll still worry about you and be there to take care of you," Wells explained as she gently kissed him again.

"I'm counting on that," Dunne said, wincing as the headache became intolerable. He heard Casey press the button and tell the nurse he needed the pain meds. "...thanks..."

"You're welcome," she said as the nurse entered and injected the meds into his IV. It wasn't long before his eyes closed and she knew he was sleeping. Taking a deep breath she kissed his forehead and left the two men to their dreams.

Ella looked at the man sleeping beside her and knew she could never be satisfied with him or anyone else. The man she needed would soon realize she was the only one for him, and he for her. She knew there was no way to convince him of this while the woman and child lived and she would soon have Powderman rid her of the nuisance that plagued her. She turned on her side and looked out the window, her body reacting to thoughts of Chris Larabee and how he felt in her arms. She would soon have more than just her memories to keep her warm...for whether he wanted to admit it or not he would soon be ensconced in her bed once more. She felt the stirrings inside her and wished the man was there with her, holding her, making love to her.

Oh, Chris, things will be so good when you're back where you belong. Why can't you see how much I love we were destined to be together, she thought moaning as her body continued to be engulfed with passion at the thought of being with the blond. She turned to see the man next to her and tried to imagine him with blond hair and green eyes, but it didn't seem to be working. Sighing heavily she turned away and snuggled down in her blankets.

"Soon, Chris...very soon we'll be together forever and no one will be able to rip us apart again!"

Jackie sat beside the Texan, touching his cheeks and forehead in an effort to see if he had a fever. So far they'd been lucky, but she knew it was still early. She needed to keep the wound clean and make sure he drank enough fluids to replenish the blood he lost. She watched him sleep as she listened for movement outside the cave. So far nothing had come near them, but she would have to keep vigilant. She knew Tanner needed proper medical care, but she would have to do for now.

"I hope your tetanus is up to date, Tanner!" she whispered as she reached for the cloth and wet it from the canteen. She heard a soft moan and waited to see if he was coming around, but he settled into a deep sleep once more. She moved to the entrance and checked the perimeter once more, relieved to see nothing had changed before moving back inside once more. She sat against the wall of the cave and leaned her head back, closing her eyes and fighting to stay alert.

Vin shifted, biting back a groan as his arm came in contact with the ground, before settling into the dreams he'd been having. He frowned as he saw Chris Larabee kneeling before two coffins, and tried to rid himself of the picture as a woman stayed just at the edge of the shadows. The dreams grew more intense as Larabee screamed out his rage and Vin again moaned softly.

"No...can't let ya do that to 'em," he mumbled as he felt a hand on his right shoulder. His left arm shot out and wrapped around the wrist as his eyes snapped open.

"Vin! Ouch, damnit!" Jackie cursed as she twisted out of his grip. She waited for him to focus on her and helped him sit up.


"Yeah, Tex...sheesh some grip you got there. Wanna tell me what you thought you were doing?"

"Thought ya were someone else," the Texan answered, frowning as he tried to grasp the elusive dreams.

"Must be someone you dislike," she said, rubbing her wrist.

"Don't know her....sorry, didn't mean ta hurt ya!" the Texan said as she handed him the canteen.

"You don't know her?"

"No...think she's got it in fer Chris though!"

"So you've seen her before."


"Then how do you know she's got it in for Chris?"

"Chris and I can sense things about each other. I know...sounds crazy, but it started the first time we met and I can sense when he's in danger. Sometimes it's downright embarrassin' the way it happens, but it's also saved our lives a few times."

"And you think something's wrong now...with this woman?"

"Yeah, ain't much I can do about it though," the Texan said, shifting uncomfortably on the ground. "Anythin' happenin'?"

"Nothing...least not that I could see or hear."

"How long was I out?"

"Couple of needed it. How does the arm feel?"

"A little sore...we should get moving..."

"Not today, Tex. You need to rest and get your strength back. We'll head back to Mendoza's tomorrow morning!"

"Jackie, I'm..."

"Bleeding again. Now sit down and shut up while I check the stitches!" Maynard ordered and was pleased when the injured man did as she told him.

"Okay, Ezra, what have you found out?" Larabee asked as he took the seat at the head of the conference table.

"Who should I start with. Jacqueline Maynard or Richard Barker? Or do you want to know what Miller had to say about the explosion that injured our comrades?" the conman asked, looking from Larabee to Sanchez, to Jackson. The team was suffering the effects of missing men, but they still had a job to do and would put everything into finding out what was happening.

"What did Bob say?" Sanchez asked, reaching for the cup of coffee in front of him.

"It seems the explosion was no accident..."

"Hell, we figured that much," Jackson said. "Does he have any information on what caused it?"

"There was very little evidence for them to find. Miller says the explosive device was probably handmade and the explosives themselves contained an incendiary trigger. Whatever was used as the explosive burnt hotter than normal explosives and that's why the car burned so quickly. They're running through the files to see if any of the suspects they've come up with uses this or something similar."

"This is where Buck's expertise would come in handy," Larabee said of the team's explosive expert.

"Yes, well, for now we'll have to rely on Bob and his men," Sanchez said.

"What have you turned up on Jacqueline Maynard?" the blond asked.

" Jacqueline Maynard was born and raised in Chicago Illinois. Her parents, Michael and Doreen Maynard, were nearly killed two years ago while on vacation in the Everglades. Not sure of the exact cause but foul play was not ruled out. They are still living in Chicago, but not in the house they originally owned. There's one sibling, a brother, Jamison Maynard, deceased...foul play suspected once more as he died of a gunshot wound..."

"Sounds like Murphy's been living with Miss Maynard," Jackson observed of the string of bad luck.

"Yeah, I just hope she kicked Murphy out before Vin became her partner. What else have you got on her?" Larabee asked.

"There's some reference to her being involved in porn, but there's also something about her brother having been involved..."

"Her brother got her into porn?" Sanchez asked incredulously.

"No...her brother saved her from being an unwilling participant in a porn snuff film while on vacation in the Cayman Islands. He found her and got her out of there before filming started. It wasn't long after they returned stateside that he was murdered in their living room. Shot several times in the chest and died in Maynard's arms. Parents found her holding him in her arms and rocking back and forth."

"Damn, this woman's been through a lot," Larabee exclaimed of her history.

"There's more," Standish said.

"What else is there?" Jackson asked.

"The man behind Jamison Maynard's death is none other than..."

"Hector Mendoza?"

"You win the prize, Mr. Larabee!" the gambler told him before continuing. "She has been with the DEA for nearly ten years and worked on several major cases in the last four years. She's well known for being a stickler for details and making sure she's got everything she needs for a conviction. There are a couple of major drug kingpins on her dossier and she's mentioned in several other cases. There are three commendations on her record and she knows what she's doing. I believe our sharpshooter is in good hands!"

"Sounds like it, but keep digging in case this is all a front!" Larabee ordered.

"Certainly, now we come to Richard Barker."

"Tell me you found something concrete?" the blond asked hopefully.

"Have I ever let you down?" Standish asked, smiling as he opened the third file.

"No...can't say that you have, Ez," The Firm's leader assured him.

"Thank you, Mr. Larabee. Okay, here we go. Richard Barker, fifty four years old, married for twenty two years to Rosalie Barker, but it ended five years ago in a messy divorce. Barker lost everything and stated it was the fault of his lawyer. During the next year, Barker struggled to live on his meager salary and continued to berate his lawyer for costing him everything. At the end of that year he was transferred at his own request to Rio De Janeiro. Since then he's worked to bring down several drug cartels and his records show he's doing a commendable job of doing just that with six major arrests and four convictions. The other two didn't make it to trial and were supposedly murdered by clients or angry family members who lost siblings to bad heroin amongst other things. There are several notations about him being seen with unsavory characters, but he's always managed to explain it as doing groundwork for taking a drug lord down and he's had enough convictions to throw off the scent. If anyone checked his file they'd find nothing that could tie him into any criminal activities... However..."

"You found something?" Sanchez said of the look on Standish's face.

"That I did. It seems Mr. Barker has been on the take, but it would be extremely hard to prove unless you knew what you were looking for. JD laid the ground work on this and I just continued to dig where he stopped. Barker is doing his job as far as it goes. He's getting rid of drug cartels by taking down the man behind them. According to his own files...which Mr. Dunne managed to hack into...we found out he's been making huge deposits into accounts under an alias. One such account contains nearly one point two million dollars..."

"Wow! Seems a little much for a DEA agent...even if the man's in charge," Jackson observed.

"Can you tie him in with that account, Ez?" Larabee asked.

"I can, but it wouldn't be admissible in a court of law, at least not until we can find a way to present it without showing how the information was acquired."

"At least we'll be able to warn Vin. When is he supposed to call again, Chris?" Sanchez asked.

"He said he'd call by the end of the week," Larabee answered, he saw the conman ruffling some papers before stopping at a simple spread sheet. "What else, Ez?"

"There's a definite tie in between Richard Barker and Hector Mendoza!"

"Dammit! Can things get any worse?" Jackson asked.

"I think Murphy has definitely followed Miss Maynard to Rio," Sanchez observed as he filled his coffee cup once more.

"Yes, and it appears as if he's there to stay," Standish said.

"Alright, Ez, what have you got that ties Barker and Mendoza together?" Larabee asked.

"Well, it seems that every time Barker brings down a major drug lord there's a corresponding deposit into his account. It usually takes place within a week of a conviction and the depositing account is registered in a dummy corporation called Bryant Pharmaceuticals which in turn leads to a company owned by Hector Mendoza!"

"So Mendoza is paying him to take down his competition," the ex-preacher suggested.

"That's what it looks like," Standish agreed. "I just wish there was some way we could prove it without having to use the information we uncovered."

"At least we can give Vin a heads up on Barker's and Mendoza's dealings," Larabee told him.

"Okay, so we give Vin the info, but is there anything else we can do?" Jackson asked.

"I'll talk to Orrin, see if we can trust the agent who recruited Vin," the blond told him. "If he's on the up and up we'll give him what we have and hopefully he'll be able to find a use for it without bringing us into it."

"Sounds good, Chris, are you going back to the hospital tonight?" Jackson asked.

"No, I was, but I need to check on Sarah and Adam." Larabee answered.

"Are you still worried about Ella Gaines?" Sanchez asked.

"Yeah, Josiah, just seems like she left town too easily. I know her and she wouldn't give up that easily."

"Do you think she had anything to do with the explosion?" the medic asked.

"I wish I could say no, Nate, but it's a good possibility, and until I find out for sure I'm going to make sure Sarah and Adam are not in danger. Right now they are with Evie Travis, seems their son is in town and he's got a three year old with him. Evie wanted Sarah to bring Adam over to play with her grandson. I'm going to pick them up after I talk with Orrin."

"Mr. Larabee, would you like me to continue checking for her name in the hotel registers?"

"Yes...Ezra, don't forget to check not only Gaines, but Larabee as well. The woman is obsessive and believes it's her right to use my name," the blond said, standing and moving towards the small dishwasher and placing his empty cup inside.

"She certainly does seem to have an obsession when it comes to you, Mr. Larabee," Standish said as they moved to the outer office.

"Wish she could take no for an answer. Okay, boys, which one of you is going to the hospital?"

"Josiah and I were going to drive over as soon as we finished up here," Jackson told him.

"Good, look it's nearly four now so you might as well get something to eat and head on over. Ezra, what are your plans?"

"I was going to visit our fallen comrades, but if there's something you'd rather I do then I will gladly change those plans!"

"No...that's okay, Ez. You boys go on. I'll see you all at the hospital in the morning and, be warned, we'll probably be toting those two out of the hospital."

"Damn, that should be fun," Jackson said as he moved towards his desk.

"A barrel of laughs," Sanchez agreed. "Chris, take care and try not to worry too much."

"Thanks, Josiah, see you boys tomorrow."

Josiah watched as his boss stepped into the elevator and the door closed behind him. He knew the blond carried a heavy load and wondered if there was some way they could help ease it.

"What are you thinking, Josiah?" Jackson asked, sitting on the corner of the ex-preacher's desk.

"I was thinking Chris is carrying a heavy burden," the older man said.

"Yeah, it sure seems that way. I had a talk with Buck once and it seems Ella's is a deadly obsession. She's dangerous, Josiah, but until we can find evidence that shows how dangerous she is there's not much we can do, except..."

"Help keep Sarah and Adam safe for him!" Standish finished.

"Exactly, perhaps we could make sure someone is watching over them at all times," Sanchez suggested.

"This is one time I think Chris will agree to our being underfoot," Jackson said as they made plans to help keep the Larabee family safe.

Chris stepped into the outer office and smiled at the woman behind the desk. Peggy Rollins had worked for Orrin Travis for nearly twenty years and knew everything that went on in the office, both Travis's and The Firm's.

"Hello, Chris, how is that wonderful family of yours?"

"They're fine, Peggy, how about you. That granddaughter of yours must be getting big now."

"She sure is and she looks just like her grandmother I might add."

"Ah, than she must be gorgeous," the blond said, smiling as the woman blushed at his compliment. "Is Orrin in?"

"Yes, he is. Hold on and I'll see if he'll see you," Rollins told him, pressing a button on the switchboard in front of her.

Yes, Peggy?

"Chris Larabee is here to see you, Sir," the woman said.

Send him right in!

"Yes, Sir. You heard him, Chris. Go on in," the woman said, smiling as she watched the man walk towards the office door. No wonder the ladies stop and look, she thought as she watched the blond move away from the desk.

Chris opened the door, closing it again once he was inside.

"Have a seat, Chris. Is everything alright with Buck and JD?"

"Buck and JD are doing okay, Orrin. Hopefully they'll be discharged tomorrow."

"Good, I'm glad it wasn't more serious."

"Yeah, we all are," Larabee agreed.

"Have you heard from Vin?"

"Not since the last time we talked, but that's why I'm here."

"What's wrong?"

"What do you know about Gerald Coltrain?"

"I know he's a damn dedicated agent!" Travis assured the blond.

"But is he trustworthy?"

"I would vouch for him, Chris. Gerald and I have known each other a few years. I wouldn't say we're friends as such, but if I needed someone to back me up in an unknown situation I'd take him above a lot of men! Now what's going on?"

"The DEA agent Vin was to contact in Rio..."


"Yeah. Vin asked us to check into his dealings and we uncovered a few things."


"That's the problem, Orrin, what we've uncovered was obtained illegally, but it's proof that Richard Barker is not as up and up as he'd like people to believe. There are several connections that can be traced back to Hector Mendoza."

"Mendoza! Shit, that's the bastard Vin's after!"

"Exactly, now Vin's partner is an agent named Jacqueline Maynard and she's been suspicious of Barker's dealings since being assigned to Rio."

"Can she be trusted?"

"I think so...Vin trusts her and you know his instincts are usually right on. Her dossier seems to be clean as well."

"So Vin's not in any danger?"

"Not from her, but if Barker's dirty as the information we have shows, then he's involved with Mendoza, and Vin's and Jacqueline's presence there has been compromised."

"Damnit! Alright, let me have copies of what you've uncovered and I'll see if Coltrain will be able to act on it without bringing you boys into it."

"Thanks, Orrin, I'll have Ezra bring the information to you," Larabee said, standing and shaking the older man's hand.

"You're welcome, Chris. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, Orrin..."

"Are you? It doesn't look like you're sleeping very well," the older man observed.

"To be honest, I haven't, but I'm really alright...or will be when Vin's back where he belongs and Buck and JD are out of the hospital."

"Alright, Chris, just take it easy and remember you're under a lot of stress and need to get some rest."

"I will, see you tomorrow, Orrin," Larabee said before leaving the office.

Mendoza cursed as he paced his office. Two men hadn't reported in and he knew something was wrong. He slammed his fist against the wall before turning to Ernesto.

"Have Juan and Guerrero take their men and search the sector Manuel and Miguel were supposed to be patrolling. Tell them to report in every half hour."

"I will see to it, Hector!" Ruiz said, hurrying from the room.

Mendoza sat at his desk and typed in several code words into the computer sitting on his desk. Barker was beginning to be a liability, one he couldn't afford to keep around. Over the last few days there'd been a lot of activity dealing with Barker's activities and his own dummy corporation of Bryant Pharmaceuticals. He knew he would have to deal with the DEA agent before it all lead back to him. He continued to check his assets, noting that someone had tried several times to get past his safeguards, looking up when the door was opened again.

"Juan and Guerrero took four men and are searching the area south of here. I told them to make sure they checked everywhere for Miguel and Manuel!"

"Very well, Ernesto. Now there is something else I need taken care of as soon as possible."

"What is it?"

"Richard Barker..."

"The DEA agent?"

"Si, I want you to send a couple of your best men to dispatch him. He has outlived his usefulness and is a danger to my organization. Tell whoever you send to make it look like an accident if possible, but I want him dead by tomorrow. Understood?"

"Si, Hector. I shall send Raul Espinoza."

"Ah, si, Espinoza is very good at taking care of things such as this. See that he leaves immediately. I believe Barker is at Rio Internacional Av. Atlantica, 1500 - Copacabana. Room 12B."

"Si, Hector, I will make sure he knows what's expected of him," Ruiz explained.

"Actually, Ernesto, perhaps I could use this. Tell, Raul to make it look like he was murdered because of his involvement in drugs...make it look like Carlos is behind the whole thing. It will rid me of two problems at the same time!"

"Very well, I will see to it."

Mendoza put his hands behind his back and walked to the window. The moon was just beginning to peek through the overhead covering of trees and he smiled as he thought of Espinoza and how thorough a job he would do. Now all they had to do was find the two missing men and hopefully Vin Tanner and Jacqueline Maynard as well.

Ah, Jacqueline, if you are as lovely as I remember perhaps we can still make you a star, Mendoza thought as he returned to his desk and the computer files he was working on.

Chris drove onto the tree lined street, wondering why Orrin held onto the large home. With only him and Evie living in the spacious six bedroom home at 961 Gold Dust Circle it seemed like a lot of work for the older couple. He knew they had several maids and groundskeepers, but Evie and Orrin both dallied in the yard work and the upkeep of the house. The red, yellow, pink, and white roses were in full bloom as Chris drove along the driveway and stopped in front of the house. Exiting the truck he walked up to the front door and rang the bell. It wasn't long before a young woman answered, smiling as she recognized the man standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Mr. Larabee. Mrs. Larabee and Adam are out in the back with Mrs. Travis. Would you like me to get them for you?"

"Thanks, Jane, I think I'll join them for a few minutes."

"Very well, Mr. Larabee. Would you like something to drink? I just made a fresh pitcher of lemonade."

"Sounds wonderful...thanks, Jane."

"You're welcome," the maid said as the blond walked through the foyer and opened the patio door.

Chris smiled as he watched Sarah playing a game of tag with the two boys. Adam helped the younger kid chase after her and made sure he caught Sarah at the same time. Identical squeals of delight came from both boys as Chris moved to join them.

"Hello, Chris, how are you?"

"Hello, Evie," Larabee said, placing a kiss on her cheek. "I'm doing okay. Billy's certainly getting big."

"Yes, he is. He'll be four next month and has already decided Adam will be coming to his birthday party."

"Is Steven around?"

"No, he had a couple of meetings to attend at the newspaper office. He said to say hello and that he's sorry he missed you."

"So, when do we get to meet Mary?"

"I'm afraid she's still in the middle of getting her paper to work. Steven will be heading back to Denver first thing in the morning."

"Hi, Sweetheart!" Sarah said as she hurried over and wrapped her arms around her husband. "Adam, you and Billy stay out of trouble."

"We will," both boys called as Jane came out with a tray of lemonade and fresh baked cookies.

"Thanks, Jane, you can just leave it on the table," Evie said.

"Yes, Mrs. Travis," the young woman said.

Chris moved to pour the juice and sat at the table, watching the two boys play hide and seek through the children's toys the Travis's kept on hand for their grandson. Billy was an only child and his grandparents doted on him, yet he wasn't spoiled like some kids.

"Chris, you look tired," the older woman said as Larabee rubbed his eyes.

"I'm fine, Evie," the blond assured her and looked up to see his wife frowning at him. He shook his head at her concern, hoping she wouldn't pursue it further, at least not while they were in the Travis home. He sipped at the lemonade, wondering why all of a sudden he felt the bone weary tiredness that came with lack of sleep.

"Are you sure? You're not sick are you?" Evie asked.

"No...I'm feeling fine," Larabee assured her as Adam and Billy ran towards them.

"I'm thirsty!" the youngest boy said.

"Me too, can we have some lemonade too?" the older one asked.

"Sure," Evie Travis said, pouring both boys a small glass of the fresh juice.

"Can we have cookies too, Nana?"

"Sure, Billy...but only two each. Dinner will be ready in an hour."

"Mommy, can Billy come play at our house?"

"Sure, maybe Evie can bring him out tomorrow if she doesn't have any plans," Sarah suggested.

"Sounds good..."

"Hmm, tomorrow may not be such a good idea," Larabee said, hating the look of disappointment on both faces. "Sorry, boys, but I'm probably gonna be bringing Uncle Buck home from the hospital and he's going to need some rest. Maybe we can do it on Saturday, okay?"

"Uncle Buck's coming home?" Adam asked.

"Yes, Sport, I believe he is. So I need you to help me make sure he gets all the rest he needs," Larabee said.

"I will, Daddy," the boy said, finishing the cookies and lemonade.

Buck's not the only one who needs rest, Sarah thought as she noted the dark smudges under Larabee's eyes. She knew he hadn't been sleeping well since the run in with Ella Gaines, but now understood that it was worse than he'd let on.

"Well, Evie, I think I'd better get my guys home and start dinner."

"Alright, Sarah. Adam, stop by the kitchen and ask Jane to give you some cookies to take home with you," the older woman suggested.

"Thanks, Aunt Evie," the boy said as Billy hurried into the house with him.

"Evie, thanks so much for today," Sarah said, hugging the woman.

"Make sure your husband gets some rest, Honey," Travis whispered softly.

"I will," Sarah assured her.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Sarah," she said turning her attention to the man who'd made a distinctive impact on their lives. "Chris, try not to worry so much!"

"I will, Evie, thanks." He led his wife inside and smiled as his son rejoined them

"Daddy, I gots lots of cookies!"

"That's good, Son, 'cause you know your old man loves Jane's chocolate chip cookies."

"Don't forget Mommy loves them too. Bye, Billy," Sarah said.

"Bye, Aunt Sarah. Bye Uncle Chris. Bye Adam."

"Bye, Billy," Adam said as he followed his parents out the door.

Ella smiled as she looked out over the city of Paris. So far everything was going according to plan and she watched as Averil spoke into the phone. She knew he was talking to Robert Spikes about the next phase of the plan and sipped at the glass of Chablis in her hand. She felt warm inside, her night's sleep having been filled with wonderful dreams of being in bed with Chris Larabee, of making love to him and causing him pain. Making him pay for spurning her love and staying with the bitch and her whelp.

They'll pay, Chris, and then it'll be just you and me and the most pleasurable sex you can ever imagine!

"Ella! Ella, did you hear me?"

"No...sorry, Jack, I was thinking."

"About him?"

"Of course, who else would I be thinking of. He'll soon be mine, won't he?"

"Certainly, I mean we both know what Ella wants...Ella gets," he said as he pulled her into his arms.

"Yes, I do. So what did Robert have to say?"

"He'll talk to Powderman about your new orders, but he doesn't see any problems as long as you're willing to pay."

"Money is not an object, Lover."

"That's what I told him," Averil said, knowing the woman in his arms had enough money to make all her dreams come true and more. He knew some came from an inheritance from her first husband, and wondered if the car accident had been an accident after all. Other money came from illegal activities that kept them both wealthy.

"Powderman may have to bring in a couple of his people to make sure it looks like Wilmington is the target. He knows of a man who can and I quote here ...Shoot the ass off a fly at one hundred paces... So I'm guessing Wilmington's in trouble."

"Good, bastard deserves it. Did they find out when he'll be released from the hospital?"

"He could be released as early as tomorrow morning," Averil informed her.

"Tomorrow morning and I bet he's staying with Chris," she whispered, her voice laced with deadly vehemence.

"Probably, Bob will let us know when he's got more information."

"You did tell him I don't want Wilmington least not yet...right?"

"That's right, my ice queen, Bob knows you want to toy with him for now, but to make it look like there really is a threat to his life."

"That's perfect," Ella said as Averil kissed her lips and placed his hand on her breast.

"And so are you," the man said as he lavished more attention on the willing body. Larabee, you don't know what you're missing, he thought as he felt her respond to his touch.

Vin opened his eyes and tried to figure out why his body felt so stiff, and where the pain in his right arm came from. There was a warmth next to his left side and he turned his head slightly, wincing as the movement jarred his shoulder. He felt the body next to him move and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.



"Hi, yourself. How are you feeling?"

"Okay...little sore."

"How's the shoulder?"

"Numb mostly," Tanner answered. "What time is it?"

"Not sure, can't see..."

"Oh, yeah, hang on," he lifted his left arm and pressed the button with his right, ignoring the worsening pain caused by the movement. "It's 5:13...looks like we slept through the night."

"Sure seems that way. Do you think you can move today?"

"Yep, just need ta work the kinks out," the Texan explained as he sat up and waited for the dizziness to pass. "Need ta call Chris."

"Alright, you do that and I'll make sure everything we need for today is in my backpack..."

"Jackie, I can..."

"Not with that arm. Look, I'm not gonna say I'll be able to do it easily, but I can handle it. If it gets too heavy we can take what we need and hide the pack until we can come back for it. Okay?"

"Guess so, just hate having ta..."

"Rely on a woman?" Maynard asked as she handed him the cell phone.

"Nope...wasn't what I's gonna say at all!" the tracker told her. "Was gonna say hate havin' ta leave any of this here...there's probably more patrols out there searching for those two."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about that, so just make your call and we'll get moving..."

"Yes, Boss," Tanner said, grinning as he picked up the phone and hit the light up button.

Chris looked at his sleeping wife before slipping out of his bed. It was just after midnight and he was still wide awake. His worry over Buck, JD, and Vin was only part of the problem. More and more of his life with Ella Gaines came back to him. Things he'd repressed were now being seen in a new light and he remembered just how close he'd come to being wrapped in the woman's web of deceit. He stood and moved to the open door, stopping at Adam's room to check his son. He smiled at the sleeping boy, moved into the room and covered him with the blankets before walking to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of juice and carried it towards the patio doors and into the back yard, just as his cell phone began to ring. Grabbing the small device he stepped into the back yard and closed the door behind him.


"'s Vin."

"Thank God. I was beginning to think you'd never call. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everythin's fine. Did ya get anythin' on Barker?"

"Yes, Ezra came up with some new information. You'll be glad to know your instincts were right about Jackie and hers were right about Richard Barker."

"So he's dirty?"

"Dirty as they come, but we can't prove it legally. Stay away from him if possible."

"We w...will."

"Vin! What's wrong?" the blond asked, hearing the pain in the man's voice.



"Chris, it's really nothing..."

"Cut the crap, Tanner. What happened?"

"Two of Mendoza's men discovered our hideout. One of 'em had a knife and got me in the right arm."

"How bad?"

"Not bad. Jackie stitched it up and cleaned it. We're just about ta do a little more reconnaissance... maybe see if there's a way ta get Mendoza out if he's there."

"You be careful, Vin...check back with me tomorrow night. I've got Orrin checking into things with Coltrain to see if there's anyway of using the evidence we uncovered."

"Alright, Cowboy...try not ta worry..."

"With a bunch of yahoos like you guys?"

"How are Buck and JD?"

"Better, should be getting out of the hospital sometime tomorrow."

"That's great...they stayin' with ya?"

"Buck is...JD's staying with Nettie and Casey."

"Nettie okay?"

"She's fine, Vin...worried about you."

"Tell her I'm fine and will need one of her apple cobblers when I get home! I gotta go, Chris."

"Alright, just be careful and watch your back!" Larabee finished with the usual warning. He hung up and settled back in the comfortable chair. The light breeze cooled his flesh and he felt goosebumps form on his body. The soft sounds of the night lulled him into a sense of calm, but he knew there was no point of going back to bed. His thoughts turned to the past once more as he watched the clouds drift across the night sky. Ella was a beautiful woman, one who knew how to use her charms and Chris had been a gullible young man. He knew that was no excuse for the things he did with her, but it was too late to do anything to change the past. Now he had to look to the future and the woman he was married to. The strength of his love for Sarah Connelly Larabee far surpassed anything he'd ever felt for Ella Gaines. He sat there and felt exhaustion pulling at him, but each time he closed his eyes the dreams invaded and he'd snap awake before his mind was taken back in time.


Larabee turned to see her standing in the doorway, the bright beams from the moon giving her brown hair an iridescent gleam as she moved towards him. He didn't say a word as she knelt before him and looked up into his eyes and understood she was seeing deep into his soul. He could never keep anything from her and didn't want to.

"I'm sorry, Honey, didn't mean to wake you."

"How long have you been having problems sleeping, Chris?"

"A while..."

"Since Ella or since Vin left?"

"Started after Vin left and got worse when E...Ella came back into my life."

"She's not in your life, Chris. I won't let her do anything to break up our marriage."

"She won't...can't, Sarah. I love you and have never loved anyone like this. Sometimes I think God gave me more than I was meant to have. You and Adam are a part of me...a part I never want to lose."

"You won't," Sarah assured him. "Come on and we'll go back to bed. I want you to do something for me, Chris."


"When we go to the hospital tomorrow I want you to let Dr. Midland take a look at you...maybe she can give you something to help you sleep."

"I don't need..."

"Chris, not getting enough sleep can lead to serious problems. It's not like you'll have to take it every night...but right now you're carrying more baggage under your eyes than the Billings Airport luggage handlers."

"Sound like Vin. He just called."

"Is he okay?"

"Think so. Hurt his arm, but Jackie took care of it."

"Did you tell him what turned up on Barker?"

"Yeah, hopefully Coltrain can do something about the bastard...sorry," Larabee apologized.

"Chris!" Sarah said, smiling in disbelief. "This is have nothing to apologize for. Come on, Honey, you really need to try and sleep. I'll drive you into the hospital first thing in the morning."

"Alright," Larabee said, standing and wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders. "I love you."

"I love you too," she said as they moved into the house, locking the door behind them before making their way to the bedroom. She smiled as he climbed under the covers and pulled her close to him. She snuggled up against his body, drinking in the scent of the man she married. She felt his strong arms holding her and silently thanked God for giving her someone she could love and be loved by in return.


"Yes, Love?"

"Sing that song..."

"Which one?"

"Garth Brooks...Unanswered Prayers..."

"Are you sure you want to hear that one?"

"Yeah...I'm sure," Larabee said and listened as her soft voice sang the wondrous words.

Just the other night at a hometown football game
My wife and I ran into my old high school flame
And as I introduced them the past came back to me
And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be
She was the one that I'd wanted for all times
And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine
And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then
I'd never ask for anything again

Chris felt tears in his eyes as he realized how this song mirrored his life. During the first few months he was with Ella Gaines. He thought this was it, that love was his and the dark haired woman would always be with him, but his prayers went unanswered and now he thanked God for that fact. Sarah's lilting voice continued to sing the words as tears flowed from his eyes.

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers

He knew the next verse said it if Garth Brooks had been living a scene from his life when he sang the lyrics. Ella had turned out to be anything but an angel and she'd nearly destroyed his life.

She wasn't quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams
And I could tell that time had changed me
In her eyes too it seemed
We tried to talk about the old days
There wasn't much we could recall
I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all
And as she walked away and I looked at my wife
And then and there I thanked the good Lord
For the gifts in my life
Some of God's greatest gifts are all too often unanswered...
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers...



"Thank you..."

"Anytime, honey," she whispered against his bare chest, hoping he would finally be able to sleep. She felt his heart beating beneath her and knew her own was tuned to his as she felt sleep calling to her.

Chris knew the instant she fell asleep and turned to look at the glowing green numbers on the digital clock. Three a.m. and he was still not asleep, and probably wouldn't but as he looked at his wife he knew this was real, and their love stronger than time itself.

It was slow going, and between Vin's injury and the added patrols they were nearly caught several times. They neared the northern edge of the field and stayed hidden just beyond the trail as a jeep with one man inside drove past them. They waited another fifteen minutes before racing across the open and into the field of plants. Once there they waited for the second patrol to pass them before moving deeper into the plants. The wind had picked up during their trip and it went a long ways to hiding their presence as the plants swayed in the breeze. Hoping the patrols would remain on the outside as they'd been wont to do so far, Vin and Jackie weren't worried about discovery until they reached the buildings themselves. They spoke in whispers and hand signals as they stumbled through the fields.

Jackie kept glancing at the man beside her. She knew he was in pain, yet he chose to ignore the discomfort and keep moving, a trait she knew all too well from her own previous injuries. When he thought she wasn't looking the mask fell, and the pain was evident on his handsome face. She reached for his arm and pressed him to the ground.

"I need to check that wound and you need to drink some water!" she whispered and was grateful when he didn't argue. She eased his arm from the sleeve of his oversized shirt and winced as he grimaced at the movement.

Vin held still as she lifted the bandage and gently pried it from the wound. He sucked in air through clenched teeth as he waited for the verdict. Turning his head to the side the tracker saw the wound and was glad there seemed to be no evidence of infection. He watched as her fingers prodded the area, making sure there was no pus and the stitches were still in place. He reached for his canteen and sipped the tepid liquid as he felt her dabbing antiseptic onto the injury and re-bandaging it.

"It looks good, Vin, but I'd still rather we had a doctor look at it," Maynard whispered.

"We will, when this is all over I'll see ta it. Right now we need ta check out those buildings."

"Are you sure you can keep going? I mean you have lost some blood..."

"I'm fine, Jackie, had worse'n this shaving."

"Sure you did, except you haven't shaved in a hell of a long time," she whispered as she stroked his heavily whiskered jaw.

"Razors are in short supply lately," the tracker whispered, accepting a hand up and smiling as he looked into her concerned face. "Ready?"


"Ready as I'll ever be! Come on...let's see who's waiting at the base." With those simple words they moved out once more, staying close to the ground as they moved towards the structures at the center.

Sarah knew her husband was awake and slowly turned to face him. His eyes were bloodshot and his handsome face was grim as she pulled him to her and let his head rest on her arm. She felt his breath on her breast and knew at any other time it would be hard to resist making love with him.

"You didn't sleep at all, did you?"

"Closed my eyes for a while," Larabee mumbled tiredly.

"Closing your eyes and sleeping are two different things, Chris. You're going to see Dr. Midland today..."


"No arguments, Chris. You need to get some rest before you pass out at the wheel and hurt yourself! I'm driving us all into town today. You're calling Josiah and telling him you won't be in!"

"Honey, I have to. There are some things I need to check into..."

"Tell Josiah what they are. I am sure between the three of them they'll be able to do anything you needed done. I'm not going to argue about this, Chris. I love you too much to see you go on like this."

"Ah, hell, Sarah, you know Midland will probably want to do a physical or some other shit if she gets me in her office."

"Probably and you know what?"


"You're overdue for your yearly physical anyway so this is the perfect time to have one. We'll drop Adam off to Aunt Nettie while we pick up JD and Buck. You'll get your physical done while I make sure Buck and JD are ready for release. Then we'll drop JD off at Aunt Nettie's, pick up Adam, come back here and get Buck settled..."

"Sounds like a busy day."

"It will be and Chris?"


"You will tell Dr. Midland about the trouble you're having sleeping!"

"I will," he said, smiling at the mock sternness in her voice. "What time is it?"

"Six thirty. Guess we'd better get up..."

"Or we could just lie here and make..."

"Daddy...Mommy...I'm hungry!"

"...breakfast," Chris finished as the boy's appearance in the doorway stopped any thoughts of making love to his wife. "Come here, Sport!"

Adam held onto his stuffed toy and ran into the room. He jumped on the foot of the bed and crawled slowly in between his parents. "Whatcha doing?"

"Sleeping," Larabee answered and smiled at the frowning boy.

"Then why're your eyes open? They gotta be closed if you're sleeping...right, Mommy?"

"Right you are, Adam. Now what would you like for breakfast?"

"I want toast and peanut butter!"

"I would like toast and peanut butter," Larabee corrected.

"You want toast and peanut butter too, Daddy?" the boy asked.

"No, Sport...I meant the right way to ask is to say I would like, not I want," the blond said, ruffling his son's bed tossed hair.

"Oh...sorry...I would like toast and peanut butter."

"How about we let your father get a shower while we make breakfast?" Sarah asked.

"Okay," Adam said, jumping up and down between his parents.

"Alright, Sport, make sure Mommy doesn't burn the toast," the blond whispered as he climbed out of bed, kissed them both and made his way towards the bathroom. Once inside he closed the door and leaned wearily on the door for several minutes. He looked into the mirror and cursed under his breath. There was no use denying it, the dark smudges and the blood shot eyes contributed to his haggard appearance. He needed sleep, craved it, but his mind and body just didn't seem to be in tune with each other. Forcing himself to move he made it to the shower and turned on the spray, selecting the massage cycle on the showerhead before stripping himself of his CKs and climbing into the shower stall. The water hit his tense muscles, feeling like small needles against his skin.

Chris felt the warmth running down his body and sighed as he put his head under the hot water. The massaging effect was wonderful and he began to feel almost human again as he poured a small amount of shampoo into his hand and rubbed it into his hair. He lathered and rinsed, watching as the soapy residue slid down his body and towards the drain. He reached for the liquid soap and poured it onto the soft blue face cloth and rubbed it over his body, relaxing as the steam enveloped him. Chris stepped back under the water and relaxed as the water sluiced down his body, taking some of the exhaustion with it. Finally finished he stepped out and reached for the white towel setting on the counter, blinking as he tried to rid his eyes of the water dripping into them.

"Looking for this?" Sarah asked as she held out the towel to him.

"Hmm," Larabee said as she stepped inside and closed the door.

"Want me to dry your back?"

"Hell back, my front, and any place in between," he said with a smile.

"Very well, Mr. Larabee. I think I can manage that," Sarah said as she used the soft material to dry his soft blond hair. She worked her way down his glistening chest and used her fingers to tickle the area around his navel.

"Watch it, Honey...don't want to start something we can't finish! Where's" he asked his breath hitching as she blew on the area around his cock.

"He's eating breakfast and watching Dora the Explorer," she blew on his cock once more and reluctantly stood up and used the cloth to finish drying his groin. "Turn around."

Chris felt the material gently glide down his back, and was shocked when she pinched his ass. "Hey!"

"Nice...ass...ets, Love," Sarah whispered mischievously.

"I owe you..." he said turning and pulling her into his arms.

"Yes, you do, and I'd love to give you a chance to collect, but it'll have to wait until tonight. I called Dr. Midland's office and she'll see you at eight in her hospital office."


"Chris, you need to see her," Sarah warned.

"Yeah...guess you're right."

"Aren't I always?"

"Hmm, I'll have to think about that one," the blond said, shoulders slumping as a bone deep weariness settled over him. "Maybe I should go back to bed..."

"Not likely, sweetheart. Get dressed and go eat. Coffee should be perked and the bread is sliced for toast. You're not getting out of this appointment with Dr. Midland. Now get moving while I grab my shower."

"Could stay and help you wash..."

"Oh, yeah...we'd never get out of here if you stayed to help...go!"

"Yes, Ma'am," Larabee said, a small smile on his face as his wife dropped her robe, revealing the body he loved so much.

They were close, too close, and Vin pulled his partner back into the field just as a patrol came running towards the main building in the middle of the clearing. Their words were nuclear as several men came running out of the house and the tracker cursed softly as he recognized the backpack in the man's hand. He turned and saw the same fears on his partner's face as she watched several more men join the group outside the door.

"Hector!" Ernesto Ruiz called as Juan came forward holding a backpack and a bedroll in his arms. "Where'd you find these?"

"In a cave just south of here. Someone's been using it as a camp...a base of some kind. There was also evidence that whoever it is was hurt. We found several bloodied pieces of cloth to the east of the cave," Juan answered.

"Did you find Miguel or Manuel?"

"They are dead!"


"Their bodies were thrown into a ravine near the cave. Guerrero has taken several men to retrieve their bodies."

"Ernesto...what is wrong?" Mendoza asked, stepping out into the sunlight.

Jackie turned at the sharply indrawn breath from her partner as the newcomer stepped into the light. There was little doubt that he recognized him, now it was just a matter of verbal confirmation. The man didn't look at all like the man she'd met at seventeen, but knew it was because of the face change.

"Is that Mendoza?" she asked softly.

"Yeah...yeah, that's the bastard," Tanner said in a voice strained with hatred. He wanted nothing more than to take a gun and kill Mendoza where he stood, and if alone he would've taken the chance and shot him. Unfortunately he had a partner with him, and in spite of her being in this same business, he would not chance anything happening to her.

"What do you want to do?"

"Like nothin' better than ta put a bullet in his skull, but..."

"We'd be just as bad as he is," she finished as she continued to watch the scene in the clearing.

"Juan found these in a cave near here! Whoever it is was injured and we think they killed Miguel and Manuel," Ruiz explained, handing the back pack to the his friend.

Mendoza smiled as he took the backpack, knowing his nemesis was out there somewhere, watching him, waiting for the right moment. He held the pack up and turned it over, dumping the contents on the ground as he laughed.

"Tanner, I know you're out there somewhere. Is that pretty blond bitch with you? Has she spread her legs for you? Come on, Tanner, we're old can tell me how good she is in bed, although I intend to find out for myself once we find you! My men will be watching for you now! They'll find you and when they do I'm going to enjoy raping the woman...might even let a few of my men have a go at her while you watch! I do believe my men could use a good fuck, Tanner! Bring the girl out and maybe we'll even let you have some fun before you die!"

Vin seethed as he heard the vulgar words spoken from the man he once considered a friend. He looked towards Jackie and pulled her to him as tears slid down her cheeks. She trembled in his arms as he braced her against his chest and listened to Mendoza calling him.

"The bastard's dead, Jackie, he just doesn't know it yet!" Tanner vowed, images of a bound and gagged Mendoza pleading with his eyes as Tanner slit him from groin to neck. "Jackie, are you okay?"

"Yes...his voice just brought back too many memories. Bastard's gonna wish he'd never laid eyes on that innocent teenager!"

"Come on, let's get out of here until we come up with a game plan." He watched as she stood on shaky legs and he moved to join her. They heard Mendoza shouting for them to show themselves even as they hurried back through the field. They needed to find a new place to hole up, and figure out their next move...Vin knew he'd lost one of the main items they needed...his cell phone was lost on the ground with the rest of the contents of his backpack.

"Chris, come this way," Cheryl Higgins said as she opened the door and held it for him to enter. She watched as the handsome man slowly made his way towards the examination room door. Why do men always look as if they're walking to an execution when they need a physical? she thought as she handed him a gown.

"Everything off and tie this at the back. I'll be in to take some blood in about five minutes," she told him, closing the door and leaving him alone in the room.

Chris took a deep breath and slowly removed the blue T-shirt and jeans. He knew he was being silly, but he truly hated physicals. Hated everything they did to a man, but he knew they were necessary. He pulled off his Nike runners and socks and pulled on the paper thin gown. By the time he tied it at the back the nurse was there with several vials and a length of rubber tubing.

"Okay, Doctor Midland wants an EKG as well, so when I'm finished taking your blood just lie back while I get you set up."

"Okay," the blond said as she wrapped the tubing around his arm and tapped on his inner arm in search of a good vein.

"This one looks good," she said as she inserted the needle and drew the blood. "Okay, just lie back while I send these to the lab and we'll get the EKG done."

"Okay," Larabee said as she exited the room.

Sarah entered the hospital room to find Buck and JD both sitting up and eating their breakfast. She smiled at the two men and held up the tray she had in her hands.

"That's not..." Dunne's eyes lit up as he reached for the offering.

"Starbuck's best," Sarah said as she handed each man a cup of the strong coffee.

"Thanks, Darlin'...I owe you," Wilmington said, wincing as he tried to take the lid off.

"Let me get that, Buck!" the pretty woman said, lifting the lid and depositing it on the tray with the half eaten breakfast.

"Thanks, Sarah," Dunne said after sipping the hot liquid.

"You're welcome, JD. Now how are you boys feeling?"

"Sore, but better than I did yesterday. Any idea when the doc will sign us out?" Wilmington asked.

"Did you see her this morning?"

"Yeah, she came in around seven and said we could go home if we managed to eat breakfast and not get sick," Dunne said, smiling as he pointed to his empty plate.

"Looks like you've done just fine," Sarah said as she turned a stern gaze on the rogue. "Buck, you need to eat."

"I will, Sarah, as soon as we get back to your know I hate hospital food, especially that stuff they call soft foods. Hey, where's Chris?"

"He's getting his yearly physical done," Sarah said with a smile.

"Uhoh, Dr. Midland got him in her hands. You sure you trust that barracuda with your husband?"

"Oh, Buck, Dr. Midland is no barracuda except when it comes to her profession. She's very diligent in what she does and as of right now you'd better hope she didn't hear that comment...or maybe I'll just make sure she knows!"

"Ah, Sarah, you know I run off at the mouth...ow...I don't feel so good..."

"Buck, that may work with your many paramours, but it doesn't work with me. I know you probably have a headache and you're in some pain, but the twinkle in your eyes is not from tears caused by pain!"


"Give it up, Buck, even I've heard you use that one," Dunne said.

"Ah, hell!" He smiled, before growing serious once more. "So what's really going on with Chris?"

"Not much Buck...he's just not sleeping well since..."

"Running into Ella at the fair. It's no wonder he can't sleep. So how did you get him to agree to see Midland?"

"It's me, Buck. Chris knows I'm not going to do something that makes him too uncomfortable. I'm a nurse and just because I'm not working in that field right now does not mean I don't recognize the signs of a man in trouble. If he doesn't get some sleep...and I mean real sleep... he's going to end up collapsing and the consequences could be devastating. I'm hoping Dr. Midland prescribes something to help him sleep and we both know that mild sedatives don't work on Chris."

"Has it really gone that far?" Dunne asked worriedly.

"If Chris has slept ten hours in the last week he's lucky and even that sleep was filled with nightmares. I'm worried about him and I just want to make sure he gets the rest he needs. Dr. Midland knows what she's doing and she won't let Chris tell her things are fine when they're obviously far from it!"

"Sarah," Buck's voice was filled with worry.

"Yes, Buck?"

"My coming out to the house is putting too much on..."

"Don't even go there, Buck Wilmington! You know how Chris and I feel about you and we're not going to let you worm your way out of this because Chris can't sleep! Besides if I'm correct, Dr. Midland will prescribe something to help him and you'll both sleep the afternoon and evening away!"

"Damn, here I thought I'd be taking Adam fishing!"

"Not finish eating and I'll check the desk before I go to Dr. Midland's office. Maybe we'll have you both out of here before lunch!"

"Sounds good, Sarah," Dunne said, rubbing at his eyes.

"Want me to pull the drapes, JD?"

"'s okay," the younger man lied and sighed as she closed the drapes and turned off the main light. "Thanks..."

"You're welcome," Sarah assured him before leaving the room.

Chris sat on the edge of the chair as Midland went over some of the test results with him. They were in her office and all he seemed to be able to do was fidget as he waited for her to finish. He felt her studying his face and knew she could see right through him. She'd been his family physician since the day he and Sarah were engaged and he was comfortable with her examining his body. She'd put him through it all, and he was glad when the intimate examination of his privates and prostate was over.

"So want to tell me why you can't sleep?"

"It's nothing serious, Doc."

"Chris, how long since you've had a good night's sleep and I'm talking eight solid hours here?"

"A week," he mumbled, feeling the headache building once more.

"A week...okay, just how much sleep have you had in the last week?"

"Enough," the blond answered irritably.

"Is that right? Have you looked in a mirror lately. Sarah wasn't kidding about the extra baggage you're carrying around. I'm going to prescribe a mild sleeping pill and I want you to take one at night and see if it helps. If it doesn't I'm going to recommend you see someone and maybe find out what we can do about it. The sedative will be in oral form, Chris, but for today I'm going to have Sarah give you a shot..."

"Hell, Doc..."

" soon as you get home and into bed and I would advise you to be lying..."


"...when she administers it because it will work quickly!"


"Chris, you really do need to sleep," the concerned physician told him. Midland watched as the exhausted man rubbed his eyes and leaned his head back. She waited for him to look at her and smiled thinly at him.

"I know I need to sleep, Doc, just hate the damn nightmares."


"Yeah, sometimes I have these dreams and they're right there...right at the front of my mind and I know the things that happened in them are bad! I want to get away from them, and the only way to do that is to stay awake!"

"That's not possible..."

"I know...I just wish I could make her go away!"

"Her?" Midland asked curiously.

"Yeah...her...someone from my past. Ever have anyone say to you I'm your worst nightmare?."

"No, I can't say that I have. I take it that this her is your worst nightmare?"

"And then some," Larabee told her, smiling at the frown on the woman's face. "Don't worry, Doc, me and Sarah are getting along fine and she knows all about Ella Gaines. Knows how that woman makes my blood run cold."

"Not too cold, Chris. You're already run down and getting sick right now would really overtax your immune system."

"I hear you, Doc."

"Okay, so are you and Sarah taking those two troublemakers out of my hospital today?"

"You released them?" Larabee asked hopefully.

"Sure did, but there are a lot of dos and don'ts...make sure they look after themselves."

"Sarah will make sure Buck behaves himself and I'm sure Nettie and Casey Wells have their own way of keeping JD in line."

"Good, alright, Chris, here's the prescription for the sleeping pill and I'll speak to Sarah about the shot. Now why don't we walk to Buck and JD's room together so I can say goodbye?"

"Thanks, Doc, for everything!" Larabee said, standing and holding the door for her.

"You're welcome, Chris. Now remember what I said about going home and letting Sarah give you this shot. You'll feel better and I know she will too."

"I will, Doc...soon's we get Buck settled," Larabee said heading towards the elevators.

"You two ready to get out of here?" Larabee asked as he opened the door and smiled at the two patients.

"Hey, Stud, 'bout time you got here. Hey, Doc," Wilmington said as Midland came into the room.

"Hey yourself, Buck. Hello, Sarah, these two giving you any problems," the physician asked, smiling as the pretty woman shook her head.

"They know better," Sarah said, smiling sweetly at both men. "After all, I have their discharge orders right here and there's something about an enema, if needed, to make sure they have the right attitude."

"No way!" Dunne spat, unsure whether Larabee's wife was telling the truth or not.

"She's pulling your chain, JD..."

"Buck, I thought you knew Sarah better than that. She doesn't make false threats. I'd make sure I was on my best behavior while you're at the house," the blond said with a tired smile.

"Hell, Chris, you're the one who looks like you should be in bed. Are you okay?" Wilmington asked, effectively changing the subject.

"I'm fine..."

"No, you're not, but it's nothing some sleep won't correct. Sarah, I have a prescription for you to pick up, and I've also arranged for a shot that you can give him as soon as you get him home and into bed. Should put him out for at least eight hours depending on how much sleep his body needs right now!" Midland explained as she passed the nurse the prescriptions.

"Thanks, Dr. Midland," Sarah said.

"You're welcome, now do you have the prescriptions and appointment times for these two?"

"Yes, and Aunt Nettie is all set for JD," Sarah smiled as she looked at the young man. "I do believe Casey has taken a few days off to make sure he's taken care of."

"Ah, hell," Dunne said, feeling the hot flush come to his cheeks.

"Okay, Buck, JD, you two need to rest. I'll see you both next Friday, unless there are any problems. Any excess dizziness or nausea make sure you come back in. Buck!"

"Yes, Doc," the rogue said, fingering the sling on his right arm.

"I better not hear of you going without the sling," Midland warned as the ladies' man shook his head.

"You won't, I'll make sure of that," Sarah told her. "Chris will help you two get dressed so we can get you out of here."

"Rather have you..."

"Buck, you value your arms you'd best not say that!" Larabee warned as the two women left him with his friends.

"Thought the guys were gonna come help us," Dunne said, slowly sitting up on the edge of the bed and accepting his clothes from the blond.

"I told them we could handle you."

"You mean Sarah could handle us, don't you?" Wilmington asked.

"Yeah...hell, she's gonna make damn sure you adhere to Midland's orders, Buck!"

"Ah, shit, maybe I could stay with Nettie..."

"It's not gonna be any better there...between Mrs. Wells and Casey I may never get out of bed...least not until the doctor okays it," Dunne told him.

"Damn, Kid, you got double indemnity for sure," the ladies' man said as Larabee helped him into his shirt.

"Watch it, Buck, or I'll tell them you said that!"

By the time the duo were dressed, both were nearing exhaustion and Chris went to the door, not surprised to see his wife and a nurse standing there with wheelchairs. He held the door for them and smiled at the injured men.

"Looks like your rides are here, Boys," Larabee smiled as he helped them into the chairs and made their way out of the hospital.

They were nearly out of the field when Vin heard the distinctive baying of dogs. He turned to the woman beside him and knew she heard them as well. He heard her soft expletive even as she picked up her pace. They ran through the last hundred yards, stumbling over long dead undergrowth in their effort to escape.

Vin's arm screamed in protest as they made it to the trail and raced south along the edge no longer worrying about whether they were seen or not. His breath grew labored as he grabbed onto Jackie's arm and the duo did their best to keep as far ahead of their pursuers as possible.

"Tell me you've got something!" Mendoza said as the dogs began to pull at the leashes, dragging their handlers with them.

"They've definitely caught scent of something that's piqued their interest," Pedro Lopez said, holding tightly to the leash as he watched Alonzo Martinez do the same with the large Doberman he owned.

Mendoza smiled as he looked out over the fields swaying softly in the breeze. He placed his hands behind his back and sniffed at the air as if he could also smell the scent of prey on the wind.

"Pedro, you and Alonzo get after them. If you capture Tanner and Maynard I promise you will be rewarded," he said, a sneer lighting up one side of his face.

"Dead or alive?" Martinez asked.

"Doesn't matter, but I'll add a bonus if you bring them back alive...don't matter what kind of shape Tanner's in, but the girl must be unharmed or the bonus won't be awarded. Get them and bring them to me!"

"Si, Senor Mendoza," Lopez said as he gave the animal his lead and they rushed into the fields.

"Think it's wise to keep Tanner alive, Hector?" Ruiz asked.

"Oh, he won't be alive for long," Mendoza assured him. "Just long enough for me to see his face when he realizes I've beaten him again!"

"Th...they're getting closer, Tan...Tanner!" Maynard stammered as the race through the hellish mountain terrain continued.

" sh...shit!" the tracker cursed as they literally flew down the trail. The sharp baying of the dogs was definitely closer and the Texan knew they could not outrun them. There was something familiar about the dangerous curve up ahead and his instincts headed him in that direction. He knew the woman beside him was quickly losing energy and his own body was screaming in protest to this new mistreatment.

"W...what the hell?"

"Hope ya can sw...swim!" the sharpshooter screamed as several shots kicked up the dirt around them. He heard several voices shouting for him to stop and knew one of them was the woman beside him, but it didn't deter him from his destination.

"Jesus! Vin..."


"Hold it right there!" Lopez screamed as he spotted the duo racing towards the edge of a sheer cliff.

"Set the fuckin' dogs on 'im!" Martinez screamed when he saw the chance of losing his bonus.

"I...I c...can't...."

"Yes ya fu...fuckin' can!" The tracker spat as they reached the edge of the cliff and spotted the water several hundred feet below.

"Vin!" Jackie screamed trying to pull away from him.

" chance!" Tanner screamed as he pulled her closer to the edge. He turned his head just before he leapt off the cliff just in time to see one of the dogs go sailing over them. The animal's panicked barking followed their own cries of terror and exhilaration as they dropped towards the waiting pool of cold blue/green water.

Jackie tried to hold onto the man she was with, but nearly lost her grip as sheer terror overwhelmed her.

"Ha...hang on!" Tanner screamed as they neared the water. His mind registered the splash of the dog just before his body hit and was engulfed by the cold water and sucked downward, spiraling as his hand was pulled from Jackie's arm. He didn't have time to search for her and prayed she was okay as he turned and swam upwards. By the time his head broke the surface he was gasping for air and was close to blacking out. Even as he gulped in the much needed oxygen he searched for signs of his partner as his body was carried downstream. He spotted the Doberman swimming towards shore, and hoped the animal made it. He knew the dog was trained for pursuit, but that was not its fault. Turning quickly he spotted what could only be Maynard's body surfacing just to the north of his position. Ignoring the pain it caused his arm he swam towards her, strong strokes slicing through the turbulent river.

Vin had no idea how long it took for him to reach the unmoving body. He swam southwards, hoping to intercept her before she drifted out of his reach. His own body was beyond tired now, beyond exhaustion and he stayed afloat through sheer stubbornness. He looked up and reached out for the backpack as she floated by to his left and cried out as he gripped the strings with his injured arm. Ignoring the agony ripping through him, he pulled the inert body towards him and held her. There was no time to check for a pulse as the water dragged at his wet clothes and the pack Maynard wore. Using the remainder of his dwindling strength he struck out for the near side of the river. The shore looked to be at least forty feet from where he struggled against the current, and he willed his body to obey his commands. Struggling against the current and the pull against the woman's body he used his arm and legs to drag them both towards land. His lungs burned as he tried to suck in enough air to satisfy his aching body, and he didn't realize he'd made it to shore until his legs struck the hard surface that signaled ground.

Vin didn't bother to stand up, but dragged Jackie with him as he crawled onto the grassy ground just above the water line. he looked at the pale wet woman and reached up to touch her neck, relieved when he found a strong steady pulse. He saw a small bruise on her forehead and wondered if this was the reason for her unconscious state. Without thinking he turned her on her side as she coughed and water escaped through slack lips. The tracker watched as her eyes opened, focused, a smile formed on her face and she slipped into unconsciousness once more. Exhausted and in pain Tanner scanned the area in search of someplace they could hole up. He spotted a small overhang and dragged Jackie's unresponsive body towards it. With a final look around he dropped down beside her, pulled off the backpack and fell into an exhausted sleep, unaware of the sharp barking across the river.

At the top of the cliff Lopez hung onto his animal while Martinez watched the area downstream using powerful field glass. He saw the dog make it to land just before searching the river slightly downstream.

"Anything, Alonzo?"

"Paco made it to shore, but I haven't 'em..."

"Both of 'em?"

"Yeah, one's out cold and one is dragging the other to shore. We need to head back to base and get one of the jeeps and go after them."

"Are they on this side of the river?"

"No...looks like we'll have to take that old rope bridge that crosses the gorge!"

"Damn thing's not safe...maybe we could tell Mendoza they drowned," Lopez suggested.

"You really think we should do that?" Martinez asked seriously. "Remember what happened to the last men who tried to lie to Mendoza. They got a vein full of pure heroin!"

"Oh fuck, I forgot. Okay, so we grab a jeep and head downstream and cross at Devil's Gorge!"

"Si, it looks like Paco is barking at Tanner and Maynard. If he stays put we'll know they're still there when we get back! Looks like Tanner's the one conscious and he's dragging the woman towards a small overhang. Come on, let's get moving!" Martinez explained.

"I can feel that bonus burning a hole in my pockets already," Lopez said, smiling as he patted his dog.

"You and me both, Pedro!" Martinez said as they hurried back the way they'd come.